HomeMy WebLinkAboutPW 13/99� 054 . . ti�0�� OF p/C�h F Q REPORT TO COUNCIL FROM: Richard W, Holbom DATE: August 27,1999 Dircclor of Public Works REPORTNUMBER: PW13/99 SUBJECT; Regulatory By-law - Parking By-law 2359/87 -(No Parking) Portion of Glcnanna Road RECOMMENDATION: That a byIsw be cnncicd lo amcnd Schedule B lo By-law 2359l87 regulating parking restriclions and prohibitions on ccrtain highways. ORIGIN: Stoff investigation ofon•slrcet parking complaint. AUTHORITY: Alunicipul Act, R.S.0.1990, chaptcr M.4, scction 210.123 FINANC[AL IMPLICATIONS: Manufaclurc anJ inslallation of rcgulalory signs costing approximalcly 5500.00 1999 Roads Operating Budget (2320-2409) l�ighway Aids. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Nol applicable. BACKGROUND: Thc nrea of Gienanna Road adjacent to David Fnrt Memorial Park has becn of major concem lo local residcnts for a numbew years to Ihe nmount of on-strect parking which occurs nlong thc south side of the roadwny and through the radius's of thc intcrsccting sidcstrects. On nny summcr evcning it is commonplacc to find that on•strcct parked vchicics havc impaircd lhc sightlincs of Ihosc motorisls attcmpting to enlcr Glcnanna Rond from Wnlnut Lanc, Lislowcll Crescent nnd Storrington Strcet to thc cxtent whcrc it dmstically incrcascs ihc potcntinl for scrious right-anglc typc collisions. Thc nmcnitics at David Farr Mcmorinl Park includc a bascbail diamonJ, socccr ficld anJ n number of tennis couds. Thcsc summcr typc rccrcationnl nctivitics attract a largc numbcr of both local and non•locnl visitors for which thc adjaccnt Vnughan Willard Public School pnrking lot _ —�� • � Repod to Council PW 13/99 3ubject: Purking ByInw - Portion of Glcnanna Raud Dnlc: August27, 1999 �55 Pagc 2 cnnnot uccommodnte ali of thc nssociatcd vehicles. As a result, over(low parking is found in thc unregulated urens of Glenannn Road being thc soutii sidc of thc roadwny. Although n slanJard condilion docs cxisl within Town By-Inw 2359187 which prohibits parking within 10 mctres of nn intersection, this condition is not regulnrly enforced or very weil known by most motorists. In most cases, however, thc 10 mclre no•parking reslriction is typicnlly insufficient for major collector roadways such as Glcnanna Road and as such docs very littic to improvc thc sightlinc rcquirements for motorists. As n means to improvc vehicle sightlines and safcty on Glcnanna Raud nt thc inlcrsectinns of Wnlnut Lunc, Listowell Cresccnt and Storringlon Strcct it is recommendcd that Ihc 10 mclrc standard condition bc exicnded to the limits as set oul in thc attachcJ amcnding bylaw. Thcsc rccommended limits arc thc minimum dislances that are rcquired la providc suitahlc sighllincs for the design and operating conditions found on Glenanna Road in this area. It should be noled that in order for this parking by-law to be effectivc, it musl rcceive rcgular periodic enforcement. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Dra(t Bylaw 2. Localion Mnp Prcpared By: � d C.Stephen Brakc CSB/n+k�.w�� Aqachments Copy: ChicfAdministrative0lTiccr Town Solicitor Town Clerk Ronds Supervisor Recommended for the consideralion of Pickcring Town Council � , .iiy mas J. Quinn, Chief Admims 've 0 icer ApprovcJ / EnJorscJ Ryt � R' arJ W. H om . . -.�r:,.---.j, • 'n5s ,;; TFIB CORPORATION 0� THE TOWN OF PICKHRINC , DY-LAW N0. Ucing n hy-laiv 10 amend Dy-luw 2359/87 regululing parking, sfunding und stoPPrnb on ldghuwys and on prlvnle und nnmlclpul properly. WIiEREAS, pursunnt to the Mnnicipal Acl, R.S.O. 1990, chapter M.45, sections 218.52, 210.73, 2I0.123-126, 210.131, 310, )14.7 nnd 314.8, thc Cauncil of thc Corporntion of thc 'Po�m of Pickcring enneted By-law 2359/87 rcgulating parking, standing and stopping on highways and on privntc unJ on municipal property; NOW THEREFORG, Ihe Council of Ihc Corporation of the To�m oF Pickering IiGRGDY ENACTS AS rOLLOWS: Schedulc D to Dy-luw 2359/87, ns amcndcd, is hcreby amcndcd by adJing Ihcreto Ihe following items: Hi¢h\VAV Sidc liciwecn/And Prahibilcd Timcs and ni1VS Glenanna Rond Soulh 27 mctres west of Walnut I.ane Sce Notc I•" and 20 mclres cast of Walnul I,anc Glennnnn Rond Soulh 27 mctrcs a•cst of Listo«cll Scc Notc I°• Crescenl and 20 metres east of l.isto«cll Cresccnt Glennnnn Rond Sou�h 31 mctres wcst of Slorcinglon Scc Natc 1'• Strcet and 20 mctres casl of Storcington Strccl •' Unlcss othenvisc s�cificd, ihe parking prohibitions nbove shall be in ef�cct twenty-four (24) hours per day, ycar round. BY-LAW rcad n first, second nnd third time and finally passcd this 21 sl day of September, 1999. Waync Arthurs, Mayor Brucc Tnylor, Clcrk �5� I TOMN OF PICKERIN6 TRAFFIC REPORT � P0B10 NORNS �'�M GLENANNA ROAD nu �:woo DA1E� AUO. 1199 LOCATION OF PROPOSED NO PARKINO ZONES