HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 48/99� 142 0�� OF p� � REPORT TO COUNCIL rROM: Jnne Burton �ATE: Novembcr 17, 1999 Town Solicitor RGPORT NUMDBR: L48/99 Si1D1ECT: Road — Dedicntiou (Sputtow Circic) - F3locks 17 and 18, Plnn 40M-1981 - �ile: W2304.372 RBCOMMENDATION: A by-luw should be enncted to dcdicntc Dlucks 17 and 18, Plan 40M•1981, Pickering, as public n�sn��Ay. ORIGIN: Approvnl from thc Planning nnd Dcvclopmcnt Depanmcnt. AUTf IORITY: Mwdclpul Acl, R.S.O. 1990, chuptcr M.45, scclion 297(1)(a). PINANCfAL IMI'LICATIONS: Nonc. EXECUTIVIs SUMMARY: Not Applicnblc. BACKGROUND: When the ubove-noted plan was rcgistcrcd, Dlocks 17 and 18 wcre conveycd to the To�m for "tempomry rond purposcs". The works on thcse blocks werc completed in conjunction with Spartow Circle howevcr, ns Ihis portion of the rond is considercd "temporary" until Ihc lands to thc north arc completcd, thcy could not bc dcdiwtcd on thc plan in thc samc manncr as the remninder of Sparrow Circle and thcrefore must be dedicnted separatcly. As our Plnnning nnd Devclupmcnt DepMment havc ndviscd thul the road works on thcsc blocks have been complcted to standards suf(icient lo permit pvblic occess, thc rcyuircd dcdiwtion should thcrcforo bc madc, Attuchcd is n draR bylaw, cnactmcnt of �vhich will dedicnte Dlocks 17 and I S as public highway thus pertnitting legal acccss ovcr Ihcm. This by-Inw is in thc form usunlly used in such cascs. , , . Report to Council L48/99 Novembcr 17,1999 1� 3 Subject:Road—Dcdicntion(SpnrrowCincic) i'ngc 2 ATTACFIMGNTS: ` l. Location Map/Silc skcich. 2. Dmfl byIAw. Prc��vcd Uy: Appro d/ lindorsc y: �f •��e Dcnisc d cy Jnn t� DB:Ijm � Aunchmen�s , Copy: Chicf Adminislrntivc OlTiccr Dircctor, Plnnning anJ I)c�•clopment Recommended far the consideralion of Pickcring Town Council � /' „ ' J«.�� o ms 1. Quin , Chic AJminis 'vc Oflic�I , �- i a:�. ..`.. . . .. . , .. . p F � . 1 ' � 1 1 ', \ au � . THE CORPORA7TON OF THE TOWN OF'��C��E�T � a TO REPORT #� BY-LAW N0. I 4 ) Bcing a 6y-faw ro dedlcafe Blocks l7 and 78, Plan 40M-1981, Plcke�ing, (Sparrow Circle) os publlc hlghivay. WNEREAS Thc Corpomtion of Ihe Town of Pickering is thc owner of Dlocks 17 and 18, Plan 40M-1981, Pickering nnd wishes to dedicate thcm ns e public highway. ,��� � NOW THEREFORE, the Council of Thc Corporation of the Town of Pickering HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: l. Block 17, Plen 40M-1981, Pickcring is hcrcby dcdicated as public highwny (Spanow Circle). 2. Block 18, Pinn 40M-1981, Pickering is hcrcby dedicated as public highwny (Spnrzow Cirdc). DY-I.AW rcad n first, sccand ond Ihird timc und finnlly passed ihis 201h dny of Deccmber,1999. Waync Anhurs, Moyor Druce Tnylor, Clcrk wz�a.�b: , _