HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD 26/00'z: �,rO�p�� � . � p ' � REPORT TO COUNCIL FROM: Neil Cartoll DATE: June 1, 2000 Director, Planning and Development REPORT NUMBER: PD 26-00 SUBJEC'T: Liverpool Road South Area Detailed Review: Part 1— Phase 2 Report Livecpool Road Waterfront Node Development Guidelines City of Pickering RECOMMENDATION: That Council receive as background information the "Liverpool Road South Area Detailed Review — Part 1 Phase 1 Report", prepured by the Planning and Development Department, and the consulting firtns of Totten Sims Hubicki Associates, Mazkson Borooah Hodgson Architects and TCI Manngement Consultants Limited, dated May 12, 2000 (the document was previously distributed under separate covcr); 2. That Council receive us background infarmAtion the "Livcrpool Road South Area Detailed Revicw — Part I Phue 2 Repon", attached ns Appendix I to Report Number PD 26-00, prepared by the Planning and Devclopment Depariment, and the consulting firtns of Tottcn Sims Hubicki Associatcs, Markson Borooah Hodgson Architects and TC[ Managcmrnt Consultants Limited, datcd June 8, 2000; 3. That Council adopt thc "Liverpool Road Waterfront Node Development Guidelines" attached as Appendix [I to Pianning Report Number PD 26-00, az the City's strategy for detailed land use, urban design, and major strcet layout within the Liverpool Road South Area; 4, That Council endorse thc "Liverpool Road Waterfront Node Revised implementation Strateg�', atlached as Apprndix III to Report Number PD 26-00, direct City staff to include lhe Implementation Strategy as an appendix to the Liverpool Road Waterfront Node Development Guidelines, and direct City staff to review implementation metters annually and Corward appropriate projects for Council's consideratian during budget deliberations; 5. That Council ndopt "Informational Revision No. 8 to the Pickering Official Plan" attached as Appendix N to Report Number PD 26-00; 6. That Council direct staff to hold a Statutory Public Infortnation Meeting on August 10, 2000, to discuss potential amendments to the Pickering Official Plan requircd to implement the recommendations of the "Livapool Road South Area Detailed Review: Pazt 1— Phase 2 Re}wR", as generally set out in Apprndix V to Report Number PD 26-00; 7. That Council direct ataff to commence with the "Liverpool Road South Arca Detailed Review — Part 2", as per ihe Council-edopted Tertns of Reference for the Liverpool Roa� South Area Detailed Review; and 8. That Council direct lhc City Clerk to fonvard a wpy of Rcport Number PD 26-00 to thc City's Waterfront Coordinating Committee, the Toronlo and Region Conservation Authoriry, and the Region of Durham. � REPORT NUMBER PD 26-00 Livapool Road Soulh Area Detailed Rcvicw: Part 1— Phase 2 Repod ORIQiN: June S, 2000 3 Page 2 Council Resolutions #222/99 and #223/99, pessed on December 6, 1999, which directed staff to wmmence with the Detailed Review of the Live�pool Road South Area, endorsed a lrnns of reference for the Detailed Review, and established funding in the 2000 budget to undertake the work. AUTHORITY: The Planning Act, R.S.O. t990, chapter P.13 FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: As required by the approved Tertns of Reference, staff ure seeking direction from Council to proceed with Part 2 of the Live�pool Road South Area Detailed Review. Appropriate funding (the Tertns of Reference identified a cost $20,000 for Purt 2), exists within the Planning and Development Department's 2000 budget far this work (Account #3611-2391). Additionally, the "Revised Implementation Strategy�', (Appcndix III to Report Number PD 26-00), identifies vurious undertakings that will have future direct and indirect (staff time) cost implicntions for the City. Specific implementation projects and their associated financial implications will be presented to Council for considerotion in future budgets. EXECUTNE SUMMARY: The City of Pickering initiatcd a Detailed Rcview of the Liverpool Road South Area in December 1999, in order to establish comprehensive land use, urban design, tmnsportation, and environmental management parameters for the area. Such a study is necessary to provide a contcxt for the rovicw �°development applications submitted to thc City in July 1999. The Liverpool Road South Arca Detailed Review: Part 1— Phase 2 Report, attached as Appendix I to Report Number PD 26-00, represents the completion of Part i of the Detailed Review. Accordingly, sta(irecommrnd that Council do the following: • re�eive the "Livecpool Road South Area Detailed Review: Part 1— Phase 1 Report" (previously distributed under separate cover); . receive the "Liverpool Road South Area Detailed Review: Part 1— Phase 2 Repori"; . adopt the "Liverpool Road Waterfront Node Development Guidelines"; . endorse the "Revised Implementation Strategy�'; • adopt the "Infortnational Revisions to the Pickering Official Plan"; and • direct sta[f to hold a Statutory Public Infortnation Meeting on August 10, 2000, to discuss potential amendments to the Pickering Official Plan required to implement the recommendations of the "Liverpool Road South Area Detailed Review: Part 1— Phase 2 Report". With the completion of Part 1 of the Deteiled Raview, staff recommend lhat the "Livetpool Road South Area Detailed Review — Part 2", be initiated, as per lhe Council-adopted Terms of Reference. Staf'f also recommend that a copy of Report Nutnbar PD 26-00 bc fonvarded to thc Ciry's Watcrfront Coordinating Commitleo, the ToroNo and Region Conservation Authority, and lhe Region of Durham. � REPORT NUMBER PD 26-00 Liverpcwi Road Soulh Area Detailcd Rcview; Pert 1— Phese 2 Report BACKGROUND: 1.0 is o 1.1 StudyArea lune 8,2000 Page 3 The Liverpool Road South Study Area generaily extends southward from Commerce Street on both sides of Live►pool Road to Luke Ontario. It extends west to include all of the properiies south of Commerce Street having both access and exposure to Frenchman's Bay, including the water lots under the Buy. The study nrea includes the historic "Village of Fairport", Hydro Marsh, Front Street Pazk, the East Spit and Beachfront Park. Existing development in the azea includes a mixture of housing, mnrinas, restaurant, boat storage, marina service, aquaculture, park, and natural open spaca uses (see Location Map —Attachment #1). 1.2 Development Applications In July 1999, the City received two major development proposals within the study arca (the location of the lands subject to thesc applications is also shown on Attachment #1). The applications, submittal by ihe Pickering Harbour Company (OPA 99-004/P and A 22/99), a��d G, & A. Hilts (now 794582 Ontnrio Ltd.) (A 23/99), proposed a"marine village" concept consisting of townhomes, boat staruge areas, and ihe potential for marinas, mazina•supportive uses, commercial uses, and higher density residential uses. The ipplications were discussed ut a Statutory Public InCortnatian Mceting held August 24, 1999. The Bay Ridges Neighbourhood Mup of the Pickering Official Plan identifies the study :�rea es being within a"Dctailed Review Arca", which indicates the need to establish comprehensive lund usc, urban design, transportation, and cnvironmental management parameters for the area prior to major development occumng. With respect to the above-mentioned applications, there was considcrable concem expressed by the Ciry and members of lhc public that such a comprehrnsive plan should be developed before making any dccisions on specific developmcnt applications. Accordingly, Cowcil pazsed Resolution #181/99 in September 1999, which directed stafT to prepare a terms of roference for a Detailed Review of the area. The resolution also stated that no,recommendations were to be fonvarded to Council on eny major development pn,posals within the study area until the Detailed Rcview was completed. 1.3 Detailed Review � :' � . _ Council endorsed a terms of reference for the Livetpool Road South Area Deteiled Review in December 1999 (see Attachment k2). The Planning and Development Departrnent was directed to initiate the study, and funding was established to underlake the work. Three consulting firtns were retained by tho City to provide professional assistance with merina dovelopment, urban design and market analysis. The firtns are Totten Sims Hubicki Associetes, Markson Boreoah Hodgson Architects and TCI Management Consultants Limited. Key personal from those fi�ms combined with staff of the Plenning and Development Department to fortn a study team to undertake the Detailed Review. As per the tertna of refemncc, the Detailed Review consists of two parts. Pazt 1 focuses on land use, building mass and placement, and provides an appropriate context for the roview of developmrnt applications. Oncc Council adopts thc recommendaHons of Part 1, tho stud,y team will proceed with Part 2, which focuses on deteiled design matters including thc eatablishment of e"themc" for the areq architectural guidelines, and landscape guidelines. REPORT NUMBER PD 26-00 Livecpool Road South Area Detailed Review: Part 1— Phase 2 Report 1,4 Part 1—Pheso 1 Report J�,e s, z000 5 Page 4 On May 16, 2000, a report entiqed "Liverpool Road South Area Detailed Review: Part I — Phase 1 Report", wes discussed at a public meeting. The report provided an opportunities and constraints analysis, guiding principles for discussion, a draft land use plan for the atudy area, draft development guidelines, and a draR implementation atrategy. Copies of the Part 1— Phase 1 Report were circulated to Members of Council, senior City staff, commenting agencies, as well as members of the public for review and comments. Approximately 70 people attrnded the May 16'� meeting, and a variety of issues were discussed. All comments were considered in the preparation of the Liverpool Road South Area Detailed Review: Part 1— Phase 2 Report. The Part 1— Phase 1 Report, prepared by the Planning and Development Depaztment, and ihe consulting fimis of Totten Sims Hubicki Associates, Markson Borooah Hodgson Architects and TCI Management Consultants Limited, provided a good synthesis of infortnation, comments and proposcd directions. Staff recommend that Council receive lhe Pazt 1— Phase 1 Report as background information. I.5 Part 1— Phase 2 Repart As per the Terms of Refercncc for the Liverpool Road South Ama Detailed Revicw, the second phase of Pazt 1 involved the refine�ient of the land use plan, development guidelines, and implementation stratcgy contnincd within the Part 1— Phase I Repoct. Following the May 16'� public meeting, the study team reassessed various aspects of thc Phasc 1 RepoA in light of comments received, nnd made appropriatc revisions. Thc rovisions co the principle components of the Part 1— Phesc 1 Report now reside within the Liverpool Road South Area Detailed Revicw: Pert I— Phase 2 Repori, which is attached as Appendix [ to Report Number PD 26-00. The Report comprises six parts: PaA A: Public Consultation :iummary; Pari B: Revised Land Use Pian; Part C: Liverpool Road Wnterfront Node Devclopment Guidelines; Part D: Revised Implementation Strategy; Part E Informational Revisions to the Pickering Official Plan; and Pari F: Potential Amrndments to the Pickering Official Plan. The Liverpool Road South Area Detailed Review: Pari 1— Phaze 2 RepoR constitutes the final recommrndations of the atudy team for the study area on land use, trensportadon, urban design, environmrntal management and implemrntation. Staff recommend that Council receive the Part 1— Phaze 2 Report, attached as Appendix I to Report Number PD 26-00, es background infotmation. Certain components of the Part 1— Phase 2 RepoR requiro furiher action on the pazt of Council, which is detailed in the following discussion section. It should be noted that in anticipation of Council's adoption of thc Livcrpool Road South Area Detailed Review: Pert 1— Phase 2 Report, reporis have also becn prepered Cor Council's consideration rogerding the applications submitted by Pickering Harbour Company (OPA 99-004/P and A 22/99), and G. & A. Hilts (now 794582 Ontario Ltd.) (A 23/99). Those reports — Report Number PD 27-00 and Report Number PD 28-00 rospectively, appear on the enme egenda as thia Repott. 8 REPORT N[TMBER PD 26-00 Live�pcwl Road South Area Detailed Review: Pert 1— Phase 2 Report 2.0 Djscussion 2.1 Public Consultation Swnmery June 8, 2000 Page 5 The Public Consultadon Summary identifies lhe tormal consultation sessions held during Part 1 of the Detailed Review. Also summarized are the main issues identified during a public meeting held May 16'�, 2000, to discuss the Part 1— Phaso 1 Report. A detailed staff'response is provided for each of the issues. Briefly, the main issues discussed in the Public Consultation Summary aze as follows; • several people expressed concern with the potential loss of marina activity if all lands adjacent to Frenchman's Bay were development for other pucposes; staff agrec and have revised the development guidelines and dratted Ofticial Plan policy to establish a"Waterfront Use und Amenity Arca" adjacent to the Bay, in which uses of a primarily waterfront-related nature will be permitted; • concems werc raised regarding the potential for new development to have a detrimental impact on the area's natural features; staff agree that it is important to considet these impacts; several OfTicial Plan policies provide guidance on this matter, • the "Pickering Ajax Citizens Together" group has taken the position thal no bay-filling be permitted; staff suggest that to prohibit bny-filling may preclude opporiunities to improve certain segments of the Frenchman's Buy shoreline; such improvemenls may also be appropriate to eccommodate public amenities, such as a waterfront promenade; • people were concemcd with the prospccts of increazed traffic in the neighbourhood resulting from additional development; staff point out the Livccpool Road Wnterfront Nalc Devolopment Guidelines do no contemplatc a"regional scale" level of devclopment, as the corresponding intcnsity oC development would be inappropriate for this area; the trn�c situation will be monitored and mitigutive actions taken if necessary; and • several poople objccted to thc suggestion that ceriain existing nnd future roads should accommodate on-strect parking, and wcre concemed that there may not be enough parking; staff point out that the parking strategies included within the Development Guidclines, aze a"package" of oppoAunities, suggesting both on- und off-street pazking; all will likely be required to accommodate future parking demand in this area of limited available land; nevertheless, the pazking situation will also be monitored over time. 2.2 Revised Lund Use Plan The purpose of the detailed land use plan is to provide a basis for preparing the Liverpool Road Waterfront Node Developmrnt Guidelines. The rovised plan romains quite similar to thut appeazing in the Phase 1— Part 1 Report, with one change of note. The more substantial change is the addition of lhe "Waterfront Use and Amenity Atta", which is a cortidor stretching approximately 40 metres inland from the edge of Frenchman's Bay, mm�ing from the Front Slreet City Perk Uvouglt the Marina Mixed Use Area lo Livecpool Road. Generally, the area is rcserved exclusively for marinc-alatcd activities, including marinas, yacht clubs, merina-supportive facilities, mooring facilitics, the waterfront promenade and other public activity areas such es parks, public picrs and public equares. At Council's discrction, additional uses such as rcsidential, commcrcial, retail, and office uses, could be conaidercd within the 40 metms, provided that detailed developmrnt proposals make appropriatc accommodations for merino-related activities and/or public activity arces (in eddition to the publicly-accessible waterfronl promenade proviously identified in the Pazt 1— Phase 1 Report). ' REPORT NUMBER PD 26-00 June S, 2000 � Liverpool Road Soulh Area Dotailed Review: Pact 1— Phasc 2 Report Page 6 2.3 Liverpool Road Waterfrcnt Noda Development Guidelines The recommended dovelopment guidelines have been revised moderately sincc the drafl guidelines were released with the Part 1— Phese 1 Reporl, including minor retbrtnatting. The revisions of significance are: c the addition of the Revised Lund Use Plun, which forms a tertiary plan within the guidelines and provides clerity with respect to the Node's various land uses; • a new section dealing with the Waterfront Use and Amenity Area (discussed previously); • more emphasis on a requirement that any new residential buildings fronting Liverpool Road include an appropriate ground floor design (intemal and extema]), to accommodnte a variety of uses (such as retail, commeroial and office), during the lifespan of the building; nnd + new sections that provido greater direction on pecmitting limited commercial uses within FairpoR Village, environmental management, servicing, stormwater management, and implementation of the development guidelines. The development guidelines provide an appropriate level of detail to review development applications within the Node. Therefore, stafT' recommend that Council adopt the Liverpool Road Waterfront Node Development Guidelines attached as Appendix II to Report Number PD 26-00, as the City's strategy for detailed land use, urban design, und major street layout within the Live�pool Rond South Arca. Upon completion of Part 2 oCthc Detailed Review, stnCiwill rcpoA back lo Council with cecommended additions to the development guidelines, consisting of detailed architcctural and landscape guidelines. 2.4 Revised Implementation Strategy The Implcmentntion Strstegy addmsses those components of o succcssful waterfront which assist in implcmenting land use, design and development matters, or are complementary strategies and initiatives. While the implementation matters identifed arc aimed at Council, there are other levels of govemment, public and private egencies, private and non-govemmrnt organizations, and others who will collaboratively assisl in the achievement of a successful waterfront node. The Implementation Strategy includes such actions as: • pursuing opportunities to incrcase public access to the water's edge; . budgeting for infraswcture projxts such as sidewalks and pedestrian lighting; . involving the City's Waterfront Coordinating Committee in efforts to improve the navigability oCFrenchmen's Bay and its harbour encrance; and • wntinuing efforts to improve the ecological state of Frenchman's Bay and Hydro Marsh. Staff recommend that Councii rndorse the "Liverpool Road Waterfront Node Revised Implementation Strategy�', attached as Appendix III to Report Number PD 26-00, disect City etal'f to include lhe Implementation Strategy as an appendix to the Liverpool Road Waterfront Node Development Guidelines, and direct Ciry staCf to revicw implementation mariers annually and fonvard appropriate projcets for Council's consideration during budget deliberations. 