HomeMy WebLinkAboutMPE 20/00. . ��,�OFP/� . . �H17 Ir O REPORT TO COiJNCIL FROM: Richard Holbom DATE: June 20, 2000 Division Head Municipal Property BcEngineering , REPORT NUMBER: MPE 20/00 Division SUBJECT: Tender No. T-6-2000 — Storm Sewer Improvements and Road Reconstruction — Vicki Drive RECOMA�NDATION: l. Thet Tender No. T-6-2000 submitted by Bishop Construction to complete Stortn Sewer Improvements and Road Reconstruction in the amount of $206,398.72 including 7% G.S.T. be accepted, and 2. Thet a project cost of S203,833.28 including the Tender amount and other associated costs be epproved,and 3. Thet funding in the amount of 204,000.00 be approved ORIGIN: Year 2000 Capital Budget — Account numbcr 2320-6181 AUTHORITY: Year 2000 Capital Budget — Account Number 2320-6181 FCiANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: I. Tendered Amount: , ..,,.>. , .,r.. ,. , . . ._ .. . .:., .. . . . , , _....: Construction f192.896.0U , � - , , :.. G.S.T. (7%) . 13 502.72 � „ . ........... ,.: . , , .,:. _,, . .. . :., .. .. Sub Total 206 398.72 -. ,r. _ : . .:,.: ....: ,.:, . G.S.T, rcbate (4%) � (7 715.45) ,. N. ,._:-�. . :<: . . _;.:, _,, .,> Totel Amount f198.683.27 2. Approved Source of Funds ..,._ •; . CurrentYcar: Budgct 2320-6181 yf200 000 00 Prior Ycar: Budgct , � ..,t�..> � ... . _..� ,,.,. �,.,. ,. .� . �., , , .... Futurc Ycars: BudgM 0 � Yv.�i4?i'. n nw. . J'.1,:'.4 T.s.MR �'-l.+. �...t •.'.9-r��t M'M1xa.r..,.y..:r. Totel A roved f200.000.OD ` t. .. .. . , , _ . . . ,. ,. . ... ,,. �. - ,�. . _� t , . . . .,._ . >, -, . • 190 Report to Council MPE 20-00 Subject: T-6-2000 - Tender for Stortn Sewer and Road Improvementa - Vicki Drive FINANCIAL IIvtPLICATIONS: (conunued) 3. Date: June 20, 2000 Page: 2 _ _ _ -- - Estimated Project Costing Summary: ,...,, Construction .�.......�._�..o,,�,_,.t..,.�,...,_.,.,,�..,,vu.�f192.896.00,A,._ _.<r.:��.. ..�:._... ._. W.:_::. _. .,::..:..�,.,.�. Profcssional Fces Sundrics & Miscellancous Ttems "" - . ,� �. � � � � 5 000.00 h . Sub�Total � , . ` '197 896.00 (3.S.T. � .,u<, , , , , .,.,_ , �� .:.��13 852. 72 � , �..:,.,,., . :. �., ..,:. . ,� :. ._ ,. . G.S.T.rebate (7.91,,.44) ,... .:: _,_. ,,: ,.. _.. . Total Pro�ect Cost f203.833.28 4. Projeet Cmu (ovor) umer Approved Punds ( 3, 833. 28 ) As notcd in the approved 2000 Budget, the road projcct that fomu this tender, and 6nanced from Capital (2320-6181), is bcing dcbt finanxd. Duc to thc total projcct cost cxcccding thc approvcd budgct, thc amount of ihc dcbt financing rcquircd will bc morc than anticipatod. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Not applicable BACKGROUND: Tenders for this project were opened on )une 14, 2000 (see summary attached). The low bidder, Bishop Construction have previously performed satisfactory work for the City per Tender - T-3-99 Road Improvements on West Shore Boulevard and Tender No. T-6-98 Road ]mprovements on Wixon Street The Health and Safety Policy, the Conflned Space Entry Procedure document to be used on this project, a list of personnel treined, and the CAD 7 form issued by Workplace Safety and Insurance Board, as submitted by Bishop Construction have been reviewed by the Supervisor, Municipal Works and are deemed accepteble. Upon careful examination of all tenders received and relevant documents (Health and Safety Policy, CAD 7 fortn, Workplace Safety end Insurance Board clearance, etc), I recommend the low bid by Bishop Construction in the Tendered amount of $206,398.72 and a Capital project cost of 5203,833.28 be accepted. A7"fACHMENTS: l. Supply and Services memorandum dated June 15, 2000 2. Record oftenders opened and checked 3. Location map . r ;tir ,^-3 ' � i.44 ' Report to Council MPB 20-00 Subject; T-6.2000 — Tender for Storm Sewcr and Road Improvements — Vicki Drive Detc: lunc 20, 2000 191 Page: 3 Prepared By Approv id , e• . Kuv ia Everett Buntsma Administraf n Sup isor Director, Operations & Emergency �� Services Richard olbom Division Head, Municipal Property & Engineering Copy: Chief Administrative Officer Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer Supervisor, Municipal Works Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council � ,. p / ` ,, i`" TI omas J. ui C' f Adm ' trativ flicer i t.. .� �i .��..1 ,� A• t .S: � . .. . .. .. . .. . ... � ... . ...,,.i . .. ., i ... � �, , Inter•Depertmental Memorandum � 2 . 