HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD 31/00� ",l Oa7� �,�yOFP/� � REPORT TO COUNCIL FROM: Neil Cu�roll DATE: June 15, 2000 Director, Planning and Development REPORT NUMBER: PD 31-00 SUBJECf: Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 9/00 A. and C. AI-Joundi and Claremont Union Cemetery Co. Ltd. Part of Lot 14, Concession 9 (Nociheast comer of Regional Road No. 5 and Sideline #14) City of Pickering RECOMMENDATION; i. That Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 9/00, submitted by Mr. A. Al-Joundi, to rezone lands owned by A, and C. AI-Joundi und Clnremont Union Ccmetcry Co. Limitcd, known ns Part of Lot 14, Concession 9, City of Pickcring, to allow a portion of lhc AI-Joundi lands to be conveyed to the cemctcry lands to the east to support a future cemctery expansion, whilc retaining a 3.7 hcctaze parccl oC land supporting an existing residence and agricultural Innds uses, bc APPROVED, subject to the conditions ouUincd in Appcndix I to Repart Number PD 31-00. ORIGIN: Zoning By-law Amendmcnt Application A 9/00 submittcd to the City of Pickering. AUTHORITY: Tlte Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, chapter P.13 FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: No direct costs to thc City ure anticipated az a result of the proposed developmcnt. EXECUTNE SUMMARY: The applicant proposes to convey a portion of his lands to the abutting cemetcry lands to the cust, and retain nn agricultural lot, approximately 3.7 hectares in size (whereas Zoning Ay-law 3037 requires agricultural lots to provide a minimum lot eren of 4,0 hectares). Thc proposed convcyed lands, together with the existing cemetery lands to the east, would be uppropriately zoncd thraugh this application to recognize the existing cemetery facility and nllow a futurc cxpansiun to the cemetery. ' REPORP NUMHER 31•00 Date: June 1G, 2000 Subject: Zoning By-law Amendment Applicntion A 9/00 Page 2 0� 5 The proposed zoning nmendment is appropriate as it will allow for the Culure expansion of the existing Claremont Union Cemetery in a manner which respects environmcntnl conditions, it wi11 not respectively impuct the subject lends ar adjacent properties nnd will providc a stronger levcl ofprotection to the lluftin Creek stream corridor. The retaincd AI-Joundi lunds will continue to support an existing residenca nnd agricultural uses,in kceping with the rural character of the area. BACKGROUND: 1.0 Information Meetine A Public Infortnation Meeting for this development proposal was held on April 20, 2000. Informntion Report No. 11-00, which summarizes the applicant's proposal and outlines the issues and comments identificd to that date through circulation of the application, was prepared Cor that meeting. The text of thc Infortnation Report is provided for reference (see Attachment #3). No written comments werc received from surrounding landowners at the time of writing the Infortnation Report. Onc written comment was received from the Durham District School Board, exprcssing no objection to this npplication. At thc Public Information Mcetin;, slaff outlined the npplication, nnd the applicant was prescnt to answcr any qucstions regarding thc proposal. No orul comment regarding this proposnl wcrc made by the public at this Mecting. 2.0 Addilionallnfortn�tion Following thc Public Infortnntion Mecting, ndditional written comments wcre recei��cd from the Regian of Durham Planning Dcparlment, the City's Development Control Supervisor, thc Toronto and Rcgion Conscrvation Authority and Vcridian Connections. The Region of Durham Planning Departmcnt noted ihe proposul's confortnanee with the Regional Official Plan, confirtned that the Rcgion of Dvrham Hcalth and Works Departments had no objection to this proposal, that the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority should be contacted to discuss implications of the application on the existing watercourse traversing the subject property, and that no provincial interests would be affected by this application (sec Attachment N4). 