2.5 Informational Revisions and Potential Amrndmenta to the Pickcring Official Plen One of the benefita of undertaking a comprehenaive atudy ot this naturc, is thut it can refine and update tnformation used in the preparation of tho Ciry's O[ficial Plnn. All potential amendmenta to the Officiel Plen will requirc a public consultation proccss . i $ REPORT NUMBER PD 26-00 June 8, 2000 Livecpciol Road South Ana Detailed Review: Part 1— Phase 2 Report Page 7 separate Crom this Detailed Revicw, includir.g a Statutory Public Information Meeting. Infortnational reviaions to the O�cial Plen can be adopted by Council at any time. Informational revisions include the updating of the Neighbourhood Map for the Bay Ridges Neighboufiood, as well as inCormational text (detaileJ in Apprndix IV to RepoA Number PD 26-00), Staff recommend that Council adopt "L�fortnational Revision No. 8 to lhe Pickering Of[icial Plan" attached as Appcndix N to Report Number PD 26-00. Certain amendments to the Pickering O�cial Plen are required to provide a strong policy foundation for future development within the Waterfront Node. A specific visio�� and set of objectives emerged through the Detailed Review. Proper Official Plan policy is critical to the realization of these goals. Staff have prepared "Potential Am:ndmrnts to the Pickering Ofiicial Plan" attached as Appendix V to Repori Number PD 26-00, for discussion purposes. Such amendments muy include policies that: • recognize the uniqueness of the area and identify it as a"Waterfront Node"; • ensure lhat lands are developed at an appropriate scale with an appropriate mix of uses; • ensure that appropriate lands are securcd for public access to the water's edge; • require ccrtain watcrtronl-related uses next to Frenchman's Bay, and potentially allow other uses within this erca if dctailcd development proposals contributes nppropriately to a sense of public realm at the water's edge; • require that proponents of development enter to agreements with the City; and • rncourage opportunitics to rcjuvenatc the historic Vilinge of Fairport by pertnitting small-scalc commercial uses, subject to certain criteria and site-speci5c rezoning applications. As mentioned prcviously, amendments to the Official Plan will require a public consultation process scparste from this Detailed Review. Accordingly, stall'recommend that Council direct stafl' to hold a Statutury Public Information Meeting on August 10, 2000, to discuss potential amendments to the Pickering Otficial Plun required to implement the recommendations of thc "Liverpool Road South Area Detailed Review: Part I— Phase 2 ReporC', as generally set out in Appendix V to Report Number PD 26-00. 3.0 Livemool Road South Arca Detailed Review— Psn 2 We would like to thank everyone who participated in Part 1 of the Liverpool Road South Area Detailed Review, including over I50 members of lhe public, area landowncrs, staff of the Toronto and Region Consrnation Authority, and Region of Durham, as well as the consulting £mis of Totten Sims Hubicki Associates, Markson Borooeh Hodgson Architect� end TCI Management Consultants Limited. The Liverpool Road South Area Detailed Review: Part 1— Phase 2 Repod, provides a specific vision for future development within thc Li�•omool Road Waterfront Node, end esteblishes the framework necessary to roview development epplications. It is now appropriate to move forward with Pert 2 of the Detailed Review, which will result with detailed architectural and landacape guidelines. Acwrdi�gly, staff recommend that Council direct staff to commence with the "Liverpcwl Road South Area Detailed Review — Part 2", as per the Council-adopted Tertns of Reference fcr the Liverpool Road South Arca Detailed Revicw. Additionally, stnff recommend that Report Number PD 26-00 bc forwarded to thc Ciry's Waterfront Coordinating Committeo, the Toronto end Region Conservation Authority, and thc Rcgion of Durham. ,'t . ;,� REPORT NUMB� PD 26•00 Liverpoot Road South Area Detail�d Rcview: Part 1— Pheac 2 RepoK APPENDICES: I. Liverpool Road Sauth Area Detailed Review: Part 1— Phase 2 Report II. Liverpool Road Waterfront Node DeYelopment Guidelines III. Revised Implementetian Slrategy N. Infotmational Revisions to the Pickering OfTicial Plan V. Potential Amendments to the Pickering Official Plan ATTACHMENTS: t. Study Area Map 2. Terms of Reference — Liverpool Road South Area Detailed Review Prepared By: �! � �G �� '"' - �'' �.��r�� Catherine L. Rose Mnnager, Policy GM/CLR/pr Attachments Approved / Endorsed by: June 8,2000 9 Page 8 Neil Carroll Dircctor, Planning and Development Copy: ChicfAdministrativcOfticer Director, Operations and Emergency Services Director, Corporate Services City Clerk Ciry Solicitor Recommended for the considerntion of Pickering City Councii mas J. Quinn, Chief Administrative Officer '�p APPENDIX 1 TO REPORT NUh1BER PD 2600 LIVERPOOL ROAD SOUTH AREA DETAILED REVIEW: PART 1- PHASE 2 REPORT _ , , g_ . � � 5 ..,.; _ 1:t �: F, f }' �f.i`.. _ t �(,= . .. . _. . .....� ., ._ � .. . . , , � '� ��i ;'«^.�;,r: '. . ' . '���0� � ;. �� ,� � , • � . . ` _ ,!► . 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Rood Soufh Ana DdaUed Revkw: Parf 1— Phase 2 Reporl Lr a eoUaborative q/J'ari prepand by the Pic�rirtg PJannlrtg and Developmrnr Department, To1�en Sims Hubtck/ Auoctata, Markron Borooah Kodgaon Archflecfs, and TCI Manogement Consu/tanb LJmlted :�.r . � , .. _ . . .. ... . . .. . . . , ,. : �3 �:: LIVERPOOL ROAD SOUTH AREA DETAILED REVIEW: � PART 1— PHASE 2 REPORT �.mma Thfs is the Part i— Phase 2 Repat for ihe Liverpool Road South Area Detailed Review. It provides e refuiement of the documenb contained with(n ihe Pert 1— Phase 1 Report, whkh vras discussed at a May 18, 2000 pubGc meeBng. This Roport Is compdsed ot s�C parts: Part A Publk ConsultaUon Summary; Part 8: Revised Lend Use Plan; Parl C: L(verpooi Road Waterfronl Node Devebpment GuWelines; Part D: Revfsed Implemenlatbn Strategy; Part E Informationai Revfsbns to the Pkkering Offic(al Plan; end Parl F: Potentlai Amendments to Ihe P�kedng Official Plen. The Pait 1— Phase 2 RepoA concludes the elforls of ihe ShKly'feam with respecl to Part 1 of the Defailed Review, and provides our recommendatbns for ihe study area on land use, transportaUon, urban design, environmental management and implementatlon. EHo�ts will commence on Parl 2 of Ihe study —'Detailed Archftectural end Landscape Guidelines', once directed lo do so by Pkkerirq City Councii. Study Team Memben u n Michael Hubkkl Totten Sfms HuWcki Assaciales Gary Papp(n Toden Sims Hubkki Associates Ronjl Borooah Markson Barooah Hodgson Architecls Limited Jon Unton TCI Management Consuitants Llmited Stafl of the Deoarlment ot Plannina and Develooment Cilv ot Pkkerfna Cathedne Rose Manager, Poi'�cy Divisbn JohnMcMullen SenbrPlanner Steve Gaunt Planner 2 GeoflMcKnighl Plenner2 � ''14 : LIVERPOOL ROAD SOUTH AREA DETAILED REVIEW: PART 1- PHASE 2 REPORT PART A: PUBLIC CONSULTATION SUMMARY � : ` -- � , . UVERPOOL ROAD SOUTH AREA DETAILED REVIEW: PART 1— PHASE 2 REPORT PUBLIC CONSULTATION SUMMARY �� Consult(ng with residenb end landowners within and around the l.iverpool Road South study area, olher interested peopla end ArouPs� WbGc egencies� the consultlng team� and key City staB has been en InleBral componeM ot this study, in additi�on to fntortnal conversatbns with members of Ihe pubiic, the folbwing key consultaUon sessions have occurted: • a publk meetlngNro�CShop, held Ap�l 18�, 2000, lo pmvkle background fnfortnalion and discuss key objecfives e�xl aspira0ons that members ot the puWic hold for the area; . a workshopldesign cf�ette, held April 25�, 2000, with key City and egency staB to examine land use ard design optbns; • a stakelalders' wo�CShop, heid April 26^, 2000, W discuss issues and emerging devebpment principles with community representatives, maJor property oxmers (n the study area, and key agency slaH; • e mesUrg with maJor property ovmers, heM May 2^�, 2000, lo dfscuss issues and eme�ging devebpment P��P�� � • a public meeting, held May 16^, 2000, tu discuss ihe Liverpool Road Soidh Area Detailed Review. Parl 1— Phase 1 Repur� The report discussed at the May 16" public meetlrg provided a draft land use plan for the sludy area, dreR development guidelines, and a draft ImplementaVon sVategy. Appmximatety 70 people atterxfed the mee6ng, and a variety of comments were made either verbally w through the submissbn ol comment sheets (written comments are availabie tor review at the PlanNng and Development DepartmenQ. Cortespondence received since Uie May 16� meeUng (s attached lo Uds summary. The folbw(ng discuss(on klentiffres issues Ihat wera most Bequently raised by members ol the publfc. Each fuue is accompanied by a stafl response. Pmtec6nn the Environment Corxems were raised tegard'ug tlie polenti�al for new devebpmenl lo have a detrfinental Gnpacl on Ihe area's nntural features, including Frenchman's Bay, Wosno Creek end the Hydm Marsh. Sta%Response When devebpment applicalions are submitted, several'devebpment reviev� pol(cies within the Pickedng OKicial Plan ere triggered, fr�luding requirements fa the submissbn of Envfronmental Reports Ihal delertn(ne potenUal negative impacls and means ot mitigaHng Ihose impacts. The recommended Devebpment Guidelines (see Part C), provide additlonal direction on this maUer, including Uie pos�ions Ihat no devebpment or filling sfrouid be pertnided wilhin the Hydro Marsh; buHers and edge managemenl aVategies aie required around the marsh; and on�gdng inidativves for Ihe restoralion of Krosno Creek, Hydro Marsh and Frer�chman's Bay shouk be contlnued. Lhrerpod Road South Area Deteiled Revkw.� Part 1— Phase 2 Report ' A•1 16 , � . Concems were rahed wilh fuNre possiMlitlea oi bayfill occurtirp wNh(n Frenchman's Bay. The'Pkker(ng Aja�c CfUzens Together group has taken the posiGon fhet no bayfiping be pertnided, Staft Response It is our understanding that propedy des(gned fip operatlons can revitalize shwelNe and Improve fish spawning ard habitat areas. To compktely prohfbk bay-fillfrg may preclude oppatunWes to (mpmve certa(n segmer�s of the Frenchman's Bay stro�elGre. Such Improvements may also be appro,xis;e to aceommodate pubpc xraterBont amenitles, such as a waterfront prort�enade. Proposals lo fiU within Frenchman's Bay, regardless oi Ihe extent ol the proposed bayfiuirg, will requ(re pertn�s Gom the Toronto & Region Canse,vatbn Autlarity, tlie federal Depar6rrent af Flshedes ard Oceans, and passiWy the provinclal MinisUy ot Naturai Resources. �I pmposals W hay-fill will raqui�e del�led Environmenlal Impact Studfes, and be subJect lo the consideratbn of the approp�fate approval auUwritles. I�creased Neiahbourfwod Ttatfic Several PeoP�e� P��Y ��9 �9 Liverpool Road� were concemed with lhe prospects of increased traffic In the ne(ghbourhood resulUng fmm additional devebpmenL Staff Response As lands in the aiea redevebp, halfic volwnes will fncrease. However, ihis fncrease witl be relaUve lo the tntensity of fudue devebpment The recommended Developmenl Gu(deGnes (see PaR C), establish parameters for futu�e devebpment fhat fs cons(stenl with other deveiopment curtently found within U�e Bay Ridges neighbourfiood. The Devebpment GuideGnes do not contemplale a'regbnal scale' level ot devewpmenf, as the cortesponding inlensity af devebprt�ent wouid be inappropriate fa Ihfs area. Certafn evenb and sumrtier weeker�ds may generate peak vdumes of Uaffic higher than whal is typMally experienced. if fhat o�urs, steps can be laken lo minimize the efiect on U�e nelghbourhood. This could irxlude sfgnage directing vehides to other eaess mutes (Sandy Beach Road), and provfdfng shu�ie bus service from other parls of the Cily. If frKxeasinp Uaific volumes and speeds resuft wiUi an undesirab{e situatton in the future, Councii could, at Ns discreVon, impler�nt traifi�calmLg measures lo aAai1 the fnapprop�iate activily. Pedcinn The Part 1— Phase t Reporl !9enfified opportunitles lo meet futura park(ng demands in the ama. Several people obJected lo the suggesti�on fhat ce�tain existlrg ard fudne roads shouW accommodate oo-street parkfng, and we�e concemed that there may rat be encwigh parking. Staft Response The parkirg strategies i�luded wilhin the recommended Devebpmenl Guidefines (see PaA C), ere a'package' of opportunitles, suggesHng both oo- and o8atreeet parking. AA will Gkely be requ(red W eccommodate fiiture park6ig demand (n this erea ot Qmited avaiiable land. Liverpod Road Soufh Area Defeded Revlew: Perf 1— Phase 2 Reporf A-2 ;' . 17 Perkinp on pubpc roada Is an excellent meana of inenaA�9 P��A �demand, and Na documented impacts indude reduced trafflc speeds, whk;h can dec�ease the QkeGtaod of aa�lents. Oo-atreet park(rq aiso pmvides a ddfe� between pedes6ians on sidewalka, end veh�uiaz Ua�ffic. If oo-atreet park4g is instituted and problems are expe�enced, Council can clwose to rev(se a�ncel tlie on�street P��B W�9ram. However� staH beaeve the ProP� oPPortunftles fw parking xn11 be adequale. � oP�endal Loss oi Ma�(na Activitv The recommendaVons found withfn the PaR 1— Phase t Report did rwt state that eny parUculaz waterfronttelated land use musl occur within the aiea Concefvabiy then, accading fo fhe Phase 1 Repo�, the entlre area couid be developed for residentlal purposes without marina or other waterBont•related activities. ThGs was af great concem to several fndividuals atlending the May 16a meetlng. Staft Response The study leam re-exam(ned this part of the land use plan and devebpment guidelines, and we apree ihat redevebpment abng Frenchman's Bay us incoryorale watefiont-related aclivities. To albw olherHr(se could resuft with a bst opportunity of substenL'al pmportlon.r. Revisbns have made to the Devebpmenl Guidelines (see Part C) and prov(sbns included in Ure Polential Amendrtwnb to the Pickering Offidai Plan (see Pait � thal w�l establ'�sh a'Wate,�;ont Use and Amenity Area' adjacent to the Bay. Uses peimitted in Ihis area wUl include marinas, yacht clubs, marina�suppoNve faGTilfes, mooring facilities, Ihe waterfronl promenade arxl other publk activily areas such as pub�b piers end publk squares. AddlNonal uses such as residenti�al, comme�tal, retail, arid office uses, could be considered within Ihe Walerfronl Use and AmeNty Area, provided thal detailed devebpment proposals incorpo�ale marinas, docking faciliUes, mazine-related acNvitles, and/a pubUc activity ereas. As originalty discussed (n ihe draft devebpment guWelines, a publicly-aaessible waterfront pmrt�enade remains a required element ot any redevebpment proposai. er000sed Boat Ramo at Iho Front Streeet Cib Park At the Apn125^ pubGc meedngMrorkshop, a concept plan for U�e new Front Street City Park was shown, whkh Induded a boat launch to Frenchman's Bay. At the May 16� meedng, rreighbouring residents contlnued to express concems with ihe boal laur�ch aspoct ut the concept plan — ci�ng the lack ot appropriate parldng as thefr maJor Issue. Sta� Response The plann(ng and design process for the Front Slr�eet City Park has involved a process separate from this Detaled Revlew. The concems tegarding the boat launch vrere fonvarded lo the OperaBons and Emergency Services Deparlment, as will a copy oi thb Report. Flnai decbbns on the design of this park have yet to be made. Additlonal Issues Additlonal issues fhal were discussed at the May 16^ meeting include: building heighls; publk fund'ug (or charuiel enVance Improvements; displacement ot geese; sewage capacity; and removal of derelict barges. SIaH considered ap comments in Ihe preparation ot the Phase 2 Report. Where necessary, mina revfsions and addidons xe�e made to various pads of tl�is Repod to address ihe commenb. Llverpooi Road Soufh Area Defeiled ReWew.� Parf 1— Phase 2 Report . A3 11�f-05-200p iS�Si Tor Re91on Con�erv Ruthor 416 661 6898 P.Bli02 �.a .. ..� : .�, .. � � � � . � . � �� � , , � �. � . . � � � . ' . ' . . . . . . ' THETdWOfYTO AND REGION CONSERVATION AUTHORI'TX• .• • . A�aru�norM�oo,�.d.KOmr+ewi+te4.µiqen�aeoo Faxwt:s�.►a�f.wKbe.ain. . . , .. . . , .. • �• . . June 6, 2000 • , • . , � ' ,' , , • • . " � ' , ' � . ', ' ' • . ; . . .. . . .r .. • . � �. , ' , � ' MV4 �a.thedna L r�oee � . . ' . . . • , ' • . . • • ' , • , . ' ' � M�n10sr� Polloy DMilon � • . • � . • . . .• . • '• PIu,uling Md DevelopmoM Depeitm�rd �' . . . . • . • . . . . . . ,. . . , ' • ' � � � rt4re� • • . . , ' .. . . , . , , . . • Ons The Eaplenad.� � , , . , � . . . . . • • .�Pklfaririg� ON L1VefCt. , , � •' ' ' � • , • ' . . � , bea' Irltsa RoEa: . � . . . . . . , . , . . . . , ' . , . .. . . . , , . , . . . � '�He: • Phaai Ops RepoR . � .: • ' . • • ' � . , . • � ' . • . . ' ' 'Dat�lleil finrtarv : • • . � , • . : � • . . .. . . • Uwrj�ool Roail Soytti Nea ' . . , . , . . • . . • Clty of Pickerinp'. � • . . . . . . . ..; . . ' . ' , • •. ' .. • . � • ' . . • • , '•.� Fw�er 6o Pur dbcuisiope and�upon d�hp�d rev�ew of th� Phase t Aeport pbece aooeptthe folldwUtg �'' . • . . coinrtwnts. �, • . , , . . , , � . The teport Ls partlaily trdended to�clqrHy a numbar ot loauao not propeAy dealtWitfi In the•Officiol Pten and' . .. examinea opportunHka aqd constrajnm la dav�lopment wlthln thiprea and brqad lend use bbJeZtivoa. �• . ' wh�e.yaur ottkkl plan provl� dindlon,ori dad(np, w� emAroninanta! protecNon and enhhn�ement • .. etbff recomriwnd that thfs pliaea•1 report ouUirw �mrlrot�mentel cqnsWr�tetl�at ere partkuferto th(s ' . ' � nelg4hourhood ifudy.' Vye oupyo+t the tollowfn9:.. • . . . : • . • , . . � . . . . , . gP�don 6 - Rbfalled Laad Uu.plani: � ' � ' ' � . . � . , , . . .. ��' ' Th(� �tloh pfovldea a syrdhesis of th� ►idt�fil heritepe prindplsp, '[he s•yntheali should include tha. . • ' prtndple of protebUng and ar,fiondng the exktlng sy�m. Pefiep� principle 8 oould be edepted to ., . • reflet:t,lhb ai Q'6uIdIn9�P�Plo. . � . � ' ' • . '. • � ' . . • ,, �Pticiridt.•#Iydro�Manh: �; �. ...: �� ; , , . . .' , ' �.: • WhUe ihW erat b a F(ovincWly SlpntllaYlt Wadend th� nferenoe,to qeee 2 at�ould be femwed as the � • . � , •.daae,relerence (� no longer used by.thrptoidnoe. . ... . • , • . ', ,' ' . „ . • . . • . • . • • . . . ' � FurBur� thi de�eiopi�ant goal ehaild no(ethatttils aree fs part Of tltanatural hwRepe eystem end ndt .' . , �eOv.bA�.��.�F�COte9kai syecerri' ihoutd be roP�aeec# ivith'nnbu'at herkeye oystem' tn other sections'. . '. ' o�the report(I.