HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 34/98t 1 }.. ��OFp� w� � FROM' Penny L. Wyger Town Salicitor REPORT TO COUNCIL Richerd Holbom Dircctor of Public Works SUDJECT: Metropolitun Toronto Flabitat for Humaniry Request for Assistance - Filc: D9802 RGCOMMGNDATION: DATE: March 12,1998 REPORT NUMDER: L34l98 Council should pass a F3y-Luw authari•r.ing the htayor miJ Clerk to esccute u Development Agrcement betwecn thc Mctropolitnn Toronto Huhilnt for f Iumanily and thc 7'own to proviJc far Ihc developmcnt of two dwelling units IinkeJ undergrounJ, to bc IocuteJ on [llock 24. Plun 40M- 1366. Thc agrcemcnt is to bc prcparcJ in a fortn acccptablc ta Ihc 'I'own Solicitor which ngrcement will provide for the devclopmenl of thc IanJs in uccordance a•ith the muuers set out in this report. Thc Icgal fccs for thc costs of prcparing thc agrccmcnl shall lx rcJuccJ from 53,000 lo 51,200 plus GS'P. ORIGIN: Lcticr Jatcd January 19, 199R from [lrucc precman R Associalcs Inc. on bchalf of Metropulitnn Toronto Ilabitat for I lumanily. AUTHORITY: l. Thc blunlcipul Ac1, R.S.O. 1990 c. b1.45, uction I G2. 2. Thc Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990 c. P.13, scetion 69. PINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: Legnl Fees for the Dcvclopment Agrecment will bc reduccd from 53,000 to $1,200 which represents n net loss of revenucs for legal scrvices provided in the nmounl of 51,800. The remaining matters represent u vnlue of approximately S13,000 to thc development but will not rcquirc a direct out-of-pockct cost to thc Town. The towl value of the contribution from the Town towards this projcct is S 14,800. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Metropolitan Toronto Habitut for }fumnnity, n non-profit argani�ntion that builds housing for ncedy familics, hns rcquestcd thc ossistancc of the Town rcgarding thcir proposcd devclon::�ent of two residentinl units on Dunn Crcsccnt. Stuff hnvc rcviewcd thc proposal including thc location and particulaz fcaturcs of thc sitc rclativc to thc surcounding lands. In an e(�on to assist this charimble group, Town stafT hnve dctermined thnt, on this sitc spccific situation, wc arc 103 Report lo Council � L34/98 Date: Mnrch 12, 1998 Subjectt Metropolitun Toronto Hubitat for Humanity Pnge 2 prepared to recammend a reduction of certuin existing Town standnrds which will rcsult in a cost suving to the organiuUion in dcveloping the site of approximatcly 513,000, tagelher with u reduction of the fces for legal scrvices to be rcndered in thc nmount of 51,800. Thc net savings to the organi�ntion will be npproximntely S 14,800. E3ACKGROUND: Metropolitan Toronto Habitat for Humnniry is a non•profit organiaation ihut builds housing for nccdy fumilies using volun►ecr labour and donated mmcrials. Habitnt is purchasing Ihc undeveloped block (Dlock 24, Plnn 40M-1366), locuted at the south limit of Dunn Cresccnt, for the purposc of constructing two residcntinl units which will be linkcd underground. '17�e orgnniwtion has asked thc Town for assistancc in rcducing thc costs of de��clopmenl of thc two houses. Stnff havc revicwcd thc proposal nnd hnvc Jetcrmined, given thc particular location of thc development and Ihe small IikclihooJ of thc future development of the nbutting lands to Ihc south, existing Town rcquiremrnts may be rclaxed to same cxtent in this case. In parlicular, stnff have determincd, provided lhe owners und future occupanls ugrec lo thc rcduced standards, no sidcwulks will bc requircd to tx canstructcJ in Gont of thc pro��scJ d�ccllings or on thc oppositc sidc of Ihc strcet. Given thc localion of Ihc cxisting storm scacr on I)unn Crcsccnt and givcn thnt it is vcry unlikely thc lands lo thc sauth will bc Jevclo�d in thc fWUre, Ihc stnrtn se�r•cr on Dunn Crescent will nat bc rcquircd lo be extendcd ncross Ihc frontage of thc subjecl lands nl this time. There is n storm sewcr witliin an cascment on Ihc nonh edge of thc properly and rannections cun be made to that sewer. To�m stnff anJ Pickcring Ilydro staff both agrce that no strcct light will be rcquircd in front of thc proposed Jti�•cllings. Thc organiration will bc rcquircd lo construct Ihc exlcnsion of Dunn Cresccnt to thc limit af Ihc full Gonmge oC E31ock 24 (scc sketch ultachcd). This mccts thc'fown's usual requirements and is necessnry to provide sufc uccess, providc adcquate snow cicazing operatious