HomeMy WebLinkAboutMPE 08/00�L . �,�y 0F P/C� 6 J � Q REPORT TO COUNCIL FROM: Richazd W. Holbom DATE; May 3, 2000 Division Head Municipai Property & Engineering REPORT NUMBER: MPE 08-00 SUBIECf: Requcst for Extcnded Hours of Work SLF Joint Venture — Hwy 407 East Partial Extension RECOMMEWATION: 7'hat Report MPE 08-00 regarding SLF's requcst to cxtend lhc working hours to meet their schedule far the complction and opening of Highway 407 East Pnrtial Extension in Fall of 2001 be received; and that pursuant to Section 6(2) of Bylaw Numbcr 3821 (Noisc), Ihe Council of the Corporation of the Ciry of Pickering hercby dcclares as "an cmcrgency" the �vork bcing undertaken by SLF on the conslniction of Ihc extension of Highway N407. ORIGIN: Requcst from SLF Joint Vcnturc datcd April 28, 2000 AUTHORITY: Ontario Municipal Act, R.S.0.1990, C.M.45 Scction 210, Para 136 FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: There ure no direct finuncial impiications to the City ol' Pickcring in providing relief to the by- law. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: N/A , - �; �..:} , , , :� 1t �' RepoA to Council MPE OB-00 Date: May 3, 2p00 ,_ s s Subjcet; Request Co� Extended Houre of Work ' SLF loint Venturo — Hwy 407 Easl PaAiel Extension Pagc 2 BACKGROUND: The Province of Ontario, specifically the Ministry of Trunsponation (MTO) has entered in►o a Concession and Ground L,ease Agreement with 407 ETR, It is the responsibility of 407 ETR to finance, design, consWct, operate and meintain Highway 407. 407 ETR has retaincd SLF loinl Venture to design and construct the section from Highway 48 in Markham to Highway 7, east of Brock Road in Pickering, a 15,9 km extension. The SLF ]oint Venture received Thc Canadian Environmental Assessment Act (CEAA) upproval on April 13, 2000. The Ontario Environmcntal As�essmenl Act (Class EA) approval was received in 1997 by the MTO. SLF Joint Venture has commenced conslruction on ihe Highwny 407 East PnAial Extension as of April 14, 2000. Initial work involved tree cutting and clearing and grading operations are now undenvay. SLF Joinl Venture has requestcd lhe following working hours to be approved in order to meet their schedule of Fall 2001 completion and opening of the highway. Bridge 1Vorks Muy IS to December I, 2000 Monday to Saturday — 6:30 n.m. to 10:00 p.m. Grading, Dratnege & Graoulan Mny IS to Dccembcr I, 2000 Monday lo Sunday — 24 hours a day SLF ]oint venlurc has bcen advised that ihe currcnt bylaw for the Ciry of Pickering allows for road building operations to takc placc Monday to Sunday from 6:30 a.m. to 8;00 p.m. Without an cxemption from thc bylaw and approval of rcqucstcd hours, the schedule will change from a September 2001 completion datc to a Junc 2002 compiction date. The following information and construction methods and practices wos providcd and cammitted to by SLF Ioint Vcnwre nnd their contractors; B. Gottardo Conslruclion Ltd. (east side of West Dufiins Creek to Brougham) and Armbro Canstruction (Markham Raad to west side of West Duffins Creek), nt a meeling with the Division Head, Municipal Property & Engineering on April 27, 2000. I. M endeavor to limit the noisier operations where possible, to normal working hours adjacent to residential azeas. 2. Using designeted haul routes for materials, namely Brock Road, Highway 7, Sidelinc 16 end Sideline 24. 3, Removal of dusUmud on an as required basis and every Friday, as per Ontario Provinciel Standards and Specifications (OPSS). 4. No traffic detaurs required, except at Regional Rond 30, end Sidelinc 16 for thc staging oC the terminus. 5, Construction eigns und SLF projcct signs to bc locnted throughout thc projcet limits with thc 24 houre/7-day phona number for public inquiries. The messages will be monitorcd three times daily. • �; '., . :.i • • RepoA to Council MPB OS•00 Datc; May 3, 2000 6! Subjat: Request for 8xtrnded Houre of Work SLF Joint Venluro — Hwy 407 East Partial Extcnaion Page 3 Rrsidences in Ihc effected erea (1100 between Nighway 48 in Markham and Brock Road in Pickering) received a notice of project bulletin on April 14, 2000 advising oCthe commencement of construction. City sinllwill cantinue to mect regularly with SLF Joint Venture staff 407 ETR staff and other municipal staff to discuss new issues end