HomeMy WebLinkAboutCR 04/00``,�y OF P/�� �``� c 175 ���� REPORT TO COUNCIL FROM: Stephen Reynolds DATE: May 2, 2000 Division Head, Culture & Recreation REPORT NUMBER: CR 04•00 SUBJECT: Pickering Recrcation Complex Central Corc and Civic Complex Refreshmcnt Bar RECOMMENDATION: That Report CR 04-00 be receivcd by Council and that: 1. Thc proposal in rcply to RFP-2-00, submittcd by Dcli Gccz for thc operation of thc reCreshment bar IocateJ on the second tloor within the central core of the Pickering Recrcation Complez bc acccpted. 2. Staff bc uuthoriud to ncgatiatc an arrangcmen� tvith Dcli Gecz lo operate u rcfreshmcnt conccssion within thc lunchroom locatcd al thc Pickcring Civic Complcx. 3. A bylaw bc enacteJ to aulhorize thc cxccution of a Liccnse Agrcemcnt pursuant to which Dcli Gecz will bc pcmiitted to operate a rcGeshmcnt bar at thc Pickcring Rccreation Complcx and a rcGcshment conccssion at thc Pickcring Civic Complcx for a threc ycar tcrm. ORIGIN: RFP-2-00 AUTHORITY: Municipal Act, R.S.O., 1990 c. M45 FINANCIAL IMPL(CATIONS: Rcvenucs Pickcring Rccrcation Complcx - only 2000 — 5 months Q 5200 / month (minimum) = 51,000 2001— 12 months @�200 / month (minimum) = 52,400 2002 — 12 months @$200 / month (minimum) = 52,400 2003 — 7 months @ 5200 / month (minimum) _$1,400 $7,200 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Not Applicnble BACKGROUND; A Rcqucst for Proposal (RFP-2-00) wns issucd by Supply nnd Scrviccs in Murch 2000 for thc rcfreshment bar at Ihc Pickcring Recreation Complcx Core Arcn and u rcfrcshmcnt conccssion locatcd in thc Pickcring Civic Complcx Lunchroom. Supply and Scrvices nlso advcniscd in thc News AJvcrtiser on lhc City Community Pagc. Submissions wcrc rcccivcd from Dcli Gcez, Bell-Mohr Enterprises, nnd Anitu Marshall "Thc Garden of Eden" Cnf�. e '1 � 6 Report to Counci) CR 04-00 Dntc: May 2, 2000 Subjcct: Pickering Rccreation Complex Central Corc Concession Pagc 2 An evaluAtion tenm consisting of Stephen Reynolds, Division Hcad, Culture & Rccreation, Vera Felgemacher-Jeffrey, Mnnugcr Supply & Serviccs, Len Huntcr, Supervisor, Facilities Operations, Liz Bowes, Supervisor, Complex Progrums, and Bram Wittenbcrg, Complex Program Coordinator reviewed proposuls in d:tail. The cvnluation team mct on April 13 and evaluated aIl the proposals in compliance with the RFP rcquiremcnts, scope of services, financial compensation, working relationships and professionul comoctence. After carcful examination of the proposals received, staff recommend the proposal submitted by Deli Gecz to be thc best overall service. The proposal submitted by Deli Geez involves the operation of the rcfreshment bar localcd on thc second floor of tha Pickcring Recrea►ion Complex wilhin the central core area only. Mcnu items will include deli type sandwiches and healthy snack type foods to cncouroge a healthy lifcstyle. The proposal submitted by Deli Gecz also involvcs tlie operation of a reGcshment concession (Bell Tower Cafe) for City of Pickcring and Central Library staff and visitors. At the present time, thc Corporation coffee fund is bcing reviewcd. By climinating thc Corporations coffee fund at various City facilitics and allowing Dcli Gecz to operalc within thc lunchroom locatcd at thc Civic Complex, substuntial savings could be rcalizcd, ulong with rccciving a minimum monthly amount from Dcli Gccz. At this timc it is rccommcnded that Council authorizc staff lo negotiatc an arrangemcnt with Dcli Gcez to operate a refreshment conccssion within the lunchroom locatcd on at thc Civic Complcx (sccond (loor) for City of Pickering stafl'and visitors. Ennctmcnt of thc draR bylaw uttachcd will authorize thc cxccWion of n liccnsc ugreement to be prepared in a form acccpmble to the City Soliciror in consullation wiU� thc appropriate City Dcpartmcnts und in conjunction with thc tcmis of rcferencc set out in RFP-2-UO nnd existing Ciry practices. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Supply & Scrviccs memorandum datcd March 30, 2000. 2. DraR Bylaw Prepared By: � Approvcd / Endorsec By: � � Stephen s / c et n sma Division Hcad, Culture & Recreation Director, Operations & Emcrgency Scrviccs SR;kk Attachments Copy: ChiefAdministrativeOfticer Director, Corporatc Serviccs & Treasurer City Solicitor Mannger Supply & Scrvices Recommended for the considerntion of Pickering City Council . �� ,. - , �.�,�d o "us J. Quin , Chief Administrntive OF(iccr . . . ATiAQ4M8�T#—LTORErPOItTTa �R Oy-o0 INTER DEPARTIv�NTAL MEMORANDUM 1,�,7 Supply & Services To: Steven Reynolds, Division Head, Cultura & Recreation Datc: 30 March 2000 Subject Request for Proposal, Refreshment Baz/Concession No. RFP-2/2000 Proposals have been received for the abovc project, Four individuals were invited to participate of which three have submitted proposals. An advenisement was placed in the Community Page on l5 Mazch 2000. Originai submissions are attached for your review - please return. Typically, information required has to be sought out within the contents of tha proposal - it's not a clear-cut as a tendering document with a fixed fortnat. For this reason, the evaluation team should review the submissions carefully for the information required . Following is a brief summary, preliminary review. (There were no addenda issued) Plckering Recreotfon Complex- Refreshmen} Bar Plckering Clvlc Complex - Concesslon/Lunch Room You have conveyed time is of the essence and you require the proposals right away, so we have done our best to comply with your request by providing the proposals as soon as possible this aftemoon. Ifyo require further information, please feel fi�c�c to contact me, � . Vera A. Felgemacher Jeffrey Manager of Supply & Serviccs 1lquoWhfp1/00/pgl8 l8 :,_ . : � . , . ATTACHMENTM.o�Z,TOREPORTM���%Od � i%a THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERINd BY-LAW N0. Being a by-law �o aufhorize !he executlon of a Llcence Agreemen! wilh Del! Ceez (Belf Tower CaJ�) jor lhe /ease oJspace at�he Plckering Civic Comp/ex ondfHe Plckering Recreallon Compfex jor Ihe operalion of a Refreshmen! Bar. WFIEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of the MunlclpaJ Act, R.S.O. 1990, chaptcr M.45, thc Council of the Corpomtion of the City of Pickering mny cnact u by-luw 1br lcasing premiscs owncd by the Corpomdon. NOW THEREFORE, lhe Council of the Corpotution of ihc City of Pickering HEREDY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1, The Mayor and Clerk arc hcreby nuthoriud to executc u Liccnce Agrccmcnt, in n fortn ncccpWblc to thc Ciry Solicitor bctween The Corpomtion of the City of Pickering and Dcli Gcez for thc purposcs of operating n Rcfresluncnt Dar ut il�e Pickcring Civic Complex and the Pickcring Rccrcntion Complex. E3Y-LAW rcnd a 6rst, sccond and third time and finaliy passcd Uiis 15th dny of Mny, 2000. �.000� Wnync Arthurs, Mayor Bruce Taylor, Clcrk