HomeMy WebLinkAboutIDT 2/97; � p� . � REPOAT 70 COUNCIL FROM: IntadepmnwtalDevelopmentTeun DATE: Apri178,i997 IDT REPORT NO. L97 SUBJECT: Propo�cd New Muo(dpl Aa RECOMMENDATIONi Tlut Cowcil mdorte IDT Report No. ?/97 u iu prcliminuy commenb on thc ptopoxA ucw Municipl Act, ud forwvd �he teport to tlie Nonomable A1 Lach, Minlrter of Municfpl ARain ud Nousing, uid to �he Assaioiion uf Municiplitln of Oourlo. ORICIN: Lcner fmm Minister l.uch piovitinQ infomution on � proposed new �funici�wl Act. u�d requertin� wmmcnb uid mQyotion� by I�1�y 9.1997. AUTIIl1RI1Y: The Muntclpd Ad FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: None u ihb tirtx, d1lquQh cMiln propofed clun{a W Ihe Municipal Ac1 could Ind lo impoved �dminirtrttive e�cirncia uid municip�l co�t uvings OACKGROUNO: 7Te prcxnt Munieipal Aq Jria b¢k b IN9. In many rcipau it i� badly outdatc4. overly deuiled. ud unnecessuily tptrictive in Ihe powm it Qivn W mwicip�lille�. As curtendy wriuen. the Act tntiicb eRon� by munldpiliUa lo Improvt Ihe w�y Uiey wnduct bwinev, and fnutnta mwicipel effor� In findina more dfordable ud eRative w�y� of delivcring servia io rc�idenu ud business pa�ple. Undtt �he eurrent Ac�, mwlcip�l councib aa only anderL4e alWltla i6�1 6�ve been e�pra�ty �ul6orixed by Ihr AN. T1Jf itipuWion hu lim(Itd the ibiliry � municipaliiy haa �a rc�pond W emerging laal Is�uea, ud over lime, du �au�ud In the puuge ot numcmus unendmenu io Ne Act The end taull 4� Munic(pd Aet tlut haf betome vcry :ompleM, cumbenome, inelliclrnl �od conhuln�. TM Pmvince ii inlerericd In m�kina clunpa m Ihe Municip�l Act u pu1 o(lu on•going elfnns W redefine lu rcbUoniAlp wilh munlafp�l0a. Thit eRon surud with The S�vinp� uid Rauvcturing Act,19'�6, ud tk Betur l.oul Qovemmrnt Ac1,1996. Most of the provisiom of thett �wo Aeu ue expccted b ba (ntorponkd iolo the new Munlelpl Ac6 A new Munidpd Acl b looted upon u tla "comerrtom" of Ihe RdeOned pov(ncid/municipel rcluiofuhip. FwthacFunaabldGrcWlmulJpuebetnapropowdilwuphvuiowoiherpiaes o! Ieyi�lation tlu� ue kina wnfl�red by the pmvin�e, moqly u� result of �he rccenUy compieted "Who Doa WIW" tevkw (IeQWaOoo b beina popo�ed In uw of cduu�ion fiiwieina, wcW ud maunudty 6ealth ravlop, P�a �� PbP�Y hz uiaunea�, loul truuport+da4 emeimey Ktvloei, �tet �od Mwet wvlod, �md IlGuld). SWf will cominue a monlar relavuu kpLltllw eLa�eti �aE ropat b Couocll u aeoeuuy. ���I. ... .. � � "�'�+w%��,h��^�:. � ' � �:1 N � � IDT Report Na 1/➢7 . Y�g� 2 Tla Provinte Intm� W htv0 a muy Munklpl Ad In phw by Jwutry� 199L The Miniiw of Muoltlpl Mdn �od Hautlos Ou rclduod � oontulwlon daaunait on t4e propoKd new Ac�, ted hu �equuted pommmq 6S �IY 9�1997. 