'fhe City's Development Cantrol Supervisor recommended that the lands to be conveyed to the cemetery should be fenced on the wcst, north and east boundaries, and that should regarding of the conveyed lands bc required in the future, proper erosion nnd sedimentation controls should be implemented (see Attachment #5). The Toronto a��d Region Conservation Authority noted that the stream cortidor of Dufiins Creek that traverses tha subject property is appropriately designatcd in nn "Open-Space System — Natural Area" d:signation, prohibiting new development nnd major redevelopment within the stream cortidor. It was ulso noted that appropriate zoning reflecting this designation would be appropriate to protect the strcnm corridor, and if appropriately zoned, the Authority would hava no objection to this proposal (see Attachment N6). Veridien Connections expressed no objcction to this proposul. 03.6 REPOR'F N[JMBER 31-00 Date: June 16, 2000 Subjecr Zoning By-law Amendment Applicstion A 9/00 Page 3 3.0 Other Infortnation 3.1 Associuted Land Sevcrance Application The applicant applied to the Durham Region Land Division Committee to convcy a portion of the AI-Joundi lands to the abutting cemetery lands to the east. A Property Location Map and the Applicont's Submitted Plan aze included as Altachments tll and #2 respectively, to this Report. City Stuff recommended that the associnted land sevcrance application, LD 261/99, be tabled to allow the application to be more appropriately assessed through thc zoning by-law amendment application process. The applicnnt concurred with the City's recommondation at the September 20, 1999 Land Division Mecting, and the appiication �vas subsequently tabled for one year by the Land Division Committee. 4.0 Discussion 4.1 Appropriateness of the Cemetcry Expansion The proposed conveyed lands would provide an approprinte expansiun arca for the existing cemetery. The Durham Region Of(icial Plan recognizcs cemeteries as necessary and essential community facilities. Thc Plnn further recognizes cxisting cemetcrics as pertnitted uses, and permits the cxpansion ofsuch cemcteries to the licensc issued under thc Cemetcries Act, provided that thcy confortn to thc arca municipal official plan and zoning by-law. The Pickering Oflicial Plan pertnits existing and approvcd ccmcteries in any land use designation to continuc to operatc and cxpand, subject to sitc-spccific zoning and pppropriate public hcalth considcrations. Cemcteries are ncccssary nnd essential community facilitics that should be accommodated in appropriatc locations in thc City. Thc proposcd convcycd lands are surplus lands that could support thc futurc ccmctcry cxpansion, whilc not ncgatively impacting on surtounding propertics or the subject propertics. The proposed cemetcry usc is considered to be compatible with character of thc sutrounding rural area. it is recommended that both the existing cemctery lands and the lands proposed to be conveyed for cemetery expansion be appropriately zoned to nllow for u cemetery und related uses (including an oflice, chapel and/or maintenance building) in addition to the uses currcntly pertnitted within the "A" — Rural Agricultural Zone applicablc to these lands. It is furiher recommended that largcr, related cemetery buildings, such as crematoriums, mausoleums, and columbariums not be pertnitted on these lands (sec Appcndix I). 4.2 Application of "(H)" — Holding Provision The proposed conveyed lands, intended to support the future expansion of the ccmetery, sue not intended to be utilized for intemment for several years. Appropriate environmental nnd public health considerations must be addressed before the lends are used for such purposes. This detniled revicw would most nppropriutely be underinken when n specific expansion concept is availuble. Consequently, it is recommended thnt un "(H)" — Holding Symbol be applied to the zoning of the proposed convcycd lands that must bc removcd prior to thc establishment of cemetery uses on the conveyed lands (see Appendix n. The removal of the "(H)" — Holding Symbol would be coriditionnl upon the o�mcr receiving site plan approval from the City for the proposcd