HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 104/98. J��O`�N�Fp� � REPORT TO COUNCIL FROM: Panny L, Wyger DATE: October 20, 1998 Town Solicitor REPORTNUMDER: LIO4198 SUBJECT: DisposelofLends - Lot I, Plnn 40M-1457, Pickering - Fawndale Raad - File: RE9508 RECOMMENDATION: Council should pass a Rcsolulion directing sWff to take Ihe necessery stcps to sell the subject lands only if the abutling owners agrcc to purchasc at ihe price established by thc eppmisal. ORIGIN: Rcquesl lo acquira a portion of the lol from thc adjncent owners to Lot I, Plan 40M-1457. AUTHORITY: I. Munlcipnl Acr, R.S.O. 1990, chapter M.45, scclions 191 and 193. 2. By-Iaw459L95. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: Appmisal Vnluc of Total Lot 522,500 Revenue: (bescd on sule of 4.25m strip to each abulting owncr) 13,376 Estimnted Cost tu Construct Walkwny (Non-Budected lleml (includes walkwey, fen:ing end onc IighUlandscaping) (20,000•25,000) AdveAising, appraisal, survcy costs and Purchascr's Cost legal feesldisbursements EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: On March 4, 1997, Council deemed Lot I, Plen 40M-1457 surplus ta the necds of thc Corporation, subjcct to certain conditions. An appreisal wns obtnined for the subject property and indicatcd the value to bc 522,500.00, With Ihe Town retnining iha central 6 m portion for walkway purposes, ihe remaining 4.25m (nppmximate) on cach sida of the welkwey the remeinder of the surplus lends would cost cnch ndjecent owncr 56,668.00 (plus cosls af appmisal, survey, legal fees and disbursements). Letters were sent to each adjacent owner offcring the remnining portions of thc subjcct property for 56,688.00. 7'he owners hnvc replicd requesting that thc purchase pricc ba rcduced to 53,000.00 (copics attached). BACKaROUND: , Lot I, Plen 40M-1457, wes conveyed to the Town by the dcveloper on Decembcr 30, 1986. It is an undevelopabla lot, subJect lo scveral easemcnts, thcreforo It romeins vecant and metntained by thc To�m. For some timo, tha ownero on eithcr aide of Lot I, Plan 40M•1457 (Fewndale Road) have exprcssed concems that iho vacant lo► fs continualiy used by unsuporvised youlh in tho erca wh(ch has rcsulted in damego to their proporty end an overall disruption ro thcir IfCcstyle, Report to Council �3 LI04/98 October20,1998 SubJect: Disposal of Lande Pege 2 On March 4, 1998, Council passed Uy-Inw 4742/96 declaring Lot I, Plen 40M-1457, Pickering, as surplus to tho needs oF the Town of Pickering in accardance with By-lew 4592l95, subject to ceAain conditions, one of thosc conditions being that the Town retain the centrel 6m poAfon of thc lot for walkway purposes and the remelning 4.25m on either side of the walkwny be sold lo the adjecent owners. An oppraisal indicated tha value of the property to be 522,500. With the Town retaining Ihe centrel 6 m poAion for walkwey purposes, tha remaining 4.25m (approximete) an either side of the walkway would cost 56,688.00. Ou September 25, 1998 a letler wes fonvarded lo each of the adjattnt owners setting out the terms by which ttie Town would convey the poAians oP the vecent lot to them al sale price of 56,688.00 plus disbursements and legal fecs. That lethr also stipulnted ihat, should Mr. Dudhnath and Mr. Crescitelli wish to purchase the lands, staff would be willing to rccommcnd ro Council thet