HomeMy WebLinkAboutMO 01/00;;` y^ . �,����� � . F P , REPOdtT TO' COUNCIL FAOM: Wayne Arlhuro DATE: June 7, 2000 Mayor ' • REPORT NUA�ER: MO 01-00 SUB]ECI': Regional Couacal Sludy Retn�at, January 2000 Govananco and Savia Ddivay Recominendations • RBCOD�QNBNDATION: • 1. Thet Report to Coi:ncil MO-Ol-00 wncerning verioun.govemance.and servica delivay � rocommaulations ondorae� by Regional Council in JenUary 2()00 bo received. 2. Thet with respcet to tho Qavanance recommendation�, Pickering Counal advisa • Regional Council that it: • a[3UPPORT3 / DOFS NOT SUPPORI'J e modified 2-tier system, wilh e "alimmed down" Region acting e� an agent of tfie lower tier. . b, [SUPPORI'S .l DOES NOT SUPPOR'1� potenllal municipal analgematioru or govemena refortn proceues c. [SUPPORTS / DOES NOT SUPPOR7'� e roview of tho numbcr of poliliciaru in Durhem 3. Ttiat with respat to tho "�ervice deliver�' recommrndatioru, Plckering Council edvisa Regional Counal that it ha� no edditional wmmente at thia time. A. Thet Pickaing Council; . . . a Invito ihe i�nista of Muniapa) AD'aira nnd Houaing lo meka en order under tha Munlclpa! Elec!lons Act, /996,� requesting tha City Clerk to submit a qucetion to Plckering electoro a�king if they are in favour of � . reducing tivough emelgameAoru, tha lotel . number of rounicipal govemmente in Durham Gom tl�p wrrent nino ('including tha Region) to s amallerN�mber, . , b. Encourege dl alhar wra municipeliGes in Durhem Regian to mAke n pimilaz �equest to the Muilsta or Munidpal AQ'sirt end Housing 5. That a' copy bf this Report be forwerded to Regiond Coundl and nil olha area munidpelities in Durhem Region.. . ORIGW: ' Regional Counal msolution passed on Januery 26°, 2000. AVfHQRITY: The Munldpal Acl, R3.0. 1990 ' MunlclpalElecflarsAcl, RSA.1996 FINANCIAL IIvIl'LTCATION3:' Not tppGcable � ,� . Repo�i W Couna) M0 01-00 Dete; Jwie 7, 2000 '. Subjat: Regionel Counal Qovunerice nnd Servico Dellvery Recoinmendetiana Pege 2 BXECUTiVH, SUfuff41ARY: Oa Jenuery 26, Regionel Council adopted a rcaoblioq addreasing verioue "govananco" end ."aavica dcUvery" iavuw �thet wero considue.i at the Regionel Council Swdy Retreat hdd on J4nwry 11 end 12; 2000. Each of the area municipelitip in the kegion wes asked to wroider and 'rndorae thesa recommendatioro. Ttus Report providw a framowork for Pickering Council to'rwpand to the "govcn�anco" recommendaGons adoptal by the Region, It doW not deal with tha °servico delivay" iasuw, aa thwe iasuw hnve either dreadZ ban eddressal by the City, or ere curtenUy under considera4on by the rolevant muniapal departments. In addition to dealing wilh the Region's "govemanca" recommendations, tids Report eiso seeka Councii'e dirxtion on having tho I�nister of Munlcipel M'eirs and Housing pleco e quesGon on this year'e munioipal bdlot wnceming govemence reform in Durham. Under tho mciating MunlcipalElecNons Act, tha Ivfinister of Municipal Afl'eirs end Housing can d'vxt municipaGAea to include quesliona on Iheir bellots. With respect lo the issua of gov.emanca refortn In Durhem, the INLtiata cen ba invited to direct ue to plaw a question on our ballot, asking electon If they aza in favout of ralucing through emalgemntions, t6o lotal number of municipel govemmenta in Durham from lhe artent nine �ncluding tha Region) lo a amallcr numbcr. Should wo decide to make this ttquwt, it i� dso �econunendat