HomeMy WebLinkAboutCL 55/98y � � t : r � ����✓'� � �j ��W ' (i' � ��y'I Ct t :i y t jj 1y1 .,"�� ta �: 4{ !� . 'h�"'` ���. �+� �.. �1! ._Y� ` �•:� R � �� � �+ ' .. .. �� � rj . � �: - � _. , k . �� i� t {'REPOR'�'�tTO C�UNCIL� ' fi; ,� ,� u `if � � . f � ��. ••,,': ,. , , ' . .. , ' FROM: ' Bruoe Tay�or, AMCT, (`•�9vt DATE:, December l, 1998 Towrt Clerk :i � • REPORT NUMBER: CL 55/98 �.; ; ; � SUB]EC1': Fees For Servica � . . .. . � . 'i �: . . . . �� r ^ RECOMMENDATION: �; t . . That the draft by-law to increase feee fpr Pool Enclosura Pemtiis, Sign Pertnits, Fire Inspectian Reports, Subdivision Processina Fees end Driveway Entrances and to estabUsh fees for services by the Fire Department and Municipal Consent Fees be fonvarded to Council for enactment, ORIGIN: Itecommendetion of Board of Managemrnt datod November 27, 1998 ' AUTHORITY: - Section 220,1(2) of tho Municipal Act EINAhiCIAL IMPLICATIONS: � Additional Revenue to b� achieved in 1999: ' Pooi Endosuro Pemtits 510,000 • Sign P �mtits 10,000 FiralnspectionReport 6,750 Fire Dept. User Fees 37,500 `; f Subdivision Processing Fees 11,000 � Muniapal Conseut Fees 10,500 ' ' Driveway Entrences/Curb Cuts : Nl TOTAL �, ; 585,750 � : EXECUI'iV8 SU1�9�tARY: ,,�.i a! result of lLrther emdy„ by DepeRment Heada of uscr fees that can be imposed by the : municipaliry or should be increased, a bylaw is being recommended that will achieve additional revtnue of 585,750 in 1999. r � �� M .z :: ; k ' � x � - - f� 5 n s ; � ?�F: �� ��' ♦ Ax : , . . . . ,. . ��,. .,. - �� . . _ . . . . . . ... . ., ,.,. . .. �-!t''+ t '�.: 1� �i: �¢ _ � � ji ' Ih;l�:` {j .\i .�� !r -:; , ) 4: �� �` ,E;,. 3� -, �� f; ` i ' '� x ; � 2 . � , 8s ., , , � . � � � :���t � _�jr BACKGROUND��; . �� � , At a Boerd uf Menag�tnenf ineedng �cld on June 26, 1998, I wav delegeted the ts+k of wnrking with ell Depenment HoAds ro raview tha u�er fues being chnrged by the varioiis Departmenta for services. rendeied and to investigato eny areas wfiere ncw user fees ahould be established. At a ` meeGng held on November 27, 199$� the Board of Management recommended thet the foUowing user fees ba either increased or imposed: SERVICE QR PEdlMIT - PRESEN'4 PROPOSED 1998 1999 , It is hoped that thesa new fees can be imposed as of January l, 1999 for budgeting purposes. Council wili be seeing other fce increasea when they consider the 1999 Opereting Budget, however, these fees will not teka efCcet on Jenuary 1, 1999 or they are traditionally feos, such as thnsa cherged for recreation progrsms, that ere epproved as part of the budget process. Throughout 1999, the staft'of the Depertment of Finence will be developing a policy with reepect to revenues and user fees that will hopefully provida a business case for each user fee, provide for an annud review of a"I user fees by each Deper;ment in coordination with the Department of Finance and provide in one list dl user fees charged by the Town for easy reCerenco by Members of CounciL The following is an explanation of each of tho abova fees: 1. Pool En�loeure and Si¢n Permfta , , It is recommended thet the fee for Pooi Enclosuro Permits and Sign Permits bc incrcssed from S25 and S50 reapectively to SI50 beceuao of the smount oF time spent by staff in ' proassing tha pertnit applicedon, exemining the drawinge ettached to the spplication and performing sito vieite. Tho fea for Pool Enclocure Permits was last (ncrcesed in 1989 and the fea for Sign Peimita wea leat incteesed in 1993, . � o%� �: _ t ���. �'�= t �. � � .,.�i� . . .r} 5 : ��" . . . � . .., . . `� `• ,i > ''1 �. . . .. , :� " �� - � �'86:�� � ;,� , ,': ri.� . .. �, �r , . , ,. , , 2� F1ro Pergll� +�nd 1n�ecttooi � '� T6e F'v6 Depactment is raommend:ng that in any csso whcro tho eteff aro required to i widerteke an inspxdon or propare a pertnit, that tha fai be S1Z5: it is felt that tlue would cover the cost of the steff time`id processing tha peimit application o� undertaking an inspxtIon. Other then prepaiing a riro Inspeclion Repurt, uaually for insurance purpous, j all other inspections and pemtit processing by tha Fua Department hes been done free of ;charge. The feee proposa! for inspections and pemiit processing are aimilar to those . ', :c6erged in other area municipalities. 