the Town comribute 50°/a towards iha cost of relocaling the fenco elong the lot line of Mr. Dudhnalh's propeAy and toward thc installation of a fcncc along thc lot line of Mr. Crcscitclli's property. On Ocrobcr 13, 1998 lhe adjecent owners rcplied to the Town expressing conccros with thc price of thc property and heve counter-o(fered to pay to the Town S3,000. A copy of the Ictters arc attechcd for your reRrence. The Director of Pnrks and Facilitics hes indicatcd Ihnt maintenar.cc wsts lo thc Town of the vacant Iot are minimel. He rccommends Ihet nny sale of lunds should Ix based on the apprnised value only. Thc cost of constructiqg and Inndscaping a wnikway at this lacation is estimated at betwcen 520,000 and 525,000. The Towu's oflcr to sell 4.25 mctres of lend to ench nbutting orvncr for 56,688.G0 would net the Town 513,376, which sum is not sufficicnt to cover Ihe costs of walkwny consiruction. Therefore addilionel funding would bc required from Ihe Town lo mect costs. AJditional funding has not been incorporated in the 1998 budget. Council should pass a Resolution direcling stnf(lo sell Ihe Innds to the ubulting owners at a cost of not lass than 56,686,00 cach, plus �isbuncments enJ Iegal fces und bascd an lhc semc tcrtns end conditions es set out in the letter from the Town dnted Scptcmber 25, 1998. ATTACNMENTS: 1. Sito sketch. 2. Locetion map. 3. Copy of kttu to abutting ownars dated Seplembcr 25, 1998. 4. Copy of reply ktter Gom abutting awners daled October 13, 1998. Propared By Approved By, ' 7 ����� ,/_� Denise B Penny Wyger DB:jep Attachments Copy: Generel Menager Director of Parks and Facilities Director af Plenning Director of Public Works Recommended for the consideration of Pickering Town Council � c �.�� om J. n, (lenerel eger • . . . .i :�'...:.:�- ; ,� �� ATTACHMENT Il I TO T � O r � � O D � L01 ? PUN IOM-IJJB (176J fAWNLNiC IPQ1D) OWNCR.• N. DUDI�N/H � SUBJECT PROPERtt � WAIKWAY � LWDSCAPE SiRIP The Town oP Pickcrfng DiLOtell P1an840�i-1457 LECAL SERVICES DEPARTMENT - Fnomdelo Road - x�iip, RF.QSflR r a O2 `y O O �.� I IaeH PKY PLWM NOC'P/ 1 — ,� � t: , _ ATTACHMENT#.,'L7Uitr?o��'r• I��04�QB �,�°F 46: . y�� F September23,199i ,: ��a�0° H�yp��� Dlichael Crescitelli d� 1267 Fawndale Road TavndPid�erhp 1263FawidaloRoad Pickering,Onlerio Pickering, Ontario L1V SS1 legal5crvkesDeparunent LIVSSI "`x""° °"" C0fnQ1e Sub at: Piekering Salo W Dudhneth ncw�.CD"��`mu�o j . Lot 1, Plan 40M-145T, Pickering °nad' • Filc: RE9506 LIV 6K7 D4rcl�cau F05117G1660 �,� A'i;�i°e,Mi pleau 6e advised Ihet on Merch 4, 1996, Cowcil enacted By-Law 4747J96 Tp,,, �„� ���� euthoriring ihal the ebove-noled land be dcclared surplus to lhe needs of the ,�osia�•uw Town of Pickering, based on Ihe following: .. r,om�e Aos�i»osis (a) that the Town rctain the central6m K�de portion of the lot for walkway, lendscaping and ovcrlmd ilow requirements and thc remaining 4,25m on each side of the rclained portion be conveycd to Ihe abutting owners subjecl to cascmcnts in fnvow of thc Rcgion and the Town for sanitary scwer, slonn scwcr and watcrmain purposcs (scc skcich attach�d); (b) that an uppraisal of Ihc land bc prcparcd by an On�vio i.and Appraiscr acccpinble to the Town to dctcrminc thc sale price of the property (approximnlc cost 5250 - 5500). An nppraisal oj fhe lands hns 6cen prepared fndiculing Ilie markel