HomeMy WebLinkAboutL25/993�' '�N OF p� � ~ ItEPORT TO C�UNCIL FROM: Denise Bya DATB: lunc 21, 1999 Manoger of Legal Scrviccs REPORT NUME3GR: I, 25199 SUBJEC7': Road - Dedication (Felconwood Wey) - Part Ulock 35, Plnn 40M-1919 (Parts 2 and 3, Plnn 40R•19037) -File: W2304360/D9902 RECOMMENDATION: A bylaw shauld be cnnctcd to dedicatc thosc pnAS of [llock 35, Plan 40M• 1919, Pickcring, designatcJ ns Parts 2 and 3, Plnn 40R-19037. ORIGIN: Plan of Subdivision 40M•1919/LD304198 to Lp)10198 AUTHORITY: Mindclpul dcr, R.5.0. 1990, chaplcr M.45, scclion 297( I Xa). �INANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: Nil EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: N/A DACKaROUND: Wlicn the a6ove pinn was rcgistcrcd, ihe rcserve block rcfcrccd to was convcycd to tlic Town aloug Falconwood Way. This rcscrvc was intcnJcd lo bc dedicatcd ns public highwny upon thc dcvclopmcnt of adjecent lands in order to providc nccesx lo ihc public. It is unticipated that thc devclopment of thc adjacent lunds mny be finalizcd during Council rccess Ihcreforc, enectment of thc ntlached bylow should be madc. Such byInw will bc held in thc Legal Dcpnrtmcnt ond not registercd until Ihc Town's 1'ublic Warks Departmcnt adviscs thut :hc rcqaircd dcdicntian should bc mndc. ATTACHMENTS: I. Locelion Map/Sitc sketch. 2. DraD bylew, Approved / Endorscd By; � aC�C Denisc Oy DD:Ic Atlachments Copy: ChiefAdminislreliveOUiccr Dircctor of Public Works : Recommended for Ihe coneideration of Pickering Town Councfl '� N � �.,.,�a� y, o J.Qulnn, IefAdmnislretive ; �; ; �. - • , 3R4 ATTACHMENT�I..�TOREPQRTIi L�SI�� TH6 CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF PI K FR fN(i BY-LAW N0. , Being a by-law �o ded(cale lhose Parts oj Rlock 35, P/an JOM•1919, Plckering, designaled as Parls 1 and 3, Plan dOR-19037 (Fafcom��ood ►Vay) as pu6llc hJghwap. VlHEREAS The Corporation of the Town of Pickering is the owner of thosc parts of Dlock 35, Plun 40M-1919, Pickering, designated as Pans 2 and 3, Plan 40R-19037 and wishes to dedicate them as public highway. NOW THEREFORE, thc Council of Thc Corporalion of the 'fo«n of Pickcring IiGR@DY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: I. Thosc parls of Block 35, Plan 40M-1919, Pickcring, dcsigna�ed tu Parts 2 nnd 3, Plan 40R-19037 nre hcreby dedicalcd ns public high�vay (Falcon��•ood Wny). BY-LAW rcnd u first, second and Ihird timc and finallp passcd this 28ih day of June, 1999. Wa}•nc Arthurs, Muyor Drucc Taylor, Clcrk I Iwna�ss '