�. prednct 7 ond a lar�da). . ' ' ' . . • • . . . : , Arodnct'4 • . • Olhafu�es eupportiva ln thb ena iridude� bbatlnp end re�eatbnai boaHng �. • . . ' , • ' , • a�sa and supportlw uees, : : . ' . ' ' • . • PFacjnotlS � ,,,' The deecrlptlon of the ero;thoufd Indude the wabrfrart and provfncWly ' . ' . .• ' elpnfllcant wetlend and noti tlmt sane arias,rtiay be, subjeot to I�ke levsl . ' . • ' . � ���' � ' ' • ' ' ' � , • � , . . • . • . . ' .� ; • _ WOqbN3 TOafil'HER FOR TOMOAROW'3 GREEN9PACE � • • JLN-05-2000 SSs53 Tor Reylon Comerv Ruthor 4!6 661 G89B p,02i02 ; • .' ' �' ' • • . � 9 . Misa Cathadne L Raaw � ' •.2. ' June!6 2000 . : � B�cUon e • Dswlapmdnt GuldNinq.•. ' ' • • . . � • ' ' � 0.3 • , Devetopmetlt Ftemewolk ' ; ' , ; , . . . . , , • Hvdro Merah Dgv4loomerrt Oad • � � , � ' � ' Thb Sectloll ahould b� revl�ed•to read'habinq algnlflant ecologicai end'publlo Yalue'. " .• • . . • Eeachhont Park ' . . • . . •• This 8actlon'shculd•ba.ravtsed to Inolu�e'while �eepeot�ty �,clynemio nature es a wnd epk on tha Leke • Ontatio'Shorafins•. ' . . ' , ', ' • ' , . .. • , . . ' • . ' � � Mgdn�Mbced Use UeveloDment Qoei • � ., • . • ' , • • • Thess land's ahould also be developed (n a menner thit reapei�s the adJacertt weUend antl its featuroo .: " end tundlons.' R lhould'also he dealyrl'od Eo,�ot ha've eri Impect oh the �ec eubf ecl to Oooding ea a, � . . .resukoihlghl�levalo� � • . . . � • , • ' • ' • • • . A� a general cortunertt;�Uie 1lnkage between Frenehmen'e eay es a 6oating.tourisin area enii dwUnatlon •� wfth a s�de har6oiu enttonca ahould be f Jphtlphted In tha dratt Detailed Leni1 Uaa Plan and . ' � �ImplemerdaUonstrategy. . . � . . • , • . • fmplertwr�tatlon 8tratepy 722. ehould 6e modMiedto r0ad aa toliawe: Throagh ft:....:.�........t.. conside� . . �, InVestlgetlrip furflur the esteWbhment of a boat launch et the (oot of 5andy 9each Rd. on fhe weet side of • Ontarfo Power (ienaator- Pbkerinp Nucloqr. • • • ' , •, • . . , • • .. . . + ' . , • SecUon 7.2�a,.ehoutd�be modifiad to read� Enaure erry propoaai for bayflll Is debtgnedto facGiletp • �• watolfroM pitbllo amenftlee arid pedesbien acoass, end ta Improva emrfronmenEal condWons ,.,,.,,..,. ' . A� pu aur dl�ctmalon wa nots fhat a new eection addreq(ng �nvlronmerttal fmpacta wiil ba added to the • . documeM. Tha aeotlon w�ll fuhher bWiAe the prindpl6 of protectinp th� natufal heritape.system., . • indudigg Fre,nchrnen'e eay and Hydro Mareh end MAIi outline that (urt�er ubaesment la requ(red 1c •' . dataitnlne �he Impacts of increased 6oatlnp uesa within Frenchmtn'e Bay, Wa awak tho addltlon of thia� • seclloit end riot� thet ft Is Impothnt to provide fuWn dlncdon to tha �tudy procea�. .• , .. Ws tiuc! that thfs b ot adtlatanai. � • • ' . . ' ' ; . . . • ,Y04t8 Wly�, '� • , • . ' • . . . . ' , • . , t1Y6$61 iNf1�I0 • . • . , . . • • � , . . ' . . . . � ' . Pl+ir�s Ariery�t • ' . • . • . . ..DeveloprrieM.servlces Sddtlort ' . • ' • E�d.63aB • . . � ' • . . . . , . . � . , , . . , . • �� • � . .. � � • . ' • � . co: . LertY Fleld� TRCA • � . . � . ' ' • . i . ,. , . � , ,, - 20 . . ' . Pickering - Ajas Citizens Together For We Environmect . . C6drt David 6teela 9661'hnmlw Gudew� Piekerin�, Onhrlo� LIW-2Y2. . Tds (90� 837 0117 F�s (90� (Il� 187 7667. &maUs dJ.�teele@uWronto.ea Mr. Wayne Mthun� Mq 24, 2000 Mayror, Ciry of Picketicg, ' 1.17u PapLa+de� Hekaing, Ontuio. LIV-6R7. DearMayotAAhura, . Livunool Raed Deaian Swdv Arca Picketing —AJu Citium Togctha for the Euvlmnmeat (PACn Lt deeply coneuned wi:a the iasuei suaounding the developmwt of Pickering. Wo aro puticululy coneemed W easure t1u! developmrnb that conld have aa �dveae impact an tho environmrnt �re fully tdentilied aad [hat appropriate ution u talcen to addres� thue wncemn. We aLo ctrougly aeek to en:we wat peoplo have acceu �d rnjoyment to the uw of nahuil 6eauty iu the erca in � rapomible wsy. Boud memlxn of our wcetadon have �ttended public meeUnge coaceming iho development o[ the Liverpool Road Daign Swdy Area aud we are IeD wilh comiduabla dLqulet ee w the pouble outeome oCt6o plaming procesf. [n parUculsr we seek W ateblisL that t6e era ro t6o south �nd south uat of W6arf Street u not wmpromised by changa in future zoning �uch that they aro to all inlenb lost to the public. We do «cognize t6�t these land+ ue ln priv4k oavenhip. We also lmow �hat development of the �andr eequitp We permi�aion of the pubUe, through the municipsl zoning ond rezoning procaa. Our (undemenW eoncem i� t}ut We I�nds msy be developed in auch a mmnu tlut tho result eould bo tlut the entirc ua wuld become � raidrntial developmrnt in tu entirety, end tlut exialing marina and public acces� W Frcachman'� B�y could be loq w the pubUc. At the mating held oa M�y 16, 2000, David Hoou, r member oC 1he Baard af PA(: f, who it aLo a yachtsman of long experieoce, niced wncems ibout the evrntual uce oC thao lande. This wu bosed on the L7cdy zoaing changa Ilut will uise Gom the Guiding Principlu atatcd on Pega 21 end 22 of ihe Phase Gne Report of �6e Ciry oCPickering Plannieg �nd Developmmt Department Mr Home rpecifiully aslcal for inCwvuUon u t� t6e aelsdng zoning o[ the aren to the aouth and aouth wrt ot WMrf Stcat, md P.A.C.T atka Ihat thia be provided. Mr Home refercaced the following sutemenls in the Report: •"Rdidwtial development L pecmitted Ituoughout 16e Smdy aca", Page 2I. • "Swctura vong LiverFwol Road, wuth ot Whart; ihauld bo oble W be used entirely for rcatdential, entircly bwineu, or a mi�c." , p�ge 21. • "Zoning for tLe laad� along Liverpewl Rad, �outh o[ Wharf, ehould pecmit, en of right, both reaideatial �nd commereial/bucinea� usa.", P+ge 22. •'Building� along I.iverpool Road chall be built ctou to tl�e etreet without too much variaaon in tetbuka." "Bu7d w lina will be aubl4�Led along Livapool Road requirinB � minimum ot 85°h otauy new Miilding to be aet back � minimum of 3.0 meter't wd a maxtmum ot4.5 meter'i Ctom 16e prope[ty line." � . , ,, �, � <L -Y� . r �i � 1.. _ - � � � . t ��( � . , ,: . ;, . . _ .z, T�e° ►o8emer, thae .umua ro�m.eot..iga+aant eluage !u the prcaeot udog, .na ea,w rauu ia s toGlly raidentLl dovelopmeat with tho cut off, or tt rvoni Ihe eloaro of the 1�Lrloa, At 16e mating, Mr Jon Lintoa ot 1C[ MmaQement, � Iand Etonomtrt, Igreed Ih�! the LlYhat nlue to a davelopes teeulu from Ratdendd Zoning. PACP is concaned thet the rault of the zoatog changa for thece Lnd� could be a mwive Katdendal development built out to �he mintmua� lat Itna, the los� of the Mvina for pubde uuonil and hwim�boetus �nd the loa of employmmt in the uea. PACI' urgea couucil w dimct tlut the aru condnue w bo � pluo far tLe enJoyment af the pubitc ead tLot zoaing anangemwb secure cpeci5c mixed use. Which ww ttw watu5ont fank foece vti:on o[ the area, ntha tLan u of rigLt optlom to benefit of tLo developer. Wa would alao rccommad w you if +naning of any muina pivpecty L goiag ro hka placo ln the design study a�ea m rnidentul mixed use the «zoning tlut would benefiu the devoloper �hould bo �uea u a gitt by the developa. TLat the devdopa ahould wmtruct r public wallcway W t6e water edga on existing marine property u a gtit W the C5ty ot Pickering retidontr. . P.A.C.T ucga wunaU w undulalce a wmpu0er model oa ttoim water managemwt in Freachman9 bay iu aalu and W tnclude �he entrwce W Freachman'i b�y from I.ako Ontuio. That grit wllecton ba insWled w dl �wcm w�ttt pipu that nm dicecUy into the bey. IF a new reaidenUal development b w bo undeAakea wuth o[ Wuf Stmt tha necuury �Wrm water menagemeat pLne be put of Ihe �pproval proceu. WitL iurfice water to be included u put of t6e rcquircd �Wtm water mansgem�t pluu. 7'�t� ncomu�mdsUon would al» fnduda the Lnd on tha wt iido of Livapool road w that no cun off fiam any pcopouY would fiVEMVALLY eod up !n Ihe manh wotlend� uea or Fr—...ichmeu'� bay. �'The puking iuue b rtill not rcwlved w t6e ulf�faction of the rcsidenla that attcnded tho publlc mating. P.A.C.T. urga eounctl w�ddat� thL concem by adopting the rccommend�don� af t6e w�tuCront Wk focee report. We are plwed 11ut tho boat uunch Iw bew locakd lo iha erea recommended by the taek Case rcpoet, that miued uu i� rccommeaded by tho land ecoaoaile rdvLer tho City oC Pickering hircd for ILo Livapool Dalgn Study Am. Youn tru1R D�v(d Stale, C6air, P.A.C.T. Chau� P.GW.O. Chair, IvLyor Watufront Tuk Porco RepoR ,N', � � 21 ii�. Cattio�lne Heeley, Ph_yilis � Roas �G�ath�ine Md iIp t, OeotF Oaimt, Steve w� FW: Liverpool Road DeilphrlBWdy. For your infosmntion and reaponee. ---0riginel Meanage----- Frw�: david j. eteele. [mailto:dj.etaele@utoron[o.ce) Sents April 30, 2000 11:36 PM � Tos Healey, Phyllis , ' Ced Danid & Judy Homet t�dAidirect.comr herzogAionay�.comi mulconQhome.comf pkellandQhoma.comj Tom Atkins Subjects Liverpool Road Deaign Study. David Steela r+rote: At the stske holdere meetin� held on the 26/4/2000 it waa mantioned that the consultanta and planninq staE! asa Nilling to meat on a one on one baeis with anyone. It r+as also atated in the meeting that the Bay could be filled in ii all environmental approvala whese mat.The isaue around heiqht restrictiona on any propoaed denelopment Has determined that the maximen high would be iour atories high. The computer model for the WHOLE bay Naa recommended•without diaapproval or objectians. Storm water managemant aould be e high priority in tha area. Grit collectora aould be inatalled in all atorm Hater pipes that flow into the Bay thie recommendation Wa� mat Nith no objectiona. 1).HOUld you pleaee track all racordn and permits of the Bay in£ill that Naa carried out by The Pickering Harbor company from the east apit to the north.Nould you provide me with all the appronaln and copies oi the permita including the T.R.C.A.permit?TO include the parkinq lot at the • watertront briaeo reataurant that was bay filled. 2).Would you pleaee provide me with ell the anvironmental approvals required f�r Bay intill. 3).WOUld you provide me Nith the steGementa from the public acceptinq the Bay could ae iniilled Nith ths proper anvizonmental approvale. 4).Would you pYOVida me wiYh tha computer �aodnling coat for tha Nhole Hay, as I indicated a fundraisinq project is noN beinq pcepared to cocnplete auch a etudy. 5).Nould you pzovide ma with the oatimated time it r+ould take to complete a computer model ot the whole Bay. 6).Tho marine operationa requize a number ot apacitic impsovamenta accordinq to diacueeiona in the mesting would you obtnin that liet from Pickering Harbour Compnny tor tha public•. 7).Nho determined that no naN public open apeca ia zequired as stated in the stake holdera meetinq? 8).Parking Nas a big concazn in the Xaterfront Taek Force Report hoM do you intend to addreaa that problem in the deeign atudy area. 9).Mr Hough Nae appointed by myaelf as chair ot the touriam aection oi the Watertront Taak Force [ieport, at no time did Mr. Hough object to the report both at the interim atage or the tinal report. The present application from the Pickerinq Harbor Company DOE9 NOT FIT INTO THE VISION OF TNE HATERFAONT TASK FORCE =eport. 10),It aeeme that the devalopera are aiming to maximize the prolits in tha ahorteet poeaible time Nithout takinq into aonaidaration the viaion of the WaterEront wliich r+as to be UNIQUE. il).Councillor D.Dickerson stated in the meetinq that the developers knoH beat end then daecribad thece p=oposel, doen thia pce- conclude his • deciaion betore the applicanta go to council for approval. Is this a conflict o! intarest if he aita on the T.R.C.A. boazd? 12).Mr Peck atatad that he N111 go to the O.M.B. ii the reault of the i .i'• I: ? q . ... ., � . . „ . , - . a . -_ -�r°•, " ,i �. i �� �.� t - � , �, -- . . _ ' etudy•d'oea�not conlozm to'his application on the Eeat side oi Linarpool , :.Road:',iq.thia-threat,hhqlnq any intluence an th�,planninq dspartmant `deaiqn�atuiiy9 " =, ,13).Me�"NOUld lika'a meetinq with the consultants and plannlnq ataft es ;�, waa otferad.ta the developera. . . 31),Would.you plesae provide me „ith all Nritten wrreepondance on this 'dasiqp'atudy? ; ,`15);Ie'it true the developars wlll make`application to tSs City o! Piokerinq in June belore the atudy !a complated in 9eptamber aa • indicated in tha.meet�ny. � 16j,The millennium aquara Nae to ba built Sor act and mueio ehowe thie aould.intartere Nith tha townhouee developmanta privacy7noiee eta 17).The walk around Frenchman'a Hay ahould be aa cloae to the Nater aa posaible.However, it nhould not ba uaed aa e excuee to fill in the Bay. Page 35 oP the interim' waterfront report givea a outline of propoaed ' usage in the ?raa. • 18). On page 89 ot the interim watertront report Mr. Hough Nae requeating LAKE FILL for parking and marina operetiona. We inveatigated the coat to Lakefill to be around $20,000,OOO.if approval Hae given by the lederal government . It was and ia a concern that tha marine oporation is not a hiqh priority o! the Pickering Narbour Company. As his application atatea a poasibility of a future marina facility etc. 19),I! the City of Pickering give approval to the iniill o! Frenchman'a 9ay you have sat a pradicament for Euture applicationa. 20),I do not have a copy of the final WaterEront Task Force Raport as mine waa borroNed and never returned. 23 I r, _ 2 . ., , ,- � i. - � ... x: � � � z � � 1 ,� ' y : . : £ s.t i , r M. k f . _ ,$. . .. : ( ,... ._ , . . . . ,., .. ...st.5.. ,y . � f.i.. .., .i .._. . . {.���� .. . . . . 1�} � g F �.•� �Y'��S'C };! } �� l �.:J' i �1 'S _ X y y F ! � 1 '{ y�, .jj 74 F� �3 � . « � i j . '�-��t �?.. - i {� �y _ �+ � {' '' _ ' . . . , '_ LIVERPOOL ROAD SOUTH AREA DETAILED REVIEW: PART 1- PHASE 2 REPORT PART B: R�VISED �.AND USE�PLAN 7 � f t"- -; �,f 'f 3 4 . 1 � fi � j. . ✓ t ' �': `! 7 � ' t ' ` �' q 5 < �ti � a- � ,��y • t r � M { r � _/ �. � < � i,� $,� t 41 y yj; � t �; x � L = Y'� z �Crp'`h � xht { t,�;;.t ..y rt �w'��' ��'h .a�'Ci`� ..�r`tif... . + � � . l..x. . , F �. _. t. . � � . . . . . �' - ' ��-!. �� . . . .. . f- , ,t � V . LIVERPOOL ROAQ SOUTH AREA DETAIIED REVIEW: PART 1— PHASE 2 REPORT REVISED LAND USE PLAN ._ The detailed land use pien pmvides a basis tor preparing the IJverpool Road South Nade Devotopment GuideGr�es. The folbw(np rev(sed plan remains quke sfmiiar to thal eppear(ng in the Phase 1— Part 1 Report, wHh one diange at note —the addiUon ot a'Waterfront Use and Amenily /uea' (detailed bebw). The foUowling discussbn of each land use cetegory elso appears wiUiin the Developmenl Guidelines. Natural Areas and Ooen Suace . four areas are found within this land use: Front Street Cily Park; Eest Spik Beach(ront Park; and, the Hydro Marsh. The two parks are andciFated to include a mix of ecUve and pass(ve recreatbna� ereas� as vrolt as vehkle pazking wilhin or near the parks. The'A�Ilenn�um Square' — a publ(c gatherirg place, is skualed at the foot of Liverpool Road, adjacent to Beachiront Park. The Hydro Marsh b en envGonmenteUy sensitive weUand In whkh devebpment is not permiQed. Devebpmenl adJacent lo tlie wetland must be designed In e manner whfch mitlgales any detrimental Impacts on the wotland• The Eest Spfl erhibits the charaderisda of a dynamk beach. Pubib uses are approp�{ate on the Spit, as are a pmited number ot use-supporfrre Mdklings (vr�hrooms, landmarks, canleens� etc.). Veh�uiar access to ihe Eazt Spit end BeachGont Park shall be �estricted fo en�ergency vehkles and mainlenar�ce eqNpment �stablished Buift Area This area consists lazpely o( the historic Vfllage ot Fairporl Of inlerest is prolecUng ihe charecler of the hisloric viilage while providfng an opportunily far revilala(ng e'vlliage' functlon by pemiittfng such activifies as lea rooms, craft shops, ert sludlos, end ofices. The additlonal uses would be subJect to Ihe consideratkn of sile�specffic rewning eppi(cat(ons. Madne Mixed Use These lands wiU develop In e manner that creates a hiph qua�ity buGt lam that is sensiUve lo views oi the water, provides e alt3cal Ilnk fw vlsual end physical publk axossiMAty W the wateAront where aPP�Pdate, has an attracUve pedeshian scale� end builds upon e�dsling neighbourtiood pattems, Detalied streelscape and architectural atendaids wiil encourage a vibrant street Gte. The mUc of uses wfp rela0a to the erea's nauN�cal heritape� ard con.sisl ot marinas� Yacht clubs, marina�suPP� taciliUes, maodng facilitles, pubiic open space, reskleoUal, commercial, retail, oflice and cammunity uses. Watertront Use end ArnenMv Area The Watefiont Use and Mienily Area Is e cortidor stretching epproximalety 40 metres inland from the adge ot Frenchman's Bay, tunn(ng from tlie Front Streeet City Perk ihrough the MarGie MGxed Use Area to L.iverpool Road. ceneral�y, the area Is reserved ror madne�re�atea activitles, Includ�np madnas, rachl clubs, madna�suapor�ve fxilitles, rtaoring facilitles, the waterfront pranenade and other pubifc activily areas such as pub�fc piers and pubib squarea LJver�ool Roed South Area DefaAed ReNew� Part f— Phese 2 Repori &1 % / � a - � i x ' . ' x� � y�o . _ , ` ', . 1 .. , . . � `� .. . _ • - r _ 0 �.. � �_ , , . . . .. , , . ��,�z... S �.� �`e.-�t.�Tt �p { 5 z qu< t =-. .. - . . e. � � t f .. `r r ;� � + . f .t3Y. (L 4 S. . . ;y - . .. �� _ . , . .. ... . . . � � 27 .� LIVERPOOL ROAD SOUTH AREA DETAILED REVIEW: PART 1- PHASE 2 RF.PORT PART C: LIVERPOOL ROAD WATERFRONT NODE DEVELOPMENT GUIDELINES _ : � ,;: � .: : ��i. � �`!t � � . � j. ( h � + 4.S �`��: �tt ... � '. •�.�'_ . ;: . . �'; ��_ _ . ... .... ... . . , � i • : �� '��� y� 5�'���E���,F; � �' ( = �F '��'�"vr., . �04 - c. . ^2 � q� �Y1 r -.,j � . L � .,,: . . :.�. 29 �- ' Liverpool Road Waterfront Node - .' Development Guidelines — Table of Contents ;; Section ' Page C1.1 General Dactiption 1 Ct.2 : GuidingVision—"WaterfrontVillage" 1 C1.3 land Use Objectives 2 ' C1.3.1 Natu�al Areas and Open Space 2 C1.3.2 Establ(shed BuiltArea 2 C1:3.3 Marina Mixed Use . 2 C1.3.4 Waterfront Use and Amentty Area 3 C1.3.5 Liverpool Road Corridor 3 C1.4 Development Standards 5 Ct.4.1 Vlews and Vistas . 