11 b tetomnunded dui Counefl mdone �hi� Repat u iEe Tmm't pceUminrry oommmu ao t6e propoud oew Ao1. �ad forwud ihe Repon v� �Le M(drter of Mwicipl ABi(o �od Flowina �nd e t6e ���on of Munictpdi�ia af Onurlo. 77IFPROPOSFD W6^rt`^^'•• �rr A deWled ticnmuy of tLe Provlrce'� comu��tloo documrnt on the proposed new Municipal Act U prorfded Ip Appendfa I W Ih4 Repotl, &low b� brief outlirc of some of �he main clunga beina proppfcd, T� MWoPo� �+�' Act wouW ylve mimldpJii(q moie wt6ority tn eury on �heir bwinea wiihin defuud uw of rapontibility, Muolcipdidp would k Qivrn "u�tunl penou powen", muning tIW tlKy w�puld ye �yle b do �nyth(n4 � penon an do without ihe need far fpecific legiil�tion. ircludinQ: • mwina Wo �amrnu • o�+w ProP�m' • �i�WY�T�mploym • deleytin��dm(nistruiverc�pomibili�y • prm'�di�i �od chu�iny for yood� ud urviu� Theu powm would be Ilmlted In munlcipJ fwnee, ud In eendn oNcr ueu where ihe Piovfnce (d!n�ifin � nxd b pobct Iu Inraat, or �he interesl of other municipalities ar �he publia. The new Ac� would dsa �ulan muolelptida � nwaber of'�oreromeol powen", incluJing �he �biliry w rcyul�u, Ilun�e, pw rri p�(oru byh�y, ud �(x mon�, �uQh uae�ion. Municipaliiia wnuld be �6k b uu Ikx powen I�• � numbet of Morl •ueu of �u�horlty" iba� Nnuld be defined by �he IeQisWloa RulKr ihut listing exh fpecifit rctporoibili�y, the new Ac� would Qroup rclntcd uw of eorcan iafda yencnl Aadinyi ((n u� eRort w m�ke �he Aci more Oezibie, ud elimi�uk Ihe peed (p� �mrndmrnN b Ihe Acl erh lime � new Ioul issue amergee�. The P�oPused "uw of wihoriry" ue: 1. 11�e hal�4 wfcry, ptotaUon ud well-bcin� of people uid the PfDWCIlOq O�PfO� :. wbu� weup l. w.ste id,a�annu /. Publie diyhw�yt, includinp pukinp and tnitie on highw�ys S. Trmqio�tnlm ryttao� od�a dun publie hiyhw�y� 6. The n�nm! mv(roameot 7. Culnue. raratlon ud hait�e D. feonortiledeve�opunt 9. Nuivaa�, oolu, odour� vibnUai ud dwt 10. Dn(n+�e �od Ilood wntrol, aupt rtorm uwen I I. Suucwa, Includlop faiw ud dpu I l. Pukln�, exupt on pibUc IJQhway� I l. Anlm�lti ud 6tan�n attviUa in rcl�Uon w Nem, The coroultulon donmuW tny�e#� �o rpp�y b wpfy(n� �he uw of wtlari�la in two-iier n'� � ��� pi�(nQ�uh�m• Ybe popored rppto�eh ronM Ilmll Ihe �nt6orih �x�IL61e to � IeweFWr rveklp�h le La;; �r.� et retna�l6li�y ■� r„ L}(CLU9iYCLY le �■ veoe M��elele�� I YIN, � .. . . > �: . . . , , ,,I:�; +`�},ybt _i, .. - — L•: �, .�; '1 .��'%�.iYiY61?LS.� , . ��.�i� �. IDT Repoh Na� 7197 �'� ��'r�i'y`.