value oJOie lands l0 6e E?2,500. The caat ojlliaf app�alsal was E300.00; (c) that thc sale of Ihis property be advertiscd in thc local ncwspaper, Plcase note lhat staff will make cvcry cffoA lo i�ave the advcrtiscment pleced on the Communily Page of the Pickcring Ncws Advcrtiscr; if this can be eccommodated, Ihe cost of adveAising will be nil; (d) Ihat a rcfcrcnce plan be prcpared idcntifying the boundaries and providing a rcgistruble Icgal dcscription of the lands being conveyed, 'ifiis survcy must be npproved by Town statf prior lo it being regislcred (approximate wst 5600 - S1,000); and L ,, AT7ACHMFNT{t_3 70f1@PORTIt�p�� � _ � i7 n,�ano,,e s��n«u� »va (e)' that ell legal cos�+ assceiated with this Vensection be rcimburxd W U�e Town (approxlmatc cost SS00). Please be aware fhaf ►he cosff ou111ned b fhe above•nofcd condtrlons will 6e dlvtded behveen yourself and M�. Cresefltlil In addiGon to Ihe terms sct out above, it hes sina ban determined that, in the cvenl you wish lo purchasc the poAion of Lot 1, Plan 40M•1457 adjacenl W your property, Town steff will recommend to Council that the Town contribute SO% toward ihe cosl (lowut quoted price of tluee quotes W bc provided) of ttlocating your fcnce along Ihe lot line (not including the rcer purtion of your lot abutUng Altona Road). Accordingly, plc.�sc advise on or bcfore Oclober 16,1998, io writing, if you erc inicrested in purchasing the abovc•noled lands at thc purchase pria of 56,688.00, plus disbursemcnts nnd Iegal fces. Yours very wly ���� v �� Pcnny yger Town Solictor DB,IJm . AtlacluneM }; �.. . , j, 4�: ATTACHMENT M� TO ItEPORT lr�yyy4� ,ifi October 13,1998 –__—. OCl 131998 : ...._�- - --- �= ._. � . The Town Of Pickering Legel Servias Departmmt Pickering Civic Complex One lhe Esplenade Pickcring, Onterio L1V 6K7 Attenlion, Pcnnv Wvaer Dcar Penny: Re: Pickering Sale lo Crcscitclli Lot I, Plan AOM-1457, Pickering Filc: RE9508 We appreciate your Icttcr of Septcmbcr 25,1998, and wouid likc to rcspond. H�e would like to purchase the poAion of Lot I, Plen 40M•1457, adjacent to our property at a purchasc price of 53,000.00 plus disburs�ment anJ legal fecs. Y�'e fecl lliel although it has becn appraised highor we kcl lhat Ihe approised veluc is not bascd on rcal value. Normal trensuclians aro based on what e Vendor would be willing lo pay and what a Purchakr wouid be willing lo er,ccpt. Although we bcncfit fmm enjoymcnt of thc cxVa land, wc arc eNarc that thc walkwey is olso a dclrimenl lo our propcAios, having thc possi6ility of noisc et ccrtain timcs, garbaga thrown ovcr our knces end the fecl we will be paying property lnxes on tho extra portion. Thc land valuc bascd on zoning is really only bcneficial lo mysclf and our neighbour, es well es thc wmmunity using Ihc walkway which thcy coNribulc thcir L•�ir lax sharo. We feel your contribulion of 50%to our fencing should be paA of the transaclion along our fence linc (not across ihe back). Wc kcl feir markct valuc is morc around 53,000.00 ns staled abave. Pleasc advise os of your decision. Thank You, Thank You, ��%�.� a�'-��n��� ,1I1 ��v-i ��'�^'�� r�tichecl Crcscitelli Mr. DuJhnath 1267 Fawndalc Road 1263 FawnJalc Road Pickering, Onlario pickcring, Ontario LIV SSI UV SS� � i , � . . .�;.., .. . � . • . . '� . � . � �. • r .:r.:'� . , �• �; ... ,' . .. � " ,. . , r� :.-r-�' � .., . �� .. .. i �