HomeMy WebLinkAboutGM 03/98��af 45 � � ~ REPORT TO CDUNCIL FROM: T,J, Quinn DATE: April 3,1998 General Manager REPORTNUMBER: GM03•98 SUB]ECT: Consolideted Fire Communicadons Resource Centrc (Fire Dispatch) - Pickering, Ajex, Whitby, Uxbridge, Brock and Scugog - Recommendation on Consultant Hiring to Undertake Joint Study - File: MG 5030 RECOMMENDA7'ION: 1. That Council receive Report to Council GM 03-98 and concur with hiring Oldham Engineers Inc. to undertake a study on establishing a consolidated firc communicntions resource centre (fire dispatch) for Pickering, Ajax, Whitby, Uxbridge, Drock and Scugog. 2. That Council euthorizc a pa-budget expenditurc as set out in Report to Council GM 03•98 to cover the Town's shnrc of the cost of the study, providing both the Town of Ajax and the Town of Whitby ngree to an equal funding contribution; nnd thnt ihe Townships of Uxbridge, Brock, and Scugog be encouraged to participate in nnd wntribWe to the cost of the study. 3. Thet the Mayor end Clerk be authoriud to cxecutc any neccssary documents rcsulting from the above recommendations. 4, That a copy of this Rcport be fonvarded to the Towns of Ajnx and Whitby, and thc Townships of Uxbridge, Brock and Scugog. ORIGM: Cowcil Resolution #215l97, [lem �B, whcrein Council approved in principle thc pnMering of the Town's Fire und Transit Departments with the Town of Ajax, subject to thc prcparntion of an appropriete business case, Report dated Merch 11,1998, from the Fire Chiefs of Pickering, Ajax, Whitby, Uxbridge, Brock and Scugog recommending ihe hiring of a consullant to undertake a study of a consolidated fire communications centre. AUTHORITY: The Muntclpal Ac�, R.S.0.1990 FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: ?he tatal study cost is 525,000 plus GST. This would be shared equally betwecn Pickering, Aja�c end Whitby. There is also the possibiliry that Uxbridge, Brock and Scugog moy panicipute in the study end contribute to its cosL The totel cost to the Town would ihcrcforc be 58,333.33 (plus dS7) ot less, 4�kport to Council dM 03•98 Dute: April 3,1998 Subjxt: Consolideted Firo Communicatlons Resource Centre Page 2 Su�cient funds to wderlake this study erc bcing set eside in stetFs 1996 budget submission which hes yet to be considered by Council (Firo Services Account 2240•6181). Pre-budget authori�ation is Qurofon needed in order to proceed with the study at this time. The foregoing has been discussed with the Director of Finance who, given the need to commence the study, concurs with the RepoR and its recommendations, EXECUT[VE SUMMARY: The Town's fire communications system (firc dispatch) is outdated end needs to be upgraded. The Town of Ajax is also considering upgrading its 1ire communications systems. Rather than proceeding separately, nn opportunity exists to pool resources with tha Town of Whitby, and establish e consolidated fire communications centre, possibly also in conjunction with the notihem municipalities. A consolidated communications centre should lead to significant cost savings and improved service delivery, in comperison to whnt might be expected should thc various municipalities each proceed independently. Accordingly (and as a msult of Council's earlicr direction to staff to investigute opportunities for partnerships with other municipalities), the Town's Fire Chief and Depury Fire Chief have been examining the merits of n consolidated 6re communications centre with their counterparts in Ajux, Whitby, Uxbridge, Brock and Scugog. In March 1998, the Fire Chicfs of