�' (�`�i� • � �,'�!';�K�_.:- P�Qe7 'til �. , _ , _•.','-'i:=_.., O�r chu�a Ih�t ut bdn� cmtldced itl lhe xw Mtmlc(pl Atl loclude Ihc followinQ: ' {.. '.. � � ����b� � r,apomibilltla ol� munlcipd Pr �dmldar�tlon • knlnY mimlciPd(�du docide 6ow to �ive pubik notlu ud wroult oniEdrby.hwr , , •"�oi � Po�� fa On�ocW reponinII, utu foa, wmmmit �Pro��4 rpecf+l csa �wt1o4 �od tu collaUon Y ' �I( io�wf� -1a Mo�dv munleipJ ryrte� in+k� �u ry� �i ��bWry for urvia� benvan lower PP�+ � d�cwica muotdpllttn W eLoo�e t6e6 own name •°���^�i ��+ac ftoe Wouw�, for mwlcipel wuoelllon, uhool tnutea ud wlliry committioaua � „„ �.i� I. StaR b �upportive o( ihe inteot aod directtoo y�N4 yl�en wi�h ihe propoud ncw Municip�l Ae� propa�y wi(pta � �p�� ��, ��� �uld lud to � morc Oezible and w�tefftttive �pprwey �p �qpppy�Q b I� ���liverinp loul urvices. k'c suppon al� �noti U dmpli(ylnQ �ad yUCU��(ni�Q �� p�i � providing for more lonl auwnomy ud �uthoriry In mualtipal dcci�ioq-mak(na. 2. Ilowevtt, yivrn ihe wmplesiy ud yrcdth of ihe pmpoud clunQa uid becausc of ihe lock 0(lPttl(jC III(ORII�UOq 00 MW (�fL�n Uty� p(�µ• A�� µjll ICIWIIY N'OIII, �he Province is �uonyly encowQed b wat(nm b diuuu �he new ��� wi� �Nercsud munici�ulities and �hc As�oci�llon of Mun(cfpdidp of Oplu(o, w(�h Ihe view mw�rJ pro�IdinQ Ne opponunity for �ddiUoiu! inpw ud wmmpi� Fa L�tt��� �M�nQ � on•Qoiny iuu: �he Toun hu with the t+le af `oodi (rom roay�� y�n, dihouyh ihe propoud Act would girc mwicip�litia ihe ppwp W tt��, U� � rn(orce byhw� on public highw�y�, ii is nol cicu whalw thL poWq �y� �q� b dlow for iht wnfivation of goods mIJ illeQ�ly. . In ddiiioq sWYha� a taiout waqp wj�y ��y � Prov(rce intend� W u�ign ewhorip. for "ueu of rcsponilbiliry" Ip Mytla mwicfplitla. It b cumntlY propoxd �o mainwin � R�P«���� powm of bww• u�d upper.tltt munteipilitla u curtenUy ttl out in exis�ing ��B��I+tion. Th4 couW pu� pklurla� �t � compe111Nr db�dv�au{e la eomp�ri�on lo o�her CTA moeldpdiNn lo oWtr Rqlou. [icuuu the �xi�UnQ Reyio�ul qcu do no� all wipn upper• ud lawa•Ua wUndty equ�11Y (ia Appendix 11, IowrnQer mwicipaliiiee in Durhem ReQion would luve �p� wthprin, �++� a�1�C� bwtt4�n 6TA munieipatiiies. For instance, �de Towe �ed olher bwertkr Durh�m muoldpollln, would nol h�ve any �mdodry �o D�u bplax� i� the �rca of aonamic denlopmeo�, u Ihi� rcsponsiFiliiy wnuld h wigned u��wiva�y b purFw� Regton. No o�hn lower•lier GTA municipaliiics would be rcstricted in ihif w�y, 7}K Province miut crcau � level phying field in ihe GTA. ShRwill continue b moniior progres� on � new MwiciP� Act u�d rcpoh back �o Cauncil a tKCas+vy. _� � P�""y WY4 Bruce T�yior TownSolici r TawnClerk At'� � ��h Tom Melym . � DeputyDiroclw PluuJny . . �.��.�„��.YNk'4PN✓M}i;�. : t�� �� ,.:��,:. .