192 ATTACHMENT#.L OREPOR�ern� •'0"�O Department oi Corporate Servicea R E C E I V E Di ' SupplyBServicea dUN � 5 Z000 To: Rkhard Holbom Dartell Selsk CITY OF PICKEHING O�fsbnHead • y teun�cmuvnov[erracr�ara Mun�ipal Works Supervisor Munklpal Property 6 Englneering Date: June 15, 2000 ' SubJect: Stortn Sewer improvements and Road Reconstructlon on Vlckl Ddve, Tender No, T• 6• 2000 Tenders have been received for ihe above proJecL Thirteen companfes wrere invited to parf(ctpate of which 7 pkked up tendering documents for a non�refundable fee of i25.00 per seL Five (5) responded and two (2) were unable lo bid at Ihis time. M adverUsement was placed in the Daily Commercial News, and ihe News AdverUser Communfty Page. A copy of the RecoM ot Tenders Opened and Checked used at Ihe publfc tender opening is attached. Purchastng Policies and Praedures Item 9.22(h) provides that where there are incortect e�Aensions or m(splaced decfmais, the bid may be corrected. Unit prices shall be used to correcl extensions. Purchasing Policfes and Procedures Ilem 927(a) permits that ail deposils other than lhe bw three bidders shail be retumed. Please retum originai tendering dxumenls lo Supply 8 Services. Summary (PST Induded, GST induded) , �: .,...i d- . : e %'T 'oufi : :.�,r �'f f '`C B IF`" Bisho Cons6uctlon s1f)6398.72 5206398.72 HardCoConsWclion 5210,005.99 3210005.99 Keewa ConsWctbnUmiled 32217511.32 5221751.32 MIwelConstruttlon S2Z2446.97 5222,446.97 Ron Rodnson Umiled 5248158.23 5248 158.23 MillerPavin Lim(led una6bfoDid B.N. Fenlon Limiled una6k fo bid Pursuant to InformaGon to Bidders Ilem 21: a, a wpy of lhe Confined Space Entry Procedure dceument lo be used on lhfs proJect; b. a list of employees Uafned In Ihe ConBned Space EnUy Procedure who will be working on ih(s project c, a copy o( the Health end Safety policy to be used on this proJect; and d. a copy of the currenl CAD 7 fortn or Cost and Frequency Report issued by Workplace Safety R Insurance Board. � has been requesfed of bw bidder Bishop Construction for your revfew and approval during ihe evaluaUon stage oi this lender catl. 1 - �� . . • . . � , . � . . ... . .,... . . .. . . . , P9 a��- . AITACHMENT# I_TOREPORT�i./'n�-�oo Pape2 Please revfew original tendeB and Include responses to fhe following ttems In your Repod lo Councn: (a) . it ifems (a) Ihrough (d) noted ebove, are acceplable to Ihe Safety 8 Training Co-ord(nata; (b) any past worlc experience Bishop ConsUuctlon Including work IceaUan; (c) . wlUrout past work expedence, if re(erenr,e InformaGon Is acceptable; (d) a work Iocation map; . (e) Ihe appropriele eccount number(s) lo which this work is lo be charged; , (Q lhe budget amowt(s) esslgned iherelo; , (g) Treasurer's confirtnaUon of tundfng; (h) related departmental epprovals; � (i) any reason(s) why the bw bfd of Bishop ConsUuctlon is not acceplable; and Q) related wmments speciflc lo Ihe project If you requfre riher infortnation, please feel free to contact me. � . Vera A Felgemac er Je(irey ' Manager of Supply & Services 193 , i9Q ATTACHMENT# a TOREPORTit.L►'jl�;- p�0�0(� � �� � o �� � �t s ' � o0 :q .Q z o ;° „ d o a � � T � o s s � 's ° �T� �����s� � � � � � � o s � << < � W a v � v 0 . � � o,� a � «<<< a z 0 � M M M N N M N N pN' N N D�{ a 9-� 1v �+ N o°��, v ` � � '^ � �' �.���J a � � ����� o� Q 3 � � 3 � � a a a � .� � I � a A H � � � � � � ,:,, -�-. _ � z 0 -� � a N � A 0 a A � � �. c 0 � � � � � � �� d b F � d 3 o. � Ra � � o � o=— � v� � � v s � m �A O � 3 � ro � �C O -n 'o � � z � � � O o. 0 � 5 faD ° m � m o. 5 a 4 � � m a , ATTACHMENT il�TO REPORT #�� -�.pp �or p r � Attachment For Tender: T-6-2000 19� MUNICIPAL PROPERTY AND ENGINEERING VICKI DRIVE � VP� ��� �R��,� p��s m visru�n or+ivc ti— N�GN� ya�1f't O Z TIMMINS ,A p��P SAMFOltD CRT. a E �N W CECYLIA BO%W iH � ! � P'�v p�E ATIO Oa� N LYNX AVE. �,�StVCq L. �L LN. HANW Rtl� �' /� DR, CRT. w BAYSHORE\ 22 F > � N ��� O BREDA AVE. p O CRT. y � E CE N � 2 m � L NL IOR[;TTA AVF N -� 1 W � Q _ � Rff2F SANOK 9UBJECT VICKI ❑RIVC �Mf'10�J � N W � N :OURT y� = y � y� OK� H01.14 U O � � N n ncDOri n----�i n n n n r��f[� W J LOCATION MAP PROPOSGD CONSTRUCTION INCLUDGS: Road Widcning/Reconswction (gronulnr basc, asphnit nnd curb/gutter) • Vicki Drive - from I�illcrest Road, cust to Wcst Shorc Bivd., including inlerscctions nt I lillview Crcs., Victory Drive, nnd Morksbury Road. Storm Scwcr Inprovcments . Vicki Drivc - from Hillcrcst Roud, casl to Wcst Shorc Blvd. Complele [,anJscnpe Rcstornlion (grading nnd sodding where required) • to all arcns affectcd. � �. � euanewa�n�n_re�wmp.amo � � . . ° ... . . . � . - . .