the respcctive municipalities recommended hiring the firtn of Oldhnm Enginecrs Inc. to undettuke a study thnt looks at the merits and costs associnted with a consolidated communicntions cenue. It is rccommended that Council support thc request of the Fite Chicfs to hire Oldhnm Enginccrs [ne. to undertnke this study, providing u similar funding commitment is made by both the Town of Ajex and lhe Town of Whitby. Should Council egrec to this rccommendution, u pre-budget expenditure of up to 58,333.33, plus GST would necd to be authorized. This amount would be reduced in the event Uxbridge, Scugog and/or Ricck ulso ngrcc to parlicipnte in und contribute to cost of the study. BACKGROUND: The Town's fire communication system is in need of upgmding. The system cwrently uscs u rcgionel radio frequency thut may be sharcd with all othcr regianal municipalitics undcr cettnin circumstences. This cnuses some conccros, especiolly when other municipalities are using tl�e shared chennel at tha same time Pickering has nn emergency response. As well, because af the age of lhe Town's equipment, lhero are some ercas in Pickering experiencing decmuscd mdio penetration. Ajex's fire communication equipment is also in need of upgrading. The Town of Whitby has a more up�to-date system, and n new communication centre. It would appear that the existing and future needs of Pickering nnd Ajax (as well es the northem municipalities) coutd be accommodnted in ihe Whitby facility, if certain modifications sve made. Accordingiy, over the last number of months, the Fire Chiefs and Deputy Chiefs of Pickering, Ajex, WhitLy, Uxbridge, Brock and Scugog, have had discussions conccming n consolidated communicadons resource centre. These discussions huve proceeded to the point where thc Chiefs huve recommended Uwt a joint study be launched (see Attachment No. I, Report from Fire Chiefs), 'fhe purpose of thc study would be to enalyze existing fire dispatch sitcs und cquipment, und make rccommendntions on tha merits nnd associnted costs of estabiishing a consolidnted communications centre. Key ereaa of focus in undertaking the study would include present und future telecommunication requircments, computerization, and stuffing. Repott W Council �M 03-98 Date: April 3,1998 Q'� SubjecC Consolldeted Firo Communicadons Rcsource Centre Page 3 A Request for Proposals waa developed by the Firo Chiefs, end nine consulting firms were asked to submil proposals. Five responded, end four were selected for interview. As a result of this process, ihe Firo Chiefs unanimously agreed to rccommend the finn of Oldhem Engineers Inc. as the consultant for this projcct, at a cost not to exceed S25,000, plus GST. Oldham Engincers Inc. will conduct a complete enalysis, and the firtn has ihe required expertise to undertake ihis type of study (see Attachment No. 2, excecpts from proposel of Oldham Engineers Inc.). It is anticipated that Ajan and Whitby Councils will both agrce to tha hiring of Oldham Engineers Inc. to underteke the study (see Attaclunent No. 3, report from R. Parisotto to Ajax's Oenerel Govemment Committce). The Townships of Brock, Uxbridge and Scugog aze also expected to participatc in and contribute to the study, A consolidated fire communications centre should be given serious consideration. [t has the potentinl of providing significant improvements in service delivery, and can result in substnntial cost savings to the Town, compared to the costs thet might be incuRed if we proceeded on our own. Furthemiore, in 1997, Town Council approved