HomeMy WebLinkAboutMPE 03/99p3�� �F Pk � �� � REPORT TO COUNCIL FROM; RicharJ W. Holbom DATE: December 7, 1')99 Division Head Municipal Properly & Engineering REPORT NUMBER MPE 03/99 SUBJECT: Construclion Prioritics for Regional Roads within thc 7'own of Pickcring RECOMMENDATION: That report MPE 03199 recommcnding Rcgional Road constniction priorities within the Town of Pickering be received, ndoptcJ and fonvardeJ to thc Rcgional Municipaliry of Durham reyuesling that ils recommendations be considercd in the 2000 Dudgct process. ORIGIN: The Municipal Propetiy & Cngineering Ui��ision of the Operalions and Gmcrgency 5crviccs Dcpnrtment annually updalcs and recommcnds ihe Rcgional Itoad consiruction priorities for Council's considcration. AUTHORITY: Municipal Act FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: Regional RoaJ construclion costs nre bomc entircly by ihe Rcgional Municipality of Durham wilh the exception oF strect lighls, sidewulks and aeslhelic improvcments. Traffic Control Signals al intersections lhat do not mect wartants require funJing provided by others, O65 0 0��� Repod to Council MPE 03/99 Dotc: Dcccmher 7,19J9 Subject: Conslruction Priorities for Regional Roads within Ihc Town of Pickcring Pugc 2 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY; From Ihe Regional Road construction priorities listed in tlte report below, lhc follawing is a list of the most immediutely needed improvemenis for considcration. PRIORITY ROAD NAD1E IMPROVEMENTS REQUIRED I BROCK ROAD widening Gom Delibrook Avenue north and Gom Hwy 401 to Kin ston Road in re aralion for Hw . 407 2 FINCH AVENUE complete and file a Class Gm�ironmental Assessment and reconstruct lo d lanes urban standards 3 ALTONA ROAD complete and file a Cluss Environmcntal Assessmenl and reconslruct to 4 lancs urban slmidards from Kin �slon Road to Finch Avcnuc A BROCK ROAD completc anJ filc a Class Environmcnlal Asscsstncnt and conslnict a Drou �ham b- ass 5 WHITES ROAD rccanstrucl lo A lancs urban stanclards Gom Oklahomn Olvd.to Hw 401 G WHI'CES ROAD intcrscclion widcning and improvcmcnls at Oklahoma I31vd.IGranilc Courl 7 BAYLY STREET si �nalization nt S uires Bcach RoaJ 8 FINCH AVENUE inicrsectian im rovcmenis al Dixie Road 9 FINCH AVENUE Signalization at Roscficld Road (50% Town of Pickerin fundin 10 ALTONA ROAD Install automatic signals with waming gatcs al CP Rnil Levcl Crossin north of Finch Avenuc BACKGROUND: A report on Regional Road construction priorilies is prepared by Town of Pickering Slnff nnd updateJ on an annual basis. Thc report is presented to Town Council for adoption, and is fanvardeJ to the Regional Municipality of Durhnm for thcir informatiun and for input to Iheir current hudgct und multi year Capitai Forecast. The Executivc Summary is a prioritizcd list of thc most needcd improvements of the Durham Regional Roads within ar ulong thc baundarics of tlic Tawn of Pickering. Following the Executive Summary Ihe Report lists all the identificd nccJs for all Regionnl Roads in thc Town of Pickering. ' Repott to Council MPG 03/99 Datc: Dcccmbcr 7, 1999 � fir� Subjcct: Construction Prioritics for Regionnl Roads wilhin thc Tawn of Pickcring Pagc 3 REPORT: From rcport P1V2/99 prescntcd to Council on �ebruary i, 19')9, listing the Regional Road Prioritics, lhe following recommcndntions hnvc been addresseJ by Ihc Rcgion of Durham in 1999: RR flwy 2 Kingston Road The Region is in the dcsign stnges of signalizing ihe interseclion of Kingslon Road at Stecple Hill RosJ. The Town