HomeMy WebLinkAboutMPE 07/00..�'_.:.'�� � . . . r� ,�OFP/C� OZ( G� � � � � ���� REPORT TO COUNCIL F; OM: Richazd W. Hoi6om DATE: March 8, 2000 Division Head Municipal Property & Engineering REPORT N[JMBER: MP� 07-00 SUB)EC1': To revise the load limits of any vchicle or any class thcrcof passing over a bridge. RECOMMENDAT[ON: That Report MPE 07-00 regarding lhe revision of load limits of vehicles passing over a bridgc bc received; and that City Council pazs the attached Draft Bylaws limiting the gross vehicle weight of any vehicle or any clazs thereof, passing over certain bridges, under the jurisdiction of the Corporation of the City of Pickering. ORIGIN: The passing of IIill 92 in 1997 introduccJ ncw approval and inspection procedures for the NigGway Tru�c Act and Uridgc �1cf rclatcd scrvices on Municipal Roads. AUTHORITY: Fligb�rn}� Tru�c Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. H.8, Section 123(2) FINANC[AL IMPUCAT[ONS: The manufacturing and installation of load limit signing costing approximutely $200. These costs can be accommodated within thc Roads Operating Budget 23?0•2409. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Bill 92 includes several changcs to the HigGivay Tra�c Act and llridge Ac� that affect municipal roads. Bill 92 now requires that cvery bridge/structure be kept safe and in good repair through the perfortnance of periodic inspections under the direction of n Professional Enginecr and in nccordance with the provisions of the Ontnrio Structure Inspection Manual, or equivalent. Subjcct to the rcquiremcnts of Dill 92, a visual inspection was completed by Tottcn Sims Hubicki Associates an four (4) bridges under the jurisdiction of the City of Pickcring in October, 1999. The results of their evaluation has resulted in the prepnrntion of the uttachcd JraR by-law to update thc lond limits on the applicable structures. 02 $�'Report to Council MPE 07•00 Date; Mazch 8, 2000 Subject: Revise Load Limits of nny Vehicic or uny Class thereof Passing Ovcr a Bridge Page 2 BACKGROUND: Bill 92 includes several changes to the Hig/nvny Tra�c 4ct and Drldge Act that will affect municipal roads. The following is n summary of some of the changes: 1. Municipal Traffic Siguals Municipalities will no longer be required to submit the traffic control signal designs to the Ministry of Transportntion for legnl approval, except when ihe traffic signals are within a Connecting Link designation. Municipalities will be responsible Cor designating someone to revicw and approve their trafiic control signal desi�ms. The designator of the Traffic Signal drawings under the Highway Tra�c Acr is the one respansible for ensuring it meets the legal requirements as idcntified in Regulation 626 ofthe Highivay Tru�cAct. 2. Munic(pal Trafl'ic By-Laws Municipalities are no longer rcquired to file copies of their traffic by-laws wilh the Ministry of Transportation. The Ministry continues to have a vested interest in traffic movements and by-laws on highway connecting links. 3. Blue Flnshing Lights Blue (lashing lights shall only bc uscJ whcn equipmcnt is actively cngaged in plowing, salting, dc•icing or applying chcmiculs or abrasives to thc high�a; y for thc purposc of snow or icc control. Thc bluc flashing light is not to bc uscd on cquipmcnt such as dump trucks when hauling snow to a dump sitc, or by snowplows whilc travcling to and from thc equipmcnt yard, if thcy arc not plowing at the timc. The specific changes in Bill 92 to the /!rglnrny Tra�c Act and DriJge Ac� references Bridges and Structures. Thc following shall apply. 