in principle the cancept of partnering services with ihe Town of Ajax, including fire services, subject to the preparation af en appropriete business case. P�usuing n joint fire dispatch centre with Ajnx and Whitby (and possibly the nocthem municipalities) would be in kecping with this earlier Council resolution. For Council's infortnntion, the City of Oshawn hag recently advised it is willing ta provide u tirc dispatch service to other municipalities in the Region, on n fee-for-service basis. However, this type of arrengement is unnccepmble to both Ajax and Pickering, as it would inevitably Iead to job losscs, a loss of ownership, and a loss of conUol over the service. A"purtnership" bctwccn Pickering, Ajex end Whitby, and possibly the northem municipulities, for a jointly owncd and administered communications centre is a much bctter direction to pursue (see Attnchment No. 4, letter from R. Parisotto and T. Quinn to J, Brown, Oshnwo City Munagcr). It is lherefore rccommended ihat Town Council support the rcqucst of thc Pirc Chiefs to hirc Oldhnm Engineers Inc, to undertnkc a study of a consolidated firc communications centrc for Pickering, Ajox, Whitby, and possible nlso Uxbridgc, Brock und Scugog. The Town's share of the study cost would not exceed 56,33333, plus GST. /:VII :L�I:Iu���Mlt� 1. Repor. from Fire Chiefs of Pickcring, Ajax, Whitby, Brock, Uxbridge und Scugog 2. Excerpt from proposal submitted by Oldhem Engineers Inc. 3, Repott from R, Perisotto to Ajax Genera; vemment Committce 4, Letter from R. Purisotto end T. Quinn to I. Brown, Oshawa City Mannger Prepared By: Approved / Endorsed By: � T,E. Mely uk � TM: copy: R. Parisotto, C,A.O., Town ofAjex W, Wellace, C,A.O., Town of Whitby Q� �MNf M.,L,.TO REPORI'N 103 9$ Rop_o_�t on a Jointly Managed and Operatod Communlcaqons Rosouroa Conlro am H. Wallace, C.A,O., Town of Whilby nas J. Quinn General Manager, Town of Pickerin� ---. Grant, C.A.O., Town o x r ge ����—•--- Cuddie, CIerWAdmfnistralor, Township of Scugog �ge Graham, CIerW Adminslrator, Township of Orock ard Parisollo, C.A.O., Town of AJax 0311 $11�1�.�—�ou tly Managed and Operaled Communical!ons Resource Cenlre Background: As a resull of direclion (rom lhe municipal councils oi Ajax and Picker(ng, lhe Chiefs and Depuly Chiefs of lhese municipalilies met lo inveslfgate opporlunilies for partnerships and olher service sharing opportunilfes. The Chiefs (denlitied communfcalions as a primary area. By consoUdaling communicalions, lhe foundalion Is established for addilfonal projecls, it is beifeved many eHiciencies can be achieved lhrough pa�tnerships and resource sharfng agreemenls and may be in tact more effeclfve Ihan amalgamalfon. Princfples: On 1997 10 23, lhe Chiefs and Depuly Chiefs met again and Ihe Chief of Whilby was invited. The gr,oup unanimously agreed lhal a consolidaled communicalions cenlre would likely be a viatile endeavaur and Iherefore should be researched thoroughly. The Chiefs and Depulies also agreed on five pr(nciples lhat should be incorporaled inlo lhe consolidalion exercise. 1. The process should be open to all fire departmenls wilhfn Durham Region. All parlicipanls wishing to join in Ihe venture would concur wilh these five principies. 2. The consolidaled cenlre serve al leasl lhe MunicipaliHes of Ajax, Pickering and Whilby. 3. The consolidaled centre be managed by a Joinl board wilh equal represenlalion from each pariner. An organizalfon similar lo lhe Durham Region 9-1-1 board would allow inpul from each municipalily. 