5 ' C1.4,2 Transportation Network ' 6 C1.4.3 Street and 81ock Pattem • 8 C1.4.4 Bullt Form , 9 C1.4.5 Liverpool Road Streetscape • 9 . C1.4.6 Development within the Waterfront Use and Amen(ty Area 10 C1.4.7 FairportWilage 11 C1.5 Parking Strategia i t • C1.6 Environmental Management 11 C1J Servtdng 12 C1.7.1 Water and Sewage 12 C1 J.2 Stormwater Management 12 C1.8 Detailed Architectural and landscape Guldelines [to bc rnmpleted durJng Part 2J 12 C1.9 Implementation 13 Figure A Terliary Plan 4 B Views and Vistas 5 C Public Streets and Trails 7 O Potenlial Development Blocks 8 E . Buiid-to Zonee 9 The Uverpool Road South Derelopment Guldellnes were adopced � byPlckering Clty Council through Resolution Tl) on 17L , � . . , '��o .. : . Live`rpool Road Waterfront Node Development Cuidelines C1J Ceneral D�cription The . Liverpool Road Waterfront Node is located at the southem tip ot the _ Bay Ridges Neighbourhood. Bay Ridges Iles on the eut side of Frenchman's Bay. Hlghway 401 is the neighbourhood's northem Iimit, and lake Ontario is its southem limit. The Liverpool Road Waterfront Node extends Gom the IoLs on the north side of Commerce SVeet southerly to Lake Ontario along both sides af Ltverpool Road. It extends west to include all of the properties having access to, and exposure to, Frenchman's Bay, (nciud(ng the water lots under the Bay. The Node (ncludes the historic Nfllage of Fairport'. Krosno Creek abuts the east edge of the Node. Further east is Alex Robertson Park, Sandy Beach Road, and the Plckering Nuclear Generating SWtfon. To the south is Lake Ontario. To the west lies Frenchman's Bay, and further west is the West Shore Ne(ghbourhood. To the north Ifes a mixture of old cottage style development, as well as newer 1950's and 1960's subdivision development. A commercial area servtng the Nefghbourhood is located about a half a kilometer to the north at the (ntersection of Krosno Boulevard and Liverpool Road. The Node's history is closely Ifnked with its waterfront location. Over the years, numerous marinas, boat storege, and marine service businesses have opereted in ihe area, and a number continue to operate. A sewage pumping station operates on the east side of Liverpool Road. Add(tlonally, the Node of(ers opportunities for formal and infortnal recreational activities w(th natural open space, park areas, and tralls. At the t(me of adoption ot Ihese Guidelines, it was realized that some parts of the area exhibit a somewhat unkempt, or disused appearance, while others exhibit extreme attentlon to detail, design and maintenance. Investment and attention by municipal, other govemment and non•govemment organizations, by individuals, and by private landowners, residents and business operators, will help pol(sh this •dfamond (n the rough'. � C1.Y Guiding Vision — "Walerfront Village" The guiding v(sfon for the entire Node ts that of a'Waterfront Village' with a mix o( uses lhat is open, accessible and triendly. The Vlllage should be an interesting place to Iive, work, and visit. Recogniz(ng Frenchman's Bay as a boaHng tourism area, the Water(ront Village will provide seasonal marina facilities with some opportunities for visiting boaters. Additional land-based recreation and tourfsm opportuniNes will bring visitors trom the local area interested in spending a few hours to most of a day tn the area. The nature of the Village will be geared toward pedestrian comfort, (ncluding street amen(ties. ' The character of the Waterfront Vfllage will be established by its series of small blocks with frequent and regular vtews out to the water. The streets will fortn vlew corridors and ad as public open space. M added benefit of this form of development (s that (rom Frenchman's Bay, the Waterfront Village will be permeated by view cortidoa, rether than being a cont(nuous wall o( buildings. • �;.� .� � - � � � � � � },., � � � \� , � ` ,, , ..; _ Uverpool Road Wate�iront Node Development Guidellnes PaBe 231. /1" welltronnected nehnrork of public o'pen space and streets, which exhibit a high level of streetsppe design and quality, (urther reinforces the character of the Vlllage. The sUeets will ; provide pedesMao-friendly spaces that are sunny, (nviting and sheltered from (nclement weather. Due to the proxim(ty of the Bay and the relatively inteiise marina uses established In this area, the entire neighbourhood has been fnfluenced by a'nautical heritage'. The existing marinas have provfded a focal point and key charecter-seKing element for many years; the conUnuation of mar(na uses in these areas will persfst az a key character-setting element of the Viliage. Accordingly, lands adjacent to the Bay will feature a varfety of marine-related adivities, publfc amenities, and a waterfront promenade meandering along the waters edge. In addition to the marine-related adivities, the Village will offer a variety of other uses that provtde oppoRunities tor people to live, work, shop and play withln the area. These additionai uses include residential development, retail operatlons Iike craft stores, bouUques and bookshops, as weil as other uses such as restaurants, art studios, and offices. C1.3 Land Use Objectives The Terttary Plan (F(gure A on page 3) provides add(tional direction on land uses within lhe Node. Objedives (or each land use are deWfled below. C1.3.1 Natural Areas and Oaen Space Four areas are (ound within this (and use: Front Street City Park; East Spit Beach(ront Park; and, the Hydro Marsh. The two parks are anticipated to include a mfx of active and passive recreat(onal areas, as well as vehfcle parking within or near the parks. The 'Mille�••�um Square' — a public gathering place, is situated at lhe foot o( Liverpool Road, adjacent to Beau�front Park. The Hydro Marsh is an environmentally sensiUve wetland tn which development is not pertniued. Development adJacent to the wetland must be destgned (n a manner, wh(ch mitigates detrimental impacts on the wetland. The East Spit exhibits the characteristia of a dynamic beach. Public uses are appropriate on the Spit, as are a I(mited number o( use�supportive buildings (washrooms, landmarks, canteens, etc.). Vehicular access to lhe East Spit and Beachfront Park shall be restricted to emergency vehicles and maintenance equ(pment. C1.3.2 Established Built Area Thts area consists largely of the histor(c Village of Fairport. Of interest (s prolecting the cha�acter of the historic village while provfding an opportuniry tor reviWlizing a'village' tundion by permitt(ng such adivities as tearooms, crah shops, art studios, and offices. The additional uses would be subject to the co�stderation of site�speciflc tezoning app(ications. C1.3.3 Mar(na Mtxed Use These lands will develop in a manner that creates a high quality built form that fs sensitive to views of the water, provides a crftical link for visual and physical public accessibiltty to the wate�front where appropriate, has an attradive pedestrian scale, and builds upon existing neighbourhood pattems. Detailed streetscape and architectural srandards will encourage a vibrant street I(fe. : ,: .. . � - ; , :�,., . ,. , , ,' - . .;.,: .'� ;.' ` , ,a � . , ' 4, . , , . . . . . . , . . . - . . . . .. . . . _ . , � . . � ` W� r : ! t i; : � - � � � 92 : : ; �: � ,,, .. .-��� � ' Uverpool Road Watedronf Node Deve�opment Gutdei(nes Page 3� The m(x of uses wlll relate to the area's neutfcal heritage, and consist of inerinas, yacht clubs, !� madna-support(ve facilitles, maoring fadifdes, publidopen space, residentlal, commercial, retail, offfce and community uses. C1.3.4 Waterfront Use and Amenftv Area . -'.j. ' The Watedront Use and Ameniry Area is a corcidor stretching approximately AO metres inland trom '•`� the edge of Frenchman's eay, running from the Front Street City Park through the Marina Mixed Use llrea lo Liverpool Road. Generally, the area Is reserved for maz(n�related activit(es, including marinas, yacht ciubs, marina-supportive facilities, mooring fadlittes, the waterfront promenade and other pubiic adiviry areas such as public plers and public squares. Additional uses, such as residential, commercial, retail, and o((ice uses, could be considered within the 40 metres on a sitespecific basis, provided that detailed development proposals incorporate marine-related activit(es and/or publfc activtty areas. C1.3.5 Livemool Road Cortidor Development along Liverpool Road will achieve a high levei of design and architectural qualfty, featur(ng a vibrant pedestrian environment. Over time, the area will ofter a mix of uses fnclud(ng residential, commercial, retail, and office, which contribute to an inviting public realm at street level. .(, ;,�� �' ,, �; :; s ,- , ,. , ... ; : _. . o. , 34 ,��.,. : ' , - � Uverpoo) Road Watedront Node Development Guldelines Page 5 G1.1 Development Standarde Chapters 9—'Community Design' and ti3 —'Deqiled Des(gn ConsideraGons' o( the Pickering Offlcial Plan provide a comprehensive 'toolk(C of urban destgn principlee, which arc W be employed throughout the Ciry. This sectlon of the Development Cuidel(nes foliows trom the discussion on the'Waterfront Village' vis(on, and applies the OHicial Plan's design'tools' to the Waterfront Node. Th(s direction includes such mattr.rs as placement of new streets, mass(ng and siting of buildings, and streetsrape design. Dehailed design matters, such as architectural themes, . landscaping, and design of public roads and traUs, are d(scussed in section C1.7 — 'Detailed Architectural and Landscape Guidelfnes' (ro be mmpleted during Part 2 of the Liverpool Road South Area Detailed Revfew� Ct.4.1 Views and Vistas Curcently, there are open views to Frenchman's Bay from Liverpool Road, south of Wharf Street, which provide a sense of plact to the waterfront loration. Views such as these are considered to be of primary importance to the establishment and preservat(on ot a sense of place. These views create the unique atmosphere of the area, and help define the vision for the Node. To preserve, enhance and maximize opportunittes for vievn (rom the area towarcls Frenchman's Bay and LakeOnWrio, is of primary tmportance and shall be a key consideration (n the review of,any development proposal. Of utmost importance (s the need to proted views, and frame view corridors, at frequent intervals along Liverpool Road to Frenchman's Bay. The views and visWs conceptualized (n the foilowing drawing will help to maintain thts area's Iink to the wate�front as weli as proted and enhance Liverpool Road South's unique sense of place. Figure B—Views and Vistes �{ �� � _. . ___._ - -- . . � . . .. . . .. . . . . . . _ - S " . . � . . . . . . 35 `Uverpool'Road Wata�front Node Development Culdelfnes Page 6 C1.4.2 Transoortatfon Network A rnmplete trensportation nelwork cons(sts of three primary levels. Roadway sudaces are designed to acrnmmodate vehlcular and birycle trafflc, sidewalks arc deslgned to adequatciy and safely accommodate pedestrians, and a traU system provides other critfcal Ifnks In die vfcfnity. Roadways Existing roads shall be maintatned in their existing mniiguration. Considerot(on should be given to creating an attractive bus stop near Liverpool Bridge. New streecs will generally feature an 18-metre rightof-way and will be designed in accordance with the evolving character of the area. The use ot rear lanes should be encouraged in new � development so that garage faces and driveway cuts are mintmized along Liverpool Road. Where , laneways are publ(c, they shall generally be 7.5 metres in width with underground services. Ltverpool Road shall become the new spine of the proposed public open space nelwork. It will have on-street pedestrian facilitles of the highest qualiry, including wide, hard•surfaced walkways, lighting, seating, trash receptacles, drinking fountains, publfc art, and signposts, Detailed guidelines for road design are included in section C1.7 —'DeWiled Architedural and Landscape Cuidelines' (to be mmpleted during Part 2 of the llverpool Road Soufh Area Defailed Revlew]. Sldewalks The princtples of continuity, safety, convenience, handicap accessibility and camfort will be employed to create a sidewalk system throughout the Node. It will be appropriate to have a sidewalk on both sides of Liverpool Road wjth access (rom the public sldewalks into adjacent buiidings by a m(ntmum number of steps. Streets leading perpendlcular (rom Liverpool Road to other parts o( the study area may require sidewalks on only one side of the street. New public 'laneways' may carry such low trefflc levels that tfie lane itself may adequately accommodate pedestrian traf(ic. Water(ront Promenade The traditional land-based public network wili be augmented by a weli-designed publicly-accessible pedestrian promenade along the waterfront. It will ultimately be continuous (rom Commerce Street south to the bridge at Liverpool Road, allowing for public access to the water(ront. The waterGont promenade should be wide and generously proportioned. It will be pedestrian friendly w(th trequent areas for seaNng and lookouts, pedestrian-scale Ilghting and lntegrated street fumiture. Recognizing the numerous private ownerships alona the Bay's edge, a variety of access opNons including ownership, easements and right-0(ways will be requtred to ach(eve the promenade. In addiHon, some interim solutions, which are set back from the water's edge, such as on-�oad portions, may be necessary. � t, . _ y`, �'.�, . . . . . . ' . .. 38 Uveqwol Road Waterfront Node Develapment Gufdellnes Pagc 7- Detailed gufdelines for design of the waterfront promenade are included (n sedion C1J - 'DeWiled Architectural and Landscape Cuidellnes' (to be• rnmpleted durJng Part Y ot the live►pool Road South Area Detalled Review� Trails Opportunities to ereate additional off-road t�ail connections along the edge of Frenchman's Bay to Alex Robertson Park and along the Lake Oncario wate�front should be explored through the review of development applicat(ons. In thts area, parkland dedication should be considered (or t�afl connections. Opportunities to fmplement secttons of the waterfront promenade should be punued. Figure C— Publk 5treets and Traiis r , s �1 , a, . , _ , , ._ • .. .. - �;,5 ' i 0 >� � 37 • Lfverpool Road Waterfront Node Deyelopment Guidelines Page 8 C1.4.3 Street and Block Pettem , � There are esWblished block pattems that currentiy exfst along Liverpool Road north of Wharf Street. It is these streets chat provide the iramework from which an area Is expedenced. New streets and access points shouid continue this traditfonal block pattem. Extension af the small blocks will provide additional street edges, greater permeability within the neighbourhood, and (requent views ro the water. Applying the existing block pattem to lands south of Wharf Street will create (our blocks o� each side of Liverpool Road. These lands provide areas of opportunity tor the development of new City blocks. Existing blocks to the north and east have already been fully developed and will remain in their current buflt form conditions. The new blocks facilitate implementation of the land use objectives for these areas. Flpure D—Potentlai DevebpmentBbcks � `� a Llverpool Road Waterfront Node Development Cuidelfnes Page 9 Ct.4.4 Built Form New build(ngs should be designed to be welcomtng and frfendly to peciestrians. This should be .. accomplished through features such as front porches, high quallry landscaptng of front yards, large windaws on the ground floor, and signage of an appropriate character. All architectural design must be of a high quality: Methadologies that tnciude various design elements for reducing the bulk of a building's appearance should be developed as part of the arch(tedural design. Enhanced (lankage elevaHons wll� be requ(red for camer lots. The materiais, roo0ines, design elements and details of new buildings should harmonize with the theme o( a wate�front village pheme to be determtned during Parf 2 of the Uverpool Road South Area Detafled RevlewJ. Buildings will generally be located belween 3.0 metms and 4.5 metres from the Gont property Iine to create enclosure of the street. Generally, as-of-right building height for new development along publ(c streets south of Mnland will be 3-storeys, or i t metres. C1.4.5 Livemooi Road Streetsppe The design of the public righFof-way belween the curb edge and private property is considered to be critical to the successful development of this area. Special attention will be given to developing a cohesive streetscape treatment that can be applied to private development and the public realm thraughout the corridor. The streetscape treatment wiil include paving material, I(ghtfng, sfgnposts'and street fumiture (seating, trash receptacles and drinking fountains), which will be located In distind areas adjacent to the sidewalk for easy pedestrian access. ,�. The design of buildings diredly adjacent to the street wlll be an (mportant part of the creation oi a cohesive design theme for the streets In the area. A continuous street wail (occasionally interrupted to maintafn views oF the Bay), is ideai for this kind of street treatment. Buildings along Liverpool Road shall be butlt close to the street without too much variadon (n setbacks. This form will help to provtde rnntalnment to the street. Ample fenestratlon on the front face of buildings will assist (n creating a safe, Inviting environment along the street. Figure E—Build-W Zones . - %, � f ', ;; , - 39 � Livetpool Road Waterfront Node Development Cufdellnes Page 10 'Build-to zones' will be established along L(veFpool Road, typiwlly requiring that a minfmum of 8596 of any new building be set back 3.0 metres to 4,5 metres from the (ront propedy line (see Figure E- Build-to Zones). Porches wlll be allowed in the tront yarcl. Setbacks greater'�an the build-to (lne will be pertnitted if the result Is a hard-surtaced outdoor seadng area p.e. restaurant patio), or a publlc rest(ng node along the street. Bulldings along Liverpool Road must be designed in a manner such that they can accommodate a range of uses over time. Ground-level rooms at the front of buildings will be highly v(sible, (eature ample fenestration, be easily accessi6le from the street, feature minimum ceiling hefghts for ground tloors of 3 metres, and be suitably arranged to accommodate such adivitfes as retail shops, studios, o�ces and (iving area. These ground-level rooms must be constructed to the appropriate Buflding and F(re Code standards (or commercial-type uses. Signage for these 'shop�houses' must be • disr.reetly located and consistent with the architectural theme of the building. To foster variety and interest along the street, new development should be (reehold tenure, or a fortn of condomtnium that cannot place restr(ctions on the commercial uses encouraged (or the area. Detalled streetscape gufdelines are included in sedion C1.7 —'Detailed Architedural and Landscape Cuidelines' (to 6e rnmpleted during Part Z of the Liverpool Road South Area Detailed Revlew� C1.4.6 Development within the Waterfront Use and AmeniN Area Development and use o( lands along the water's edge of Frenchman's Bay must embrace the marine heritage of the area, and augment the water(ront promenade with public activity areas, Within the Waterfront Use and Amenity Area, identified on Figure A— Tertfary Plan, a variety of marine�related adivities will be prominent, including marinas, yacht clubs, marina-supportive faciii8es, mooring facilities, the watertront promenade and other public actfvity areas such az publlc piers and public squares. Ac mentioned previously, additional uses such as residentlal, commercial, retail, and offlce uses, • could M