HomeMy WebLinkAboutMPE 03/00+` . • �Ip `,�yOFp�C� W � � � ���� REPORT TO COUNCIL FROM: Richard W. Holbom DATE: Fcbruary 4, 2000 Division Heud Municipal Property & Engineering REPORT NUMBER: MPE 03-00 SUBJECT: Reduced Load Period By-Law Annual Compilation of Streels RECOMMENDATION: 1. That Report MPE 03-00 respecting the reduced load period by-law be rcceived; and 2. That a by-law bc cnacted to Jesignatc highH•ays undcr thc jurisdiction of thc Ciry ro which a reduced load period applics; and 3. That By-law 5454/99 bc rcpcalcd ORIGIN: Annual updatc of municipal high�cays that arc affcctcd by a rcduccd load period as compiled by thc Municipal Pruperty & Enginccring Division of Uic Operations & Emcrgcncy Serviccs Dcpartmcnt. AUTHORITY: Hlg/iway Tra�c Acl, R.S.O. 1990 Chap. 1 I.8 section 122 (7) F[NANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: There arc no financial implications of the passing of the By-law, as the City has sufficient signs in stock. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: N/A BACKGROUND: The nuthoriry for the enactment of a reduccd load period by-luw is dcrivcd from the Hlglnvap T�aJjlc Act, which smtes that a municipaliry mny dcsignntc thc dntc on which a reduccd load period shull start or cnd and the highwny or portion thereof under its jurisdiction to which thc designation upplics. Enactment of the attuched by-luw will proviJc nn accumte compilation of Ihc highwuys within thc City that nre subjcct ro lhc rcduccd lond period dcsignntion, and will rcpcal ByInw 54�4/99. Report to Council MPE 03•00 Subjoct: Reduccd Lond Period By-Law Annuni Compilation of Strects ATTACHMENTS; l. DraR By-Inw with Schedule A attached. Date: February 4, 2000 Q"j 3 Pagc 2 Prepared By: Approved / Endorsed By: �`� � / Ri ard W. H bom, Division Head E. Buntsma, ' cctor nicipal Property & Engineering Operations & Emergency Services R H:ds Attachments Copy: ChiefAdministrativcOfticcr Ciry Clcrk Roads Supervisor Recommcnded for the considcration of Pickcring Ciry Council ,� IP �. 0� omas J. ' n, C icf ''strati�� O�ccr m :I ATTACHMENT pTTO REPORT #o! '� O$ O THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERMG G� IIY-LAW N0. Heing u by-lnw to nnmc highways or poriion of highwuys within thc jurisdiction of the City to which a reduced load period dcsignation applies und to repeul By-law 5454/99, WHEREf.S pursuunt to the Highwuy Traftic Act, R.S.O. 1990 chaptcr 11.8 section 122(7), or n predccessor thereof, the Council of thc Corporalion of thc City of Pickering enncted By-law 4399/94 designaling the dale on which a reduccd load period shall slart or end anJ the highway or portion thereof under its jurisdiclion to which U�e designation applies. AND WHEREAS, new streets hava been crcatcd which requirc the designation of a reduced load period; NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF T}[E CORPORATION 0� THE CITY OF PICKLRING HGREQY ENACfS AS POI.I.OWS: I. For the purpose of subscctions (1), (2) anJ (3) oCscction 122 of the Hi�lnvay Traffic Act, R.S.O. 1990, Chap. I1.8 thc rcduced load period shall bc that period commcncing on March 1" of each year nnd ending on April 20'h, both inclusive, of each year. 2. Thc highways lo which thc rcduccJ load period dcsignation npplies shall bc those higltways or po!tionsthereofas set outin Schcdule A ntlachcd hereto. 3. Bylaw 5454/99 is rcpcaleJ. BY-LAW read u first, second and third timc nnd finally passcd this 21st day of February, 2000. Wayne Arlhurs, Mayor Bruce Taylor, Clcrk ATTACHMENT #� 70 ttEPqRT rt,yp� SCHEDULE A '�'�� o3-oc REDUCED LOAD DESIGNATIONS �gl JITMPVtEDLDDE9 � PAQE � o�ro�noao � JITMPIREOLDDE& PA6E 2 m�mn000 n� a3�0p ATTACHMENT#�T�yREPONTN 0� "t J�TMPWEDLODEB PAGE J ovo�n000 083 1:� �. � J1TMPlREDLDDEB . PAGE 4 . 01ro7Il000 � �3•� r.TTACHMENTft T REpQRTMN06 �� �� J1TMP1fiEDlDDEB 0?!07/l000 PA6E 6 085 08° ATTACHMENT#,j�TD REppRTk� D ���y o3a> J1TMPIREDLODE3 PAOE 8 0T/07!l000 . ' , A7TACHMENT#�tQyEPORTtfON�E. e� �T���B PAOE T O7/07/l000 � i:• ATTACHMENT d _�,�. _ ��� .IITAIPWEDLDDEB PAGE 8 07/072000 � MoE oa�o ATTACHMENT �,���o �y EppRT #.�E � 0300 J1TMp�pEp�ppE3 - � . PAGE 9 07/072000 � . 1:' 090 .,-..,,...._.._ � JITMPIREDLDDEB PA6E 10 07/07f2000 � . rr�hQ6. 03�ou JITMPIREDLDOEB PAOE 11'- ' 07/07f2000 ` � , . .. , . . kHGE o3-oJ �91