resolvc outstunding issues, for the duration of the projcet. It is recommended that Council consider the request for extended hours and grant an exemption to the by-inw to match the request from SLF Joint Venture, or to whatever hours Council deems appropriate for this project. The enforcement with respect to complying with the terms and car.dilions of any exemption, or the by-law if deemed applicnble (i.e. no exemption granted) is the rasponsibility of the Clerks Divi�ion. ATTACHMENTS; 1. SLF Joint Venture lelter dalcd Apri128, 2000 2, Lettcr to SLF Joinl Venturc datcd May 3, 2000 Prepnred By: Approved / Endorsed IIy: S� � Ri ard W. Ibom Evcrelt unlsma vision Hcad Dircctor unicipal Property & Engincering Operations & Emcrgcncy Services RH:ds Attachments I:'COUNCILUf PFAA-00. UOC Copy: ChiafAdministrative0fficer Rccommended for the wnsideration of Pickering Ciry Council ,; , � ' N 8 �odr Th masJ. uinn �iefA mistrative ce �.,. �u avw+.iu r.u�.w .. �. .., .,�,,., ...,. � „ hP w�v.� : FI1X ATTACHMENT# I TOREPOIITM_,w��,,,.�w,,, • t g$ ,,�y T.�,�. �a,e, so,.a��e (yy�� YN1M ���� hr.(� 2o�1t{�If?f111 .. olnt V�nture ro: Richard Holbom �"" ��� � Z� �: Mayor Wayne Arthu�a R E C E I V E D ��, APR 2 81000 F.� 905.420.4850 ���: CITY OF PICKHRING comp�ro� �ue�oa[nrva[�uwu�r+c rna�: Betty Fevreau, Pubflc Relationa 6 Communication's Officer, SLF pr,,,e.n�nyprow.m,,p.+s.aur (418)2626311exfb341 Ce0�416.880.4407 81a.� Extended houro for �aet Partlal Ext No. m ww� a�o�+�i� 4 MESSAOE: Alan: as promised, please find atlached our revised request for extended houra ot operation. This letter is to be used in your presentaUan to Pickering Council. I am ariaching a copy oi the nodce to residents lhat was mailed to over 1100 resWenls between Hvry 48 and 2rock Road on April 14". Thenk you tor taking the time to meet wilh us ThuBday. Please lel me know if there is a delay in you receivinp the schedule and drewing we used in our meetfng yeslerday. Yours truly, SLFJOINT a� Beriy Fevreau Public Relatlons SCommunlcaUons My ulephons numbers are: Bul: 476.352.5111 axt 6�11 C�II: 476.880.M07 RKO 905.�75,181� TMconNnto/Mlreommunleotioniseonl7d�nN+L tlyouannotth�lnt�nd�drxlpl�ntpl�u�noM/yus ImmMUWy. B� adriid that Ih� unaulhafard we ord'udwun o/thu communka6on ao/7b contsnt mwnlrrg, purpoae, w th� m�n dbdosvn ol ib uttbnw, �ro unlawful. {Wi0f0U000n�M101 M/Iotl�NNM4MD�tl�W�a' �'�" �M 71n eahrabe P7�t � ., „ .,, ...�,., .. .. . „ • ,,. ,...,.�,. , . w. ,,.. ., ., ATTACHMENT ft�TO REPORT N� Ofl-� `', ,�,� 63 ��L� �,�� , �� ��Y.... �� twrww wwww iytrr a� Jolnt Venture �;".';;��� �'�""�'"� �u"�••w••a�� n�w,+w� r.newua Fa:: 905.420.4650 2 pAeea Apri1282000 Mr.Richard Holbom Director of Prblte Worb City otPtckedng Ona tho Esploaode , � Pickedng On LIV 6K7 Dear Mr. Holbom With the approvel of CEAA behind us we hive commenced eonstrucdon on the East Partial extension. SLF would Iika to milce a rcquest for the following working hours over the next aumber ofmonlhs, Bridee Work� F�om Mood�y to Samrd�y 6:70 am. to 10 p.m Commmcing M�y IS through Deeember 2000 bridge building and there will be lhe use of equipment to do the piling work IEat would be required on the sRUCwru nt West Duffins, West Duffins Tribuqry, Side Line 24, North Road, Broughem end Urfe Creek, Gndine Work From Mood�y to Snnday 24 6oun a d�y Commcneing May IS through December 20�0. Tbis includes grading opaations from ihe east tide of West Du�ne Cteak to Broughem. E2 peckage -Gotterdo Construaion Ltd - includes from the eut side of West Duflins to Broughom, A� w�e commaatuted lu onr preriow kner, SLF will eode�vor to Iim11 t6e noisier openRoot when pwflbk, lo uormal eorkipe �oon adjacent to roidential �rw. A�dMnMUn o1 fNC�pn Enpw�n� � Casvuaon IM. m01KmLl Aqronun GnW� Ix .... .. A �� MI LYNI ���N. 11\ •1 • %0 � IY MLY�Vd{I ATTACHMENT;I.