4. Bridges und Structures a) Design, Evaluation, Construction, Inspcction or Rchabilitations of cxisting bridgcs shall conform to thc standards set out in thc Ontario Highway Bridge Design Code, Third Edition. b) Designs, Evaluation, Construction, Inspection or Rchabilitation of existing bridges shall conCortn to the stnndazds set out by the Ministry of Transportation in the following manuals (or equivalent): i. Structural Manual ii. Drainage Manual iii. Roudside Sufety Manual iv. Ontario Provincial Standards for Roads and Municipal Scrvices v. Stmcture Rehabilitution Manual c) Every bridge shnll be kept safe and in good repair. The structural integrity and condition of every bridge shall be detcrmined through the performnnce of periodic inspcctions under the dircction of o Professional Enginecr and in accordancc wiUi thc provisions of the Ontario Structure inspection Mnnual, or equivalent d) The limit on the gross vchicle weight of vchicics pussing ovcr u bridgc shull bc dctermined in nccordance with thc provisions of thc Ontario Highwny Bridgc Dcsign Code, Third Edition. c) Load Limit by-law rccommcndutions, shall bc signcd and scalcd by two (2) Profcssional Engineera who hnve recommcndcd the Ioad limit ut which thc bridge muy be posted, und thc durution Cor which thc load posting rcmains valid. �'Report to Council MPE 07-00 Date: Murch 8, 2fi00 02g Subject: Revisa Load Limits of any Vchicle or any Class thereof Passing Over u Bridge Page 3 � Approvnl from the Ministry will no longer ba requircd for municipal bridge dcsigns and load limit by-Inws, except for those on Connecting Links, Private Roads and other Road Authorities, The submission of drnwings and documcnts to the Ministry is no longcr required. This includes general amangement drawings, final structural drawings, reports and load limit by-Inws. Consultants should be infortned of each municipality's review process, g) Approval will still be required from the Ministry for the following: i. Bridges or culverts that fortn part ofn highway designated as n connecting link. ii. Bridges or culverts on private roads that do not fall under the jurisdiction of a Municipality, or that aze owned by another Road Authority. In October, 1999, the Engincering firtn of Totten Sims Hubicki Associates completed a visual inspection of Cour (4) bridges under the jurisdiction of thc City of Pickering. These four bridges were selected as they have becn under load limits in the past and require updating. Other structures throughout the Ciry will be revicwed through n camprchcnsive program, as legislatcd, commencing this ycar. The following bridgcs wcrc rcvicwcd in Oclobcr 1999. l. Rosebank Road — 0.12km north of Toyncvale Road 2. SiJcline 34 — 0.4km soulh of 8'^ Conccssion Road 3. 8'h Conccssion Road — 0.10 km west of Sidclinc 34 4. Pickering/Uxbridge Townlinc, 0.1 km cast of Concession Il (Uxbridge) As per the curtcnt Icgislation, once thc by-laws have bccn cnactcd, a schcdule to the by-law will bc signed nnd sealed by nvo (2) professional cngineers and will fortn parl of the by-law. A sample schcdulc is providcd with cach by-law. ATTACHMENTS: 1. DraR By-laws 2. Lettcr from Tottcn Sims Hubicki Associates Prepared By: Ri ard W. H bom, Division Head unicipal P perty & Engineering RH:ds Attachments Copy: Chicf Administmtive Otficcr Recommendcd for the considernlion of Pickering City Council F � r.� is" omasJ. ' n ChicfAdmin live �ccr Approved / Endorsed By: Everett Buntsma, ect Operations & Emergency Services _- NGE ATTACHMENT#�.._TOREPOItTN a7•oo � 3 O�. THE CORPORATION OF THG� CITY OF PiCKERiNG I�Z �'��:L'j`►C�� Being a by-law to limit the gross vehicle weight of nny vchicle or nny class theroof passing ovcr a bridge under the jurisdiction of the Coiporntion of the City of Pickering pursuant to the Highway Tra�cAct, R.S.O. i990, c. H.B, ns amcnded WHEREAS pursuant to section 123 (2) of lhe Hlghway Tra�c Act, R.S.O. 1990 c. H8, as amended, thc municipal corporation or other nuthority having jurisdiction over a bridge may by by-1aw, limit the gross vehicle weight of any vehicle or uny class thereof passing over Ihc bridgc. NO�Y THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OP THE CTI'1' OF PICKERING HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. In this by-law "goss vchicle weight" means the total weight in tones transmitted to the highwuy by a vchicle or combination of vehicles and load. 2. No vehicle or combination of vchicics or any clnss thereof, whethcr empty or loaded, shall be operated over those briJges as set out bclow. Bridge Location Muximum Cross No. Vchicic WcI lit 5 Roscbank Road, 0.12 km north of 14 tonnes To evalc Road 3. This by-law shall not hecome cCfeclive until a notice of thc limit oCgross vchicle weight permittcd, legibly printed, has bccn postcd in a conspicuous place at each end of the bridge. 