4. No presenl employee should lose employmenl as a resull of lhe consolidalion. This princ(ple will be criUcal in gaining Ihe support of lhe tirefighlers' essacialions in lhis endeavour. The posiUons within lhe consolidaled cenlre would be filled lhrough an open and equilable seleclion process. Staff from exisling cenlres would be inviled lo compele for lhe posftions. A human resources plan(s) would be developed lo accommodale or assimilale unsuccessful applicanls or applicanls wflh olher polenlials inlo lhe home municipalily's work force. 5. The consolidated communlcaUons centre could serve as the foundal(on for 4s launching addiQonal partnershlps or cost avoldance Initfat(ves such as: i. Ihe purchase of an aerial apparalus (AJax/Pickering) i(. automalic ald iil, shared trafning and respanse programs Additional Partners In February, 1998, lhe 7ownship of Brock, Uxbridge and Ihe Township of Scugog expressed fnlerest to acUvely parlic(pate in lhe venlure. Request For Proposal A Request (or Proposal for a Fire Communfcations Resource Centre was developed and mulual�y agreed upon belween Pickering, Ajax and Whilby. The RFP was designed to select a consullant to analyse exisUng communfcalion sites, equipmenl and make preliminary recammendalians regarding the associated costs of a consolidated communications cenlre. Key focus areas of Ihfs sludy include presenl and fulure telecommunications, computerizalion and staffing requirements. It was dfstrfbuled in December, 1997 and closed on January 14, 1998. Nine consulting ftrms were asked lo submit proposals and five responded. Four were selected far interviews. Interviews were held on Friday, 1998 03 06. Represenlalives (rom Pickering, Whilby, Brock Township, Scugog Township and Ajax evaluated the four consullanls' presentatlons and proposals. The representalive from Uxbridge was unable to attend. Afler deliberaUons, the group decided Oldham Eng(neers Incorporaled be recommended lo the municipal councils as the cansullant for lhis project al a cost of 325,000.00 pius G.S.T. In their proposal, Oldham Engineers Incorporated oHers to conduct a comple!e analysis of the issues surrounding adminlstration, operatians, and human resources, while elso providfng the experiise on the technoiogy that we require to make informed decisions on thfs project. �roJect Managemant Stnacture Afler agreeing on a recommendalfon to each council (ar ihe consullant, lhe group d(scussed and agreed upon a project managemenl slructure. The slruclure will include a steering team, a work(ng team and a project coordinator. Basically, tlie steering leam wil� receive recommendations from lhe working leam and the consullanl and make appropriale decisions as the project progresses. The sleerfng team wil� be composed o( the P(ckering Fire Chief and Deputy Chfe(, Brock Township Fire Chiet, Scugog Townshfp Fire Chief, Whilby Assistanl Chief, Uxbridge Fire Chfef, AJax Fire Chief, Deputy Fire Chie( and Director of Operations. The working team will be comprised of alarm room operators, other staft who have knowledge In lhis area and Ihe proJect coordinalar. The Fire Chiefs wiil delegale lhe staff to Ihis leam. It is anlicipated there will be al leasl one member from each deparlment. These leam members wfll be responsible to provide the salient (nformalion lo lhe consultant pertaining to communicalions practices and needs for lhefr respeclive E `(�pariments. The informalion galhered by Ihis leam will be formulated by lhe consullanl and proJect coardinalor and torwarded lo lhe ateering leam (or aclion, � During lhe meeling