HomeMy WebLinkAboutL23/99� 348 o�,�oF � � p - REPORT TO COUNCIL FROM: Dcnisc Byc DATE: lunc 9, 1999 Managcr, Lcgal Scrviccs REPORT NUMBER: L 23/99 SUBIECT: Roads - Dcdiwtion - Part Lot S, Plan 262, Pickcring - Parts 4 and 5, Plan 40R-19015, Oakbum Strcct (H. KirchcrN. Lcc) - Filcs: W2304.363 und W6401(L) RECOMMGNDATION: A bylaw should bc cnactcd to dcdiwtc as public highway thosc parls nf Lot 8, Plan 282, Pickcring, dcsignatcd as Parts 4 and 5, Plan 40R-19015 (Oakbum Strat). ORIGIN: Durham Land Division Committcc Dccision LD 030-031/99. AIJfHOR17Y; Muntclpal Acl, R.S.O. 1990, clu�ptcr M.45, scction 297(I )(a). FMANCIAI. fMPLICAT10N5: N/A. EXECU'CIVE SUMMARY: N/A. BACKGROUND: Onc of thc conditions sct out in land Sm�crancc Applications LD 03D-031199 �tias that thc upplicant wntributc its sharc of thc Oalc6um Strcct scrvicing wnsttuction costs to NuggM Construction Co. Ltd. prior to acccss to ihc nMV Oakbum Strcct road nllo��ancc bcing pertnittcd. As thc applicant has madc thc financial paymcnts rcspccting thc sharcd scrvicc wsts, thc rescrvc prccluding access to Oakbum Strcct adjaccnt to thc scvcrcd lands should now be dcdicatcd as public highaay, ATTACHMENTS: I. Location mapping/Sitc Skctch. 2, Draft by-law. Approvcd / Endorscd By: � �� Dcnisc Byc DH:Ic Attachmcnb : Copy: Chicf Administmtivc Ofliccr Dircctor of Planning Dircctor of Public Worlcs � Fccommcndod for thc conaidcralion of Pickcring Town Council . ��� �. „c 2 Y J. uinn icf Adminiatmtivc ccr 3,'`i � ATTACHMENTtI_� TGf1EF0ii7'7t � � ZJF E CORPORAT(ON OF THE TOWN OF PICKERING BY-LAW N0. Befng a by-!aw ►o dedreale Ihose parls oj/.ot 8, Plan 282, ' Plckcring, deslgnaled as Parts 4 a�id S, Plan 40R-/9015 (Oakbr�rn SrreefJ as plr6lic hlghway (LD 030-03/N9J � WHEREAS, The Corporalion of the Town of Pickering is the owner of those parts of Lot 8, Plan 282, Pickering, designated as Parts 4 and 5, Plan 40R•19015 (Oakbum Street) and wishes to dcdicate it as public highway; NOW THGREFORE, ihc Council of the Corporation oPthc Town of Pickcring IiGREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. Those parts of Lot 8, Plan 282, Pickering, designated as Pans 4 and 5, Plan 40R-19015 are hereby dedicated as public highway (Oakburn Street). BY•LAW read a first, second and third lime end finally passcd this 28Ih day oflune, 1999. Waync Anhurs, Mayor Bruce Teylor, Clcrk �: �RIn:W7J0/.767�1V6/01� . . � : �,;:. , ' .:.� ... � . �.:.; ��,�:.. �..+.�, � .....- - , .. . �:. . . ...