4. Any person violating the provisians of this by-law is guilty of an offenca flnd on conviction is liable to u fine as provided in thc Highway Tro�c �1et, R.S.O. 1990,c. H.8, ns umendcd from time to lime. 5. That the cngineers' statcmcnt verifying the gross vehicle wcight limit specified in Section 2 of this by-Inw ure sel out in Schedule "A", attnched hereto and fortns part of Ihis by-Inw 6. Bylnw Number 4087/92 is hereby repealed. BY-LAW read a first, second and third time and finally passed this day of , 2000. Wayne Arthurs, Mayor Bruce Taylor, Clerk ' ' ' ,' ... . ATTACHMENT # I _TO REpp O N� SCHEDULF, "A" TO DY-LAW U� I �d . professional engineers of the consulting firtn of Tolten Sims Hubicki Associutes, have reviewcd the restriction of the gross vehicle weight passing ovcr Bridge No. 5(Rosebank Roud, 0.12 km north of Toynevule Roud) nnd more pnrticularly described in the abovc notcd by-law. Efi'ective as of the date of approval of this by-law, I ngee with the recommended goss vehicic weight limit as set otit in By-luw No. for u period of twenty-four months. Signature Signaturc DATED: MOE 0,� 2; ATTACHMENT tt%TO REPORT# o-0 THE CORPORATfON OF THE CITY OF PICKL�RING ��� BY-LAW N0. Being a by-Inw to limit tha gross vehicle weight of any vehicte or nny clnss thereof passing over a bridge under the jurisdiction of thc Corporation of the City of Pickering pursuant to the Nlghway Tra�c Act, R.S.O. /990, c. H.B, ns amended WHEREAS pursuunt to scction 123 (2) of the Ilig/iway Tra�c Acf, R.S.O. 1990 c. Ii8, as amended, the municipal corporation or other nuthority huving jurisdiction over a bridge may by by-law, limit the gross vehicle weight of any vchicle or nny class thereof pnssing over the briJge. NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OP THE CITY Of PICKERING HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. In this by-law "goss vehicle weighC' menns the totul weight in tones transmitted to lhe highwny by n vchicle or combination of vchicles nnd load. 2. No vehicle or combination of vchicles or any class thereof, whether empty or loaded, shnll be operatcd over those bridgcs as sct out below. Bridgc Locnlion Maximum Gross No. Vchicic 1Vei lit 3l Sidclinc 34, 0.4 km south of 8' I1 tonnes Concession Road 3. This by-Inw shall not becomc cffcctivc until a notice of thc limil of gross vehicle weight permitted, legibly printcd, has becn posted in a conspicuous place at each end of the bridge. 4, My person violating the provisions oP this by-law is guilty of an offence und on conviction is liable to n fine as provided in tha fligh�vny Tra�c Ac1, R.S.O. 1990,c. H.8, as amended from time to time. 5. That the engineers' statcment verifying thc gross vehicle weight limit specified in Section 2 of this by-law are set out in Schedule "A", attached hereto and forms part of this by-law 6. Bylaw Number 4087/92 is hereby repealed. BY-LAW read u first, second und third time and Gnally passed this day of , 2000. Wnync Arthurs, Mayor Brucc Tuylor, Clcrk . 033 MPE ' ' . ATTACHMENT � a TO REPORTM„¢]� . ��a SCHF.DUGF. "A" TO AY-LAW I and . professional engineers of the consulling firtn of Totten Sims Hubicki Associates, have reviewed ihe restriction of thc gross vehicie weight passing over Bridge No. 31(Sideline 34, 0.4 km south of 8�' Concession Road) and more particulnrly described in the above noted by-luw. Etfective ns of the date of approval of this by-law, I ugree with the recommended gross vehicle weight limit as set out in ByIaw No. for n period of twenty-four months. Signature Si6maturo DATED: AttACHMENT #�TO REPORTq�L��c 0�� THR CORPORATION OF THE CiTY OF PICKERIN� ��y BY-LAW NO. Being n by-law to limit lhe gross vehicle weight of nny vehicle or any class thereof passing over a bridge under the jurisdiction of the Co�oration of the City of Pickering