af March 61h, lhe sleering committee agreed fhat a proJecl coordinator be assigned to Ilaison belween Ihe working leam and the steerfnp team. The group decided lhal lhe position would be held by lhe Ajax Depuly Chlef. Uilimately, a flnal roport wilh recommendalions will be forwarded lo each council far Its acUon. Recommendations 1. The Chief Adminislralive O�cers of Ihe Town of Uxbridge, Town of Whilby and the Town o( Ajax, the CIerWAdminfsfralors of the Townshfp of Scugog and lhe Township of Brock and lhe General Manager of lhe Town of Picker(ng support the recommendaQon ihal Oidham Engineers Incorporated be retained as lhe consultanl for th(s proJect al a cost of $25, 000.00 plus G.S.T. 2. The Chiet Admin(slralive O�cers of the Town ot Uxbridpe, Town of Whilby and the Town of Ajax, the CIerWAdministrators of the Township ot Scugog and the Townsh(p of Brock and lhe General Manager of the Town of Pfckering support the project management structure as proposed by this group. 3. The Chfef Administrative Officers, CIerWAdminislralars and General Manager develop a financlal formula to dfstribule Ihe cost of this sludy emong lhe pa�t(cipaUng munlcipalilfes. , Respectfully aubmittedppti � �`'� � T. Peck, Fir h(ef, Uxbridge � ��!.� r,ov� �.;, ► - � ,.. , 0 �r.�ro�eo�r��w Nex, �rr�w e►r� wn�rny Pro�a s� a o�awe: � g 1 �uasf 1br Proposals: F!ro Communlcallona Reaou� Cenhe Pao,�cr acoPe a oe�ecnv� The Fro�cl obJacUve b to InveaUpNe the polenllN benefib ot � JdMty m�npad �nd opented aaiaorane-.n nm commumc.uons �eaou�oe oa�ue r« �ne Tow�u or N.�c, Pldcerlrp md VYhMby, lookbq M ps�ma end fulwe teleaommunMalione, oortputedzNlon, aUfYOq roqulromeMa �nd Ihe �seodded esUmNea. The qoJed will piovide an enlqMened �nawer to lhe tollowkq queaUon; • �. r. Kormwr�e «be.w�v ror na r+s ns�.�marw, o�Na, Prc*ert�v.ra whrey ro u�dateke the darlp�, dewbPme+k �nd opsnHon o►a/ofn(N msnaped �nd oper�fed .rero�or�me-�e rtre �: r�m� o�x�aer le many ways, lhis is almilar to iswes wv deoN wilh on provinca-wide o11 and dlspelch for lhe pmvinces olAlbeAa, M�nAoba, �nd Nov� s��. �A YN ��e� ��� ���'�W ��� �� involvud �nd our pionea�tiq ryprk Is bodlnp lo Ot t C�U-T�klnp �nd Dlspatdt beirp ptovlded by aeveni oombinrilo�s of pudlo md pivote aeclor ortanpements which Indudes emalpemoUon N one of seveal posalble bvels. We have �wdced In qw Rib/o S�Jbfy aecla for ovx 20 years. In Ihri Ume we h�ve davebped etWo-of-Uie aA system� uid Implemeoted numemus Ott �nd dlspatch �aov�r�cf of uifQn �r u�o�oesn � r� wn.a Nm� �caw Nt•t yM�m M,..... WM►lNM mow+c�a�,wrrou ��� � wa � r.._. canUve. Such centres ere N lhe heaA of Pudb BdMy 8ervlce. WlUioul ef(IdeM caMros lhe eervioe� of polk�e �nd INe cmnot be dalivered In � Qmely mennet. We have ettperle�ced m�ny diffe�eM �rtaipemeMs - fmm unNl centree eervinp muflbpandas (wch u lhe U Shce poiice deprAmenQ lhmiqh lo ceMrea servinp much larper populaUon� (euch as Wlnnlpep, or Ihe Repion of H�Mon). As en ex�mpie, lhe new pollce di�tch canlro In H�flon hes been a proN wooees. The plmnlnp of tMi oentm requlrad w to examine the woAC bad �nd p�tlem of the sleti, �nd pm �n envlronment �hd wouW be condudve �or Ihelr �dlvlty. 