HomeMy WebLinkAboutPW 02/99I�d�+f nttu r,� ' D/.� SO N OF pk+� ' . F �p� ` � REPORT TO COUNCIL PRObt: Richurd W. Holbom DATE: Janunry 19, 1999 ' � Directot oC Public Works . _ RGPORT NUMDER t'W 02199 -' SUDJECT: Censtruction priorities for Regional Roads within the To�m of Pickcring RECOMMENDATION: � That repoR PW02/99 recommending Regional Road construction priorities wilhin tfie Town of Pickering be received, adopted and fonvarded to the Regional Municipality of Durham ;_, requesting thal ils recommendations be cansidcrcd in lhe 1999 Dudget process. ORIGIN: - The Public Works Depanment annually upJates and recommends thc Regional Road construction priorilies for Council's consiJeration. AU'fHORITY: Ontario Municipal Act ' FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: Regionul Road construction costs are bome entirely by the Regional Municipality of Durham with the exception of strcet lights, sidewniks and aesthelic improvements, Trnf(ic Control Signals ut intcrsections Ihat da not mcet warranls require Cunding provided by others. • .. � � _ . EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: -- NotApplicable ., I � BACKGROUND: A report on Regional Road constructian priorities is prepared by Town of Pickering Staff and � updated on an annual bnsis. Thc repoA is presented to Town Council for adoption, und is fonvarded to the Regidnal Municipality of Durham for Iheir information and for input to thcir curtent budget nnd multi year Capilal Farecast. The following is a prioritized summnry of Ilie most needed improvements of the Durhom Regionnl Roads within the boundnrics af the Town af '• Pickering, Following thc summary is n list of ull the identified necds for all Rcgionnl Roads in Ihe Town oFPickering. � � �.o�a. � . ' Report to Council PW 02/99 Dute; Jnnuary I9, 1999 SubjecC Construction priorities far Regionul Roads within ihe Town uFPickering Page 2 SUMMARY; � • From the Regionnl Road construction priorities listed in the report below, the following is a list of the most immedialely needed improvements far considcration. PRIORITY ROAD NAME IM1IPROVEMENTS REQUIRED I BROCK ROAD widening from Dellbrook Avenue norih in preparation for Hwy. 407 ' 2 EINCH AVENUE complete and file a Class Environmentnl Assessment and reconslruct to 4 lanes urban stundards 3 ALTONA ROAD complete nnJ file a Class Environmentul Assessment and reconstruct to 4 lanes urban standards from Kingston Road to finch Avenue ' 4 KlNGSTON ROAD safcty improvements at 1Vhites Road 5 WHITES ROAD recanstruct to d lanes urban stanJards from Oklahoma Dlvd. lo Fl�tiy d01 ' 6 WII►TCS ROAD intcrscc�ion «�idening and improvcments at Oklahoma Blvd./Granitc Court 7 DAYLY STREET signalization at Squires Dcach Road 8 FINCH AVENUE imersection improvemcn�s at Dixie RoaJ REPORT: From report PW4/96 presented to Council on January 19, 1998, listing the Regionul Road priorities, the following recommeudations have bcen adJressed by the Region of Durham in • 1998: I. RR # H�ry 2 Kingslon Road - Signaiization at Rosebank Road • Signaliwtion at Notion Road T(u Region incrtnsed aperntional safety ut Rosebank Rond by signalizing the intersection. Tlie praject involved the resurfacing of Kingston Road Gom 200m west of the inlersection to 200m enst of the'intersection. Recommendations Gom the Town adapted Kingston Road Cortidor Study werc cartied out et the request of the Tawn. This included calored streetprint pedeslrinn crossings, sidewalk connections, and enhanced Inndscnping (to be instnlled in 1999), funded by the Town. The Region completed operational improvements ot Notion Rond by signniizing the intersection. � i . ', 'Report to Council PW 02/99 � Dute; January 19,1999 ' Subject; Co�struction priorities for Regional Ronds wiihin the Town of Pickering ' Page ) - 073 • 2. RR H22 Buyl y Street - Reconstruct ncass to 925 Bnyly Street .• At the regular Co�ncil meeting of June ?, 1997 ihe Council of the Town oC Pickcring passed Resolution N204/97, requesting tha Region to reconstruct access to 925 Dnyly Strect in ordcr lo increase safery of ingress nnd egress, The works wcre carried out in conjunction wilh a . watermnin construction project. ' ! � 3. RR # 31 Westney Road - All way traffic control at Concession 6 Road _ The Town implemented trnftic cnlming measures in lhe I�tamlet of Grecnwood in 1998. A componc�t of the program included an all-way stop at Westney Road Q Concession G Road. ' This inters:�tion was previously a 3-way stop with an eastbound through movement. 