pursuant to the Flighway Tra�cAct, R.S.O. 1990, c. lf.8, as amended WHEREAS pursuant to section 123 (2) of the Nighway Tra�c Act, R.S.O. 1990 c. H8, as emended, the municipal corporation or other authority having jurisdiction ovcr a bridge may by by-law, limit the gross vehicle weight of any vehicic or any class theceof passing over thc bridgc. NOW THBREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERING HEREBY ENACTS AS rOLLOWS: 1. In this by-law "gross vehicle weighC' means the total weight in tones transmitted to the highway by a vchicle or combination of vehicles und load. 2. No vehicle or combination of vehicics or any class thcreof, whcther empty or loaded, shail be operated over those briJgcs as set out below. Bridge Locatlon 111uzimum Cross No. Vchicic Wei ht 32 8' Conccssion Road, 0.10 km wcst of 15 tonnes Sidelino 34 3. This by-law shall not become cCfeclivc until a noticc oC thc limit of gross vehicle wcight pertnittcd, legibly printed, has been postcd in u conspicuous placc at each end of the bridge. 4. My person violating thc provisions of tliis by-law is guilty of nn ollence and on conviction is liable to a fine as provided in the liighway Trn�c Act, R.S.O. 1990,c. H.8, as nmcnded from timc to timc. 5. That the engineers' statement verifying the gross vehicle weight limit specif ed in Section 2 of this by-luw are set out in Schedulc "A", attuched hereto und fortns part of this by-law 6. Bylaw Number 4087/92 is hereby repealed. BY-LAW read n first, second nnd third time end finally passcd this duy of , 2000. Wayne Arihurs, Mayor Bnice TAylor, Clerk A HAc • ATTACHMENT q�TO REPORT#�QQ SCHF.DULE "A" TO B7'-LAW ��-' ' 0.� rJ I nnd professional engineors of the consulting firm of Totten Sims Hubicki Associatcs, have reviewed thc restriction of tho gross vehicle weight passing over Bridge No. 32 (8�' Concession Road, 0.10 km west of Sidelina 34) and moro particularly described in the above noted by-law. Effective as of the date of approval of this by-law, I agree with the recommended gross vehicle weight limit as set out in By-law No. tor a period of twenty-four months. Signature Signaturc DATED: N� ATTACHMENT tt� TO REPORT tR �7-W , ��� THE CURPORATION OF THE CiTY OF Pi['K�RIN 1►�� ►� Being a by-lnw to limit the gross vohicle weight of any vehicle or any class thereof passing over a bridge under the jurisdiction of the Corporation of the City of Pickcring pursunnt to the Higlnvay Tra�cAc1, R.SO. 1990, c. H.B, as amended WHEREAS pursuant to section 123 (2) of lhe Highway Trn�c Acr, R.S.O, 1990 c. H8, as amended, the municipal corporation or other authority having jurisdiction over a bridge may by by-law, limit the gross vchicie weight of uny vehicle or nny class thereof passing over the bridge. NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THG CITY OF PICKERING HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: in this by-law "gross vehicle wcight" mcans tha total wcight in tones transmitted to the highway by n vehicle or combination of vehicles and load. 2. No vehicic or combinntion of vehicics or any class thereoC, whether empty or loadcd, shall bc operatcd over those bridges as set out below. Qrldgc Locntion M11uxlmum Gross No. Vchicle �VcI ht 43 Pickering Nxbridge Townlinc, 0.10 I 1 tonnes km east of Conccssion 11 3. This by-law shall not bccomc effectivc until a noticc of the limit of goss vehicle wcight pertnitted, legibly printed, has bccn postcd in a conspicuous place at cach end ofthe bridge. 