11e weli u erponomb delalis, we qenned Ihe physlcai charqea to Ihe ��eo, auch a w�q p�ANloes. eledital md tebcommunkatlen dia�le md etoPf rest ond lodcer aeu. OLDHAM Eng/neers Inc. � Nex, Pkkerinp and Whltby Pro�ac! Scope � Ob�cl(ve; 2 R ueaf IbrP►o aela; F!ro CommunkaGona Reaource Centro 5 � • � The ultimate objective: � To JoNMhr m�n�p� md op�nu � Fin Conwnunkapon� Rnourc� C�Mn Ih�t wlll: � • En�ble knrtrodlats profsulonal nipon�s lo Ihs CeIU for AuU� from ths Publ(c in �A cantnded �ervla �rou • Fuly suppo�t the personnel snd divene openliona of Ihe ell Ihe Fire Departmenta • Provide adequale �leflinp requiromen� for �ervice delhrery • ANow for expenaion oi iervice lo munidpaliUe� wilhin the Repion of Durfiam • Provkfs a meana of keepinp pace wilh lechnolopical, orpenizaUonal and sodetal Uends and developmenb • Fund ihe acfivity wilhin Ihe concept of rodudnp cat� or providtnp betler value for doller tpent To 2�M11 t41s obl�cNvs w� c�n ch_a/Q/�i p�y/ect Info Ova comaonen • 1) Ths PhyNcal locatlon, plant and fadllUes of the diapalch cenlre butidinp; 2) Ths itaft, remunenlion, banefib and Human Resource espeds; 3) The Technolopy auppoA (e.p telephons, rad(o, computer end eaaociated equfpmenl), �nd how Il will relate lo other InlUative�, �uch aa'penonnel in lhe tire-wck'; 4) The ptocedurei, Uaininp �nd career �alh alUlbuler, 6) The budpet, or w�l • Hbtakalty, Ore deparlmenU have nm thek own diapalch centres, However, lhe economiea (lechnolople�, finance: �nd humen ro�ources) lo con:oBdale �ervicos of �svsnl dispalch centre� haa becoms a realily. Whtle Ihe amalpamatlon of re:ources OLDHAM Englnoen Inc. � Al�, A�CAsrinp end Whq6y ProJecl 3cope & Ot�edive: 3 Re�uesf Rx Proaosals: Flro Communkafiona Reaou�e Cen�ro 5 3 ho provm to b� b�nNidal In many tkuation�, fh� proau ibd! Id�ntlfN� m�ny thomy baw� Ihat n�ed !o b� addroued, luw� wch �� th� nlatlon�hlp� �monp fire d�P�nu, coit-�IIoe�Uon delsm�In�tion, tschnoiopkal roquiromente, openUonal optloni� �mpbYeN�mployee/uMon bwsr, lob securiry, and romuneration packapes mwt �II bs addrowed. � The�e luue� and maHen can be ro�olvsd by dilipenlly teckltnp each Nem 1n a foAhripht manner. lndeed, the contsxt of wch mallen hea been al the heart oI our wo�C in croeUnp mulG-uaer communlcaUon �y�tem�. The abfliy lo lead and brinp diveRe Intsroits tnto a hartnonioui �oluUon b� naces�ary part ot our ikilla. • 811 it not just a meane of dialinp a►elephone and havfnp Ihe cail anawered. How il is an�wered, and the meeni o1 e�AracUnp the requisite InfortneUon from the caller fs a mattsr that we have re0ned IhrouQh our fraininp proyrams. How Ihe call- lakaddiipatcher (employee) relalei lo their wo�ic and environmont la anolher Impartant upect So too, b Ihe lsehnolopy thal i: uied, and how fhe evoluUon of lechnolopy la plennsd and paid for. (: s��= � 9 �t � . -`,i ��J ' �G "��- k + . . . . . R � ��� 1 ❑L ,�a m _ � � ( - ..� K,!'� f ' . ••� � �J �s � � �i ��A i , S � . . �Y,jy�Jt t '��� - . .Y..�';c� is.a, _ . . . .. . � OLDHAM Enp/naers lnc. . . . . . : . . . .. 1 [ ' -''���� . f !! E C�PY .54 �M 3 TOREPOATk� 4/ TOWN OF AJAX REPORT VERNMBNT COMMITTEE T0: Chatr and hfembers af Commitfee FROM.• Rlchard Pariso�fo, ChlejAdminlstraltve O�cer DATE: March 16, 1998 SUBJECT: JOIIVTLY MANACED AND OPERATED COMMUNICATIONS RESOURCE CENTRE Anached you will find the Report of the Fire Chiefs 6nm Ajax, Pickering, Whitby, Scugog, Brock and Uxbridge nlative to the proposal for a jointly managed and operated Communications Resource Centre. I wish to highly commend Fire Chief Wilson and Deputy Fire Chief Browning for thcir commitrnent and perseverance in this process. Recommendatian: That the Joint RepoR dated 1998-03• I l submined by ihe Firc ChieCs of Ajax, Pickering, Whitby, Brock, Scugog and Uxbridge be accepted and the recommendations therein be approved, subject to corresponding approvai by the other named municipalities. � ' Richazd P 'sotto Chief inistrative Officer c. R. Wiison, Fire Chief R. Browning, Depury Fire Chief G. Kirkbride, DGector of Finance i . ;;: e,� :..!,.. , R�� '% � � • � � �� �� �;,� `:� ,�. ;�, � ��� � e � • ���; t � �. � ,ha 70 �1�1.