considered within the Wate�front Use and Amenity Area, provlded that deWiled develapment proposals incorporate marine�related activities and/or publfc activity areas. for example, pertnission may be grented for a resWUrent within the area if it includes an outdoor patio oriented towards the eay and watedront promenade. All buildings within of near the Waterfront Use and Amenity Area must present prominent building faces towards the Bay as well as primary access roads. Rookop equipment must be screened, and outbuildings and refuse areas must not be visible from public areas. i , , . . � . . : ;, . " 40 Liverpool Road Watehront Node Development Guidelines Page 11 C1.4.7' Fairport Villaxe The Fairport Village area once featured a var(ety of small commercial operaqons that oHered goods and services to the local residents. Provided [he character of the area is not affected, it is desirable to reintroduce this type of activity within the Village on a Iimfted basis. If a landowner wishes to (ncorpo�ate uses such as tea rooms, crak shops, art studios, and • professional offlces w(thin a dwelling, site-spec�flc rezon(ng applications will be required. Matters that will be considered in the review of the appliwtions include: the availabilfty of off- and on-street park(ng; that minor or no exterior renovations are requfred; and that signage is discretely accommodated. Ct.S Parking Strelegies Creative parking arrangements, not prevfously employed in Pickering, are required for this area. Opportun(ties for parktng include: • requiring that all new residential development provide appropriate of(-street parking; • permitting on-street parking on one side of Liverpool Road north of Wharf Street, on one side of other streets north of Wharf Street, on both s(des of Liverpool Road south of Wharf Street, and one side of any new east-west streets south of Whad Street; • pertnitting commerctal parking lots and off•site parking under long-term leases; • accepting cash-in-lieu of parking in this area, particularly for the small-scale commerciai � developments anticipated along Liverpool and in Fafrport Village; • encoureging Sandy Beach Road as an altemative access route and overflaw parking destlnation; and • accommodating event parktng at nearby schools and the GO sWtion. C1.6 Emironmental Management . Development proposals within the Node must comply with all relevant resource management pol(cies of the Pickering O(flcial Plan. The following mattea are of particular interest: � no development or filHng should be permitted within the Hydro Marsh; • EnvironmenWl Reports are required for development proposed withtn 120 melres of the Hydro Marsh wetiand boundary to determine appropriate development Ifmits and edge management strategtes; • proposals for bay-fflling should be designed to Improve the environmenWl conditlons along the shoreline (inciuding flsh habitaU; proposals must be accompanied by extenstve Envfronmental Impad Statements, and be subject to all relevant approvals; . additional progress shouid be made on the 'Frenchman's Bay Watershed Management Strategy' (preliminary report recetved by Council in 1998); • the impacts of boaNng activities on the natu�al environment shouid be considered in the review of any new docking facilities; . . on-going fnitlatives for the restoratlon af Krosno Creek, Hydro Marsh and Frenchman's eay should be continued; and • opportunfties to outfit all storm sewers that outlet to Frenchman's Bay with ofUgrit separators should be pursued. << � . / ,`.t '. .. . . ; _ 41 ,, . , ` '. Liverpool Road Watertront Node Development Culdelines pa� �y C1.7 Servictng C1.7.1 Water and SewaQe The Region of Durham Works Department indlcates that ample capaclty exists within water supply and sewage treatment taciHt(es to serv(ce new development in the Uverpool Road Watedront Node. � C1J.2 StormwaterManaQement All new development must incorporate stormwater 'best management pradices' to ensure Ihat post<levelopment (lows are of equal or superior quality and quantity to that of predevelopment flows. C1.8 Detailed Architectural and landscape Guidelines C1.8.1 Theme (to be rnmpleted during Part Z of the [fverpool Road South Area Detailed RevFew] C1.8.2 Architectural Gufdelines (fo be comp/efed during Part 2 of fhe Uvcrpool Road South Area DetaHed Review] C1.8,3 Landscape Guidelines (to be rnmpleted during Part 1 of fhe Liverpool Road South Area Detailed Revfew] CLB.4 Streetsrape Gutdeiines (to be rnmplefed during Part 1 of fhe Uverpool Road Souih Area Detafled Review) 7, � �� ;tY �. e`�r �c73 . p t �.�. y _ 1'� i� r � � �K � �• ,r c�t - �, { 42 ` Uverpooi Road Watedront �ode Development Guldrlines ;r , .t Pege 13 .' �, `�� C1.9, implementation . - ' Council and City staH will rely on the direction provided by the OfOcfal Piaq and these Development.Guidelines In the review of all development applications in the Liverpool Road Waterfront Node. "The Guidelines shouid also be re(erred to In thepreparatloe o(: • zoning by-law emendment applications; ' . • drah plans of subdlvision; " : `draft plans of condominfum; • siting and architectural desfgn sWtements; • site plans; : • land severance applications; • vartance applications; • buildingpertnitapplications;and. • • conshuction/engineering drawings. ' I ; ,.: . : _ . . . _ . •._ �� : , r � '' - , � I ,: ' > � ; , , � � �t � � � < � y '� { <��, t � �. t�€! f:is t' t t� s;4i �a } ,,ri i � r ' � t t � t � ' � ,, t i c{ � r � 't i e rs r a ��t � t" i .� y' ! -r .� . y 1 f i 6 V 11 ` 5 .Y 1 � t � b � . .t 1 � . . �... . . .. . � . . �... ., , .. .. . 1ir:-� ., , . , . . . . ? ��-j 1 � � 1 . ,x a ' S= � aw, � i.at . E � , �- �, ,: � •,; � �,�r' �� ' � �. ` � '. 43� � • �; ., , � � . .. , :.: , _y .. ,. _ , .,. , -� LIVERPOOL ROAD SOUTH AREA DETAiLED REVIEW: PART 1- PHASE 2 REPORT PART D: REVISED IMPLEMENTATION STRATEGY . i` � . ,; ;a-:: -, ::, E ;; � _ � '� ,. . � 1: , �- � , ;� ; � � ;• '°� ��� � � , , k>_: , �? t + i {{ ��.t � . �� - __ . . ..,.. . . . . . . . .. . .. . , �- . -: . ; , . . -- ,, 4�� LIVERPOOL ROAD SOUTH AREA DETAILED REVIEWs � PART 1— PHASE 2 REPORT � REVISED IMPLEMENTATION STRATfGY � This sectlon eddresses Uwse componenb of a deshaWe water(ront vfikh assist in implementlrg IarM uae, design end developrnent ma@ers, or are complemenlary shategies end Initlativas. Whfle Ihe (rnplementatlon maUere identlfiod here ere a(med et Councii, there are other leveb ot govertunent, puW� end privale apenciea, private and non�govemment organizatlons, and olhers who wip collaboraHvely assist in Uie achfevemenl of e desiiable watetimnt rade. To asaltt In the Implementatlon of the Liverpool Road South Area Detalled Review, Pickednp City Councll ehouid: • as occasbns ar(se, and through ihe devebprnent review process, identify oppo�tunitles for providing for pubGc eaRSSibilily ot the waterfiont, arM where appmpdale, securing lands fn pubifc ownership; � as part ot the annual budget process, albcatc monies for compksmentary publk InGastructure improvemenfs (such as siHnage� Pedes6ian�or(ented (cobured) P��A; P�esUtan �ighBng� sidewalk enhar,ramenfs), wiUiin the Walerhont Node� � through Uie devebpment revfew proceu, conskfer requiring a control a�hitect lo revfew all devebpment pians within the Waterfront Nade; � thmugh tlie development revlew process, appty sHe plan conhol to tesldentlal devebpmenls abng Liverpool Road that (eature commercial business zoning� • through the devolopment revlew process, oonsider tools avafleble under Ihe Planning Act, such as density bonuses, to furth3r the goais oi tlie Officlal Plan and devebpmenl gufdelines; • request that tlie Dfrector, Plannfng end Devebpment, subrft sn annuai monilodng reporl in the fall of each year whkh commenb on the suaess of the Llverpool Road Waterfront Node Official Plan polfcies and development guidei(nes, and recommends ectlons that pe�tain to Uie fuidGgs of the repor� • requesl that fhe Director, Operatlons and Emergency Services, in consultaUon with ihe City Clerk, submit an annual rtronitoring report In thr, fatl ol each yoar whkh comrtienb on the traffic and parking condiUons within the immedlate environs of fhe 4YaterBont Nade, and recommends ections ihat pertain to the flndinps of the repo�; and • request that the Directorx of Planning and Devebpment, and Operatbns and Emergency Servkes, coo�dinate e Year 2001 budgel submission for modificetbns to Llverpool Road, (n eccordaz�ce wifh the Liverpool Road Watefiont Node Devsloprtient Gukelines (k�cludinp Ihe detaqed puideMes resultlng ham Parl 2 of Ure Deta�od Revfew). To ea�i�t In furtherinp waterfronQ tourl�m, bo�linp �nd marine related acUvMlea In the Waterfront Node, Plckerinp City CounGl ehouid: • fluough Ms WaterGont Coordinatlrg Committee, fake a leadership role in coordinadn9 P��PS� end klenBfyGg and sew�irg sour�es o( funding 1a the oo-going maintenar�ce ot the harbour channel, dnprovsments to Uie harbour charuiel, and dredging of F�enchman�s Bay, • through the devebpment revfew prxess, enacl agreamenb to euempt IandowneB 6om tlie requ4ement ro �°�e P��9� bY P����B �h�rNleu� for Ihe amall�cale commer�ial uses witl�in Ihe Node; LArerpool Roed Soutli Area Deteped Revkw.� Parf 1— Phase 2 Review p.i , „ , '_�,;- ,, 45 •; tluouph the devebprtient re�lew procees; pertnk eli a e poitbn of U�e required parking fa marina and markia� suppat uses to be pmvWed afl-s�e throdph bnp-temi leese errorpemenb;' _ • consider on-street parking on both akles oi Liverpool Road, south ot Whazf Streek • at en aPPropriate tlme im the fNure, consider the use metered on-street perk6g In the Node, P��Y � Liverpod Road south oi Whar( Sireet, end in pubAc parkinp ereas; • throuph the devebpmenl revlew p�, eecure landa uider paiklard dedicetbn for fhe waterfrwit promenade, and pubib parking; • make (onnal artangements (H requlred)� wifh the Durham Repbn Cathopc Separate School Board, fu lease (a sign appropriatety) parking at Holy Redeemer Separate School toroverflow parkinp pu�pOSes; • thmugh ib Watefiont CooNfnaUng CommNtee, investlgale with Ontarb Power Generetlon the opportunify (or additlonal parking al the (oot of Sandy Beach Road; • through �S Waterfront Coordinatlng CommKtee, consider InvestlgaBnp furlher the establishment ol e boat launch at the foot of Sandy Beach Road on die west side of ihe Pkkerfng Nuclear Generstlnp Statkn; end • Uuough its Watefiont Coordinatlng Committee, consker, In partrrership wfth olher landownera, the esteWishmenl of a water te�tl beM�een the east and vrest spks. , To asaist In improving the heakh of Frenchman'a Bay, Pickering City Council, ahould: • through its Walefionl Coordinatlng Committee, take a leadership roie in coord(natlng partriershtps, end identl�ing end securing soun�s of f�nding, for the pteparatlon at hydraul� and sedimentation models ot Frerwhman's Bay, including the chnnnel to Lake Ontarlo, es well es Krosno Creek and Hydro Marsh; • as part of the annual budgel process, con6nue fm�fing of subwatershed and stormwater management sNdfes for each ot the creeks ibvAng (nfo Frerr�hman's Bay, es required; • as part a( the annual budget process, continue fundfng of remedial atortnwaler managemenl projects for Uie war(oas watercourses tbwing in(o u�e Bay; • as part ol ihe developrr�ent reWew process, iequire �w devebpmenl to heve a nel posiBve fmpact on the health ot Frenchman's Bay, and treat stomiwaler, el a minimum, Uuough the use of oiFgdt separatoB; and • unsure any proposal fa bayfill b desipned lo (mpmve enNronmen�l conditions aiong Ihe shore, is supported by appropdate sWdfes to the satlsfactlon of fhe regulatory egenr.fes, and recehres all requUed approvals and pertnib, To addreas other matten ralted durinp the course of thla Deta�led Review, Plckednp City Council, should: • th�ough ib Wetertronl Coordinatlnp Committeo, con5fder whether Ihe Issue of people Iivfng pertnanently on Iheir boats In Ihe marinas iequlres furNer munktpal revfew; and • fluuough its Watefiont CooNinating Commktee, consider whetl�er Ihe (uue of resWent geose fn Ihe area are a nulsance end requires lurtfier munkipal revlew. " (hrerpool Roed Soufh Aree DetaAed Revlew.� Pert 1— Phese 2 Revlew a2 t ; ` s e r. r s .; ` { I � } r 46 , i `t ��_ Y " 1 - , . �. _ � � �. �' _ r .. - . �. LIVERPOOL ROAD SOUTH AREA DEfAILED REVIEW: ' PART 1- PHASE 2 REPORT , PART E: INFORMATIONAL REVISIONS TO THE PICKERINC OFFICIAL PLAN jl t t . � � . . � . . . � . . . .. 47 LIVERPOOL ROAD SOUTH AREA DEfAILED REVIEW: PART 1— PHASE 2 REPORT INF�RMATIONAL REVISIONS TO THE PICKERING OFFICIAL PLAN InformaUonal revisbns to the Ofiklal Plan can be adopted by Council at any Ume. The revisbrre requ(red to reAed . the compietbn oi the Liveryool Road South Area Dat�led ReNew. Part 1— Phase 2 Report ere as (olbws. 1. Rev�;e the Jnfroducfory fext fo the Bay Ridges Nelghbourhoodln order to klentify fhat CouncB hes edopted U�e 7.lverpool Road Waterhonf Node Developmenf Guldelines ; such fhet the lntroducfory fexf resds as fopows: NEIGi-IDOURHOOD 3: BAY RIDGES Deacripdon Neis66ourhoai . Is bounded by tlu mid-linc of Ftenchtmn's Bny, E�Lghway 401, tl�e Populuioa Projection hydro trmsmission comdor, wd I�ke Ontario . Includa signiElant parklwd adjuent so Iake Ontuio wd u tl�e 19% �l�iv� south end of SwdyBeach Rrnd Aqamf Crom6 • Consitu of a mix of 1960s (wd htu). dc[ached, semi�detached, Pumt Iroeoe towahouse and apvwrnt dwrllings; older village developmwt nur EOl6 tlu Bay f�om cacly 1900s; also includa t}uee cletnentuy schoob, four ncighbourhood parla, tluec placa o[ wotahip, a , coawwnity/senion' cenue, n �wn bowliog fac�lity, a libruy, w ueaa, a GO Tnasa station, wd mui;us • Hu neighbourhood utd comtmmity shopping lodted on Bayly Suut aest of livetpool Road; neighbourhood s6opping on Rrosno Boukvud nar livecpool Eivad, wd on B�ylySucet �t SmdyBacl� Rmd . Hu geaetal wd prestige employment ueu located nonh and south oE BaylySucet, euc o[ S�ndyIIc�ch Rwd • Hu enviconmmtaAy sensi[ive arcas usociated with Frcnc6mw's B�y aad t6e I�ke Ontuio watufront • . Hu four Deca�ed R�w;ew A,e�s w;d�in ;cs boundary, � L,nda wd witcr surtouading d�e eristing ancinv; (u) the Iwds uwnd Imrpool Road, Old Occ6nn! Road wd KrosnoBoukvatd; (w� lands uwnd the Bay Ridges Plu�, west of Iive�pool Rmd; aad ('iv) I�nds uound the GO Tr�nsit station wd euudyalong BaylyStmt ADD —� • Cu��:.wnu7 lus adopted cLe •Liverpool Rmd Wuufront Node ' . Devrbpment Gwdelines" 2. RevJse Msp f3 to add ahada� to ind:cafe thef fhe Llverpod Roed Soufh Area DetaAed ReWew hes 6een � complefed, end delefe a�e merina'symno►�rwn fhe Front 5wot c�7yPadc (soe nexf P�1• Llverpool Roed South Area DefaAed Revkx: Part 1— Phese 2 Report E1 „. _ , -�4 _ _- ._- .__ . .. . . . " � . .. �. . .._ , . . a"t . . . . . . . . _. . :�'�} . ' _ . . . . . . ,. . . � .. .4$. �: : . lO�AP 13 NEIGHBOURHOOD 3: BAY RIDGES 18UHND SYMBOL4 �� ��CONNCC1pNf � M�[qN �UY NOOD O COMYUNT' COITN6 �� DRM�[O 11Mp4 MG - OI MON/M�P O LIBRARY � �.�. .�. ,�K,. ��,,,�� �, i .�,� �w�„� 8 I�DOPi[O OMLOPY[M OU�OEUM[f K�pa PARK (NO[R TO COMIKNOIUN OOCUY[Nn H KO[fTRwI COHN[C110N � eC'CM �R [1luO1TMYOO PROPOS[G PA1tK (rnorosm� � �' .asmec Nwac � wnua� Y� GO-iRNlf1T STATION B MWA . `SV S[NWR C[MR[ O Y�CIIT CWS ��i!+���!M�MOtiMf ov�MM1YpI � U�Y/I OOWNNO � MUII�ll. Kw...w,� �� °:�i.ur��p°�.�..s I/Oit lNO USi OErGfM11C11$ �•i . APPEM ON SCIIEOIIIF I PICKERIN60fFICVLLPIANED1IlON2 ChoPtaBevsn-UibanNelphbouf�oodi IIe .p .� � � . . .. � � . •�',t , , . _ - . ��4� ;i , �`A^��� i+f�,N� � �-� � r �.�e4 � � `��*;� k !�' i'�4� �� � � 1 �' '., 4`+ � � =� ' t � r r � � ; ��,.� � ' .49. ;;, , , ;;,, ! � 4 � ; ,` } i � 1 LIVERPOOL ROAD SOUTH AREA DETAILED REVIEW: - PART 1- PHASE 2 REPORT PART F: POTENTIAL AMENDMENTS TQ THE PICKERING OFFICIAL PLAN �, ; f z t' ! � 'i � t . �: 1 t K � � + �; " F . ,� - � �.�. .: -. � ,.'-� � i T. t` ` r � „i i� S �. j 1 �t �'� t'� �. ! • � ;t r�. `�,��"_,' .4{., _ _ _ , �, 'i . . . , . r. , '� f _ . : . . . . . . ;(- . � . . ... . ' . ;50 � . . LIVERPOOL ROAD SOUTH AREA DETAILED REVIEW: - ' PART 1- PHASE 2 REPORT .. POTENTIAL AMENDMENTS TO THE PICKERING OFFICIAL PUW CerfaN fonnal emendmenta to Ihe Pkka�ing OHidal Plan ere required lo provids a stron9 polkl' foundatbn for the City's objecbves fa Ihe area The tolbvdng potentlat emendmenLs have been drafled based on Uie'd'uectlon eslablist�ed by the Liverpool Road South Area Deteqed Review, Pad 1- Phase 2 Report. All polentlal amendments to the Offlclal Plan will requGe a pubqc consultal(on process separate irom th(s Delailed Review, induding a Staddory PubGc Information MeeUng. City stafl w�l InWate this process ot�ce directed to do so by Council. Polentlal amendmenis to ihe Pkkerinp Olficial Plan (nciude: 1. Amend Schedule !,= Lend Use Strudure, to redes(gne(e the souUrwesf comer ol Lhierpool Road and MNarM . saeer (nvk p,ope�ty) and rhe east slde or L(verpoc! Road souui o� wner� sfreei (H'ufs propedy) Ban uraan ResfdontiefArea- LowDensitytoOpenSpeceSysfem-MarinaAreas. 2. Amend Schodule III - Resouree Managemenf, to reflecf new mepp(ng of Ihe pmvinc7alty slgnlficant 'Ftydro Mersh' we0and, whkb wes recenfty revlsed. 3. Replacesecfbn11.5-'BaYRldgesNelgh6ourhoodPolk�es'wNhthetdlox�ng: BAY RIDGL'S NEIGHBOURE300D POLIQES tis GryCaunc�7�6a11, (a) cetogaize tlut the nm gtoenlly iituakd iouth o( Commeae Stceet �hctcL•3ag w tLe Lake Onhcio �hoaline, on either �ide of Lirerpool Road, e:hibiti o unique ml: o( bullt and namnl attn�uta tlut utabli�hu tLe arta w tLe "Livecpool Road Watafmnt Node"; (b) Pmmom U�e Waudmnt Node a� a bo�ting� mucum ond aemdonal �m; (c) cequi�e tlut futwe de�elopment w�ithin ILe Watedmnt Node capitalize upan tLue�!�que attnbuw, which i�lude Fanchman'i Day, Lalce Ootuio� t6e HYdco Man6, Gry' Pa�1n, marine �cdvitief, wd tLe hittoric Ydlage of Pairporh, (� �ecwe appcopriate land� adjxeat W Panchman'� Bay and l.ake Ontario for We pwpo�e af pmvldL�g a publlclyucasible watedcoot promemde alo U�e wauti edge, tLmugh acqui�itlon, asemenu, eomeyaae, ad dedic�don, orotLerappmpdate mec6ani�m�; . (e) for landt '' tLe Watedroat Node, aquieo building [o�s and Qublic �pue that are oE a 6ig6 quality detign and tlume, w6kh eambine w caate a vibrant pedatriaa envimnmeat • (Q ooMtitlutandiag Table 3 af dnpter 3, eucounge a vadety of wa witLin 1he Wstecfiont Node catuiag W tl�e Pklcetiag,community vud boadng publk bY M��B ��� 3�cht club�, moodag 6cilida,.onrina . iuppoRix usa, rt�ideotial, atail, commeaial and o�'ice mu, a� well a� all usa pc��ffik witLia Nadual Aieaf and Acd�e Recceadoail Acw dnignatbw; �fa ��dOd1O8 action 113(�� for Isadt located witLin the Waucfront Node and within appm:imahly 40 mew oE Ihe t6oteline of Paahaun'� Bay, cahict mei tn thorr pemil��ffile within Nahual ' Aew md Active Recieadoaal Am� duigmUom, u wet! w muina, yacht club�, mooriag 6cflit&i, aai matin� �uQpoAix wa; Llvetpod Roed Soufh Area DefeY�eJ Revlew: Part 1- Phese 2 Reporf F1 t` , ,:2' :{ : n. �. . .. ' .. 