cxpnnsion, nnd thc registmtion on title of an appropriate ugreement with thc City rcquiring, among othcr things: a) n sutisfactory hydrogcological rcport identifying information such ns depth of groundwatcr, soil composition, wnter quality and quantily, and recommcnded burial deptha end mcthods; ' REPOR'F NUMBER 31-00 Datc: June 16, Z000 Subject: Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 9/00 Page 4 0�� b) complinnce with nll provincioi guidelines applicnble to cemetery developmcnls, including the MOEE Guidelines on Reviewing Cemetery Sites; and, c) the implementntion of approved plans addressing such mattcrs as appropriate burial arcas, recommended perimeter fencing, grading and stormwater mnnagement, tree preservution and landscaping, and other site plun mattcrs. d) proteclion of the City's long-term interests respecting operating by-laws and financial urrangements mada by the owners of the cemctery to thc satisfaction of the City; The Cemeteries Act includes provisions related to the operation nnd administration ot cemeteries including rcquirements for operating by-laws, trust funds and carc and maintenunce funds. In addition, the Act specifies thut should a cemetery bc declared nbandoned, the municipality within which the cemetery is located becomes thc awner of the cemetery with the rights nnd obligntions of the previous owner. The required agreement between the owners of the cemetery and the City would conlain appropriate clauses satisfying the City that the required operating by-law and financial arrangements made by the owners of the cemctery adequately protects the long-term intcrests of thc Municipality. Applying the recommendcd "(H)" — Holding Symbol will ensurc that sitc plan npproval for both thc existing and expanded ccmetery is obtained, and that an appropriate agrcement bctwcen thc owncrs of the cemetery and lhc Ciry is cntcred inlo to ensure that appropriate cnvironmcntal nnd public hcalth considcrations related to the futurc cemetcry expansion occur, and that the long-Ierm intcrals oCthc City are pro►ected. 4.3 Additional Zoning Considcrations The proposcd land sevcrance would have thc effcct of reducing the area of the proposed retaincd lands owned by thc AI-Joundis bclow thc required minimum 4.0 hectarc lot area rcquircd in the zoning by-law. The resultant retained lands would provide n minimum lot area of approximately 3.7 hectares. 7'I�is rcduction in lot area is minor, and will continue to accommodate those agricultural uscs currently permilted in the npplicable agricultural zone designation. it is the understanding of Sta(i that the applicant wishes to raise a small number of livcstock on thc resultant retaincd lot. This activity is nppropriatc, and would be permitted under the currcnt ngriculturel zone designation. It is recommended that the implcmenting zoning by-law recognize the reduced minimum 3.7 hectaze lot area provided by the resultant retuined lands owned by the Al-Joundis, and continue to allow those uses and activities permitted within the "A" — Rural Agricultural Zone designation applicable to the subject lands, save and except any portion of those lands supporting the stream cortidor of Du�ns Creek. 4.4 Environmental Considerations The Pickering Official Plan identifies the subject lands as bcing locatcd within the Oak Ridges Moraine. Accordingly, Council shall ensure thul uny uctivities within or adjucent to the Moraine ere consistent with the principlas of the 0�k Ridges Moraine Implcmentation Guidelincs prepared by the Ministry of Natural Rcsourccs. Thc Implementation Guidelincs providc guidnnce on evnlunting spccific types of devclopmcnt applications proposed within the Moraina. Individual consent applications nnd minor changes to regulatory provisions of a zoning cntegory are gencrelly cxempt from tlic requirements of the Implcmcntation Guidclincs. The subject applicution would fi1 thcsc crilcria. Thc Guidelines do, howcvcr, suggest thnt when revicwing nny dcvclopmcnt within thc Moraine, thet significant natural fentures be protcctcd through the npplicable zoning by- law, The Rcgion of Durham