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FROM: Penny Wyger DATE: May 28,1998
Town Solicitor
SUBJECT: Sulxlivision/Development Agreements and Rclated f.mcnding Agmements
- Aulhorization to Execute S►nndard Fortn Agrcements
- File: L0008
A by-law should be enucted to nuthorize the execution of the Town's Subdivision Agreement and
Development Agreement and nny nmendment lhercto pursunnt to the Planning Ac�, R.S.O. 1990,
chapter P.13, section 51(6) and the Muntcipal Acr, R.S.0.1990, chap►cr M.45, scction 191(I).
ORIGIN: Identificution of changcs in busincss practices necessary to enhance efiicicncy in
corpomtc operations.
Planntng Acl, R.S.O. 1990, chnptcr P.13, scction 51(6);
MunfctpalAct, R.S.O. 1990, chupter M.45, scction l91(1).
All financial implications relating to development will bc collcctcd prior to registration of the
agreements ie, cash-in-lieu of parklend dcdication, engineering fees und any other applicnble
fees, save and except Development Charges which will be pnid prior to thc issuing of a building
Past Town practice has dictated that Subdivision/Development Agreemenis, in their entircry,
�` with all rolated documentation, be forwarded to Council for consideretion prior ro being
oxecuted. The package conteining all of the necessary documentation includes the Repart to
�� ` Council, the rclakd agreement, a by-law and location/site mapping, which on average, depending
� on the complcxity of ihe project, is opproximately 25 pnges.
�} ?. It should bo noted that the preprvation of the Subdivision/Development Agreements mcrcly
�+� �, conatitutes ihe implementation of policy decisions alrendy mude by the Council when pinnning
'���i`�; � approvals are granted. It is also at ihe plenning epproval stage thut Council is madc awarc of thc
✓.�� ,: particulaze of any unique wnditions applicnble to the developmcnt. Thereforc, thc existing
a`„ `�; prectice of forwarding the agreement to Cauncil for uuthorirntion, adds very little value to the
�� c�.°�trocesa, aad hes provrn to be onerous und timaconsuming for not only statT, but to the
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Report to Council
1 O (� L64/98
May 28,1998
Subject: Subdivlsion/Development Agrecments and Amendments th:reto
- Blenket Aulhoriry to Execute Pagc 2
Also, in some instunces, once a SubdivisionlDevelopmcnt Agrecment hns been rcgistcred, ihe
agreement may require minor amendments rcsulting from a chnnge in circumstuncc such aa a
minor variance bcing granted to ailow for chunges in tha proposed housing mix or in the number
of units to be constructed within the plan/development. Present prncticc dicwtes thet
Subdivision/Development Agreements requiring minor amendmenls nrc nlso to be brought
before Council for approval. As these amendmenis primarily represent housekecping mattcrs
and are circulated to the npplicable staff dcpartments prior to fineli7ntion, this process has also
proven to be onerous and time-consuming.
It is thecefore bcing recommended thnt a by-lnw bc enacted in the fomi nttuched hercto,
authorizing the execution and registration of Subdivision Agreements, Deveiopment Agreements
and any emendmenis thereto by 1he Mnyor end the Toµn Clerk. These ugrecments will be
prepared in n fortn satisfactory to thc Town Solicitor nnd will incorpomte nll of the purticulars
necessary to sntisfy the Town's requirements for the upprovcd development propasuls.
ATTACHMENTS: Uratl Authorizing By-law.
Prepnred by: Approved by:
Denise ye
Copy: DirectorofFinnnciaiServices
Director of Pnrks und Fncilitics
Director of Plunning
Director of Public Works
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Penny Wy �
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De1r�g a by-!aw fo aulhorize Ihe execullon oj Su6dlvlslat
Agreemenrs, Developmenf Agrecmenls, all docun�enlufJat
refaled fo lhe developmenl and a!I amendmen�s lherelo.
WF►EREAS pursuant lo lhe provisions of the P/anntng Arr, R.S.O. 1990, chnpler P.13 seclion 51(6) and
Munlcipa! Acf, R.S.O. 1940, chapter M.45, section 191(I) The Corpomlion of the Town oF Pickcring
requires developer to enter inlo agreemenls with the'fown, ,
WHCREAS, it is anticipated thnt such Agrccmcnls will bc rcquircd in many silualions aud it is dcsirnblc
to provide for an expeditious process of such Agreemenls
NOW THEREFORE, the Council of the Corporotion of the Town of Pickering HGRGDY [iNACTS AS
1. The Mnyor nnd Clerk arc hereby aulhoriud lo executc all Subdivision Agreements, and any
amendments therclo, in a form sntisfactory lo the Town Solicitar, as requircd fram lime to time
for lhe purpase of snlisfying lhe Town's reyuiremcnts for such Agrccments pursuant to the
provisions lhc Plurottng Acf, R.S.O. 1990, chaptcr P.13 scction 51(6) and Afunlcipul Acf, R.S.O.
1990,chapler M.45,
2. 71�e Mayor and Cierk nre hcreby aulhoriud to cxccutc nll Dcvclopmcnl Agrcemcnts, and any
amcndmenls Ihcrelo, in a form satisfoclory to the'I'own Solicilor, as rcyuired from lime lo time
for the purposc of snlisfying the 'fown's rcquiremcnls for such Agrcemcnts pursuant ta the
provisions ihe Planning Acf, R.S.O. 1990, chnpter P.13 scction 51(G) and M�nticlpal Acf, It.S.O.
1990,chapler M.45,
3. The Corporntion of the To�m of Pickcring is hercby nuthoriud lo nequirc thosc lunds or inlcrests
in the Innds rcfetted lo in Schedule A oFsnid Agrecmenls subject lo lhc lcrms unJ condilions and
ro� �i,� ��mos�s s�► ��� a,����,,
4. 'fhe Mayor and Clcrk arc hercby aulhorized to exccutc all Trnnsfcrs/Deeds of Gnsemcnt,
effecling tlu acquisition by The Corpomtion of the Town of Pickering of any intcresls in the land
in the naturc of storm drainage works easemenls in t6e land relating to ench specific dm(t pinn of
subdivision or development.
BY-LAW rcad a first, sccond and third time and finnlly pnssed this I Sth day of lune 1998.
� Wuyne Arthurs, Mayor
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�,!7� .l. � Dtuce Teylor, Cicrk
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