51 1 "(y) mtwithipnding �ecdon 11.5(�, cowider permitdng caiderul�4 �, commercial oad o�ee wa wlthin aPPm:imatcly AO meud of the �hoRliae of Fmnedmaa9 Hay� Provided dut det�fled.de�eWprneat a plkadone dewommte tl�at, (i� the pcopmal ealunca die �en+e of publk Rilm along the �ateti , �dg�� (i� thepmpw �l includu the pmvLioa o( publie pka, public iquara or �laillar publtc udvlry acca�� w6ich ue to be comtnuoed at Ihe appUcwYe eaa� aad/or (iii� anyodurmauen idead&d by Couaeil ace addmied appmpriaoely, . () cequLe tlut aew raldentul dexlopmeat fron6ng Lire�pool Rnad. iowh of Whad Sheet, be dcsigncd and conthucted in a mamer �uch tlut gmund �oon 6cing the :heet caa ucommodam a enge oE wu iaeludfag mhil, commeRial and offica; U7 (or deKlopmene pmpoaed wi�hln �,e Waaefroa� Node, consider Kyuiring dutpmpoaeab enkr inw agmemeab with the GtyaB��& (� landowner funding for a conWl arehStect atained by t5e Gty lo a»ist in tLe mview oEde�elopmeot pmpmal+; i� ucommadadag pubUc aecas ro the trau�i edgr, w) comhucdon aad prowion of publie cmda; and iv) nny othermatten Courcil deem� uecasary; ' (k) wit6 ��xct m the pmvi+ioa of packing wit6lu the Waudmnt Node, comider. (�I P���OB landowncn to enhr iaro lo� hcm ageeemenb with otherlandowoea tupectiag the provLioa oE rtquSced pukiog; wd (6� ucepdng emtrin�lieu of Rquieed paciclug; (� ercounge oppocwnities m tejuvenate d�e hL+mric Ydlage of Faicpod m a'lakcfmnt village", and w tlw ead, �6a11 comider iih-�peci6e ��B �PP��d061 �O P��t in conjuncdan wilh t6e eefideatial we, . acdvitic� �uch a� tea momt� enit �hope, aK �wd3a�, and p�ofuiloaal o�ce�, pmvided tluC (� tlie uak of tLe pmpo�ed me if eompatible witL �utmunding we�; (i� appmpeiarc o(f•street pultiag ts ava�ble either on tLe lot or fn neubypubGc packing area; �iir� tLe emriorof the home aaLu ib mildcatlal cluncmr, i� �ignage G dLcmmly ucommodaced; and r (r) any otl�er mauea tde als (or ba�6ll, empum the �m a sapl i� �mimd in (m)MuncomiderinBPmpos y� P P� aak, daigrcd w 6eillna waaxfmat publle amenida and pedahi�n ucu�, and impmvu eavimnnxntal condidom otPaneLwn's Bay aad tu shoaliae; VARIATION TO EXISTINO �'� �o) eomidu peoviding a municip�l boat lauaeh alang Pmot Sheet nar Commcise Shect, or at tLe foot of Ssady Deach Road oa t6e wat �ide o( 1Le Pkkeriag Nucku Gercnting Shtion; wd EXISTINO �� (o) eacounge tLe we and opendoa of tLe Iake Onheio Wamr&ontTnil ia a m�amr �ewidve w tLe wtem�u of Au aeighboucing cuWenb, and pm+de lonl tn8 caaaccdom with the Wamdioat Tnil in appmpriate locadom. l.lve�poo! Road Soufh Aree Detailed Review, Part t— Phase 2 Repaf � t � z^s�'y� �F�! Y - ' ��'*'4h� LS �N Y� � y��� x ��i � �'� Y - 4 � �r «�� r?'a t s �' .� j'Y r �:L �`£ t i r�. t � � -. i �' a � �' ' , .' , , h � .. . ;: r� , 52 , ; ` , , .. ' 4 �' � APPENDIX II TO, REPORT NUMBER PD 26-00 f '.� � . ';,,, . . _ � ` LIYERPOOL ROAD WATERFRONT NODE DEVELOPMENT GUIDELINES <t, , :. ; , . . .. . -.... , ,;. . , „ ;:. . . . , .. . . t`�.I. . . . ���. . . . � ' �1�, � f:' } � ' ' S �: t '':. � � k '� � � f , •�.:i'. , ..��") 1 ,.-F.- ��' � � *. - . �,� ,�; i y � '. y i �`41 � ��� � �" �j j � e 1 - g� i �i "� '', r -' J r �. � {�, r�-�-�� r 4 . �f `�k "' �' f 9 - + s pi':`i.+�..>4... t ._. .. .',. c, .. ,. . . . ., , ._. . � ..}. . , .. . , , . . .., . ,. . . ,/ . . `� � ;1 % , , , «- , _ :, .;., :,, � x �. ��� i,�.i r S 6 - .. � � � . .. �i " �C� .. . . . .. , 5� . Liverpooi Road Waterfront Node Development Guidelines -Table of Contents , . P.age Section ` ' 1 C1.1 General Dacription 1 C7.2 , Guiding Vision -"Wateriront Vlllage" Z C1.3 land Use Objectives 2 C1.3.1 Natu�ai Areas and Open Space Z C1.3.2 Established 8uilt Area Z C1.3.3 AAarina Mlxed Use 3 C1.3.4 Wateriront Use and Ameniry Area 3 C1.3.5 Liverpool Road Corridor 5 C1.4 Development Standards g C1.4.1 Views and Vistas 6 C1.4.2 Transportation Network 8 C1.4.3 Street and 81ock Pattem y C1.4.4 Built Form 9 C1.4.5 Uverpool Road Streetscape �p C1.4.6 Development �rithin the Waterfront Use and Amenity Area � � C1.4J FairportVillage �� ' C1.5 Parking Strategies 11 C1.6 Environmental ManaBement �Z Ct.7 Servicing 12 Ci JJ Water and Sewage � p C1,7.2 StormwaterManagement C1.8 Detailed Architecturol and landscape Cuidelines [to be completed during Part 2] ; 3 Ct,9 Implemenlation Figure a A Terliary Plan 5 B Views and Vistas 7 C Public Streets and Traile B p Polential Developrtxnt Blocks y E Build-to Zona 7he Uverpoo� Road Sou�h Development Cufdelines were adopted 6y Plcker(ng Ciry Coundl through ResolutJon iTi on iil. ,�..: � . , .. , � . �� ~ "��.. . _ " � 55 Liverpool Road Waterfront Node � Development Guidelines C1J General Description . The Uverpool Road Waterfront Node is located at the southem tip of the Bay Ridges Nefghbaurhood. Bay R(dges Ifes on the east side of Frenchman's Bay. Highway 401 is the neighboufiood's noAhem Nmit, and Lake Ontario is its southem Ifmit. The Liverpool Road Waterfront Node extends from the lots on the north side of Commerce Street southerly to Lake Ontario along 6oth sides of Liverpool Road. ' It extends west to include all of the properties F�ving access to, and exposure to, Frenchman's Bay, including the water lots under the Bay. The Node includes the h(storic'Village of Fairport'. Krosno Creek abuts the east edge of the Node. Further east is Alex Robertson Park, Sandy Beach Road, and the Pickering Nuclear Generating StaUon. To the south ts Lake Ontario. To the west Iles Frenchman's Bay, and further west is the West Shore Nefghbourhood. To the north Iles a mixture of old cottage style development, as well as newer 1950's and 1960's subdivis(on development. A commerctal area serving the Neighbourhood is located about a half a kilometer to the north at the intersection of Krosno Boulevard and Liverpool Road. The Node's history (s closely Iinked wilh its water(ront location. Over the years, numerous marinas, boat storage, and marine service businesses have opereted in the area, and a number continue to operate. A sewage pumping st�tion operates on the east side of Liverpool Road. Additionally, the Node o(fero opportunities tor formal and informal recreational activities with natural ope� space, park areas, and trails. At the tlme of adoption of these Guidelines, ft was realized that some parts of the area exhibit a somewhat unkempt, or disused appearance, while others exhibft extreme attentton to deWil, design and ma(ntenance. Investment and attentton by municipal, other government and non-govemment organizations, by individuals, and by private landowners, res(dents and bus(ness operatoro, will hclp poltsh Ihis'dfamond in ihe rough'. C1.2 GuidtngVfsion—"WaterfronlVillage" The gufding viston for the entire Node is that of a'Waterfront Village' with a mix of uses that is open, accessible and (riendly. The Village should be an interest(ng place to Iive, work, and visit. Recognfzing Frenchman's Bay az a boating tourism area, the Wate�(ront Vlllage will provide seasonal marina facilittes wilh some opportun(ties for visiting boaters. Additionai la�d-based recreatlon and tourism opportunities wlll bring visitors from the local area interested fn spending a few hours to most of a day fn the area. The nature of the Village will be geared toward pedestrian comfort, including street amenities. � The character of the Watedront Village will be establtshed by its sertes of small blocks with Gequent and regular views out to the water. The streets wfll foqn view corridors and act as public open space. M added benefit of this (orm of development is that from Frenchman's Bay, 1he Waterfront Village will be permeated by view corcidors, rather than being a cont(nuous wall o( buildings.. . i il 56 ; Uverpoo) Road Watetfront Node Development Guldelfnes , .Page 2 A well�conneded networlc of public open space and streets, whfch exhib(t a high Icwel of streetscape desfgn and quality, further refnforces the cha�ader of the Vlllage. The streets will provide pedestriao-triendly spaces that are sunny, fnvitlng and sheltered from inclement weather. • Due to the proximfly of the Bay and the relatively intense marfna uses established in this area, the endre neighbourhood has been influenced by a"nautical heritage'. The ex(stfng marinas have provided a(ocal polnt and key charecter-setting element for many years; the contfnuat(on of marina . uses tn these areas will persist as a key character-setting element of the Village. Accord(ngly, lands adjacent to the Bay will (eature a yariety of marin�related activitied, publfc amenfties, and a water(ront promenade meandering alo�g the water's edge. In additlon to the marine-related activities, the Village will oHer a variety of other uses that provide opportunities for people to Iive, work, shop and play wfth(n the area. These additional uses include residentfal development, reWil operaHons like crah stores, boutiques and bookshops, as well as other uses such as restaurants, art studfos, and oHices. C1.3 land Use Objectives The Tertiary Plan (Figure A on page 3) provides additional direction on land uses within the Node. ObJectives (or each land use are detailed below. C1.3.1 Naturel Areas and Open Space Four areas are (ound within this land use: front Slreet City Park; East Spih Beachfront Park; and, the Hydro Marsh. The two parks are antic(pated to include a mix o( active and passive recreat(onal areas, as well as vehicle parking within or near the parks. The 'Millenntum Square' — a public gathering place, ts situated at the foot ot Liverpool Road, adJacent to Beachfront Park. The Hydro Marsh is an environmentally sensitive wetland in which development is not pertnftled. Development adjacent to the wetland must be destgned tn a manner, whtch mlligates detrimental impacts on ihe wetland. The East Spit exhibits the characteristia of a dynamic beach. Public uses are appropriate on the Spit, as are a Iimited number of use-supportfve buildings (washrooms, landmarks, canteens, etc.). Vehfcular access to the Fast Spit and Beachfront Park shall be restricted to emergency vehicles and maintenance eqnipment. C1.3.2 Established Built Area This area consists (argely of the historic Village of Fairport. Of interest (s proteding the character of the historic village while provlding an opportunity for reviWitztng a'village' tundfon by permilHng such actfvities as tearooms, crak shops, art studios, and offices. The addittonal uses would be subject to the cons(deration of site-specific rezoning applicatfons. C1.3.3 Marina Mixed Use These lands wlll develop (n a manner that creates a high quality built form that is sensitive to views of the water, prov(des a critical link (or visual and physical public accessibility to the watertront where appropriate, has an attractive pedestrian scale, and builds upon exisHng neighbourhood pattems. Detailed streetscape and architedural standards will encouroge a vibrant street life. ;'. _ _ . r ..� -�- t •.; .:., . - . . --- � c . .. � . .� _ � �� . • Liverpool Road Wate►front Node DevelopmenfGuidelines Page 3 The mix'of uses will relate to the area's nauNcal herimge, and consist of mar(nas, yacht clubs, marina-supportive faciiities, mooring facilitles, publlc open space, residenGal, commercial, recail, oHice and commun(ty uses. Ci.3.4 Waterfront Use and Amen(tv Area The Waterfront Use and /unenity Area is a corcidor stretching approxlmately 40 metres tnland from the edge of Frenchman's Bay, running (rom the Front Street City Park through the Marina M(xed Use Area to Liverpool Road. Generally, the area Is reserved (or marinrrelated activities, includ(ng marinaz, yacht clubs, marina-supportfve facilfties, mooring facilities, the watedront promenade and other public acHvity areas such as public pfers and public squares. Addit(onal uses, such az residential, commerclal, retail, and o((ice uses, could be wnsidered within the 40 metres on a sitrsspecipc basis, provided that detailed development propouls Inrnrporate marine-related activities and/or public activiry areas. C1.3.5 Lfveraool Road Corridor Development along Liverpool Road will achieve a high level of des(gn and architectural quality, featuring a vibrant pedestrian environment. Over time, the area will otfer a mix of uses including residential, commercial, retail, and o(Oce, whtch contribute to an inviqng public realm at street level. � 'f .1 , �\ , , , _ o. � . . 59 Uverpool Road Water(ront Node Development Guldeilnes Page 5 C.1.4 Development Standarda � Chapters 9-'Community Design' and 13 -'DeWiled Design Considerations' of the . Pfckertng OHiclal Plan provide a wmprehensive 'toolkit' of urban deslgn principles, which are ro be emptoyed throughout the City. Thfs sedion of the Development Guidel(nes follows from the discussion on the 'Wate�front Village' v(sion, and applies the OfRcial Plan's design 'tools' to the Waterfront Node. This direction Includes such matters as placement of new streets, massing and sitlng of buildings, and streetscape design. OeWiled design matters, such as a�chitedural Ihemes, , landscaping, and design of public roads and trafls, are discussed in sedion C1.7 - 'DeWlled Architecturoi and Landscape Guidelines' (to be mmp/eted during Part 2 of the Uverpool Road South Area Detalled ReviewF C1.4.1 Vlews and Vistas Currently, there are open views to Frenchman's Bay from Liverpool Road, south of Wharf Street, whfch provide a sense of place to the waterfront locatton. Vlews such as these are considered to be of primary importance to the esWblishment and preservation of a sense of place. These views create the unique atmosphere oF the area, and help define the vis(on for the Node. To preserve, enhance and maximize opportunitfes (or views from the area towards Frenchman's eay and Lake Ontario, is o( primary (mportance and shall be a key consideration in the review of .any development proposal. Of utmost (mportance is the need to proted vlews, and (rame view corridors, at frequent intervals along Liverpooi Road to Frenchman's Bay. The views and vishas conceptualfzed in the following drawing will help to maintaln this area's Iink to the waterfront as well as protect and enhance Liverpool Road South's unique sense of place. Ffgure B- Vfews end Vistas , . , _ �'�L i-. . . so : . Liveryiool Road Watedront Node Development Culdel(nes Page 6 C1.4.2 Transrwrtatlon Network A rnmplete transportatlon network consists ot three primary levels. Roadway surtaces are designed to accommadate vehicular and bicycle t►afflc, sidewalks are designed to adequatety and safely accommodate pedesMans, and a trail system provides other critical Iinks In the vicinity. Roadways Existing roads shall be mainW(ned fn their existing conflguretion. Considerafion should be given to creat(ng an attradive bus stop near Liverpool Bridge. New streets will generally feature an 18-metre rightof-way and will be designed in accordance with the evolving charecter of the area. The use of rear lanes should be encouraged in new development so that garage faces and driveway cuts are minlmized along Ltverpool Road. Where laneways are public, they shall generally be 7.5 metres In w(dth with underground services, Lfverpool Road shall become Ihe new spine of the proposed public open space network. It will have on-street pedestrian facilitles of the hfghest quality, Including wide, hard-surfaced walkways, lighting, seat(ng, trash receptacles, drinking fountains, public art, and signposts. DeWiled guidelines for road design are included fn section C1.7 —'Detailed Archltectural and Landscape Guidelines' (fo be rnmp/efed during Part ? of the Uve�poof Road Sonth Arca Detailed Revfew). 5ldewalks The principles of continuiry, sa(ery, convenience, handicap accessibility and com(ort will be employed to create a sidewalk system ihroughout lhe Node. It will be appropriete to have a sidewalk on both s(des of Liverpool Road with access from the public sidewalks into adjacent buildings by a minfmum number o( steps. Sireets leading perpendfcular from Liverpool Road to other parts of the study area may require sidewalks on only one stde of the strc�et. New public 'laneways' may carry such low traf(Ic levels that the lane itself may adequately accommodate pedestrfan tra(fic. Waterfront Promenade The trad(tional land-based public network will be augmented by a weli�fesigned publicly,accessible pedestrian promenade along the watedront. It will ultimately be continuous from Commerce Street south to the bridge at Llverpool Road, allowing for public access to the water(ront. The watertront promenade should be wide and generously proportioned. It will be pedestrian friendly with Gequent areas tor seating and lookouts, pedestrian-scale lighting and integrated street fumiture. Recogntz(ng the �umerous pr(vate ownerships along the Bay's edge, a variety of access options including ownership, easements and right�of-ways will be required to ach(eve the promenade. In addition, some fnterim soluttons, which are set back from the water's edge, such as �n-road portions, may be necessary. r ,y.:: � s� Uverpool Road Waterfront Node Development Guidelfnes Page 7 Deqiled guidelines for desigo of the wateriront promenade are included In sedion C1.7 - 'Detailed Architectural and Landscape Guidelines' (fo be rnmpleted during Part 2 of the [lverpool Road South Area Detalled Revlew]. • Tratls Oppartunities to create addidonal off-road trail connections along the edge of Frenchman's Bay to Alex Robertson Pa�k and along the lake Ontario water(ront should be explored through the revfew of development applications. In th(s area, parkland dedication should be considered tor trail connections. Opportunities'to Impiemenf sections of the waterfront promenade should be pursued. Figure C— Publfc Sheels and Tralis ;.f . ,t .r sz � Liverpool Road Watedront Node Development Guideiines � Page 8 : C1.4.3 Street and Block Pattem There are establlshed blak pauems that currently exist along Ltverpool Road north ot Wharf Street. it is these streets that prov(de the f�amework from whlch an area Is experienced. New s►reets and access points should contlnue thfs traditional block pattem. Extensfon of the small blocks will provide addiHonal streec edges, greater permeability within the netghbourhood, and frequent views to the water. Appiying the ex(sting block pattem to lands south of Wharf Street wtll create four blocks on each side of Uverpooi Road. These lands provide areas of opportunity tor the development o( new City blocks. Existing blocks to the north and east have already been fully developed and will remain in their current built form conditions. The new blocks faciliWte implementation of the land use objedives for these areas. Figure D— PolenUal Devebprt�ent Bbcks ,i , '.i :.. . � � � . . - . � . � � . 