4. My person violating thc provisions of U�is by-law is guilty of an offence nnd on conviction is liable to a fine as provided in the Ilighway Tra�c Act, R.S.O. 1990,c. H.8, as amended from timc to time. 5. Thut the enginecrs' statemcnt vcrifying the gross vchicle wcight limit specified in Section 2 of this by-law are set out in Schedule "A", attached hereto nnd forms part of this by-law 6. Bylaw Number 4087/92 is hereby repealed. BY-LAW read a first, second and third time and finally pnssed this day of , 2000. Wayne Arihurs, Mayor Bruce Tnylor, Clerk . MOE � ATTACHMENT #�TO REPORT#�d SCHEDULE "A" TO BY-I.AW '�' �.;� I and , professional engineers of the consulting firtn of Totten Sims Hubicki Associutes, 6ave reviewed the restriction of tha gross vehicle weight passing over Bridge No. 43 (Pickering/Uxbddge Townline, 0.10 km east of Concession 11) and more perticularly described in the abova noted by-law. Effective as of the date of approval of this bylaw, [ agree with the recommendcd gross vchicle weight limit as set out in By-law No. for a period of twenty-four months. Signaturo Signnturo DATED: oi8 totten sims hublcki associates M� ATTACHMENTlJS TOREPORTp� ►� 700 WATER 6TpEE7, WH1T9K ONTARIO CANADA L1N �Jt �.��w.-N.� f����«�� October ls, 1999 Mr. Rlchard Holbom, P. Eng. Direcror of Public Works ED Town of Pickerlag RECEIV One The Esplanade Pickering, Ontario ��j � g 1999 L1V 6K7 OF P�C�RINQ ?OWN �►JORKS�EP'L Attention: Mr. Wchard Holbom, P. Eng, pUguC Dirceror of Public Works Deaz Slr: Re: Town ot Pickering Loud Ltmlt Bylaws Futther lo your requesl, we have visually inspecced BriJges 5, 31, 32 und 43 for ihe purposes of updating the Town's load limit bylaws and our comments are as follows: Bridge 5 - Rosebank Road, 0. t2 km north of Toynevale Road. - Bridge u postcd wi�h a 14 lonnc load limit. - Recommend maintain existing 14 tonne load limit. Bridge 31 - Sideline 34, 0.4 km south of 8i° Concession RoaJ. - Btidge is not poslcd with a load limit. - RecommenJ bridgc be posteci wilh a 11 lonnc load Itmit. Bridge 32 - 8'" Concession Road, 0.10 km west o[ Sidcline 34. - Bridgc is posled with a 15 tonnc load limil. - Recommend maintain IS tonne load Iimit. Dridge 43 - Pickering/UxbriJge Townlinc, 0.10 km east of Concession 11. - DriJgc is postcd with a 11 tonne ioad limit. - Recommendalion to maintain existing t 1 tonne load limit. As we discussed, the visual rc-inspcction support preparation of updated load limit bylaws which now require two (2) stcucNral engineers stamps and signawrcs (documenWtion atlached dated March 26, 199n. To assist you in the prepazation of updauxl load limit bylaws, I am enclosing a sample bylaw (Bylaw No. 1541-98-PV� prepared by the Township of Brock. It is tecommended that separate load limit bylaws bc prepared for each bridge. ENOINEERS ARCHITECTS AND PLANNERS ' '+TTACNMENT:t S NDC TO REPORT #�� Mr. RlclurJ Holbom, P. Sny. �eiy Ocwber t8, 1999 p �� Z O� n J Please forward two (2) coples of your updated load Iimit bylaws to the underaigned upon pasaing of the bylaw by Council, and I wlll arrange for 5chedule A to be complele�l by our firm. Yours very wly, totten sima hubickl associates '�i�� D.C. Behm, P. Eng. _ DCD/an EacL• lln7,� tollen aima hubicki esaociates 0-40� � �t.: �° � �'�► `�;`�� : ' � Mln4uy ol� ~'Mlnl�t►r. d� Yn^w��1�PR 4 � '�aoi Trsn�pon� •.�ili. . •, .•. : .�!'.4. k�l.iJu:h1:8 ttni��r,��i1FRIQ ��ti i'� �� �� �L '� � `�� /� .A� � �'t�1� C' �� ��, MDE ATTACHMENT q 5 TO REPOHT# oL��'C- /J ' �' � Qntario 5•97•06 HUN Bax No. 519•371•2895 Telephone No. 519•376-7350 Ministry oE Traneportation 1d50 7th Avanue East, eox 520 OWEN SOUND, Ontario NdK SR1 March 76, 1997 MIIdOR71HDIIH Tpi 71LL ROAD MIlNA6ER9 Il� nN TIN ENOIh ERB sill 97, which hae bean aDDra�ed, includae eeveral chanpee to tha Hiqhway TraEEic Act and BridQe Ace ehat will aEEect municipal roade. 2he Eoilowinp Se a eumnary oE ■ome oE the notable chanpes. 1) kuaicipal Trai£ic eiqnala MuniciDalities will no lonQer be repuired to au6mit the traffic control aiqnal desiqne to the Min1s[ry oi Traneportation for leqal approval, exceDt when the traEfic eipnals are within a Connectinq Link deaipnation. The municipality will be rasponeible far deaiqnatinq someone to review and aDDrove their traffic conerol aiqnal desiqns. The leqielation doea noe eDeciEy how a municipality ie to provide leQal approval for its deaiQns, nor doea it deEine a process thae muet be Eollowed. It ie to be leie up to the individual municipalities to define their awn proceae that will eatisEy eheir own requirementa. It ehould however be kept in mind, thae a dasiqn drawinq for a trafEic aipnal ie a lepal drawinQ under ehe NTA snd whomever a municioallty desiqnates eo review and aDDrove ie will ba leqally reeponai6le for eneuring it meets eha lepal requiremenea ae identiEied in Repulation 626 of the HTA. Municipalities are atill reQuired to aubmit their traEfic control siqnal deaiqns [o the Diaerict offices far eraffic eiqnals that will be inetalled on connectinp link. . 