HomeMy WebLinkAboutCL 21/00� 19 H G'C� �F p�C� ♦ W � Q REPORT TO COUNCIL FROM: Bruce Taylor, AMCT, CMM DATE: May 2, 2000 City Clerk REPORT NUMBER: CL 21-00 SUBJECT: Mimal Control After Hours Emergency Response Services RECOM��NDATION: Thet Clerk's Report CL 21-00 regarding Animal Control after hours emergency responsc services be received for information. ORIGIN: Motion of the PAW loint Mimal Control Committee passed on April 19, 2000 AUTHORITY: Section 210.3 of the Municipal Act FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: Not applicable EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The PAW loint Animal Control Committee has asked that the Councils of the three municipalities be made aware of the emergency services provided by the Mimal Control Centre after normal business hours. BACKGROUND: The PAW loint Animal Control Committee passed the following motion at its meeting of April 19, 2000: I. That Trasurcr's Report, Item 3-00, be received as information; 2. That a copy of Trcsuurcr'� Report, Item 3-00, be forwarded to the Counclls of Aja:, Plckering end W6itby for their Informrtion; and 3. That atafi moaitor Animal Coalrol aRer houn emergency response acrvica to ep�ure they contloue to be co�: eRective aad continue to mat or aceed �tandardi ia lde Grcater'i'oronto Arca. Attached he�eto is e wpy of PAW Treasuro�'s Report 3-00 which the PAW ]oim Mimal Control Committee considered in conjunction with this motion. „ � Report to Council CL 21-00 Daio� Msy 2, 2000 Subject: Animal Control ARer Houro Emergency Response Services peg� 2 19 9 Basically, the after hours emergency services provided by the Animal Control Centre is in accordance with the Animal Control Service Agreement entered into betwan Pickering, Ajax and Whitby and is similar to those services provided by other animal control agencies in the GTA. Inquiries have been made to the PAW Joint Animal Control Committee about the after hours emergency services it provides and the Committee wanted to make these services known to the Members of Council of all three municipalities. ATTAC[-Q�NTS: I. PAW Treasurer's Report 3-00 Prepazed By: � Bruce Taylar, AMCT, CMM City Clerk Attachments Recommended for the consideretion of Pickcring Ciry Council , •� r� ,r 0✓ as J. uin hief dministr ' O cer � , „ • � ATTACHMEN'f i� � fU REPORT # C4 � /� � 2�Q TREILSURER'S REPORTTO THE PICKERING, A]AX �(j�IITBY ]OINT ANIMAL CONTRAL COMMITTEE 111�u'I�IDI� ,�I� �S April 19, 2000 Mimal Control After Hours Emergency Response Services :zs�uu- �.��� •1• � :�, t 1. That Treasurer's Report, Item 3-00, be received as informadon; 2. That a copy of Treasurer's Report, Item 3-00, be forwarded to the Coundls of Ajax, Pickering and Wh(tby for their informadon; and, 3. That staff monitor Animal Control after hours emergency response services to ensure they contlnue to be cost effecdve and condnue to meet or exceed standards fn the Greater Toronto Area. The Pickering, A)ax, Whitby ]oint Mfmal Control Committee (P.A.W.) asked staff to report on after hours emergency response services provided by Mimal Control. n. !i�i� •u • :•�zu• .� t � •��� �� . � �- . The Mimal Control Service Agreement entered into between the City of Pickering and the Towns of Ajax and Whitby stipulates hours of operadon and stafflng of the Mimal Control Centre. The agreement provides that poundkeeping and animal control services are to be provided on a 24 hour, 7 day a week basis. In accordance with the agreement, the normal operetlng hours of the Mimal Control Centre are from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Saturday. During normal operadng hours the Centre provides a collecUon and investigadon funcdon. This involves responding to plls regarding, • anima�s endangering th� pubifc � injured animals • animats running at large, barking or howling excessively • animal waste • trapping of animals • pick-up and dfsposal of animal carcasses At all otfier tlmes outside of normal opereUng hours standby personnel are on pll to provide eme�gency response serv(ces. �l' ■�.b 11'L'1� �±�.�1: :\ �i'.. ARer hours emergency response services are provided in drcumstances Imrolving public safety or in�ured animals. NI other requests for services are processed the next working day. In 1999, the Mimal Control Centre answering service reoeived 4,355 after hours ralls. Of these, 334 qlls were for assistance in situaUons Involving public safety or injured animals. 131 of the catls wer�e han�led over the telephone. 203 plls necessi,'ated the dispabch of standby personnel to respond to the eme�gency situatlon. r . � •� ATTA�CFN4BJT #L7�p REPORT q« Z, -.� 2 01 Tr�n�rer's Reoork. Item 3-00 C�ndn�ed The provislon of aRer hours services is extremely wstly to the munidpalitles. Because of the IlmiUed number of animal control staff (I.e. one supervisor and seven animal controi offioers) after hours emergency response services must be provided on an overtlmp basis. The animal control offlcers are members of the Canadlan Union of Public Employees. In aocordance with the terms and condftlons of thelrcoltective agreemant, when the animai control officers are called out In an emergency, they receive a minimum of three hours pay at overUme rabes. In 1999, salaries, wages and beneflts aaounted for 83% of the animal control ooeratlng costs. The after hours emerger,..ry response services provided by tfie Pickering, Ajax, Whitby Mimal Control Centre are simllar to those provided by other animal wntrol agend� in the Greater Toroato Area. P.A.W.'s approach to after hours emergency response services has served tfie three munidpai(des very weli over the last 15 years. The prdctice of Iimitlng the soope of after hours emergency response to situaUons Involving public safety or injured animals is a reasonable balance between the public's need for emergency services and the munidpalides' ability to pay. Altematives: Any change in after hours emergency response services must be weighed in terms of both the need and cost of the service. Existing Policv: Refer to analysis. Flnandal Consideradons: Refer to analysis.