lhet Council esk the ivfinister to direct Qiat ali area municipelitia in Durham inciuda a similer quwtion on lheir municipel ballots, in order tu obtein a rogion•wide public rwponso to thi� issuo. DACK(3ROUND: On ]enuery 26°, 2000, Regionel Council paued Ihe Collowing resolulion; "I'fiAT iho Report of llw Facilitator, Action Plan ard followin8 tecanunendaGau from ihe Regiaiel Cow�cil Study Relreat of January I1-12, 2000, ba edopted by Re�ional Council end Potwarded tn 1!q aght Area Muniapalitia for rndorunknt: .1. 'IHAT a modified 2-tia qatan of Regional (3ovenunent be rdained in Durham, wilh a iWmnal�doKV Itegion acting as an agcnt of tho lowrr Uer. 2. 7HAT, �g Uw Pmvince�s direction io pu�auing a rcduMion in the dumber of muuiapalitia, tho Regian supports end encounga poleatiat amalgamatiam or govert�anco roEorm proasses lo be dGermined by June 30, 2000, wilh a fiaal rcport by Jwa 30, 200L . 3. THAT the Regiou adotsd tho PubGq Work� W.D.W. review and progrw W dato and dinoGa eta�'to contiuue the process.with ali Ara Muniapalitiea with a cwipp�d�iw deci�ion teport a be tabled at Regionei Council nnd t6e A�a Municipal Cwncib by M�y , 31, 2000, • . . 4. 7HAT 16e Region endorsa Ua early compldion and implaneotation of t6o Durfum ' Luurance Poo16y ao later.l6an Mueh 31, 2000, and �oquesb 1l�at Pidcaing ud Oshawa Cauocil� rndono participating so tha: taxpayen savinga cao bo maxGniud. ' S. THAT Ua Reglon rcqud4� iluit Iho P.O.A. pmaa� bo oompletal end dpit wit6 by dl Councila no latu tlut Apol l, 2000, ao U�at implaiw�talian can be atertcd April 1, 2001, wit6 projxtod revenwa of S4.0 M to tho Region end Area Municipditios. 6. 7NAT io mder W rtrengtiKn lhe Mn Mimicipal Fiie Servica, Ua Regian aroourogo 1ho Firo Clilefi t61n'vaUgstn, pdodUm end rcport an tla following itrnv: i. Developrtuat of a Joint emergrncy m�dicd aavica treinin6 pmBram. ll. JotntpurcLase of fue flaahover �imuleUm oyuipmad. '_ iii. Dmloprtxnt of autaiutio aid response progreiro • eti �y 4 �, � .. .. . . , �' Report to Coiincil M0 01-00, : ' Date: June 7, 2000 . SubJoct: Regional CouncU dnvemence ard Service Delivery Rxommendatiom _ . , P�ge 3 . iv. Partirlpatloa ia Regiooal co-operativo purc6a�inB B�P• . � v. Joint 8ie aortununicatiav raourca antre. ' . vi. Devolopmait of a Regiooal eraon tnvesNgaUoo teslc forco. . vfi. Jotnt puncheso of eerial apparatue wilh tho York hegioo arope�sdve purcha�ing . B�P• 7. 1HAT fho Regiooal Council will �view Iho issuo of Uw numtxr oFpoliUciaru in Duriwn .. ReBion, efter Wo rt«ipt af 160 local govemrtunt atudiw and their outcomw, end wiU dGertnine •If furWa d�angp aro netded. At wdl, at that tinq, ihe (ssuo of ditux, or �ndiixt elxtion of ihe Region Chair wiil bo roviowcd. B.'7NAT lho Regional Cauncil atriko a Conuninee rnmprisal of tho Regfonal Chair, and �8� T'IsY�� W�cvlcw our iuvolvanrnt wilh tho Q.T.S.D. and w cauult with Wo.