has confirtned lhat no provincial inlcrests oppear to bc O� g' REPOR'F NUMBER 31-00 Date: June 16, 2000 Subject: Zoning By-lew Amendment Application A 9/00 pagc 5 affected by this application, other than exploring the implications of the application on the stream corridor of Duffins Creek traversing the subject lands with the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority. Comments received from T.R.C.A. confirm thc significancc of thc atreem corridor, and the desire to eppropriately protect it. The Pickcring Official Plan further identifies this stream corridor in a"5horeiine and Strcam Corridor" designation, requiring Council to prohibit any mnjor redevelopment on those lands. It is therefore recommended thnt the existing stream corridor traversing the subject lands bc appropriately zoned in an "OS-HL" — Open Space — Hazard Land zone category restricting any development within that zone. The extent of the stream corridor will be reviewed by the City, in consultation with TRCA, prior to the fonvazding nn implementing zoning by law for Council's consideration (see Appendix n. 5.0 Applicant's Comments This applicant is aware of, and concurs with, the recommendations outlined in this report. ATTACHMENTS: t. Property l.ocation Mnp 2. Applicunt's Submitted Plan 3. Infortnation Rcporl No. I I-00 4. Agcncy Comment — Region of Durham Planning Dcpartmcnt 5. Depanment Commcnt — City's Development Control Supervisor G. Agency Comment — Toronto and Rcgion Conscrvntion Authority Preparcd By: � � � Ron Taylq,r Planner 1 i Lynda aylor , Manager, Current Operations Division RST/ab Attachments Copy: ChiefAdministrative0�cer Recommcnded for the considemtion of Pickering Ciry Council ' �`� OD/ omns J. Qui , �cf Ad ' istrntive 0 �ar Approved / Endorsed by: : ��,o�/���' Neil Cazroll " Director, Planning and Development 039 APPENDIX 1 TO PLANNINC REPORT NO. 31-00 RECOMMENDED CONDITIONS OF APPROVAI, FOR ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT APPLICATION A 9-00 l.0 That prior to tha Convazding of the implementing zaning by-law lo Counci! for consideration, the applicant satisfy the City, in consullntion with thc Toronto and Region Conservation Authority, respecting the exact localion and extent of the strcam corridor of Duffins Creek traversing the subject lands. 2.0 That the implementing zoning by-luw: a) recognize the cxisting ccmctery lunds and proposed convcyed lands intended to support a future expansian to the cemetery in an appropriate zone catcgory that permits n cemetcry use and continues to pertnit those agricullural activities currently pertnitted in the upplicable zoning bylaw; b) pertnit, in conjunction with the ccmctery usc, related small-scale uses such as a chapcl, udministrative office and/or maintenance building to a maximum Iloor area, but prohibit the establishment of lurge•scnle uses such as mausoleums, crematoriums and columbariums; c) establish an "(H)" — Holding Symbol on thc proposed convcycd lands intended to support lhc futurc ccmctcry cxpansion that would be rcquired to bc removed prior to the establishmcnt of a cemetcry use on thosc lands. The litling of thc rccommcnded "(H;" — Holding Symbol would be conditional upon thc owner rcceiving site plan aF�rovul from the City for the proposcd expansion, and the registrntion on litic of an appropriatc agreemcnl with thc City, uddressing such mattcrs ns; i. the completion of a satisfactory hydrogeological report; ii. compliance with all provincial guidelines npplicable to cemetery devclopmcnts; iii. the implcmcntalion of, and adhcrcnce to, approved site plans; and, iv. protection of the City's long-term interests respecting operating by-laws and financial arrangemcnts made by the owners of Ihe cemetery to the satisfaction of the City; d) recognize the reduced minimum 3.7 hcctare lot area providcd by the resultant retained lands owned by the AI-Joundis, and continue to allow those uscs and nctivities pertnitted within the "A" — Rural Agricultural Zone designAtion applicable to those lands; e) identify the existing stream corridor of Duffins Crcek traversing thc subject lands in