HomeMy WebLinkAboutFIN 35/98,� ` „ : �i : �6 �o��,o��, ' � . ', � tS ,,.. REPORT TU COUIVCIL FROM: dillis A. Paterson DATE; December 8, 1998 Director of Finnncc & Trensurer REPORT NUMBER: fIN 35/98 SUBJECT: Adjustmenls to residentinl properlies in the Tux Roll ns per Section 442 of the Municipal Act RECOMMENDATION: Thnt Repart FM 35/98 bc received and that: 1. il�e write-off of Gixes duc lo dcmolition, clericnl error, exemption or vacancy, us provided under Section 442 af the Municipal Act be npproved; and, 2. the appropriate stnff of lhe Town uCPickering be given the nuthority to givc atiec thcrcto. ORIGIN: Director of Finnnce and Trensurcr. AUTHORITY: Thc Municipnl Act, R.S.O. 1990, as nmcnded, Scction 442. ' FMANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: lf approved, the write-off of residential Uuces ns conwined in this report represents n gross cast of $29,682,14, with a net cost of upproximately 56,827, the bnlance being charged bnck to thc Region of Durham and the School Hourds. For 1998, S I50,000 wav included in the opemting ;�;:, budget for uncollectible taxcs, [f Council approves this report the residuai balance in this scwunt would be 597,137. � {" EXECUTIVB SUMMARY: k,, i�s -, p`� z Not applicabla j�: L i'.,: � s ??' # pt t '...... 1 '° '�'' . . . t>�iS , sncxaROUrrn: �;: } . : "� ����SThe reducdon of reaidendal texes duc to }ire, demolition, exemption or cicrical ertor, 3s provided <� `,�.�� .fat unda.SecUon 442"of the Muntcipal Act. Write•offs of this nnture aie considercd normnl in �`��� tfib wnddct bf businens. Wlth two minor cxceptions, thc writc-offs nre all for the 1998 toxation �'��r'eat and wlll,bo charged to ihe:i998 budget acwunt 2134, Provision for Uncallcclable Taxes. a py:r� �'�x #' _4 i � �`�'L* t� s a � . � ��*"kY `1.. Y � , . . . yf �����t'� s:�=�ftg � � 4 � `��lt;i � 5 . �8} � � ���� �y, t h� � �� t _ . , . . .. � �rt{� 3i n . l 4fi i , r^ � 4p � '� T�: r = ,. , � .. - �'�' �`Repart to Council FIN 35/98 , ' Datc: December 8,1998 '` I SubJect.' SecUon 442 of tho Munictpal AcC- AdjusUnents to Taxos ' Page 2 31' �, _ . . ATTACHMENTS: . ' , .. Treasurcr's RecommendaUon for Adjustment Prepared By: . . / �a� M len�n Senior Tax Clerk MVR/md Attachments Recommended for the considcrution of Pickering Town Council � � .Y omns J. Quin , Chief inis 've ttr Approved / Endorsed By: Gill`� is A. Paterson Director of Finance and Treasuter l,i t � � t >,� t � �. y'�') 3 - ,'�} i . tr f ,'s' , s � '` �i �• a . 1G, ,. �- : . �s: I 1--.w t . � � � �� ti,�Y � '� . r �'� � � . . . , , . . . . , . . . . . . . ,.. . . . � t��: '.�' i • `, ;.;� . : .. . . . . . .. ow Rrda1 ta19Ne Y:le AAi ra� o. vsccuna ,: �2 :; - � BE�OMN7ADJUDiMENTtTOTA%ES. �� . � �'tnWOw�� uodammAital tat AWUYn�[ �� . .. - -. MAY 31� 199!' , . � . . . 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