� ) _, . o p� �O� ��E N o�1F'a;e�va'�� a � TOWN OF AjAX Y �Y �NM� IOdrjiry M DrWa 64 Huwood Avmut South A�ax, OntaAo, Cwda L1S 2H9 Telephone (905) 683�550 Apri17, 1998 Mr, John Brown Ciry Manager The Co�poration of the City of Oshawa 50 Centre Street South Oshawa, ON LIH 3Z7 Deaz John: AITACHMENTp W Tc+�tEPOATqjLNovN 55 Thank you for your letter of February 16, 1998 regarding the Joint Fire Dispatch Cenue Initiative. The meeting in Pickering on February l2,1998 of the interested players in Durham helped clarify the situation for all of us. At that meeting it was reported that Ajax, in eazly 1997, identif ed its need for new or improved fire communications and contacted Pickering for n joint partnership venhue as that municipaliry was in the same situation. We resolved to explore this potential partnership across all of Durham and we wrote to all CAOs in Utis regard. Only Whitby responded with an offer to discuss a jaint venture and we pursued these negotiations tivough our Eire Chiefs to the present datc. Certainly we can tcll you that we have kept our respective Councils fully informed on the directions we have taken and we bolieve that Whitby's Council is also fully infortned as well as the norlhem tier municipalities which have expressed interest in participating in this study. We are proceeding on the buis that Whitby's system with minor modifications will be able lo accommodate Pickering, Ajax and the nonhem tier municipalities. No "new" system is contemplated at this time. Therefore from Ajax and Pickering's point of view we will achieve cost savings and cost avoidances when we become partners with Whitby in its dispatch centre. � -,. x F`�,., ` . . . � ui _ �, <� 1 � ��`, ,� . � �y � r � ✓ '� + ., • �y� k ���*� Y - . - .. � 1. j tr :.� .. ��y� C4�+ fry . . . . . a,'�+�*_� 7�,.tr ' � S �Zy,, r y��� �r ; � � ��t* �'t .� '��� 1�`� F�I Y ���}��` t .. . . 56 ' 2' We rciterated our position at the meeting of February l2, 1998 tl�at wc wanted io Cortn a "partnorship" in u jointiy owned and ndministereJ Fire Dispatch. Whitby offered this appartunity. Yaur lotter of Februury 16, 1998 does not refercnce oc acknowledge this funJamental premise. it appears that Oshnwa is still offering lo sell n service rather than offer n partnership. This would inevitably Iwd to mnjor job losses for our employees, loss of ownership and loss of any control by Ajax end Pickering. These impacts would be unacceptable. [Jnder the ciccumstances, Ajax and Pickering will continue to pursue the establishment of a jointly owned and administered Fire/Emergency Dispatch with Whitby and with the nonhem tier municipalities to the extent they wish to participate. We believe there are numerous partnerships and business cues which can be identified in the municipal sector in Durham which wiil enhance services to our residents and produce cost savings. It is incumbent on us, as Municipal Administrators, to provide leadership and direction to our organizations and join together to explore these oppoRUnities, We wauld welcome the opportuniry to discuss these initiatives further with you and other Administrators. Sincerely, ( �!:��c�� �Rich Parisotto C. . Town of Ajax � , ` /— Tom Quinn General Manager Town of Pickering � . �:. w�: � � j � . . z;` r; 4'.. . . .. . . . . . . Ef�f , r t {± � � ��� �`ra.` a isr ��' z� a.. : . . . . �� . . � � .. .