un appropriate "OS-HL" — Open Space — Hazard Land zone category restricting any development within that zone. . .r , _. . . ., � ,. , . . . .. . . . . . � . . . .. . . . .. .. - . ._ . � : . - � : . . ' • ..' .. � � � , . . , . . .. . � � , � . � : � � ' � � ' � • ' . . . . � . ' . ' � . . . . . •.. . . � I' I� I� IZ la � �� �� �o �� Iz I� IW �� �w I" z �� 0 �Q � IQ I� I I I I J � AnA�MENT/ a" TO REPORT / PD ���� Applicant's Submitted Plan INFORMATION COMPILED FROM APPLICANT'S SUBMITTED PLAN • A 9100 A. AND C. AL-JOUNDI AND CLAREMONT UNION CEMETARY C0. LTD. o � � ,,,, w EXISTING ��p w- DWELLING �,,,,, «� ^' � N 5 � � 5 N � � � , REGIONAL ROAD No.S (�ND /LLO�uQ MiKIM 00RffY1 � NO Il � 5 LANDS PROPOSED TO BE CONVEYEDTO CEMETERYLANDS 9 EXISTING CEMETERY LANDS � N, ��..A`w 041 � � � � TI1161MPVN3►ROOULEDBYIIIEGIYOFPICIlERM0I1ANNfqNA . . . . DEKLOPIIENT UEPMiMEM, PlA1MN0 NFORIMTION 6FIMLE! . � . . OMl101lWPVNOMO�Et10N6EC1ql4M�ftC1147o�0. �042 � ATTAdIMENT/ 3 TO r�voer� ro .'���� � OF Plp� �S p INFORMATION REPORT NO.11-00 FOR PUBLIC INFORMATION MEETINC OF Apri120, 2000 IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PUBLIC MEETING REQUIREMENTS OF THC PLANNING ACf, RS.0.1990, chapter P.13 SUBJECT: Zoning By-luw Amendment Application A 9/00 A. and C. Al-Joundi and Clarcmont Union Cemetery Co. Ltd. Part of Lot 14, Concession 9 (Northeast comer of Regional Road No. 5 and Sideline # 14) City of Pickering 1.0 PROPERTY LOCATION AND DESCRIPT(ON - the subject properties are loc¢ted on the northeast comer of Regional Road No. 5 und Sidclinc #14, cazt of the Humlct of Clarcmonh - a property location map is provided for refercnce (sce Attachment #1); - the property owned by A. and C. AI-Joundi is an irregular "L-shaped" pazcel of land, approximntcly 4.4 hcctares in size, that currently supports onc detached dwelling; - the property owned by the Clarcmont Union Ccmctery Co. Ltd. is npproximately l.9 hcctares in size, and supports an existing, Iegal non-confortning cemetery use; - agricullurat land uses surround thc subject propeAics on all sides. 2.0 APPLICANT'S PROPOSAL - the opplicant proposes to convey a portion of his lands to the abutting cemetery lands to the east, and retain an agricultural lot, npproximately 3.7 hectares in size, supporting both residential and agricultural uses; - a site plan is provided for reference (see Attachmcnt #2); - the lands to be conveyed to the abutting cemetery lands are intended to support a future expansion to the cemetery; - the applicant mquests a further amendment to the zoning by-law to recognize the existing cemetery operation, and zone the additionnl lands to be conveycd to nllow the intended cemetery expansion; - the Durham Region Land Division Committee has tabled nssociatcd land sevcrance application LD 261/99, at the request of the City of Pickering, to allow for a more detailed review of the applicant's proposal Avoush this zoning by-law amcndment application. 3.0 OFFICIAL PLAN AND ZONING 3.1 Durhem Reetonal Offlctal Plan - the subject lands fall within u"Permanent Agricultural Rescrve" designntion, subject to policies outlined in Secdon 14.3 of the Durham Region Oncial Plan; - a aeverance involving the minor adjusGnent of lot lines is pertnittcd, provided thut non-viable farm percels aze not crcated, ngricullural land is not fragmcntcd and agriculturel activitics are not adveracly affected; - exiating cemeteries aro recognized es permitted uses within thc Regionnl Plan; . . nnac►a�tur� 3 ro InfortnationReportNo.11-00 REPOf1TiPD_ ��-oo � 04� Page 2 - such cemeteries may bc permitted to expnnd to the liccnse iasued under ihc Cemeteries Act, provided that they confonn lo thc respective area municipal official plan and comply with the zoning by-lnw; 31 Pickerine Ofticial Plan - designates the subject lands "Agricultural Area", and identifics lands sunounding a portion of a tributary of East Du�ns Creek that traverses the subject properties as being lacated within an "Open Space System — Naturol Area"; - pertnissible uses within the "Agricultural Area" desigiation include primary agricultural uses, including growing