2) Municipel Traflic eyLaw Municipalitiee are no lonper reQUlred to file copiee oE thelr trafEic by-laws with the Miniatry oE Traneportation. Tha Ninieery continuae ta hava a veeted intereat in tra[lic movemenes on hlphway connaceino linkc. Thaea epacially dasiqnated municipal roads form i�oreant linkaqes for the provincial hiqhway system. Therefore, the Ninietar�o approval wi11 continue to be required for traFEic by•law� ralatad to th��s links. In addition, municipal eraEiic by• lawe that are !n conflict with the ItT� will coneinue [o ba �deemed to be repealed uDOn the inconeiseency ariainq�. 3) elue Plaehing Liqhte Hlue Elashinp liqhea ehall only be used when eQUipment ie actively anqaqed in plowinp, ealtinq, de•icinQ or applylnQ chemicale or abra0lvfle to eha hlqhway for the purpoea of anow or ice control. Tha blue Elashinp lipht is not to ba ueed on eQuipment auch ae dump trucke when haulinp enow to a dumy eite, or by anowplowa while travellinp to and irom the eQuipment yard, if they are not Dlowinq at the time. MoM 4om recavmod metMdf Fatl dn mmAna�n �n.�.�.�. 0 ' ATTACHMENT � 5 M� _TO REPORT# 0i OD ��y �J41 - Pape 2 - d) eridqee and Btruc[urea The tollowinp eha11 aDDlyr a) Desiqn, Evaluation, Conatruceion; ineyection or Rehabilitatione of exietinq bridqes ehall conform to tha sea�darde eet out in thc Ontario Hiphway eridqe Desiqn Code, Third Edition. b) nesians, Evaluation, Conetruction, Znapection or Rehabilitation of existinq bridqea ahall conEorm to the etandarda eet out by the Ministry of Transportation in tha followinq manuals (or eQuivalent)t (1) Structural Manual i2) Drainape ManUal (3) Roadaide Safety Manual (d) Ontario provincial Standarde for , Roads And Municipal 9ervicea • (5) Struceure Rahabilitation Manual a) Every bridae ehall be keDt sale and in pooC repair. Tha etructural inteqrity and condition of evary bridqe ehall be detacmined through the performanca of periodic inaDectiona under the direction of a professional :nqineer and in accordance with eha provieione oE the Ontario Structure In,9Dection Manual, or eQuivalent d) The limit on the qrose vahicle weipht of vehiclea paseinq over a bridqe shall ba determined in accordance with the proviaiona oE tha Ontario Hiphway Bridqe Desiqn Code, Third Edition. e) Load limit by•law recoccmendacione, shall be eiqned and eealed by two(2) ProEeesional ¢naineera who hnve rucommanded the load iimit at which the bridqe may be pasted, and the dura[Son Eor which the load poseinp remains valid. 51 Nuniclyal eridqea and Culvert� ADDroval irom the Miniaery will no lonqer be requized for municipal bridqe deaiqne and load limit by•lawe, excepe Eor thoea on Connactinq i.inka, private Roads and other Road ru[horities. The eubmiesion of drawinqe and documents to ' the Minietry is no lonqer required. Thie includes drawinpe, final etructural drawinpe, reporte and loadnlimStabyalaWeent Municipalitiee should retain copiee ot all drawinqe and documenta Eor their • recorde. If a Hunicipality hae ite own reviaw or approval proceae in ylace, coneultanea ehould bo in£azmad. 6) aridq�� �a �vert� on Conn�ctinq Liak�, privete roede and OtAer Road 1luthoritiat ADDroval will atill he reQUirad from tha bfiniatry far the followinpi 1) sridpee or culverta that Eorm pare of a hiqhway deaipnatad as a connectinq link. ' 2) Bridpes or culverts on private roada thae do no Pall undar the juriadiction of a Municipality, or that ara owned by another Road Authority. eubmieaion requirements tor theee remain nnchanped. _ . Mp� . ATTACHMENT le S TO REPORT#�o �4?� ��5 , paqe 3 . I auqqest that you abtain a copy of eill 92 for exact wordinq. Pleaee call iF you have any puestiona. . Youre truly, , lWKtmm cce �Wayne Hynd Terry NeelinQ ; C%%' / �� M. J, KELLY DISTRICT MUNICIPAL ENCINEER