63 Uverpool Road Waterfront Node Development Guidelines Page 9 C1.4.4 Built Fortn New buildings should be des(gned to be welcomfng and friendly to pedestrians. Thts should be acrnmpllshed through (eatures such as front porches, high quality landscaping ot front yards, large windows on the ground Ooor, and signage o( an appropriate character. All architectural design must be of a high qOal(ty. Methodologies that include various deslgn elements for reducing the bulk of a building'sappearance should 6e developed as part of the architecturel design. Enhanced flankage elevations will be required tor comer lots. The materials, rooFlines, design elements and details of �ew buildings should harmonfze with the theme of a waterfront village (theme to be determined during Part 2 oi the Llverpool Road South Area Detailed Review]. euildings will generally be located between 3.0 metres and 4.5 metres from the front property Iine to create enclosure of the street. Generally, azof-right building height for new development along publfc streets south of Mnland will be 3-storeys, or 11 metres. C1.4.5 Ltverpool Road Streetscape The design of the public right�of-way between the curb edge and private property is considered ta be critiql to the successful development of th(s area. Special attention will be given to developing a cohes(ve streetscape treatment that can be applied to private development and the public realm throughout the corridor. The streetscape treatment will include paving material, (ighting, stgnposLs and street (umiture (seating, trash receptacles and drinking founqins), which will be lowted in distind areas adjacent to the sidewaik tor easy pedestrian access, � The design of bulldings dfredly adjacent to the street will be an important part of the creation of a cohesive desiqn theme tor the streets in the area. A continuous street wall (occasionally (ntertupted to mainfain vlews o( the Bay►, is tdeal for th(s kind of street treatment. Buildings along Liverpool Road shall be built close to the street without too much variation in setbacks. This form will heip to prov(de contafnment to the street. Ample (enestration on the front face ot buildings will assist in creating a safe, inviting environment along the street. Flpure E - Bu�d-to T.ones . �'. E. . , . . � :-,....,_., _- 64 Liverpool Road Waterfront Node Development Guidelines Page 10 'Build-to zones' will be established along Liverpool Road, lypically requir(ng tfiat a mfNmum of 8596 of any new building be aet back 3,0 metres to 4.5 metres from lhe tront property Iine (see Figure E— Bulld-to Zones). Porches wlll be allowed in the front yard. Setbacks greater than Ihe bulld-to Itne will be pertnitted if the result is a hard-surfaced outdoor seating area (i.e, reswurant pado), or a public restlng node along the street. � euildings along Liverpool Road must be designed In a manner such that they wn accommodate a range of uses over time. Cround•level rooms at the front of buildings will be highly visible, feature ample fenestration, be easily accessible from the street, (eature min(mum ceil(ng heights for ground floors of 3 metres, and be suitably arranged to accommodate such adivities as retail shops, studios, offices and Iiv(ng area. These ground-level rooms must be rnnstruded to the appropriate Building and Fire Code sWndards for commercfal-type uses. Signage for these 'shop-houses' must be � discreetly located and cons(stent with the architectural theme of the buiid(ng. To foster vartety and interest along the street, new development should be (reehold tenure, or a form of condominfum that cannot place restrictions on the commercial uses enmureged for the area. DeWiled streetscape guidelines are included in section C1.7 —'DeWfled Architectural and ' Landscape Guidelines' (to be completed during Part 2 of the Llverpool Road South Area Detailed Revlew� C1.4.6 Development withtn the Water(ront Use and Amenity Area Development and use of lands along the watets edge of Frenchman's Bay must embrace the ma�ne heritage of the area, and augment the waterfront promenade with publfc activity areas. Within the Waterfront Use and Amenity Area, tdentified on Figure A— Tertiary Plan, a variety of marine-related activities will be prominent, fnciuding marinas, yacht ciubs, mar(na-supportive facilities, mooring (acilities, the wate�(ront promenade and other publlc activiry areas such as public p(ers and public squares. As mentioned previously, additfonal uses such as residential, commercial, retail, and oHice uses, could be considered within the Watedront Use and Amenity Area, provided that detailed development proposals inrnrporate marine�related activittes and/or public activity areas. For example, pertn(ssion may be granted tor a restaurant withfn the area if it includes an outdoor patio or(ented towards lhe Bay and waterfronl promenade. All bufldings within of near the Watertront Use and Amenity Area must present prominent building faces towards the Bay as well as primary access roads. Rooftop equipment must be screened, and outbuildings and retuse areas must not be visible from publfc areas. I : i { Y h. a — ;,.- , _ 65 L(verpool Road Water(ront Node Development Guldelines Page 11 C1.4J Fairport Village � The Falrport Village area once featured a va8ety of small commercial operations that oHered goods and services to the local residenb. Provided the charader of the area fs not affected, it Is desirabie ro refntroduce this rype of act(vity within the Wllage on a Iimited bas(s. If a landowner wtshes to fncorporate uses such as tea rooms, crak shops, art studios, and professional of(lces within a dwelling, s(te-specific rezoning applicat(ons will be required. Matters that will be cons(dered in the review of the applications include: the ava(labillry of oH- and on-street parking; that mfnor or no exterior renovatfons are required; and that s(gnage is dfscretely accommodated. C1.5 Parking Stralegies � Creative parking arrangements, not previously employed in Pickering, are required tor thfs area. Opportunities for parking include: • requiring that ail new residential development provide appropriate off-strect parking; • permitting on-street parking on one side of Liverpool Road north of Wharf Street, on one side of other streets north of Wharf Street, on both sides of Liverpool Road sauth of Wharf Street, and one side of any new east-west streets south of Wharf Streeh, • permitting commercial parking lots and o(f-site parking under long-term leases; • accepting cash-in•Ileu of parking in this area, particularly for the small•scale commercial developments anticipated along Lfverpool and in Fairport Village; • encouraging Sandy Beach Road as an altematfve access route and over(low parking destination; and • accommodating event parking at nearby schools and the GO station. C1.6 Environmental Managemenl Development proposals within the Node must comply with all relevant resource management policies of the Picker(ng Official Plan. The following matters are of particular Interest: . no development or fllling should be permitted withtn the Hydro Marsh; . Envlronmenwl Reports are required for development proposed within 120 metres of the Hydro Marsh wetland boundary to detertnine appropriate development limits and edge management strategies; • proposals for bayfilling should be designed to (mprove the environmenWl conditions along the shoreline (including fish habitat); proposals must be accompanied by extensive Environmental Impact Statements, and be s�bject to all relevant approvals; • additional progress should be made on the 'frenchman's Bay Watershed Management Strategy' (prellminary report received by Council in 1998); • the impacts of boating adivities on the natural environment should be considered in the review of any new docking facilities; • omgofng initiatives for the restoration o( Krosno Creek, Hydro Marsh and Frenchman's Bay � should be contfnued; and • opportunit(es to auHit all stortn sewers that outlet to Frenchman's Bay witfi olUgrit separetors should be pursued. s s Llverpool Road Watedront Node Development Guidelines . Page 12 ' C1J Servicing CiJJ Waterand SewaRe The Region of Durham Works Department (ndicates that ample capacity exists wilhin water supply , and sewage treatrnent facilfHes to service new development in the Liverpool Road Watedront Node. Ci.7.2 StortnwaterManaxement Ail new development must Incorporate stormwater •best management practices' to ensure that pos4development flows are of equal or super(or qualfty and quantity to that of pre�development tlows. C1.8 Defafled Architectural and landscape Guidelines C1.8.1 Theme (to be eomp/efed during Part 2 of the Liverpool Road South Area Detailed Revlew] C1.8.2 Architectural Guidelines (to be rnmpleted during Part 2 of the Liverpool Road South Area Detailed ReviewJ C1.8.3 Landscape Guidel(nes (to be rnmpleted during Part 1 of fhe Llverpool Road South Area DetaJ/ed Review] C1.8.4 Streetscape Guidelines (to be mmp/eted durJng Parf Z of fhe Liverpool Road South Area Detalled Review] fitl}. � , . ' � - L �;1 �/ �^j �` . . . � . . . � I . Liverpool Road Water(ront Node DevelopmenCGuidelines P� t3 Ct.9 Implementation . Council and C(ty sEaff will' rely on the dlrection provided by the Offlcial Plan and these Development �uidelines in the review of all development applications In che Liverpool Road Watedront Node. The Guidel(nes should also be referred to in the preparation of: • zon(ng by-law amendment appHcatlonr, • drak plans of subdivisfom, . drah plans of condominium; • siting and architectural design statements; . site plans; . land severance appi(cationr, . variance applications, • building permit appiicatlons; and ' � • constructiorJengfneering drawings. 1 , tr: yt `'` I` ,� � 'TtJap�h""'a�+r y t�;r r �; s •ar _ ry,,y . 1 $ � �r- ,� t,�� r .nr,� t � , �� 'M1 * s, V � � ` ,. � 4 't - Nw'^' f ...... ; . � . �� aerExnuc iu To ' REi'ORT NUMBER PD 2600 LIVERPOOL ROAD WATERFRONT NODE REVISED IMPLEMENTATION STRATEGY t r �,; i F , 1 f ? :�:[ .'� 1 � . . � S ` f S ' � 't ��.i T 4 f.�# y f . S - %'� : y d t a ��V { t ! . '�Z�' S � ti. � 11 t, � t t 4- r k 1 � �, r �...a 1 - �.'�. {CZf� j# � 4t5 �'y �Z K �i ��µ .� } .- fd i S 7� T t J � y „ . ; .. Z }�. � ��'`aS � #� < '`� 4 -i� ,i�Ta �s � x w''^� � • F k,...-�-z �`� ...3 �= t J ..,'.,{: S �, cH �.,ir,uu.._Y'� ,i -. ... k..�._ �t,a,.7,.. .-t.,.a ..,,.. . . ,.. ..,, ,. . . . . ,: : . .:.. ... _ _ - , ,, , . . ` , 69; LWERPOOL ROAD SOUTH AREA DEfAILED REVIEW: PART 1— PHASE 2 REPORT � REVISED IMPLEMENTATION STRATEGY This sectlon addrssses those canponents of a deslrable waterfronl whkh asslst (n ImplemenUrg larb use, design and devebpment maders, or are compiementary strateg(es and initlatives, Whiie the Implemenlatbn matters IGentified here are aimed at Council, there ara otlier leveis ol govemment, puWfc and pdvale apencies, private and non�govemment organhatlons, and others xrta will collaboratively assist in the achievement of a desirable waterGont node. To asalat In the ImplementaUon of the Llverpool Road Soulh Area Detalled Review, Pfckerinp Cky Council ahould: • as occasbns arise, and thmugh Uie devebpment review process, identify opportunitles for providing for public aaessibility oi the watcrfront, and wheB appropriate, secu�ing lands in publk ownersh(p; • as part of the annual budget process, allocate rtanies for complementary public (n6astructure improvements (such as signage, pedesaian�odented (cobured) paving; pedestrian lightlng, skfewaik enhancertrents), within ihe Watefiont Node; • th�ough the devebpment review process, consWer requiring a control a�hitect to review all development plans wilhin the Waterfront Nale; • Ihrough the development revfew praeu, apply site plan control to Bsidentlai devebpments abng Liverpool Road that feature commercial Muiness zonirp; . Ihrouph the devebpment rev(ew process, consider tools available under the Plannfng Act, such as density bonuses, lo fu�ther Ihe goals ol the Officiai Plan end devebpmeM guidelines; • request that tlie Dfrector, Plannfng and Devebpment, submil an ennual rtanitoring repoR in the fail af each year whkh comments on the suaess of ihe Liverpool Road Waterfront Node Official Plan polfcies and devebpment guideiines, and rewmmends xibns that pertain to the 6ndings of the report; • request that the Oireclor, OperaHons and Emerpency Servkes, in consultatbn with the City Clerk, submit an annual monitoring raporl (n the lall ot each yeaz whkh comments on the Uaffic and parking conditbns withfn the immediate envimns ol the Waterfront Node, and recommends actions that perta(n ro the flndings oi the report; and • request thal Uie Dfrectors of Planning and Devebpment, and Operatbns and Emergency Servkes, coordinate a Year 2001 budget submissbn lor rtadificatbns to Liverpool Road, in accordance wilh the LJverpool Road Water6ont Node Development Guidelines (irxluding the detailed gufdellnes resulting from Part 2 of the Detailed Review). To aasiit In furtherinp waterfront, tourlim, boatlna and marine rolated activkles In the Watertront Node, Pickering Cityr Council ihould: • thrt�ugh its Wateriront Caordinating Committee, take a leadership role in coordinating parNerships, and Mentiryir� and secudr�g sources of funding for the on�going maintenance oi the harbour channel, improvements W the harbour channel, and dredging of Frenchman's Bay; • through the development review process, enact agreements lo exempt landowners from Uie requiremeat to Provide P��9, bY P�vidirg caslWM'�eu, for the small-scaie commerGal uses within tlie Node; • through the deveb{anent review process, permil all or a portion of the required parkfng for marina and marina- support uses to be pmvided ofl site through bng-tertn lease artangemenLs; • consider on-sUeet parking on both sides of Liveipool Road, south of Wharf Streek • et an appropriate 6me in the future� oonsfder the use metcred oo-street parking in the Node� Parliwl�i!' on Liverpool Road soWi ot Whad Sfreef, and in publk parking areas; • through ihe development review process, secure IarMs under parklarxl deJicaUai for the watertront promenade, and puWk P��9� • make tormal artanpemenb (H requfred)� with the Durham Regto� Cethol� Separate Sclaol Board� to lease (or Sb� ePP��h) P��9 e� �Y Redeemer Separete School For overibw P��9 P��� • add�itlonal�parWkir�et tl,e ro�a ot sa�ndy�ee� RoaA,�ate wla� ontarlo Power ceneranon aie opporamNy ta • ihrouph its WateAront Coordinatlng Committee, consider investlpatlng fuNier the establlshment ot a bo� taw�ch at the faot ol Sancfy 8each Road on tM west s�de of tl�e Pkkerirp Nudear Gene�atGq Statlar, and • Uuouph ib Waterfront Coordinatlap Commitlee� conslder� In perh�ershfp with other landovmers� tlie eataWlahmem of a xrater texi between the east and weal spib. =f4 _ _ . . . , . . " .:, t -.' ;.,_ ..:J` r ':• \ , 7 :,�.' _ % Q; � `., , . ,- .• .._ - ;�; - •; To �wbt In improvinp th� haltli of fnry;hm�n9 B�y, Plekainp CKy Couneil, �hould: .. thrt�ugh ib WaOefiont Coordfnatlnr,' Commktae, teke a laaderah(p rote in coordinaUn9 D�P�� � aena►rtna era secudn� aou�es ar runair�� for ihe preparation al hyd�aul� and sedimentaUon modeb of Frenchmad8 BBy, including tlie �.riannel lo I�ke Onfarlo, as weil es Krosra Creek and Hydro Maish; . as pa�t ot the annual budget process, contlnue tundinp of subwateiaf�ed arW stormwater manapement studies fa each oi the creeks fbwing inlo Frenchman's Bay, as required; . es part of the annual budget process, conUnue Pondirg ol remedial stormwater managemeM proJeds ta the wubus v�atercourses AowioB into the Bay; . as paR of fhe devebpment mvfew process, requi�e new devebpment W have a net posffive impact on tlie heaflh of Frenchman's Bey, and treat stortnwater, at a minfmum, through the use o( oil�rit separaOors; and • ensure any proposal for bay-fill is designed to improve environmenfal conditlons abrq the stare, is wpported bY ePP�P��e studies to the saUstection oi the regulatory agencies� and receives ali required approvals and Permits• To addrei� other matter4 ralsed durinp the coune of fhis Detailed Review, Pickerinp CRy Council, etiould: . Ihrough ks Waterfront Coordinating Committee, consider whether tlie issue ot people Iivfng pertnanenlly on tl�eir 6oats in the mar(nas requires further munkipai review, and . thtough ils Waterfronl CooNfnating Comm'itlee, consMer whethe; the issua oi resident geese In the area are a nufsance and requires fuAher mun�fpal review. � �(< _ ,, � .+ _ � : ' : , !�+l h r` 1 � 4' y t �.'= - I .i t � t E :�4, , >.a� . .,..-.,rt :!....F �.t: ,_ ',;'n �r� . . .. ..... ..... . t .. .. . . . . _ . ._ .�. . . a��,iK �. .t<� ��s r�- ��, a� . t Y.` ��j�r 5'F�i ,Z s t� � } i` 1 {' � 'i 4 (�� Y ? } �rvi p i�.{�.`S Y.i{ � � i � ) � �� �% !S{ :�.�- . . . '. f �;' s APPENDIX IV TO .i _ ,,,'` RE�PORT NUMBER PD 26-00 . '�` , INFORMATIONAL REVISION NO. 8 TO THE PICKERING OFFICIAL PLAN .{ > t ��,k ; �� t V� ` � ry r l' � �v i f f� { I. : $ — � �: � � � 1 t �!, 3 a c � �c ,� } � � w i f . �� � �k � l } � � t 3 ��� ? }, � � �^ r f�� � T ,h sr . i- t � y P _.. b __ � J /'' y 4. �+�7b., :��.t%�... r ,X.s, a.., , $.�� . .. , �,xt I. :�l�� ..si.,,� 3f e��, .�.. r �.i`� � .,t. .: r.. .�_ . , „}, .i, .. .. ... _ ,�, 4...Y, .. _� . . '72 . : LIVERPOOL ROAD SOUTH AREA DETAILED REVIEW: PART 1— PHASE 2 REPORT INFORMATIONAL REVISION NO. 8 TO THE PICKERING OFFICIAL PLAIV 1. Revise the introduclory lext to the Bay Rldges Nelghbourhood !n order to ldenl� Ihat Counci! has odopted the "Llverpao! Road Wa�erfront Node Development Culdelines'; auch that thc introduclory fext reads as jollows: NEIGHBOURHOOD 3: BAY RIDGES Neighbourhood Popul�tion Pmjection . �s - �� . .,',� £ �S ; ' , � �` • ix��� — ----- -- ADD —► Descripdon . Is bounded by the atid•line o[ Frenc6m�n's B�y, fLghw�y 401, tLe hydro vansmission cocridor, wd Lake Ontuio • Includa signif'uant pu�nd adjuent to I�lce Oatuio wd at tLc south cad of SwdyBach Road • Comisu of a mix of 1960s (wd I�ur) denched, semi-danc6ed, townho�ue wd �puumnt dasllings; older h7lage development neu t6e Bayfcom ruiy 1900s; also includes thm e�mennryschooLs, four neighbour600d pulo, three plues of worslup, a comnwnity/seniocs' cenue, a lawn bowling (uility, a library, u� ucm, a GO Tnnsit station, and reurinu . Hu neighbourhood and conucwnity shopping loraud on BaylY Strcet west of livetpool Rnad; neighbourhoad shopping on Krosno Boulevad neu Liverpool Road, and on BaylyStreet at SandyBeac6 xoad • Hu genenl and pmstige emplo}�mcnt uieu 1«ated north and south of BaylyScmt, eut of SwdyBeach Rnad • Hu wvironmentally seasitive ace�s usociucd with Frencl�min's Bry uid the Iakc Ontuio watedron� . Hu four Det�ikd Review Areu witl�in its bounduy, () lands wd anur surrounding the eristing �����; (6) �he Iwds uound Liverpool Rmd, Old Oichatd Road wd Krosno Boulcvard; (w) laads uound t6e Bay Ridga Plu�, wes[ of Liverpool Road; wd (v) lands uouad the GO Tnasit sutian wd euterly �long Bayly Stnec • Gty Counc�7 hu adopted thc "Iivecpool Road Waudront Node Develcpmen[ Guidelina" 1. Revtse Map 13 to add shadrng 10 tndtcale that fhe Liverpool Road South Area Detaifed Revlew has been comple�ed, and de%te the "marina"symbol jrom the Front S�reet Cily Park (see next page). _ , �, _ „._ , t. r ' 4 pi S � ��f :I s� ;t � — t'��..c�,�t„ E. Fn..f..r• . ..,. x._.. ,_ .. , .... .t .