und wnste collection operations and cnuses no risk to Ihc Town shoulJ thc road evcr bc cxlcndcd further south. Pnved driveway nprons nre still rcquircd, bul a luming circic docs not havc to bc proviJcd. Cush•in•lieu of parkland dedicalion will not be rcquircd prior to thc dcvclopmcnt of Block 24 as psvkland dedicntion was paid prior to rcgistration of Plan 40M-1366. Thc Subdivision Agreement rcgnrding Plan 40M-1366 wns rcleased by the Town on Septcmber 16, 1991. lind thc Subdivision Agrecmcnt nol bcen rcicased, only an nmendmcnt to thc Subdivision Agrccment would hnve becn rcquircd prior to thc devclopment of thc lunds. The Town's Irgal fcc to preparc un nmending Subdivision Agrccmcnt is 51,200, fn this siwation howcvcr, thc organiwtion will be requircd to enter into a Development Agrecment with thc Town. Thc To�m's Icgal fcc for pteparntion of n Development Agreement is 53,000. The Town Solicitor is prcpared to rccommend in thcse circumstnnccs lhnl the Iegnl fce be rcduced Gam 53,000 to 51,200 plus GST and disbursemcnts. Thc rcduction in fee will rcsult in lost rcvenucs to thc Legal Scrviccs Dcpartment Budgct of S 1,800: Thc total eslimnted suvings to the organirntion based on thc abovc arc us follows: I. Extension of slorm sewcr on Dunn Crcscent S 8,500 2. Sidcwulks on the wcst sidc of Dunn Cresccnt I,000 3. Onc strcetlight ' 3,500 4. Reduced legul fee j,� Totnl Savings S 14,800 104 Report to Council L34/98 Subject: Metropolitan Toronto Habiwt for Numanity Dntc: Much 12, 1998 I'agc 3 It is rccommended thnt Council pass a byInw nuthorizing the Mayor und thc Clcrk to exccutc u Development Agrecment bclween Mctropolitnn Toronto Habitat for Humnniry and thc Town, which ngreement shall be prepared in a form acceptnble to the Town Solicitor, in consullntion with the Director of Public Works, to be registered on title to Block 24, Plan 40M•1366 which ngreement will provida for thc malters set out in lhis rcport. Metropolilan Toronto Habiwt for Humanity will not be permitted to nssign the ngrcement to any othcr party without the priar consent of the Town. ATTACNMENTS: 1. Site Sketch 2. Location Map 3. Drnit Dy-Law Prcpurcd By: p• �-L-e �� Pcnny Wygcr, Town Solicitar PLW/RFl:ljm Attnchmcnts Copy: Geneml Managcr Preparcd Dy: � � Richar I lolbom, Dircclor of Public Works � �a 0 i i � � � � � 3 'o, 0 0. 0 0 � 3 � � a� a � � 4 ���j p�B A R �1� i�� �, � O N � �P O � 1 w � � Z� � �i/'RM.LT011l�T�i4 � : �11( jNN CRESCFNT ;'': � i �: II I ' / I � ` o I I �$ � o� I � � ' m'` � ��� � ��x ' Ap S ' ' � I 1 � 1 1 �� zZ �� 0 � � � � lO5 10 , ATTACHMENT p.',LTO REPORTN� . ��.'�'.• �.� �_ �.e� !�]d�l.�\`71►L�� Being a bylaw to authoriu the exccution of a Development Agreement and rclated documentetion respecting the development of Block 24, Plan 1366, Pickering, [Metropolitan Toronto Habitat for Humanity]. WHEREAS Metropolitnn Toronto HabiWt for Humanity is a non•profit organi7atian that builds housing for families; AND WHEREAS the Owncr praposes to devclop two dwelling units on Block 24, Plun 40M- 1366 and is requircd as u condition of the approvnl thereof by the Council of the Town to enler into a Development Agreement wiUi tha Town pursuant to section 51 of the Plannir.g Acf,12.5.0. 1990,chepter P.13; NOW THEREFORE TIIE COUNCIL OF TIIE CORPORA'fION OF THE TOWN OF PICKERING IIEREBY GNACTS AS FOLI.OWS: 1. The Mnyor und the Clerk urc hcrcby nuthorii.cJ to exccWc a Devclopment Agrccmcnt txtween Metropolitan Toronto Ilabitat for Ilumaniry and the Town, which ogrcement shall bc prcptucd in a form acccptnblc to thc Town Solicitor, in consullation wilh Ihc Director of Public Works, for the Jcvclopment of two dwelling units on Dlock 24, Plan 40M• 1366. 2. Thc Corporation of thc Town of Pickcring shall acquirc thosc lands or inicresls in Ihc lands identificd in Schcdulc A o( ihat Dcvelopmcnt Agrecmcnl subjccl to the tcrms und conditions for the purposes set out thcrcin. 3. Thc Mayor and Clcrk arc hcrcby authoriud lo cxcculc Trnnsfers/Dccds of Gnscmcnt in thc form attached hcrcto ns Schedulc B, effccting thc ucquisition by Thc Corporation of the Town of Pickcring of nny intcrests in the namre of storm dminage works easements pursuanl to the provisions of ihe Devclopmenl Agrccmcnt rcfcrred to in scclion 1, nbove. BY-LAW rcD. �:, first, second end third time end finaily passed this 6th dny of Apri1,1998. Wuyne Arthurs, Mayor Drucc Taylor, Clcrk mw