� ltegiom! Council and �4ea Municipal CounciU to fortn a po�idon wi16 ruupoct to � ' d.T.S.B. reCorm." • . The aght regional recommendationc can ba divided into two broad categories; (7 "Governance" Rxommendadona; a�id (i� °Service Delivery�' Recommendntions. • ' ' GOVERNANCE RECOMIIfENDATTONS The "(iovernence" rceommendetions «lato to tho follotving: ' • Supporting the rclention of a modi6ed 2-tier sy�tem, wilh a"alimmed doivn" Region ecting aa in �gent of the lower der. • Encoureging potenliel muniapal amelgameliona or governanco reform procavses. • Roviewing tho numbar of politiciaiu in Durhan�, end the eleclion af tha Regionel Chair (d'uect vs. indireot). • Estebliahin a aition concuning tho GTSB. Over the layt fow yearo, Piokuing Counal has played a strong leaderohip role on govananco reform. On Septanber 21, 199P, Council unanimously endorsed e resolution saking lha Province to appoint a Maiiator to fa�l6tate the mcrger of Pickering and �jex inlo ouo new corporate muniapal enUty. Includal in that reaolution waa e suggestion on a govemenco model'for tha naw amalgemated municipal entity that would have resulted in a reduction in the number of local poli8ciana. Unfortunetdy, the lvfinina of Municiael �'!3'eiro and Housing tumed down Pickaing'e roquest for a MediAtor, and w a result, no real progwa haa ban made on emalgemating tho two muniapalitiw. ' Othere have atso contribute� to tha debate on emalgametion. F.erliei� thia year, through the . aicouraganmt of the Mayor'a O�ice; the �jax end Pickering Newe Advatiu� undatook en "Amelgemation Survey," The newepaper asked readere to ahare their thoughW on tho f�ture of tho Regioq and asked for opiniona od various quwtioru, including quwGons concuning rouniapel emalgemadon�. : ' • Acrwa Durhain, Gl% oFthe respondents to tho nowspapu survey wero in f�vour of municfpel emelgnmetione, with more people preferting s''threacity" model (Aj�c•Pldc�ing, Oahxwn- ' Whitby-Clarington, nnd UxbridgaBrock-Scugo� than nny other option, tncluding the ainglq "auper-cit�' modd. �i - . . . .. . . , . . l l�eport to Cou►►cil MO O1-00 _ . Dste: June 7, 2000 . Subject: Region�l Council Dovananca end Servico Adlvery Recommendatfone Pege A ' ' Ae wdl, in 1999, the Ajex-Plckering Board oF Trede prepued a peper on maging Ajnx end •� p��kaing. The Board of Trade argu�l Uu! many benefita would bo gein«I from emalgema�ing the two munidpalitie�, including long-term cost-aavinge, enhanced economic developmeat �PPan�u� nnd providing a rironger voico in the Greater lbronto Area ' There appzera to be widespread public eupport for municipe) amelgamations� in Du�am, Nonetheles�, many municjpalitiw in the Region appear reluc¢ent to recognize and embraco govanancA roforn► es e reality. Somo municipelitiw fcel that they need tlat change — Uut they havo lho cnpacity to wntinue to exist�on their own. Other municipalities have decldai to defer considering tho issua of emelgamation, pcnding a municipel plebisc(ta. . . �: The atatus qua is not en optioq and tho.value of holding a municipel plcbiscite on emalgamation is quationebla, perticularly given tha Province'e pest record in rosponding lo local rofaendum questlo►u, and in Gght of lhe Pravince's new rule� conceming loceliy-initiated bellot quwtions. Bill 62 (lho Dlrec1 Democracy 7lvough Munlcipa! Rejerendums Ac1, 200� Wea introduced by the Mndater of Municipal AH'aira end Hous'mg on April 13�, 2000. The intent of the IIill u lo establieh rula rolaling.to locally-wtieted quwtiona bdng po:ed on municipal ballots. 'Tlio Dill would pemiit municipelitles lo esk clear, conciso "yes" or "r.o" rokrendum quesqons about issup � tfiat feU within Iheirjurisdiction. If at leazt 50 percent of eligibla dectors vote on tha issue, the resuits would ba binding. � Allhough o;� lho surfaco, tho now IcgielaUon would appenr lo givo •volera e say in decision- making, tho tules would mnke it very dilIIcult to o6tain a"binding" result in many jurisdictions. For acemple, voter tumout for municipel election� in most urban areas seldom approncliw 40 , percent, let elone excceds 50 percent, na required by Ilie legislation. At best ihen, a muniapal ballot question might et best produce e"non-binding" result. . However, an dtemativo end less costiy epproach exists for teating public opinion. Under tha Munfclpal E(eclton.s Acf, tho Minister of Municipal Atfairo and Houaing already has lhe auqiority to pleco non•binding qucriioru on muniapal ballota, and undcr the legialation the cost of notiEj�ing lho publfo would bo wvued by the Provina. If tlio obJectiva is to eeek public opinion on t�e issuo of governence refortn, thie allanalive epproach woidd eppear lo ba periiculerly relwant, . espeddly aince the issue is also of kxn inluwl to lho Province. ' • The opportunity therefora exists far Pickaing Counbil to invite tho Minister of Muniapal AD'airs and Houaing to order ue. to pleco a non-binding question on our municipal ballot wnceming governance rcform in Durhem. A quesdon could be asked ea to whether people are in favour of reducing lhrough emalgemetions, the lolal number of municipal govemmenta in Durharti from nine Qnciuding tha l�egion) to a nmaller numbec SERVICL DELIVERY RECOMMENDATIONS _ The "Saviw D�livery" recommendetions of Uic January Regionel Counal resolution relete to tha • fotlowing: . . Tho PubGc Works W.D.W. rovlew • The Durham Insurenco Pool � • The Provincial Offences Act . . • ' •� Munidpd Firo Servlca issues (treining, equipment, eutometic aid, coopaati�ro purche.dng, oint &e communication � arsan Investi alion aerial e aratua . .z� •t+r, t t 5,t � i � � ��y t . �, �� �. 1 � � �'� 1 �' '� ��{ � 1 t 7 �s� t _K � :i � ' �: � , Rapott to�Caundi M0 01-00 ` ` � Ihte. Jwte 7,�100p s, : 34�bject: `I�imd Coundl Ciovaniuwro u�d Service Delivery Recommaiditiotu � p� s .S :.�r. .i... ��� .`:,Pickedng Counal he� elrcady ealabilehEd podttone on mort of•lhew ravica ddivay ' rtuttue., .On,DeCUnber 20� 1999e Couticil pe�.tod p rqoluUon'wppotiGlg M AutomttlC Aid Prognm between'AJax uid Plckaing. On Pebniery 21, Z000, Councll �greed to proceed wlth PMao I of the Joint Fue Communicedona Project end thit proau ie nip • ' contit�ing. On April 17, 2000, Council accepted tha Region of Durhem as the aavice �. provida for the courls edministralion nnd 'proaeaGon of procadingi purwent to the •' Sdrinnlfni� oj Adnfnlsf�altar of Au Provl�xlal. Ofjenca Act. Md in Much 2000, CouncU choae not W becoma invqlved in tha Durham Lisuronco Pool et Uiia timq tivough ' ' Pe�ge of e, resolutlon reneiving until 7uly 1, 2001, our ProPaty, Uebility'end other � ,,. • ' covaaga with our current G�surer. Also, a sta�' Report to Council is elao undu , propatdtlon concxming tMe PubGc Warke "1Vho Does What" Committea � No iddiUondl racommendatlons ard thaefnre required at this Ume with reapect to tha sixvlce ddivery issuea of tha Reqional resaluUon. , . Propu� By. . • ��T� • Wayne Adliun . , Meyor . Copy: Ch(efAdminietraGvoO�icer • . , :� ; � � � ��e � ;, {' f i r r a` c } a �� c J �. �.. � . y i t ' � � t z� ` ' � � � ,, l ' ;� �. 1 � �`� +� 'r r ' r x kr�T� �4� Y i ' P�r�.i. lt ir� � , ° , � ��.�r "} . r . , � . ¢ ��� r � � �'. +�" q � �r �d r � �i , �.. � ,`'� � � ;' ' . �i} t t a' '� t � � � ' � � a � '�� 4 •� .! :i � . ,. . . . .