HomeMy WebLinkAboutMPE 04/00r • Q�� 4\��oFr��� ti� � � ���� REPORT TO COUNCIL FROM: Richard W. Holbom DATE: February 18, 2000 Division Head Municipai Property and Engineering REPORT NUMBER: MPE 04-00 SUBJECT: Parking Bylaw 2359/87 Meadowview Avcnue fronting St. Marguerite Bourgcoys Catholic Schooi RECOMMENDATION: I. Thal a by-law bc enacteJ to amcnd Schedule `A' to By-law 2359/87 regulating parking restrictions anJ prohibitions on ccrtain highways. OR[GIN: Rcquest Cor traf(ic review by Vice Principal of 3t. Marguerite Bourgcoys Catholic School. AUTHORITY: Mimicipu! Act, R.S.O. 1990, chaptcr M.4, section 210.123 FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: The manufacture and inslallalion oCregulatory no-stopping signs costing approximately �SU0.00 can be accommoJaled wilhin thc Roads Operating Budgct, 2320-2409, 2000 Special Projects account. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Not applicable. BACKGROUND: In December of 1999, a letter of concem was reccived from the Vice Principal of St. Mazgucrite Bourgeoys Cntholic School which outlined a numbcr of tratTic rclntcd problems on thc school driveway and on Meadowview Avenue fronting the school property. In responsc to this cortespondence, Stuff of the Municipal Property nnd Engincering Division mct on-sitc with the Vice Principnl and other school oflicinls to obscrve thesc problems and in gcnerol evnluate traffic movement operations. As expected, the site visit confirmcd the usual Icvcls of congcstion and pedestrian crossing hazards typically associuted with the high volumes of parcnt vchicle tru(lic nccessing the property within u short timc frs�me during the moming nnd allemoon periods. These obscrvations prompted discussion with thc school officiuls inlo such areas as encouraging parents to walk to schaol wiq� thcir childrcn, rcgulnting on-sitc trnffic movcmcnts, implMncnting a Kiss-N-Ride Program nnd thc passing of Municipal Bylaws lo prohibit on-strcct stopping in the areas of concem. As thc implcmentation of thc By-law involves Uic actions oC thc Ciry, n - � Report to Council MPE 04-00 Subject: Parking By-Inw — Meadowview Avcnue Date; Fcbruary 18,2000 Page 2 survey of those locul residents directly afPected by the limits of the proposed no•stopping conditions was undertuken to determine its impact. The survcy resulis proved very favourable with only one resident voicing opposition lu the By-law solely due to his belicf that thc by-law will fail as inudequate levels of Municipal EnCorcement can be expcctcd follawing its implementation. As a means to better regulate traftic movcment operations and pedestrian crossing safcry on Mendo�wiew Avenuc fronting St. Mazguerite Bourgco}s Catholic School, it is recommended that the nttached draR by-law be approved. The by-law, as proposeJ, will effcctivcly prohibit "stopping" along the west und south sides of Meadowview Avenue benveen Edgewood Road and 223 metres north nnd west of Edgewood Road. The by-law amendment is also proposed to prohibit "stopping" along the north side of Meadowview Avenue Cor approximately 10 metres on eitl�er side of the school exit driveway to improve visibility sightlincs. These amendments aze proposed to be in effect in the above noted azeas from 7:30 n.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday to Friday. If approved, thcsc by-laws must rcccive regular enforcement to bc efCective. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Dratt By-law 2. Location Map PrcparcJ B • ,. C. Stephcn Brakc, Coordinator TraUic & Wastc Managcment R' arJ W� Ibom, Division Hcad unicipal roperty and Enginccring CSBIfrW YW �•.b... Copy: Chicf Administrative Officcr Town Clcrk Managcr of By-law Enforcement Services Roads Supervisor Municipal Works Supervisor Recommended for the consideration of Pickering Ciry Council � N O�V omas J. Quin , Chie Ad ' ivc �ccr Approved / EnJorscd B : C . . Bu ls r, �rc r Operalions and mcrgency Scrviccs O11 + - • ATTACHMEN7q0 f TOREPORT#�'11��� 0�`� THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERiNG BY-LAW NO. Betng a 6y-law !o amend By-!aw 1359/87 regulafing parking, slanding and sfopping on highways and on privafe and municipal properry. WI-IEREAS, pursuant to the Municipal Act, RS.O. 1990, chnpter M.45, seclions 218.52, 210.73, 210.123-126, 210.131, 310, 314.7 and 314.8, the Council of the Corporation of thc City of Pickering enacted By-law 2359/87 regulating parking, standing nnd slopping on highways and on private and on municipal properiy; NOW THEREFORE, lhe Council of the Co�poration of thc City of Pickering HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. Schedute A to Bylaw 2359/87, as amendcd, is hcreby umcnded by adding thereto the following items: Hi hwa Side Aetwccn/And Prohibited 1'imes and — D� Meadowview Avenue West and Edgewood Road to 223 metres 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. South north and wcst of Gdgcwood Monday to Friday Road Meadowview Avenuc North 135 mctres north and wcst oC 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Edgewood Road to 173 mctres Mondny to triday north and wcst of Cdgcwood Road BY-LAW rcad a first, second and third time and finaily passed this Gth day of Mnrch, 2000. Wayne Arihurs, Mayor Bruce Tnylor, Clerk ATTACHMENTiI �� TO REPORTfI1Lv4 �00 4 � TOWN OF PICKERIN(3 ovuuraNa µo �ao�cv earv oer�nrr�urt 1:5000 - DEC. 1099 TRAFFIC REPORT � LOCATION OF PROPOSED NO STOPPINO 20NE ���