crops, raising livestock, aquaculture, agro-forestry, maple syrup production, farm-related residential uses and complimentary and supportive agricultural uses; - Council shall zone lands designated "Agriculturnl Areas" to permit primary agricultural uses, and may also zone for certain complimentary and supportive agricultural uses (both as outlined in Table 12 of the Plan), and in doing so, upply appropriate performance standards, restrictions nnd provisions; - permissible uses within thc "Open Space System - Natural Arca" dcsignation include conservation, cnvironmental protection, restorntion, educution, p;�ssivc recreation and similar uses, agricultural uscs outsidc of environmentally sensitive areas, existing lawful residcntial dwellings, and a ncw residential dwclling on n vacant loh - Section 15.36(u) oC the Pickering Official Plan pertnits existing and approved cemcteries in any land use dcsignation to continue to operate and expand, subject to sitc-spccific zoning nnd uppropriatc public hcalth considerations; - the Plan rccognizes the subject properties as being located within the Oak Ridges Morainc; - accordingly, Council shall ensurc that any activitics within or adjacent to the Moraina arc consistent with thc principles of thc Oak Ridges Moraine Implemcntation Guidelines (prepared by the Ministry of Netural Resourccs) and require, whcre nppropriate, thc recommendations of an environmental report to be implemented; - the Plan further recognizes a"Shoreline and Stream Corridor" that traverses the subject properties; - uccordingly, Council shnll prohibit ncw devclopment and any major redevelopment on those Innds also designatcd "Open Space System - Natural Area"; - Durham Regional Road No. 5 is identified as a"Type - B Artcrial Road", dcsigned to c�ry modernte volumes of tratiic at moderate spceds, within a municipality, end has some access restrictions; - Sideline # 14 is identified as n"Local Road", generally providing nccess to individual properties, other local roads and collector roads, and cames locnl trafTc; 3.3 Zontne Bv-law 3037 the subject properiies ara currently zoned "A" — Rural Agricultuml Zone, by Zoning By-law 3037, as amended; an nmendment to this zoning is required to pertnit nn agricultural lot to continue to support agriculturnl uctivities with a reduced lot area, and to allow an existing legal non-conforming cemetery use to be expanded, 4.0 RESULTS OF CIRCULATION 4.1 Realdent Comments - no resident comments have becn received lo-dato; • 0�4 ' ' Infortnadon Rtport No, 11-00 4.2 Aeencv Comments AnAf�� � TO neao�ri Po_= Pagc 3 No Objecdons or Concerns: - The Durhem District School Board; 4.3 Statf Comments - in reviewing the application to-date, the following matters have bcen identified by staff for furiher review and consideration: • examining the need for an environmental report that addresses the identified "Shoreline and Strenm Comdor', that identifies any impacts associated with a future expansion of the existing cemetery, and that identifies, and protects, existing vegetntion on the subject properties; and determine the need to implement any resultant cecommendations; • the appropriateness of zoning the subject properties in a munner that would allow approprinte agricultural activities on the proposed retaincd lot, would create "cemetery" zoning standards over tho existing cemetery and proposed expansion azea, and would rcstrict development on environmentallysignificant portians of the subject properties; • reviewing the applicant's proposal through the principles of the Oak Ridges Mornine Implementation Guidelines (prepared by the Ministry of Nnwral Resources), and imposing nny appropriate resultant standards on the proposed development of thc subjcct properties; and, • examining the proposcd sevcrancc nnd detertnining its appropriatcness, including any anticipatcd impacts on thc subjcct propertics nnd on ubutting properties. 