HomeMy WebLinkAboutOES 18/00�x:.: -: . _ „.� .�. . . .. , ,,,... �� t, , =, r.-. ..4.., �.. �;�,� OFPf� , - � . � . . . � Q O ( t. � � " REPORT TO COUNCIL I FROM: Everett Buntsma DATE; September 14, 2000 Director, Operations & Emergency Services REPORT NUMBER: OES 18-00 SUBJECT: Pai�portBonita Park Tender T-11/2000 RECOMMENDATION: It is rccommended that; 1. Council approve the award of Tendcr T-1 l/2Q00 Fairport/Bonita Pnrk to Cambium Site Contmcting (the low bidder) in thc revised amount of $77,429.34 plus G.S.T. 2. Council approve tha total construction cost of $95,202.22, 3. Tha appropriate stnff bc given nuthoriry to give effect thcreto. ORIGIN: Year 2000 Budget AUTHORI7'1': Ycar 2000 Budgct — Account # 27 � 8-GI29 FINANCIAL IMPL[CATIONS: 1 2. ITot�l Approved S100.000.00 I :, , , ,: • . ;. t �' _"� _ . ,. _ _. . . . , _. . � . . _ .. �, _ � - � � Report to CounciL• OES 18-00 ' : �SS Subjxt: Feirport/Bonita Park T-11/2000 PINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: (continued) i I 3. Professional Fees ' Sundries & Miscelleneous ]tems Date: September 14, 2000 Page 2 , Sub Total 92,479,34 . .T. — -- - I..N ..r...,:t:�..Y._:�..:_.. ... . G.S.T. rebnte u ' �i�. ,. Total Proiect Cost � 4. Project Costs (over) undtt Approved Funds ;q,797,7g Thc Qirector of Corporatc Scrviccs & Treasurcr has confirtncd thc budgeted amount of $100,000.000 wns approved in lhc Ycar 2000 Budget, agrees with the report and recommendation nnd provides the commenis bclow on funding. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The park is locatcd at the southcast comer of Fairport Road and Bonita Avenue. Thc property was ncquircd in 1998 through parkland dedication and pu�hnsc. BACKGROUND: In 1998, Council acquired lands for park purposes at the southeast comcr of Fairport Road and Bonita Avenue. ?he year 2000 Budget approvul allocated funds in the amount of S 100,000 for development of this parkland. Concept plans were prepared and reviewed and a subsequent lendet and plans wero finatized. � The plan is to develop a passive pazk area with play area and seating for lhe enjoymrnt of local residents. The tender amount originally rcceived was in the amount of 5123,288.58 including all play equipment and play area suducing. As this amount wns in excess of thc budget, tha Director of Operations 8c Emergrncy Services discussed with the bidder the deletion of tha actual play equipmrnt and subsequently tha revised trndcr amount wos calculated from thc original trnda� calL Tho Operations & Emergency Srnic� Department will budget in ite 2001 Budget for tho play equipment inatallation upon wmplction of lha park construction. Council may chooeo, however, to epprovo en over o�.cpenditure in the nmount of 541,987.24, which will then ellow for the iUll completion of all conattuction iteme in the amount of 5141,987.24. _ , ..� �. __ -� '� _ , . . _ ' ._ _ ,,Y �.: f�n_,,, . .: . � . . > . _ Repoct to CounciL OES 18-00 � Data September 14, 2000 06 � ` Subjoctc Fairpott/Bonitn Park T-11/Z000 j Page 3 HACKGROUND: (continued) Should lhis occur, Council will also havo to upprovc additional funds of 541,987.24 with 529,810.94 to be provided by a transCer from the Developmrnt Chargcs (Parkland) Reservc Fund and 512,176.30 by a transfer from the Genera) Fund. The lattcr transfer will havc thc effect of rcducing any surplus at December 31, 2000. Thc Department recommends approvul of the revisal tender in the amount oC S77,429.34 plus G.S.T. to maintain the total project cast within the budgeted amount. The low bidder's Safcty Policy and WSIB NEER summary have ban rcviewcd by the City's Safcty & Training Co-ordinutor nnd are deemai acceptable. • Also, thc low biddcr has p�rfortncd similar works for thc City to uur cumplctc satisfaction at Southcott Park. ATTACHMENTS: I. Location Map PrcPa Rcvicwcd by: j - v t unt ma Gillis Patcrson Director, Operations & Emcrgcncy Scrvices Director, Corpornte Services & Trcasurer EB:mld (:opy: Chief Administrative OtTicer Director, Corporrta Servica & Treasurer Division Head, Municipal Property & Engineering Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council �� omas J. Quinn, Chief Ad nistrative uer : - �• ,�rt . , . �r . . ._ . ,. ., , .. �. . .. . . . . . . . .. . L . . , .