HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 06/00,� OF P/C � � FROM: Jane Burton City Solicitor REPORT TO COUNCIL SUBJECT: Raad — Dedication (Third Concession Road) - Eilocks 161 nnd 162, Plan 40M-1771 - File: W2304.375 DATE: Junuary 27, 2000 REPORT NUMBER: L 06-00 RECOMMENDATION: A by-law should bc enactcd to dcdicatc E3locks 161 and 162, Plan 40M-1771, Pickcring, ns public highwny. ORIGIN: Approval from thc Planning und Dcvciopmcnt Dcpwlmcnt. AUTFIORITY: �blunicipn! Act, R.S.O. 1990, chnptcr M.45, scction 297(1)(u). FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: Nonc. BXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Not Applicublc. BACKGROUND: When the above-noted plan was rcgistercd, E3locks 161 s►nd 162 wcre conveyed to the To�m for futurc road widening purposes. As our Plunning und Development Depariment have edvised thut thc road works on ihesc biocks havc bcen completed to stnndords su�cient to pertnit public ucccss, the rcquircd dedicution should thercfore be made. Atwched is n drnR by-law, cnactment of which will dedicnte Blocks 161 und 162 ns public highwuy; this by-law is in the fortn usuaily used in such cases. 093 � 9;� Report to Council L 06•00 Subject: Road — Dedicution (Third Concession Road) ATTACHMENTS: l. Locntion Map/Site sketch. 2. DraR by-Inw. Prepared By: ,c.P •4s5c,�..e- Denise e DB:Ijm Attnchmenu Copy: Chief Administrulive Ofiicer Director, Planning and Development RecommendcJ for the considerntion of Pickering Ciry Council , w r `CGil omns J. Quin Chicf ni5 'vc �ccr Approved / Endorsed By: i, ,� � (� ;� v Jenunry 27,2000 Page 2 � ._ ,_ _ . .x + . : . _ . , . ' r,rT,,.,.r;�-,: � a THE CORPORATION 0� THE CITY OR PICKGRING E3Y-LAW NO. Being a 6y-!aw !o dedica�e Dlockr 161 and 162, Plan a0M-177/, Pfcker7ng, (7'htrd Concesston Raad) as pubitc htginvuy. WHEREAS The Corpomtion of thc City of Pickering is lhe owncr of Blocks 161 and 162, Plan 40M-1771, Pickering nnd wishes to dedicate them as n public highway. NOW THEREFORE, thc Council of Thc Corpomtion of the Ciry of Pickcring HCREBY BNACTS AS FOLLOWS: I. Block 161, Ylan 40M-1771, Pickering is hercby dcdicated as public highway ('I'hird Conccssion RoaJ). 2. Block IG2, 1'lun 40M-1771, I'ickcring is hcrcby dcdicatcd as public highway ('fhird Conccssion Rond). DY-LAW rcud n first, socand and third timc nnd finally passcd this 2lst dny of Pcbruury, 2000. wx�a»s Wuync Arthurs, Mnyor Druce Tnylor, Clcrk ,095�I n q�j ATTACHMENT N� TO REPORT 1��- �p