has entered into discussions with Regional slaff to incorporatc rccommendations Gam the Kingstan Road Cortidor Sludy inro the design with features such ns, colourcd strcclprinl pcdesirian crossings and enhaneed Inndscaping. Thc Region has provided Report 1999-W-109, dated Oclober 2G, 1999 to the Town of Pickcring, nddressing lhe 1997 high collision rale at the interscction of Kingston Road at N�hiles Road. Improvemenls curricd out in 1998 ir�cluded centre meJian Ienglh reduclions to improvc Ihc turning radius of lefl tum�ng vchicles nnJ high intensity 300mm diametcr signal lenses installation on all four npprouches, to provide greater luminance and colour inlensiry. Thc incrcase in volumc of traflic entcring thc intersection from 32,000 to 54,000 in 1998, along with a rcduction in collisions Gom 23 l0 21 has rcJuccJ thc collision ratc to 1.0(, which is bclow thc I.5 Ihreshold. Thc Rcgion, in it's report, has commiucd to continuc monitoring thc intcrscction and pursuing signal operation initiatives lo maximize road capacity and intersec�ion safety. Z. RR NI Drock Road The design for the gradc scparution nt the CP Railway crossing soulh of Taunlon RoaJ is imdenvuy. The Town received a copy of Ihe prcliminary design in Oclobcr 1999 mtd will bc commcnting on thc drawings, The si�nalization ut Clcments RoacUDillingham Road may potcntially be a candidatc sitc in 200D. A Icuer rcpon fram Ihc Rcgion datcJ, lanuary I5, 1999, indicatcs thal intcrscction is vcry closc to mceling Ihc warrant critcria for signals. 3. RR N27 Allona Rond The Region has ro-started the Class Environmental Asscssmcnt work thnt was iniliated 10 ycars ago. A meeting was hcld by Regional anJ Town s�a(f, ulong with thc Rcgion's consullant, Chiso6n, Fleming and Associates, in Junc 1999, lo providc n projcet ovcrview anJ status. Thc projcct limi�s arc from Kingston Road to Fincli Avcnue. 4. RR N31 1Vestncy Rond The Region and the Town have bcen adviscd that the Ministry of Transportation is undehnking n detail design study to examine improvements to Ihe geomctric and operationnl uspects of Highway #7 Gom Sidcline 1G casterly to Hwy N12 in Whitby. Onc component specifically delailed in thc workplan is provisions for future traffic signnls nt Westney Road. The Town has responded to the MTO's consullnnt, The Grecr Gallowny Group Inc., that we prefer to participate in the sludy. Although not specifically mentioned in Rcporl PW2199, the Region complcled Ihc following improvements on Regional RoaJs in 1999: i) resurfaccd Brock Road Gom Old Brougham Road to north of Scventh Concession Road. ii) is in thc proccss of installing truffic control signuls nt Ihc intcrscction of Tounton Road al Whitcs Road. � O�g Rcport to Council MPE 03/99 Datc: Dcccmber 7, 1999 Subject: Construction Priorilics for Rcgional Ronds within Ihc Tawn of Pickcring Pagc 4 The following To�vn of Pickering, Regional Road construction recommcndalions arc IistcJ in order of Rcgional Road numbcr. RR li�ry. 2 KINGSTON ROAD from Toronto bordcr (Rougc Rlvcr) tn Ajaz bordcr (NoHon Road) � intplentent reconune�ulations jran die Kingsrai Road Corridor Sn�dy rinrlerinken hy rlie Toie�i ojPickering nnd die Regionn( dfirnlcipnHry ojDurluuri • en/iancerl landscaping n�uf pedesrrimi crossings ut die nerv signuliud iiuerseclron n� Steeple Hrl/ Ranr! ItR #I BROCK ROAD from Atontgomcry Purk Roud to Uxbridgc To«�nlinc (Conc. ]0 Road) • grade sepnrarfon n( CPR crossing soiidi ojTcuuuan RanJ • iiRersecfiai geon�etric i�npruremenrs at Rossfnnd Hond • wirle�ting jroni DeUGroak A�rnue norrh in preparnfion jor 11�v,t�. 