HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 84/98154 �p OF p� �O � FROM: Penny L. Wyger Town Solicitot REPORT TO COUNC�L SUBJECT: Mnrshall Homes - Dlock 7, Plnn 40M-1254, Pickering - Amending Subdivision Agrecment - Filc: M1254 and LD33/98 RBCOMMENDATION: This Repon is to bc rcccivcd for informntion purposcs. DATG: July 23,1998 REPORT NUMDGR: I. 84/98 ORIGIN; Request Gom Cmig Marshall, owner of Dlock 7, Plan 40M-1254, Pickering. AUTf10RITY: Plan�iingAcl, R.5.0. 1990, chaptcr P.13, scction 51(6); Munlcipnf Ac1, R.S.O. I990, chnptcr MAS, scclion 191(I ). PINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: Capital Contributions: Dcvclopmcnt Chargc (To�m porlion) Development Charge (Pickaring Hydro portion) Opemting Contributions: Enginecring Drnwing Inspcction Fcc Amending Subdivision Agrcement Proccssing Pec Constructiou Inspcction and Testing Fccs S4,R67 663 S 35 1,200 Town Cost BACKGROUND: Thc subjcct propedy is n vacant black which was crcnted at the time of the subdivision dcvclopment of Sultana Syuere iu 1982. Al thut timc, it wns anticiputed thnt the subject property would eventually be developed in conjunctian with the northerly ubutting properly lo crcutc ndditionnl resideNial lots fronling Sultana Squarc. Oncc it waa detcrmincd thnt thc devclopmcnt of lhc northcrly lands would not procccd for somc timc, lhe owncr of Block 7(2895501 Ontario Inc.) submilicd nn application for sevcrancc to ullow for Ihc dcvclopmcnt of thc suhjcct propert� indcpendent Gom the nonherly abutting property, to support two dwclling units, That upplication wus approvcd on Februnry 16, 1998 by the Region's Land Division Commiticc subject to conditions, No nppculs wcrc fiicd within thc necessary timc periods. -i • ' R��n �� co���i L 84/98 Subject: binrshall Homes - Dlock 7, Plan 40M-1254, Pickcring - Amending Subdivision Agreement � �J Date; July 23, 1996 Sincc the grnnting of thnt approval, Elock 7, 40M-1254 has sincc bccn sold to Mershali ! lomcs. Marshull Homes is now requesting thnt the I.and Division Committec's decision bc rescinded, ihe application for severancc.be abundoned, :u�d thc Block be devcloped to nccommodate onc dwelling unit only on the subject lund (ionting Whites Roud, with a rear•utlnchcd gnrage and a drivcwny to Sullanu Square, in nccordence with nn nmendment to the original Subdivision Agrcement. Council should note thut this proposul is currently being circulnted "n the uppropriate stnff depnrir,:ents for revicw. In the event thnt the developer sntisfies nll of s�u(1's conccrns, npproval will be in accordance with an amendment to the original Subdivision Agreement. ATTACHMENTS: I. Locntion Mop/Sitc 5kcich. Prcparcd Dy: ApprovcJ / Hndorscd Dy: ,�• G��� Dcnisc yc Pcnny L. W DE3:Ic Attachments Copy: Geneml Mnnuger Dircclor of Plunning Direclor of Public Works ,? , �, � � �i !:ij �P� 4 .. � � � . �?t�` s � . . . �i' i t � . . . . �S ti ��y f-b X f '. .,r�#ra.,rµ� �ao"� ta .. �;, , ��. r �.; , . � . �ys }�2t rY �f r -c;l � . � . '�'!� > r ' . �t�%;. r � . . . � � 3;' 7 K i:!t f ��`.=~ �',... . ��. z a . �a?r���'.?�, ,� . - - . � a �rz:r's �� OAtE JULY28l88 L ia ,, •� � V�-i.+,� . : �lf?.' Y + `r1 �� .