5.0 PROCF.DURAL INFORMATION - written comments regarding this proposal should be directed to the Planning and Devclopment Departmcnt; - ornl commcnls muy be made at the Public Infortnntion Meeting; - all comments reccived will be noted and used as input in a Recommendation Report prepazed by the Planning and Dcvclopmcnt Department for a subsequent mecting of Council or a Committee of Council; - if you wish to reserve thc option to appeal Council's decision, you must provide comments to the City before Council adopts any by-law for this proposal; - if you wish to be notified of Council's decision regarding this proposal, you must request such in writing to the City Clerk. 6.0 OTHER INFORMATION 6.1 - the applicant advises that the owners of the lands subject to this application are Aghleb and Candace Carter Al-Joundi and the Claremont Union Cemetery Co. Limited. ORTaINAL SIaNED BY Ron Taylor Planner 1 RST/ph ce: Director, Planning end Development Dcpwiment O�1Ai.itilVF.a BY Lynda D. Tnylor Manegcr, Curtent Opcmtions Division ,. ' . . ATTACHMENi/ � Tp • . , ' ' REPORT/.PO-�o,� -_ ' ' O4S . ,y,. _ .._. �_ . ' C�pl/i ; • w�� � , • �M Box 6�i 1815 Dundes St; E �th Fbor laq To»er � WNt6Y Or�b c.aneda 4tN e!� Tek (B05) 728.7731 '—'(sos)�s�setz A. L aorpidf� rar. Rr �• canrrYseloner d FheiW�q April 28, 2000 ' ' ' .� . Ron Taylar, Planner , , '�AY { . �� � � Cily of Pickering Pianning Depertment • � � • •c= ai�i���,�, , � ' Plcke�ing Clvlc Complex ' . �'��_!. :i''u,�"'�'r"cen ,-,., One The Esplanade • � � --- Pickeripg, ON L1V 6K7 � �. Dear Mr. Taylor. . , , Re: Zonfng By-law Amendment Appilcapon.A9/00 • � Cross Reterence: LD 261/99 Applicant: A..& C. AI-Joundi ' Locetion: Noitheast corner ot Regionai Road No. 5 and Sideline 14 .. Municipality:' C(ty of Pickednp ' � • In response to }rour request, we wish to provide the lollowing comments with respect lo Regional Offfctal Plan contortnity, delegated provincial. pian review responsibiAUes and the'proposed melhod of servicing.• The applicants are proposing by an epplicat(on to consent to land severance to retain an ag�icullural parcel with an ex(sling residence and to convey the severed porUon to the e�sllng cemetery to the eaSL . The subJect lands are designated as'Pertnanent Agriculture Reserve' subJect to the policies in Seclion 14.3 ot the Region o( Durham O(ficiel Plan. Further, lhe Durham Otllcial Plan designates Regional Road No. 5. as a Type 'B' Arterial Road, The Ofilcial Plan policies permit a severence (or a minor adJuslment of lot �ines of abutUng propeAfes provided thet non•viable farm perceis are not created, ihat egricultural land is not Iragmented and agricullural ectivitfes are not adversely attected. Existing cometeries aro recognized as permitted uses in the Reg(on of Durhem 011icial Plan. Such cemeteries ore perm(tted to expand to the Iicence (ssued under the Cemeteries Act provided that lhey conform to lhe area munfcipal official plan and comply wilh the zoning bylaw. • , The Region ot Durham He�llh Depariment advises that ihey have no obJectlon to Ihe rezoning of the subject property. . . ' The Region ol Dufiam Works DepaAmant advises lhel mun(clpal serv(ces are not available to servfce lhe subject lands and ihat the Region ot Durhem Works Department has no plans lo extend services lo this area of lhe Ciry ol Pickering. They assume ihat lhis application will nat require any additional access lo flegional Road No. 5, as adequate access points are existlng tor.lhe subJect lands. Regionel Works Deperlment requlrements, if any, w(II be imposed at the time of epproval ol ihe land div(sion epplication which will be for the purpose of conveying addiUonel , lands to the Claremont Union Cemetery Co. Ltd. '. • The subject lands are traversed by a tributary of lhe DuBins Creek. We suggest that the Toronto and Region Conservatlon Authodry be contacted to dfscuss any implicatlons ot the watercourse. No other provinclal Interests appear to be elfected py th(s application. . ..2 `�TJ . . �oo�rw�cwonw•. � . . . . . 04� ; . . .nrrnc��rr `�. � ro � � , .. . . . . ... . , . ' . REPORT tl PD —J�O , , : • . . .�Z� . ; . . ' , � •,: It you have any questlons or requlre further Informetion,�please contact me. � , . . Yours tnily, . . �. . . , , . . • �'/,'""`'"� ` . . . . • ' • . . Chede Mills , � , . , • ' Current OpereUons Brench • , , . �.