� _,... . .., ,. ..., . .. .. .. . . ;. i. „ _. �: , t ;� MAP 13 NEIGHBOURHOOD 3: BAY RIDGES Ilif3DND SYMBO[S MM RWp CpNN[GiqHt MOOHOWRNOOD �.ROVOtm> � eouHO.m C eouuuHm cc.�rnc �� DRAN.CG 11M[ri MG , - a wORiMP � UBMRY UllDf �011 WMCN CqlNC�l IM! � ADOPRD DMLOPM[M OInoNH[f � w� RlY[MMY � (NfJCR i0 COYP[NqYY DOCWCN� ��� PMK PfD[ETRMN/�1�1�CL[ CONNLCf10N � lMAMT[ [tLMLNTARYO �� t�ROrwseo) 'K��� PROPOSfA PARK � �F �nnaue vnuoc � wnmru � fA-I/NNlIT STATION B MClN Sv f[Nqli C[MfI1E � YACNT CLUB �±�' �oa�9.aMR OOw11�MI � MY111 BOML110 � MOl�ll. � ~�o� .°�'�. �� �r..r�.. �.. r . HOTC: l/JIO USE 005ICNATqNS APpfM dl SC/IEDUIE I PICKERING OFfICNL PIAN EDrt10N 2: Ctapta Beven - Urban Ndphbaatwod� 1�9 t' ) 't'z �, � { 5.� �, ...F.., • / i _ 73 kt'C rqf�,." x F c� ..i rtt { j-. s f � � s i� � a{a4 } r { ��� {7 � a -e- � .. 'F�FS`t� �1y 1i.�a �I.� a � � �'�k ,f � � �� 1t �r xT���# + x �? �<� � �� s �, ,t ',�''ti x �,� '�' ' APPENDIX V TO `; `�;Y '� � ' ~ � ' .. REPORT NUMBER PD.26�00 + 1-. ',, C t , ��r� � � �� ',� �, , , =�s . POTENTIAL AMENDMENTS TO�THE PICKERING OFFICIAL PLAN _ i, 1i _ `.f � r� ` � f�-; - .�.` �:_ , ': , � s . � ,. : �, _ t �_.?., . ...... t°'. . ., , , ...., , ..'.. ,. �. � t� . �� �Yr. ' ' . � . . . . . ,. �,F . .. . . . . .. � ' � . . - . � .. i5 UVERPOOL ROAD SOUTH AREA DEfAILED REVIEW: PART 1- PHASE 2 REPORT POTENTtAL AMENDMENTS TO THE PICKERING OFFICIAL PLAN Certain fottnal amendments to the Pickering Officiel Plan aze required to provide a etrong policy foundetion for the City's objectives for the area. The following potential amendments have been drafted based on thc direction cstablished by the Liverpool Road South Area Detailcd Review: Part 1— Phase 2 Report. All potential amendments to the O�cial Plan will require a public consultation process separatc from this Detailed Review, including a Statutory Public Infortnation Meeting. City ataffwill initiate this process once direcled to do so by Council. Potential amendments to the Pickering Official Plan include: !. Amend Schedule /— Lottd Use Slrrtcture, Jo redesigna�e fhe south-wes! corner ojLiverpoo/ Road and Annland Srreet (Avis) and !he east side af Liverpool Road soulh of Wharf Street (Nilts) jrom Urban Reslden�ia/ Area — Low Densiry to Open Space System — Marina Areas. 2. Amend Schedule 111— Resource Managemen�, to reJfecf ne�v ntappJng oj tlte provinctaUy signifrcant "Hydro Marsh" welland, which was recently revlsed. 3. Replace seclion 1/.S —"Bay Ridges Neigh6ourliood PolicJes " tivilh the jo!lowing: BAY RIDGES NEIGHBOURIIOOD POLIQES t1.S GryCouncili6all, (a) mcognize tlut the arta gemnlly �ftuaud aouth of Commeece Street �tretching w the Lake Ontario thortline, on either side of Li�apool Road, e�in a ua'u{ue mix of built and mwnl aaribum� that ahblitha the a�sa a� the `Li�+eryool Road Watedmnt Node"; (b) pmmom the Wame6nnt Node u a boating, muriem and mcieadonil �ea; (c) mquLe tLat fudue de�slopment within the Wahcfmnt Node capitalize upoa tLae unique attn'buua, ahleh include Fmnchmaa's Bay, lake Oota�, the Hydeo Manh, Gty paekt, marine acdvides, and the hisWric V�71age of Fairpox� (� �ecwe appropmee I�nd� adjacent w Amnchman'e Bay and I.ake Ontado (or the pwpo x of pioviding a publiclyaccasble wam�front . pmaumde along tfie w�te�s edgc, through uquisidon, euemenb, eonreyaace, packlanddediadon,orotLerappmpriatemec6ani�ms; (e) forla�i within tfie WahrGont Node, aquLe building fomv and pu6Ge �pace tlut are of a hig6 quality daign aad theme, w61ch combitx ro cmate a vibnatpedestrisn envimnmen� (Q uotwi@utandiog Tabk 3 of mapxr3, eacourage a nriety o(mu witLin Uie Wamrbont Node amring ro tLe Pickecing community and bauiag public by pem�itflng miricw, yac6t club�, mooring hcilitiee, marina euppocti�e use�, a�idential, �etaU, commacial and o�ce wa, u well u aU wa permiu�le within Natwal Aca� aud Aed�e Reeceadonil Aceat daigmdoro; , (� oohvithstandiug tecdon 1L5(�, for �nd� located within the WaoerGont ; Node and within nppm:fmakly 40 metre� of tLe �6omliae of Amachmaa': Bay, rahiet we: ro tlw�e permi�s�k within Nawnl :, Meat and kti�e Recaadonal Aiea� daigmdom, a� wetl m rtudnu, yuhtdubr, mooriag fu�itk�, and iw�im iuppo�tite uscs; i(6) ootwidutaad'wg xcaon tLS(� C061IElf PlMIf� Rtla![IG�I� RhU� comme�eial and o�ce wa wtthin approximahly 40 mehe� o( the i6omllne of PaacLman9 Hay, pmvlded dut dem�7ed de�elopmeat app�caaem demommoe d�ar, i� tLe pmpmal ealuncet the ume of publlc tealm along the aate�'i edge; -`,' j r. (� � Lnilu ublki ud the pmv(iiun of publk pkn, pubik squua P vity areu, whieh ue to be eon�trueoed at the { appUcanc'� ew� snd/or J J (i(� anyotlxrroamen idead&d byCouaeil ue �ddieuedap�ropciaWy; r.; (9 Ky� dmc aew eaWend.t ae�eIopmeat hho� u�erpool no,a, touth �; pf.V76o�f StRe4 be'duigoed ead comtnuoed in � manmr �ueh th�t �- tmuaf Hoon 6eing du iheet nn utommodoEe: � eaoge of wa � fncludtng ieqU, eom:neeeW and ogiea= ; ` . �' „ diw4' f ,� � �� . .�LY�'7...ii 1. ,.. �vi t.. .,.�, . ..+.�i . _,. .� , . _ � �, t _ . _ .. ,� / .. .,._ . . . . . ':{ t i,.� 1 � . ..::.. ",�. j .�.. t....: . :� .S: . _ _ f .. ,.� �� � . � . . , . . . '� ip �r de�elopment Propaed �vlthin t6e V7ah�5oM Node, coro(der mqui�in8 tlut pmjwaenu emer inoo �gKemenb with thc Qty Rgmdto� (Q laodowner fund(ng for a em�ol ou�hitcct Kntacd 6y the Gty w u�LtiatLe mkwoEde�elopmeotpcopwab; (iQ oeeommodadag publk ucen w tLe �vsoeri edge; (if� coastrucdon and pmvLbn ofpubGe ro�dr aad (i� oayotherwmenCouucildeemsneca�try; (k) wtttth Ripeet to the pmvi�ton of padciag within tLe V7atecfiunt Nale, eomider. (� Pnmiuing landownen to enOer inW long tecm agmemenb with otherlaadownen ce�pccting tLe pmvleion of mquLed packiag; sad (i� uceptiag aelrfalku oEmquired P��B� (Q encounge opportunides to cejursnaoe the hbwdc Y�ge of Pauport as a`lakefroat v�lage', aad w thi� end, �hall cowider �ik•epecific awning applkadoat to pemtit in conjuacdon aith the eaidemvl we, utivitia iuch u ma mom�, cnh shop�, act awdio�, and pmta�ioml offica, pmvlded tlu� (� the uale of the pmposed use i� compab'ble aith surtoundiag ma; (u� apptupriak oHfhcet paeking u a�ailable either ou tLe lot or in oaiby public pu�ing ueu; (iL7 the exariorof tLe 6ome atairu ib m�idential cluncter, (iv) �igmge b discamly ucommodamd; and (� anyothermamen ideati6ed by Council aa addx»ed appmpriaaly, (m) wkn comidering pmpmal� forbay•fill, emute tlx pmposal u limimd in uak, daigrcd w 6tilitats mmdeont publlc amenida and pedahisn uca�, aad impm�a enviionmental condidoro of Frtnchman'� Bayand ib ihoRline; VARtATION TO El(ISTtNO �� �o) �aa+�� p��1nB a municipal boat uuncl� along Pmnt Sueet cuar Comme�ce Streey or �t tLe foot of Saody &uh Rwd on tLe wat ilde of tLe Pkkeriog NuckuGeneradng Sbtion; and EXISTINO -� (o) eacounge tLe me and operadon of the Lake Ontario WatedcontTnil in a manner semitne w �he intcm�ts o( the neig66oucing eeaideob, and I Pmvide loc�l trU7 connecdoro with tbs Watedront Tnil in appmpriate I laa6om. I ,<-;_,;:... _ �. Yy t. : i r": t > . t . . t S i.� : : � � � . � - '� f .� . _ �' _ � ;,�. �' � 4 X � 5 f : �` � S� � 1� 2 � Y �n �}� .i 7 r 5 f� �y �. t. S t ' _ `�.ij 3t a� �r�r_ .. ''.�',�:,dE�� d 4.y.._.. r.r.. _ .,. .... i.'�. ..? r z. _ _., � .. , . .. ..l . _ , ..., .x��: .�.v . .. .. . . ... v o , g la7r { Stirt t .� ..:�..,' .. . .. .. . � ATTACHMENT/ I �p REPORT/ PD �8 o�NOFp, . , � � TERMS OF REFERENCF. FOR A , DETAII,ED REVIEW OF THE LIVERPOOL ROAD SOUTH AREA 1. STUDY AREA The Livecpool Road South Study Atea generally extcnds south of Commerce Street on both sides of Liverpoa( Road. It extends west to include all the properties south from about Commerce Shxt having access to, and exposuro to, Frenchman's Bay, including the water lots wder the Bay. The Study Area iacludes ihe historic °Village of Fairport", A mnp is aitached illustrating the Study Acea, Existing development in the area includes a mixtuce of housing, marinas, restaurant, boat stotagq merine service, aquacultura facilitics, park, and natural open space uses. 2. BACKGROUND Lake Ontario Waterfront and Ftenchman's Bav Section 10.14 of the Pickering Officiel Plan establishes the�gp�cific rcquirements of an oveiall Imd use vision and policy framework for the Lake Ontario Waterfront and Frcnchman's Bny. It is Council's stated objective to "pertnit uses end activitics along und adjacent to Frenchman's Bay nnd the Lake Ontado Weterfront that promote the area as ntVactive, healthy end nccessible, while protecting and/or enhnncing ecologicul syslems end the c6aracter of abutting neighbourhoody", The Official Plan states futthcr ihat as part of a Waterfront Merwgcmrnt Strategy, opportunities shall be explored for the waterfront to serve a local and regional role in recrcation, tourism und . ewnomic development, and where necessury, the following matters should be addressed: 1, refined lnnd uses and scale of devclopment; 2. design guidelines for bwlt form; 3. scale, location and type of recnational opportunities; 4. incrcased publie access; 5. natural habitat tesWratioa and expansion; 6. c�xpanded trail links end connections. Council Adopted December 6,1999 ' � .+ - , + �E-+. } ' : , ., ,. �, � � ,, , � i �F,: �:'t ` n���� , �;t , ,.x, i ?-� , . a,, `.., r... .• -iFi a , , r . �t ,, ,, � --. .. . . . .. � .. .. . _.. _ . r. �.... , ._. .�.,. , . ...,_: . ,,,,. .. .. .. ., , . , , ATTApM�ENT / _ TD c � REPORT I PD Tams of Itefe�ence ` _ % 9 Liverpool Road South Detailed Revlew . . Deteiled Reviews Secdoa 11 of Pickering 06icial Plan. sets forth the general location end extent of Deteiled RevIew Areas. Detailed RevIew Aceas aro thoee lands, which as a priority, rcquire fiuther i:;vestigetion W apec(fy laad uso, trenspoAatlon,'design or other davelopment guidelinea. A Detailed Revicw Area is iden6fied on the Bay Ridgea Neighbourhood Mep. It ia generally located south of Coauncrce Street, on cither sidc of Liverpool Road. Thc Official Plen also identifies that public consultation be paR of the roview process. It is the ovetnll objective and intent of a detailed nview to examine, as rcquited, the following: 1. . t6e speciSc mix and errangement of land use; 2. the scale and inteasity of use; 3. the transportation network; 4. comtnunity design requirements; 5. environmentnl coosidernUons; 6. servicing arrangements; and 7. stormwater manegement The Official Plan indicutes that Council shall endeavour to complete detailed reviews, for all oc pazt of a Aetailed Review Area, prior to npproving major development within the sms. Further, � as a nsult oF completing the Review, Council mny adopt Development Guidelincs for the Area. Councii shall then ensure that new development wmplies with eny adopted Development Guidelines. . ' ,. : .'r 3. OTHER COUNCIL INITIATIVES Overriding the specific tand use and policy dircctivcs of the Marina Areas, Natutal Arcas, and Low Density designadons is a genuine desirc to promote an atlractivc, henithy end eccessible ceatre for thc wakrfront within the Liverpool Road South Ama that attracts residents and visitars. The Council•received "Mayor's Waterfront 2001 Taskforce Report", the Millennium Trnil Ad-hoc Committec Rcport, as well as the Council-adopted Millenilum Trail Plua, attest W lhe great significance of ihe Study Area nnd its role within ttte . broeder weterfront visian. Substandal public and politicat efforts have been expended ro realiu the Area's potendel as a local end regiontil resource. 1'he Town, together with a number of other govemment and privatc funding partners, is investing significant funds into tlie waterfront, as part of the Town's Millennium Square and Trail project. Couacil Adopted December 6,1999 ,� : �, , , _. ,. , , ,:, i-t� � ' c�} _ F 4 � i r � . � } � �t�U � , , r , ...hs.i e,,.�i� ..n:.�� d .3..7_6R ..,.`h� , o. . . _ . .e .� .. t, ... , . _ .. fi`-', "�� �'�� -; _ � � • A7TACNMENTI�TO � TennsoFReference REPORT/ PD QS -�O _ r, S � Liv�rpool Road South Detailed Ravlew ' 6. DETAILED REV�W APPROACH . PART 1: Lrnd U�a and Desiga Plan : Part 1, P6ase L• �Background, �nd Prollminary Plan Task l.l.l: Considering the e�cisting lend use az►d policy directtons for the Study Area, and consideciag the vision to promote the Area as an ettractive, heaithy and accessible ccntre for the watexfront that attracts residents and visitors, ceview the Liverpool Road South Area's c6aracteristics, and assess the Study Area's opportunities ead coastraints for the foUowing: 1, mariva and yacht club developments; • 2. marina-supportive uses; 3. residendal development; 4. waterfront, recreationel, wurism, shoppin6� office and entectainment uses; 5. community and cultural uses; 6. rejuvenation of the historic Village of FeicpoR; 7. perlu�Bt . 8, stotmweter maneBement; 9. bay fill; 10. environmental restocation und mnnegemenG ? As part of Tesk 1.1.1, in addidon to underteking rosu�cch end site visits, conduct a public Workshop / Open House w essist in idenGfying ihe gtudy Area's characteristics, and to essist .jn, idendfying and essessing 1he ' Area's oppoAwtides and constrainis. '� Task 1.1.1: Considering ihe results of Tesks 1.1.1, thc communiry desiBa objecdves as ut out in lhe Pickering Officinl Plan, prepere a preliminary Innd use and design plaa for the Liverpool Rond South Arca. Among other mattcrs, thc land use plan should pay particuler attenGon to the following: the water and land based requirements for marines; the sPaua! relutions}up between marina-bused operations end their suppoRivc facilities; the cheracter of adjacent dcvelopment; aad new infrastrucU►ro re9�B additional lends (such aa leaJs for a stormwater quality facility, or lands for P��• Among other matters, the design plan should provide guidance wiih resPect to tho following: bwlding height, messing, build-to-liaes, and significaat views aad vistes. Council Adoptcd December 6,1999 r: � u t It .�: )'' t � ��� 1 �::x �1._�. 4..r ,.r+-�.�•f. ...,h t,: . J.. ..: ......_. .,,,.a }. �. ._._� i_.. .., . r r... , .. , �i k � .'. ; .: :' . } . ATTACNMENT/ ' TQ '' Ter►ns of R�ferena REPOHT / PD� . p� •: ; Liverpool Itoad South Detaited Revte�v � PArt 2, Pha�e 2: Reviaed Gaidelina ;, , Tiuk �1.1; ' Pnpure draft detailed Urban Design end Lanciscape Guidelines for discusaioa ' Task 2.1.Z: : Conduct a pubIIc Workshop / Oprn House W obtain community input on tlu draft Gwdelines. Task 2.T.3: Propare a Report containing We comments received on the conceptual theme, and containing nvised Urbaa Design and Landscape GuIdelines. 0 Among other matters, the Urban Design & Laadscape Guidelictes should contain detailed design drawings illustrating the Council•adopted laad use and design coacept, including the identi6cation of any special che�acter elemrnts/design consideradons vis-�-vis Aexibility in built focm, landscape dements (public art, signage, Gghting, boazdwalks, hails, sidewalks, boulevard treatments, etc.), aad erchitecturat design themes. The level of detail in lhe Urban Design and Landscape Guidelines should be , sufficient W guide the review of site plan applicaUons, and public infrasUVCture projects. � 7. CONSULTATION As an integrnl part of the Review•process, thc Town Ptannin�.s�pfF will undertake a wmmunity consultadon process to shere knowledge on existing conditions end ideas on future directioas. T'he wnsultadon process wiil reach out to, at least the following, persoas and orgunizations: the Mayor and Members of Council; rctevent committees of Council including the Water&oat Co-ordinating Committa; senior Town stnff; conservaGon authority nnd other key ugency reprosentatives; cocnmunity associntions; sludy arca landowners, residents, business-opetators, end developccs; landowners abutting the study area; and other interested individuals and groups. At the start oF the Review, end at all key points in the Review, the consultaGon process will —, include at leas► the following types of notices: direct mnilings to lendowners in, and within 120 metre.c of, the study atea; direct mailing to Town officiels, key Town staff, key review egencies, all ratepayer essociations, end all others who indicnte an interest in this Review; and noGces in the newspaper on the community page. Council Adopted December 6, 1999 g ��: j }�, ti ' 4 . , ' :.i t :� r .... �- _ b t ��� ..4 x 1 � 5 � f.F t _ l.�.n`"f.�. _..�... �. . , .. .,� . . .�'.1. .� , ._ ,. . i_ . ,,.. . . c..i..,.. . � ,.. .. . . , . , . ... . . .. . . . . . .. �i y� .., ': -.� '.�., ,��,. , ATTAf��EMT/:.2—T0 . ' � TC�S Of RCfCiCIICO �RT / PU' �Qfi - (�� ` S°'.$2 � i���ix��asouwn�►t�ax��� , 2: Folloµring compleBon of Pert 2- Phase 2, a Report, includiag written materiel, raeppiug and B�aPhics� e9 n4ui�d, exPlainLig the studY P��� Process, epproved lend use, and design Plan, results of comarunity consultation, and detoIled design end lendscape gutdelines, � 10. REFERENCES AND AVAILABLE MATERIAL The Plazming and .Developmeat Department will mako use of the following material for refaence: Pickering Of&cial Plan, approvcd September, 1997; Background Reporis; current development proposals in the Study Area; Planning Report and correspondence nlated W ilu initiaGon of the Study; tha Mayor's Task Force on ihe Pickering Water&ont 2001 Interim Report, October, 1997; Stafi Repott No. GM O1-98, A Preliminary Report — Frenciunan's Bay Watershed Management Shategy, Mazch 1998; the Mayor's Task Force on the Pickering Water&ont 2001 Final Report, June 1998; Stati Report IDT . 08-98, • Mayor's Task Force on the Pickering Waterfront — Final Report, Staff Cocnments and Recoaimendaflons, Octotxr,1998; documents rclated to Pickering's Waterfront Tcail; documents related to Pickering's Millenniam Square end Trail iniGatives; documents �elnted to ilie Finachmen's Say Redabilitadon Project; es well ns documentation on waterfront and Frenchman's Bay acdvities and inidativea. m � Il. CONTAGT PERSON The contact person for the Study is Miss Catherine Rose, Meria�er — Policy, Pickering Planning end Developmerit Department; telephone (905) 420-4660, exG 2038, tacsimile (905) 420-7648. aN,�ta�u�ua�.aa . Council Adopted December 6,1999 � �=: i� ^ ;, , '� ,. � { � . �'�) 7- y �,`F t t J� ,' ij } { �. '' { , tt � ��f T��}1 . �- t -n+avi. n.�..Y ... �tAO,. t. i�"... . .� _..' .. � ..rS.3 . _:.sS , 2,�. ... . ._.. ., ..,.. !} .,. . . . .. � � a .,: , � � ' �''':;