�TOREPORT#� �H� ��� 1 . YN fr� SLY 6u commided to • mailing noHas to al) rosidents at the statt of wnstrucqon (wmpleted April 14 2000) • using haui routes as agreed In ourrawt meeting —Brock Roed couth to Hwy 7, Weat on Hwy to Regional Rd 70 md Side Lines 16 k 24 • adveRiso ihe eoruWNion inquiry telephone number on a119LF 4' x 6' construction slgns end aotices • providing the Ciry of Pickering with a eonatruction schedule showing both acenarlos • wnstructing ihe ehain link fencing elong the highway ROW na work progrcsses. Recognizing that SLF hes experienced an 8•monih delay in the schedule due to the CEAA process, extended hours are critic�l to the project in order to finish tn the fall of 2001. OtAenvise this project wlll run to the spring of 2002, which will fuMer inconvenienco both the residents end die Ciry of Pickering. The two principa) aub�cootractors for the East Partial extension are Armbro Conswaion EI Markhem Road to West Duffins Creek B. Gotlardo Conalructiou Ltd. E2 Eut tide of Wat Dof(ins to Bmup�am Our site otFee is located at 8036 Ninth Linc. The telcphone number is 905.294.9449 Fex: 905.294.8558. 1'he Conswelion Manager is Igwaio Clopa 905.294.9449 ext 226 The Contract AdminisOrator is Michel Landteville 905.294.9449 ext 224. All inquiries Bom Town st�fTshould be directed through our Public Relations k Commwications Oftieer, IIetty Fevrau. Tei: 416.252.5315 ext 5341 or 416,880.4407. All ot6er iaqni�a arc to go l01.877,107.�07� whki b monitored ddly. We vust we have addrossed all of the issues relsted W this request. We look fonvard to your rcsponsa Yours truly, SLF JOIN'f N1VRE �kr�� w�e i�l�C2B-�C/ � Albert S' mam, P.Eng.� ProJeet Manager e.e, Mayor Wayne Anhun i; r, � �� � �;; s : � � . �, � - � 'j f �.�_�: � � � n i� w �wu ��..� � �� � - � �u �ru+.�w � � .a. u+ .1 •� 7 ATTACHMENT tt � TO REPOItT q11P1: � StC1 ' �`� 71 Joint Venture A joint veriture of SNC-Lavalin Inc. and Ferrovial .Agroman Internacional S,A. NOTICE -.._._. HIGHWAY 407 ETR EAST PARTIAL EXTENSION Com�nencing immediately SLF will be on site along with their Sub-Contractors building this purt of the 407 Extension. It is our policy to be good neighbours and therefore we will make every effort, to limit where possible, the disturbance due to construction activities. For the safety of everyone, we ask for your cooperation in taking additional caution when-entering� and lea�ing a .._.. ... ... construction zone. This section of the highway will be opened to trafCc on July 31 2001 � The telephone number for Construction Inquiries is: 1.877.407.4474 Thank you . . �t TOTPI. PPGE. E14 »s a ' , , '�� ATTACHMEN7ti �o ,TOREPORTN� � � � 72 .. � . O8� , � � � The Corporation of the City of Pickering OPERATIONS AND HMERGENCY SERVICES DBPAR'fMENT • Mun(ctpal Property dc Engineering Dlvleion. May 3, 2000 SLF Joint Vcnture 2200 Lekc Shore Blvd West • Toronto, Ontario �, MSV IA4 rO Atteation: BettyFevreau • �� Public Relations & Communications Ofiicer Re: Requst for Extended Workiug Houn Hwy 407 East Partial E:tenslou Picker(ng, Ontarlo , T6enk you for your lotter dated April 28, 2000, requesting extended working hows froin May 15, 2000, � through December 2000. At this time, I cannot grant an extension beyond the hours indicated in the City of Pickcring Noise By-law Number 3821(attached), narnoly 6:30 a.m. to B:OO�m. Your request for extonded hours can be fonvarded to the Executive Committee Meeting acheduled fur Mav 8. 2000. It will then require Council approvel, which could be as early as Mav 15. 200D. As indicated in my leRer lo SLF loint Venture, dated Dcccmbcr 21, 1999, u�e requ've a comprehensive conshuction management planheport to address all thc issues of wnswctiun, auch as, hours of work, haut routes, dust, mud kacking, eccus points, detours, construcUon signing, sedimenlation and erosion control, restoration, soil stock piling, noise, communication and emergency vehicle response. SLF's responsc lelter dated February ]0, 2000, indicatcd that such issues aro proprietary to SLF Joint Venture and nre not entiroly open lo public scrutiny. ' In order for thc requcst lo go fonvard to the Exewtive Committcc, thc Ciry ot Pickering requested a preconstruction meetin�s with SLF und your contractors to discuss and documont thcse issuea. Thia muting was held Thur�day, April 27, 2000 and you havc provided ihe neccssary information. Yours Wly, �._e_ , chard W. olbom, P. Eng , ivision H ad, Municipal Propertp & Engineering RWH/ds ' ' Attachment Copy: Mayor Arthurs Q Chief Administrative OtGcer Director, Operations & Emergrncy Services � Ciry Clcrk � LuNImrUMkkawo � INvielon (�I«a�630 Fu (90�426�6.'A P.mall P�P�m6�ryP��B� PIckering Civle Complex, One the Esplanade, Pickering, Ontar3o, Csnada LiV 6K7 DirectAccess (905) 42011660 wwx.city.pickerIng.onca