� . .cc • K. Kiproff, Region of Durhem Health Department . • V. Goad, Regioqot Durham Wqrks Department ' . , . . . .• NMIMVCM�ZONIN6WICI(ERINOl400 . . . . . . . � ... . � . . ATTACFII�fi/ 'S TO r�rroAri ro � � - o0 Moy 2, 2000 INTERDEPARTMENTAL CORRESPONDENCE , PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT T0: Ron Taylor FROM: Robert Stazr Plenner DevelopmentControt Supervisor RE: Zoning By-Luw Amendment Application A 9/00 - A. and C. AI-Jaundi and Cinremont Union Cemetery Co. Ltd. Part of L.ot 14, Concession 9 (Northeast comcr of Regional Road No. 5 and Sidelinc #l4) City of Pickcring We hnvc rcviewed the ubovc noted npplicatian and providc the following commcnts Fcncc-Grnding-Acccss 1) Thc West, North, and East Boundary of lhc convcycd IanJs should be fcnced. _ • 2) Should regrading of thc conveycd portion bc rcquircd proper crosion . and sedimcntalion controls should bc impicmcntcd. Robert Slarr Development Control Supervisor RS/pnr �It/Illtftn].dOC � � � � '��. j r . . n47 � p/ p 1'4'�4P . ' ATTACH�SE�Jip�TO� ' . " �` : REPORi p P��" �THE TORONTO AND RE410N CONSERVATION AUTHORI7Y R EC E 0 V E D °s+w�.wnu�v.�oow,ndrMOmrw�an�s� ��iqaei�eaoo Fuceeiaeue trov�Mww.o-o`°"."CITYOF PICKEHINO May 1, z000 ���a�� MAY 0 8 2000 Mr. 8 ylor, AM.C.T. Clerk , , City of Pickedng CLERK'S DIVISION One the Esplanede Ptckedng, oN uvs� RECEIVED Dear Mr. Taylor. MAY 1 01000 Re: Zoning Bylow Amendment Appllcation A 9/00 CITY oF PICKERINO A. and C. A1 Joundi end Cleremont Union Cemetery Co. Ltd, o�nv°tAN�.xrNMO� �M Part of Lot i4, Conceaslon 9 (Northweat comer ol Reglonal Road No. 5 and Sldeline #14) C� ot Pickering This will acknowledge receipt ot the above application. Aulhority stafl have revtewed the appt(catlan nnd otter the lollowing comments: The subJect propeAles are traversed by e stream corridor of ihe Dumns Creek whtch is subject to the Author(tys FlII ConswcUon and AlteraUon to Waterways Regulation, Onterlo Regulation 158. In axordance with Ontario RegulaUon 158 a permit Is required irom the Aulhority prior to the foliowing works taking place: • stratghten, change, divert or interfere fn any way with lhe existfng channel of a river, creek, sUeem or watercourse. Enclosed please Ond a part print oi the Aulhority's Proposed FlII Une Extension mepping (Duffins Creek Sheet 120), on which we have highlighted in yeilow the aubJect properties, end tn green the epproxtmate boundery of the stream corrWor. It is our understand(ng that the purpose of the by-lew (s to mnintafn an AgricuPural zoning designation on the AI-Joundl lends in order to support lhe current egricuitural activities with a reduced lot area; and to allow the adjacent exisdng legal non-conform(ng cemetery use to be expanded. It Is also our undnrstanding that tho Plckerinp OHlcial Plan identffies the lands surroundina a portion of the tributary of East Duft(ns Creek that treverses the subject properties es being located withfn en 'Open Space System • Netural Area' and thet this destgnaGon prohibits new development and maJor redevelopment on these lands. Since ihe Mbutary of ihe DuKins Creek has been suilably recognized in the zoning by-law we would have no obJecAon to the proposed appiication. We Wst this is saGsfactory; however, shoutd you have any questions, please do not heskate [o contact the underslgned. Yours Uuly, el Wh e Plans Malyst Development Servlces Extension 5306 MH/fa • ' � ATTACHl,!«�, �--T�—,'.T.,o � 4 9 REPORT r PD_�1� �— � , . „� ,• , � .��''� � 'U �-�� '� � \ , �, �r Part Print FlII IJne Extenaion Mapping � / ` • � t, � � r 'J a'..' .. �; ����th5 Sheetno.�_ � i �/i,'0..' ..i: , . � . � ; ,✓ . a' �.;1' l �.1� „� , d �' � � ( Appllcation No. r(( � y . l: �0 00� � /�'� ri..r �"� =- : ' Sle eod• � / I ��/�-�.(r\ ;/ /t ( -� ' -r -- Sub)ect Property �`• �� ' � � +� �I � 1 / ,��'� ". 'V I -. / �•-' . ;`•• r .`•�\''0p ��� ��� � .s-:� •-� ', . -- ' Dra - Proposed FlII Regulatlon �� I •\ ��}',�,,: / ' _�- - , Date _ Int. .. . '\ i ;� !' i ' - . , ' � iqo ^ �,\.. r' � �,,�1 Jl i `� � � � .r - • . 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