HomeMy WebLinkAboutL35/99��N OF p� , � FROM: Jnne Burlon Town Solicitor REPORT TO COUNCIL SUUJECT: Road - Dcdication (Stroud's Lanc) - Ulock 181, Plun 40M-I810 - Filc: W2304368 DATE: August 25, 1979 REPORTNUMDGR: L35199 RECOMMENDATION: A by-law should bc enncted to dedicnlc [31ock I81, Plan 40A1-1810, Pickcring, ns public highwny, ORIGIN: - Rcgislration of Plan of Subdivision 40M1I• 1810. - Requcst Gom Oordcn & Elliat dated luly :R, 1999. • Approval from Public 1Vorks dutcd Augusl 19, 1999. AUTHORI7'Y: b�u�dcfpalAct,R,S.0.1990,�i�a����n�.as,scction297(Ixa). FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: Nonc. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Not Applicnblc. DACKGROUND: When thc nbovc pinn wns rcgistcrcd, tlic rescrvc block rcfcrrcd to wns convcycd �o Ilic Town along ihc opcn end of Stroud's Lanc. This rcscrvc uas intcndcd lo bc dcdicntcd as public highway upon thc dcvelopment of adjocent Innds in ordcr lo provide Icgal ncccss to tlic public. As our Public Works Dcpartmcnl has udvised Ihat road works in this pinn nnd adjoccnt lands have bcen conslructed to stnndnrds suf(icicnt to permit public occcss, thc rcquircd dcdication should ihcrefore bc mndc. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Locntion MnplSite sketch. 2. DraR by-law. Prepered Dy: Appro�ndor�d� Denisc U� JanoBuKon // JEP:Ic V Attachments Capy; ChlcfAdminisirative0(liccr Dircctor of Public Works Recommcndcd for the considernAon of Pickcring Town C i ncil ° , .. ` ' �'� %% Tho e 1.Quinn, hicfAdmnislrnlivo ccr 041 � ii , THE CORPORATION OF THE'fOWN OF PICKF:KING O4 3 ATTACHMENTN a TOREPORTt{y,� RY•LAW N0. Being u bydair ro dedlcale Block !8/, Plan a0,1l- 1810, Plckering, (Slrmrd's Lane) as publlc Idgh�ra��. WHEREAS The Corporation of the To�m of Pickering is the owner of Eilock 181, Plan 40M- i S 10, Pickcring and �vishes to dcdicntc it as n public highwny. NOW THEREFORE, the Council of lhc Corporation of the To��n of Pickering HGREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: I. Olock 181, Plan 40M-1810, Pickering is hereby dedicated ns public higlnvay (Stroud's Lane). DY•LAW rcad a first, sccond nnd ihird timc and finally passcd this 4ih day of Octobcr, 1999. 11'uy�nc Anhurs, Mayor I3rucc Taylor, Cicrk w:�aaen , ;,