HomeMy WebLinkAboutL34/99�NOFp� 127 F�� REPORT TO COUNCIL FROM: Janc OuAon UATE: August I8, 1999 Town Solicilor REPORTNUMDER: L34/99 SUDJECT: Roads-�edicotian - Ulocks 23, Plan 40M-1961: Dlock 36, Plan 40M•1936; �locks 24 ond 25, Plan 40M•1916 - Ulocks 31 nnd 32, Plan 40M•1689 nnd Dlocks 55 & 56, Plmi 40M•1446, Pickcrin6 - Holbrook Court, FairpoA Road, Stovcr Crcsccnt, Fawndalc Road und Littleford Strcct - Filc: W2304.J69 RECOMMENDATION: A by-law should bc ennctcd lo dcdicutc Iilock 23, I'lan 40h1-1961, Pickcring (Ilolbrook Court), Dlock 36, Plnn 40M-1936, Pickcring (Fnirywrt Rond), Dlock 24, plan 40M•1916, Pickcring Qlolbrook Cour1), Block 25, Plan 40M-1916, Pickcring (Poirport Raad), 13lock 31, I'lan 40M•1689, Pickcring (Stovcr Crcsccnt), Dlock 3?, Plun 40h1•1689, I'ickcring (fa«ndalc Road) f3locks 55 nnJ 56, Plan AOM-14d6, Pickering (Litllcford SlrccQ ns public higinvays. ORIGIN: Approval Gom Public Works Jntcd Junc 28, 1999. AUTHORITY: 6luxiclpaf Acl, R.S.O. 1990, chaptcr �1.45, scction 297( I)(n). FMANCIAL IMPUCATIONS; Nonc. EXBCUTNE SUMMARY: Not npplicnhlc. DACKGROUND: When thc nbovc•notcd plans wcrc rcgistcrcd, Ihc rcservc nnd road wiJcning blocks rc(crred to ucrc convcycd to 16c Town. Thcse rescrves and road widening blocks were imenJcd to bc dedicalcd ns public highwnys upon Ihe developmcnt of thc adjacent IanJs in ordcr to providc acccss to ihc public. As thc lands udjacenl to each of Ihc subjcct pinns havc now bccn devclaped and our Pu61ic Works DcpaAment adviscs that road works within Ihese plans huvc becn constructed to stnndards sulTicicnt to permit public ncccss, thc rcquircd dcdicalions should Ihcrcforc bc mndc. ATTACHMENTS: I. Drn(1 byImv. 2. Lacalion MnplSite Skctch (5). Prcparcd By: Appr v d/ Endo Ry: !(5� • �(J.U.� Dcnise Dy )o u Copy: ChicfAdministrntivcOfticer Dircctar of Public Warks Recommcndcd (or Ihe considerntlon af Pickcring Town Councfl „ � n r� F 7 omes 1. Qulnn, �icfA minislrati fficcr ],Q8 THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN Or PICKI:RINC I ATTACHMENT #,�TO REPORT # I�3 �Y•I.AW N0. � I Being n by-lair In d¢dicure Qlack ?J, Plu�� a0.1l- i l961, Plckering (Hnlhraok CourU, Block 36, Plun a0A1•1936, Plckcring (Fairport Rnudl. lJlock ?a, ' Plan dOhl•l9l6, Pickcring IHolbrook Car�rt), Block 13, Pfun JOAf•1916, Plckcring (Falrpun i Roadj, B(ock 31, rran a0.1f•16R9, Pfckcring ISlover Crescenq, Block i1, Plan a0hf•1659, �:. Pickering (Fuirndulc Road), lflocks SS und 56, i Pim� JOA! 1J�16, Pickering (l.ifdcjorJ Stree11 as public higinrayf. � i WHEREAS Thc Coqwration of the Town of Pickcring is the o��ner of Dlock 23, Plan 40\f- i 1961, Pickcring (Ilolbrook Court), I31ock 36, Plan 40\1-1936. Pickering (1'airport Road). Filock ! 24, Plan 40M•1916, Pickcring (Holbrook Court), Block 25, Plan 40�1•1916, Pickcring (Faiqwn i Road), Block 31, Plan 40M-1689, Pickcring (Sto��cr Crcsccnt), Dlock 32, Plan 40M-1689. I'' Pickering (Pa�tindalc Road) Eilocks 55 and 56, Plan 40Nt-1446, Pickcring (I.iulcford Slrccq and � wishes to dedicate Ihcm as public higM�•ays. �i NOW TH@REf�ORE. thc Council of Thc Corporation of thc To��n of Pickcring IIBRGllI' ENACTS AS FOLI.0IVS: 1. Block 23. I'lan 40M-1961, Pickcring is hcrcby dcdicatcd as puhlic hiEh��'ay (Ilolbrook Court). 2, Dlock 36, Plan 40M-1936, Pickcring is hcreby deJicatcd as public high��:�y (raiqwrt Raad). 3. Dlock 24, Plan 40M-1916, Pickcring is hcrcby dedicatcJ as public high��•ap (Ilalbruok Court). 4. E31ock 25, Plan 40M-1916, Pickcring is hcrcby JcJicalcd as public high��ay (Fairport Road). 5. Block 31, Plan 40M-1689, Pickcring is hcreby dedicated as public hight��ay (Slo��cr CrescenQ. 6. Dlock 32, Plan 40D1•1689, Pickcring is hcreby dcdicatcd as public high���ay (Faundalc Road). 7. Dlocks 55 and 56, Plan 40M•1446, Pickering nre hereby dedicaled ns public high�ca�• (Litticford Strcet). BY-I.A\V read a firs�, second and third timc and finally passed Ihis 21 st day of Scptcmbcr,1999. Arlhurs, Mayor Drucc Tuylor, Clcrk wz�a�s