4. RR N37 Finch Avenue - 5ignalimtion at Fuirport Road -- The Region increased operational safety at Faitport Road by sign�lizing the interscction. T'he " elimination of thejog at the intersection did not occur as parl af this projecL � � Although not mentioned in Report PW4l98, the Region also cnmpleted Ihe fallowing improvements on Regional Roads in 1998, � i) rcsurfaced Kingston RoaJ from Glengrovc Road to Mcrtitton Road _ ii) signalized Drock Road Q Dellbrook Avcnue Discussions havc conlinucd throughout 1998 with Ihc Rcgion and all �rca municipalitics abuut the rationalimlion of Ihe Regional Road systcm. Discussions involvc Ihe Jclertnination uF which Regional Roads (or portions of Regional Roads) should be revertcd to the arca municipalities. becausc thcy no longcr scrve a Regional function. Conversely, therc arc local roads whicl: will secva n Regional I'unction in the fuwre anJ Ihcy should bc transfcrrcd to Ihe Region. As some roads being JiscusseJ require immediate improvements, swcwrally ar operationally, a philosophy must be agrced upon on how to handlc ihe "now" nccds beforc or aller thc tmnsfer. Discussion will cantinue in 1999. The recommendations conlnined within ihis report are based on the existing Rcgional Rqads remaining under the Region's jurisJiction and reprcsent the rcquirements for the road lo serve a Regional functian. The followins Town of Pickering, Regional Road construction recommendations nre listed in order of Regional Rond number. RR Hwy. 2 KIIYGSTON ROAD iYom Toronlo border (Rouge River) lo AJax bordcr .. (NoHon Roed) • • !mplement recommendallons jrom d�e Kingsron Road Corrldor Sludy undcrluken • by Ihe Town of Plckering and rhe Regtonal Muntclpa!!ry ojDurham • snfety lmprovemenfs (a� IVhlfes Road � .� , . ' O�� Report ta Council PW 02/99 , Dnte: lnnunry 19, 1999 . �ubject: Construction priorities for Regionnl Roads within the Town of Pickering Page 4 RR Nl HROCK ROAD from Montgomery Pa�k Road to Uxbridge Townl(ne (Conc,10 Road) � • grnde separaflon at CPR crossingsoulh ojTnun�on Road • Li�ersecflon geomelric improvemenls nt Rossland Rond •� ivldening from Dellbrook Avenue nor�h !n prepara�lon jor Hwy. �/07. To be camp(eted !n 2 Phases: Phase !, De!lbrook Avrnue to Tnanton Road; Pl�ase 1, . _ Tnun�on Road la Nwy. 7 • sJgnalizaflon a� Clements RourUDrllingham Road RR tl4 TAUNTON ROAD from �(nrkhnm Townline (York Road f130) to Ajax hounJary • no i�nmedlafe requlrements (reconsfriictian !s compfele through Plckerin� RR HS CONCESSION 9 ROAD (Centrul Slrcet) from htarkhum Townline (York Roud NJO) to 2R H23 (Lakcrldgc Roud) Whitby 6ounJary • nn lmntedln�e regulreuienls (reconslrucdnn !s comple�e u�est of (RR k/) /Jrnek Rond) RR H22 fiAY1.Y STREF.T from RR N38 (1Vhfta RouJ) tn RR 1l2d (Cliurch Strecl) Ajax boundary • slgnoflrallo�� ar Sqi�lres Qearh Roud RR H23 LAKER(DGE ROAD from Ajaz border (Conc. 5 Road) to UzbriJgc Townline (Conc. 10 RoaJ) • nolmmedlnlerequtremenls RR N24 CHURCH STREET from RR H22 (Duyly Street) to Ajax boundury (CN Rail Iinc) • no lmmedlate requiremenls RR k27 ALTONA ROAD from RR Hwy. H2 (Kingeton Road) to Whitevale Roud Ihcnce we�terly to Markham Townlinc (York Rand N30) � • recnns�ruct to d lanes irrbnn s�andards jrom Kings�on Road �o Fincli Arenue. Tn be compleled !n 2 Phases: Phasc l, Kings�on Road �o Twyn River.r/ShepPP������ _ Plmsc 2 Twyn Rlvers/Sheppard ro Flnch Avemre RR N29 LIVERPOOL ROAD from RR N22 Dayly Street to RR H37 Einch Avenuc' • resurjace jrom Plckering Par,hvny �d Kings�on Road - . recons�rucr to d fnnes urban standards jrom Glenanna Road �o Flnch Avemie � . . , , t, �� r• Report to Council PW 02/99 ' Date: January 19, 1999 + Subject: Construction prioritics Cor Regional Rouds within Ihe Town of Pickering ' Puge 5 , RR N31 WESTNEY ROAQ trom Conc. 5 Koed (AJax bounJary) lo Canc. 7 Raad, n�� thence westerly to RR Nl Drock Road • snjety Anprovemen�s at Kwy. 7 lnlersectlon RR N37 FINCN AVENUE from RR H27 Allana RoaJ to RR NI Drock Roud • complete and Jlle a Class Environmental Assessmenf and reconstruct ro �1 lanes urban slandards. To be completed !n 3 Phnses: Phuse l, .Llverpuo! Ruud la {Vht�es Road; Pliase 1, Qrock Ruad m Liverpuu! Road; Phuse 3, IVhlles Raud m A(�ona Raad , • in�ersecrlon improvemenls a� Dixle Road ' • /ug eliminatfon at Fairporf Roud RR H38 NIIITES ROAD from south tcrminus (Pclticoat Crcek Conscrvtion Arcu) to _ RR N4 Tnunton Road • lnlersec�lon ividening und lmprovemenls n� Oklahann lflvd/Grnnite Cour� '~ . reconshucf lo d lauea trrbar� slandurds jront Ok/ahonia Dlvd, ro Nwy. d01 . urbanize and ivJden suu!/t of Okluhoma Dlv�l . rerunsfnrc� ro J lunes Jruin l7nch Avc�wc lo Tuunron Raad ATTACHMENTS: Not Applicable Approvcd / Endorsed By, Ri ard W. Hol om •- RWH:ds; Copy: T.J, Quinn, Chief Administrotive Otiicer N. Carroll, Director af Planning Recommended for the considerntion of Pickering Town Council _ �.�._ , . �i � • • omas J. Q nn, C ief Admi alive 0 � �° i_