4U7. To be coniple�ed !n 1 PGnses: PHnse l, UcUhrook dre�ure to Tnunlon Rond; Yhnse 1, Tnm�tai RonJ fo /luy�. 7 • sigrtnlimtion nf Cfemcrols RoaJlUilli�tgltnu� HouJ • widening jrom /lu�� d01 io Kingston Xund • �o,,,ni�r� �„�d fi�„ c��rss r:����ironmc�unl Assess�nenl jor u llroughnie LI'-pnss RR #4 TAUNTON ROAD from 111arkhnm Ton•uline (York Road #30) to Ajux houndary • �io imnierlin�e requiremenrs (remnstnrctron is romplele f/iroiigli /'rckering) RRNS CONCF.SSION 9 ROAD (Central Street) frnm 111nrkham Townlinc (York Roud N30) to RR #23 (Lakeridge Road) Nhtlby boundary • �m imuie�linte requirenienrs (reconstn�ctiai is canpJete nrst oj(RR NI) Urock Ron�tJ RR k22 BAYLY STREF,T trom RR #38 (�Vhitcs Road) to RR #24 (Church Strcet) Ajux boundary • signalizatian nl Squires Dcach Rond RR #23 LAKERIDGF, ROAD from Af ax border (Conc. 5 Rond) fo Uxbridgc Townlinc (Conc. 10 Road) • no irnmedlate requlrenienls � Rcport to Council MPE 03/99 Date: Deccmbcr 7, 1999 ��� Subjccl: Conslcuction Priorities for Regional Roads within Ihe Town of Pickering Page 5 RR #24 Cf1URCf1 STRF,F,T from RR N22 (Beyly Street) to Ajax boundary (CN Ruil Ilne) • no inm�edlnfc require�nenls RRk27 AI.TONA ROAD from RR Ilwy. #2 (Kingslon Rond) to \Vh(tevnle Raad thence �vestcrly to Markhnm To���nlinc (York Rood H30) • compfefe aid file a Class E�ivironmentn/ Assessme�U nnd reroustr��ct l0 4 lnnes ur6an stnndards jrom Kingsron Rond m Finch Avenr�e. To be rouiplcicrl in 1 Phases: Phase l, Kingsmn Rond to Toyn Ri��ers/Shepppurd; Phnse 1 Tu��n Ri��ers/Shvppnr�l lo Finch �h�eiiue 4 ins�ulf aummnfic signnls with gntes at CP Rni( level crossing nor�h ojFinch Are�ure RR k29 LIVF.RPOOI. ROAD from RR tJ22 Dayly Strcet to RR N37 Fincli Arcnuc • resurjncc jra�� Pickering Pnrinrny m l:ingstan Rand • reronsm�c� ro 4 lm�es urbun stmidnrds jro�n Gletinnna Rond ro Fincli A��enr�c RR N31 NF.S7'NEY ROAD from Conc. 5 Rond (Ajox boundnry) to Conc. 7 Road, tliencc westcrly to RR #i Urock Roud • sr jeq� iu�pruvc�nrnfs nt lluy. 1 inlersecfioii • revie�r trn�c ca�rro/ n� Scirnth Concession Roud iurersecriwi RR #37 FINCII AVF.NUF, from RR H27 Altonn Road lo RR Hl [irock Road • coniplefc nnrl fi/c n C/nss Em�ironmenl�d Assessnien! nrtd reronslruc! l0 4 Innes urbnn sfnndnrds. To Gc conipfeled in 3 Phnses: P/mse /, I.iver�•�ol Hond lo IVhifes Rond; PHnse 1, flrock Rond !o l.ircrpool Rond; Ybasc 3, IVi,ires Ro�ul m Alronn Rond • Litersecliai impro��emen�s ut Dixie Rond • jog e/iminn�ion ar Fnirpor! Rond • signalizalion af Rosefield Road (50% Toiw� ojPickering fimdirip� RR H36 WFIITF.S ROAD from south terminus (Petlicont Creck Conservtion Area) to RR N4 Tauntan Rond • infersecfio�i wirle�iing nnd luipro��emen�s nf Oklaliornn llird./Grnnile Co�rrl • recaislntct m 4 lanes urban sfundarels jro�n Oklalmntn Dhvl �o Hi�y. 40! • t�rhunize n�td �vtden soudr ojOk/n/ionm Ulvd, • recunslnrct fo 4 lanes jrmn �incli Averwe lo Tni�mm� Roud � Report to Council MPE 03/99 Datc: Dceembcr 7,1999 07� ;i. Subject: Construction Priorities for Regional Roads withip lhc Town oPPickcring Pngc G i, ,. ,�: ;y�, i,�i ATTACHMENTS: �I� �' a Not Applicablc Prepared by: Ri ard W.1 born, Division Hcad nicipal Pr perty & Enginccring RWH:ds: Copy: ChiefAdminislrativcOfficcr Director of Planning anJ Developmcnl Rccommcndcd for Aic consiJcration of Pickcring Town Council f ,� c ,� ec p Approvcd ! Endorsed By � i ., � . unlsma, llircctor Operations & Emcrgency Serviccs Deparlment omas J. u, Clii Admim livc ficcr �: