HomeMy WebLinkAboutPF 07/99, �O ��,�oF°� . REPORT TO COUNCIL EROM; Evcrett Bunlsma DATE: June 15,1999 Director of Parks & Facililics REPORT NUMBER: PF 07/99 SUBJECT: Tender for Cleaning Services Tendcr No. T-8•99 RECOMMENDATION: It is rccommended to Council that; 1, Tender No. T•8-99 for Ihe Janitorial Clcaning bc awardcJ lo lhc low bid submiltcd by Arsennl Cleaning Services Ltd. and a total projcct wst (3 ycar term) of 540G,028.24 be approved for the following facilitics: Civic Complex Works Cenlre East Shore Communiry Center Ccntral Librnry Rougc Hill Library GrcenwooJ Li6rary Claremont Library Whitcvalc Library 2. Thc opproprinic officials of Ihc Town of Pickcring bc givcn authorily to givc cl�cct thercto. ORIGIN: Requat by Department of Parks & Facilities Pickcring Public Library AUTHORITY: 1999-2002 Opernting Budgcts FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: I. Tendered Amount: �•1}Zf.�'1 r t�.. ' :� t ,--�.� -�..3.»f.5 ��.. .;,.w . �, ,.... �:...,. ..... ,�.. ,...v.13�».._.G. � �..--,��. . ..,:: 7.:_:.. Cleaning Services (3 year tetm) $384,119.40 i � - fyT f _i:i4 1�1i:s� 1t ,.�. Y 1 ��. 4,.: G.S.T. (7°/a) 21�908.84 + - r� � + � _., _.,.. . �x�,�,�; �Total Amount � A$406,028.24 2. Current Yeaz: Budget 1999 Budgct Civic Complex 2124-2435 S22,G08,92 (6 months Works Center 2315-2435 7,54G.12 only, July— East Shorc 2572-2435 6,29G.11 December) Comm. Ccnlres 2719•2435 G,296,11 Librarios 2745-2435 23,192.28 ,,. .. , Totel SG5.939.54 Report to Council N PF 07/99 Dntc; Junc I5,1999 i l' Subjech TenderNo,T•8-99 TenderforCleaning Services FINANCIAL IMPL[CATIONS; (continued) Futura Years: Budget 200D Budget Civic Complex (lanunry— WorksCenter December) Eust Shore Comm. Centres Libraries Pagc 2 2124-2435 $45,821.77 2315•2435 15,243.63 2572-2435 12,743.61 2719-2435 12,743.61 2745-2435 47,064.96 Total $133,617.58 Fulure Years: Budget 2001 Budget Civic Complex 2124-2435 $47,047.09 (Jtutuary— WorksCentcr 2315-2435 15,550.9G December) East Shore 2572-2435 13,050.94 Comm. Centres 2719•2435 13,050.94 Libraries 2745-2435 48,374.G4 ... .,. . , i ,. .. . :,,.. _ Tatal 5137,074.57 .. ;i. __ Futurc Yenrs: Budgct 2002 Budgct Civic Complex 2124-2435 S23,834.24 (G months Works Ccntcr 2315-2435 7,853.45 only January East Shorc 2572-2435 6,603.45 —July) Comm. Ccntres 2719•2435 6,G03.45 Librarics 2745-2435 24,501.9G � � _ >Total ' � � � S G9,39G.55 � . �: � : •r ; $ _.:,,� ._.. _ . Grand Total 540G,028.24 The lotal cost af thc curtent contract (T-8•9G) over ihe past 3 ycars amounleJ to $224,929.44. An incrcasc in costs in ihc amount of 5181,098.80 will bc chargcd accordingly to Opemting Budgcis over the next 3 ycars. Incrcased costs in the 1999 Opemting Budgcls (G months anly) will not cause an overexpenditure in each account except for account # 2745•2435 Libraries, whcre the increasa will not cause an overexpendilure in the Library's tolnl 1999 Operating Budget. These cos�s will be budgeted uccordingly in future Operating Budgets (2,000, 2001 mid 2002) in order to ro(lect thesc increased servicc and tender costs over the 3 ycaz tcrm. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The current jnnitorial cleaning contract (3 yenr tertn) expires June 30, 1999 with In•Pro Cleaning Services. Incrcnsed cosis compared lo present 3 yeaz clenning conlract can ba nitributcd to lhe following: I. additional Librurics included in the contrncl 2. additionnl cicuning areas at Easl Shorc Communiry Centrc 3. Icvcl of acrvicc including full-timc aup�rvisor rcquircment of Contrnctor 4, esculation in costs sincc lust tcndcr (3 years previously) � 12 Report to Council N PF 07/99 Subjcet: Tcndcr No. T-8•99 Tender for Clcaning Services EXECUTNE SUMMARY: (continued) Datc, June I5, 1999 Pagc 3 By combining clenning service requircments ut all Libraries and IisteJ Municipal Fncilities under one conlractor, n more cffeclive and eliicicnt operntions as n whalc will result. 'fhe Director of Purks & Facililies and the Chief Exccutive Officer – Librarics recommend proceeding with the low bid submilted by Arsenal Cleaning Services Ltd. BACKGROUND: Arsenal Cleuning Services Lid. have not performed uny previous wark for the Town of Pickering. ReCercnces havc bcen checked and been dctcrtnined to 6e abovc averagc. The Heulth & Safety Policy, to be used by this company, Ccrtificate of Clearance – issucd by Workplacc Safcty and Insurancc BoarJ (WSID) und Ccrtificatc of Insurancc submiucd havc all been revicwcd by thc Superintendent of Facilitics 1 and arc decmcJ to be ucceplable. Upon cnreful examinalion of ail lenders received nnd relevant Jocumenls, we rccommend tha low bid submilteJ by Arsenal Clcaning Scrviccs LIJ. in Ihc amount of 5406,028.24 be approved in ordcr to cummence July I,1999. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Supply & Scrviccs memoranJum datcd Junc 10,1999 2. Rccord of Tenders opcned and checkect 3. Attendancc rccord of mandatory silc visit – May 29, 1999 Prcpared by: , � Lconnr unter Superintcndent of Facilities 1 Approved / Endorscd By: „e�. Evcrett Buntsma Director of Purks & Facilitics � / �`�--�""—� Alexander Cameron C.E.O. Pickering Public Lihraries Gillis Patcrson Director oCFinancc und Trcnsurcr Recommendcd for lNe wnsidcrntfon of Pickering Town Council � •.C� ,• � m], Qui , Chic Admin tivc OIT' e 1 � Supply and Services 19 Inter-OHice Memorendum To: Everelt Bunlsma Dlrodor ol Parks 3 FaGlilles' D�N: 10 June 1BOo 8ubj�ct: T�nd�rforClaninp8�rviu� . T�nderNo.T-e•9i Tendednp doeumenls for Geaninp services at Iha Pickerinp Clvic Complex, Pickerinp Cenlral Llbrery, Tovm Works Cenlre and Eesishore Community Centre were opened on Wednesdey OB June 1998. A lalal of 35 companies were Invited lo partiGpele of which 34 pieked up e lenderinp packepe for e nomrefundable fee o1530.00. A mandalory s(le vlsit was heid and 12 bidders sipned In and altendad. A copy ol Ihe Recard of Tenders Opened end Checked Is altached. An adveAlsemenl was pleced In the Dally CommerGe� News, Ihe Picke�ing Communlly Pape end Ihe Toxm Web Pape. Purcheslnp Pollcles end Procedurea Ilem o.22(h) providee that whero Ihero aro inwrrod exiensions or misplaeed deGmals, the bkl mey be corceded. Unll p�ices shell be used lo correcl exlensions. Putchaslny PoliGes and Procedures Ilem 9.27.(e) permils Ihat ell deposils olher Ihan the low three bidders shell be relumed. A summary of blds, aubsequenl to Ihe public openlnp, Is as follows: Summary ' PST/GST Included Biddar Tolal Atter Pricing Oplion: Tend�nd Glculation Full Time 8upervl�or i Amount i Chack { Arsenai Cieanlnp Services Llmiled 33�,69�.81 3�,882,24 71,138.00 Nallonel Cleenlnp Conlradoro Incorporeled �/0,250.89 �/0,250.00 59,752.77 J 6 A Buildinp Services Ltd. �93,680.48 �D3,BB0.�8 95,520.00 Oalllind Maintenance 837,120.50 977,120.80 50,008.50 Concorde Meinlenence 8�0,586.34 850,102.8� 98,188,92 WeleAord Bulldinp Melnlenance 715,855.95 713,84B.4B 105,705.00 Alias Malntenence 78e,278.00 Included in TTA In•Pro Cleenlnp Syslems Lld. Deemed Impropnr and reJeded: Revlsed Form al Tender Pape FT•2 nol used, not retumed with lender submission. Rd�nnc�: IB Nos. 3, 8; 17, 18, 19, Addendum N2; PPdP Ilem Noe. 8.13 and 9.18(h) BlVlew BuiWinp Service Lld. Deemed Improper end reJeded: Corporale Seal or sletemenl lo bind Ihe corporallon not on lander submission; Certilicate ol Clearance from WSIB nol Induded wilh lender submission. R�farana: IB Nos. 11, 17, 1B, 18; TS Item 1B; PPdP Nos. 8.13 end 8.19 (h) Hartnony Building Malnlenence unaWe to bid JDI Cleenlrp Systeme uneble lo bid Abbravl+tions: 7TA• Toul Tendered Amount IB • Informatlon to Bldders TS • Tendering Spcclfiutlons PP&P • Purch�siny Pollcles 6 Praedures ATTACHMENTqL,TOREP01lTN riu7/� T«,e«ra.r•e•a� . ' t4 • P�� Purownl lo Intormalion lo Blddero Item 21, a wpy ol the He�Mh md 8alely pollcy lo be used on thle proJed hes been roquested of ihe low bidder lor revlew dudop Ihe eveivatlon alepe of Ihls tender wll. Please atete If Ihe Pollcy submNled Is acceqeble In your RepoA to CounGl. Should you roqulro fuAher Infortnetion Irom Ihe low bidder for review durinp lhe ev�luelbn sbpe, pleex �dviae, . you wlll t+e Inouch with him diredly or the Libnry'a inpul durirp he evaWaU n phese o hie processio Ubrery, ICa assumed Please revleh� odpinel tenders• and relum. Remember lo InGuded In your Reporl lo CounGl: (e) any pasl work experience with Arsenel Cleaning Services Ud, InGudinQ wa�k Iocalion(e) or result of reterence check; (b) the approprlate accounl number(s) lo whlch Ihis wodc Is lo be cheryed lo each faGlily; • (c) the budpel amounl(s) essipned iherelo; (� Treesurer's conOrmelion ot fundinp; (e) reiated depa�lmenlal epproveis; (q any roason(s) why the low bid ol Arsenel Cleanlrp Servlees Ud. is oo� aeceplaae; and (p) related comments specilic to Ihe proJed. If you uire IuAher Inlortnetlon, please feel iree to conlad me. ti,� �ere A. Felpemacher Jeffrey Maneper of Supply and 8ervlus wpy lor. Sendy Cemoron, CEO, Pickednp PuWlc Ubrery 011 Paterson, Diredor of Flnenee 6 Treasurer ; �� ,: ' � t9 z W � U d � O Z 3 O ►- NI � ��p C O �4 Q C F � c 0 _ � e • � � t » � : H .�� � Q Z � � ATT MENTM� TOaEtOKTN� � �. � � ,�x � < 15 •. a t��`�� t � �� �����t���, �v�t '��1pr� :, � o� V �.,y' °G.��.I��z !i R1 �� I�'�r�n��� s�5i, ����:.�: �kc;i�. �,°� g p r g o� o � � � 8 � � r r � � � � o � .� 'T ° O m in � � � � `� � ^' o �' v'� �n . � � � � _ S� cis � r � � � � 7 � � > > > > > > 0 � \' � > > > > �C � > > > � > > > > � � � g � � � � � � � � > � � . � _ � 9 � � ` �� � � � � � = j r � '� 1I �•, is � N �z � LLY .�W � �j �U '" �j �al i1�� m ' �F,� E41� � �'� z �p oa r �i � � '� 2 � � �1 U U � Si a � Oc°cj� Z �~ 3u O� F- y c H '.; : m m m � � � A � K V � W UZ Q G 2 � AfTAdN�IENTk�TOREN04TNp Of -. .,; `, . � � �,. � C N Z� A � � � V � ab� o OU� U F- � �LL Z F' .�p Q c O H � Q 11TTACHMENTtF,.� TOREPORTq�1Mj � 17 r � � � ..,� � . . . , .. _ . . .