3: R«oondin¢ to Acddente •. AC presrnt, tha Fire Department only charges the M'inistry of Transport for responding to , accidents on Nighway 401 and Highway 7. It is proposed that they will start to charge thc Region for rosponding to accidents that occur on the Regional Roads and individuels for respond�ng to aceidents on Town roads. It is unartain at tiris time how much additional revenua these rypes of charges would bring in and thorefora no change hes been made to tha emount of rovenue expected in t999. The Fire Chief did indicate that he would require some discrotinn in charging individuals who were involved in accidents whera a death or some tragic injury occurred. 4. Othcr ChArees bv Fire Den, ment T'he Firo Department is propoeing to charga the actual costs involved with stefi' and equipment when asked to I;e on stnndby for a movie production. They ere only asked to do this on average about once per year but the cost is epproximately S2,000. A charge is elso being proposed for maintaining Supre Key Boxes which are secured key containero that can only be acccssed by the Fire Department in thc event of an emergency, , The Department maintains ten of these boxes and proposes a churge of S80 per box. 5. Subdiviaion Proceaain¢ Feq At present, the 'fuwn chuges a developer a fee of S35 per lot to offset tha wst of thc , Pubiic Works etefi' in reviewing documenta such es grading plans and engineering drawings of the subdivision to be built. It is proposed that this fec be increased to S40 per lot. This fec ha+ not been increased since the mid t980e. 6. Mun[doel Consent Few This is a new fee that would be charged to a utility company for a permit to undertske ; ik on Town-owned lends such es the boulevards. 1'he fce being proposed is 5300 per permit end it is anticipated that about 35 pemtits will ba granted in 1999. This is a fee that is charged by most other municipalitiw in the erea. . 7. Curb CuW ind D�ivew�v Entrancea 7'he present.charge ro homeownere for conswcting a aub cut is the cost as contracted : plus en administradon fee end for'a driJeway entrance, the.fee ia St35 per,metre plus wsociated costa' It Js proposed to incraase thls feo to 5145 pc� metre pius associated • coets to re4ect the cost of ste�'and matedds in instelling a culvcrt. The fee for cub wts will romein as thc contracted wat plue edminiatradon fee "ss dccmed appGcable. This fce ' haa not been increased eince 199L ' � 'r , J4 � k, � . .; .. �_. .e.-.. .- -.,. . . y � .�... ., . ,. � ., � . . . , , .. ... . .. � � t} � � r � �� < l� i S 7} 1- � � r t i � w � �! � �1 � � � �' � 4 � � �, ���f t: S t �v-�� F'.�i � F t � ���ti i ,�P . c '.' y �Y L ,.�y �� `� . . �� � � � f' � .` 4 , ATTACHIuIENTS '' ;, ; ; r 1 Dieft By law �' S " Prepared By: - ,, ` Brticc Taylor, AMCT, CA�f Town Clerk ;� _ Attechmi,iits Recommended Por the consideradon of `` ` Pickering Town Council ' . � «P omas J. ChiefAJminietrativeOfficer ` ,. , � , � � , � '� � ' � �� � ' / �i • � � +� +` t { �, �, t h�j'� d t( J � � ��� . t V t .F �( _ 3�e � K� 1 I `• � . . . �� v__ t 1 t . �� � � __ ��. �i � �� � . t , i: " ��.na... ,.��� 1 ",? !,1,�....e .r t.r r-, . ., f�.e .. Y, .'.. .�i.. :, i. ... .. . 5.u. ., i. : � � �.• .5L'. %r r �1� 1 � t S ; r '+ C. . ; -.., . : . �..; I... F F.� � -�� � f �, _� y .. t; �� : ,.AVra�+t��r�r�:y�o�r�r ��� 9v ': �'T� _;j ', TEjQ�RpdiiATION i2p THR TOWN OF hICKpItiNCI � � @Y•LAW N0, 9oing a bylaw to estabNeh feea for varioud servicee snd permita. WIiEREAS pursuant to Section 220.1 of tha Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1990,,a munlcipelity may pass by-lewe Imposing fees or chargcs on any ciass of peraons for services or activities provided � or done by ar on behaiFof it; and , WHEREAS pureuent to Seclion 210.146(b) of tho eaid Act, a 6y-lew passed under thie paregreph may provide for the charging of fees for tha inspxtion and approval of auch plans and for lhe fi�ng of the amount of auch fees end for tha issuing of a pemtit cettifying to such epprovel; NOW THEREFOItE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF PICKERIN(i HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. Seclion 7 of Bylaw Number 425/76 (Fences & Pooi Enclosures) is hereby deleted and the following ie substituted thercfae Z No person ahall excavato for or erect e privatelyowned swimming pool without a permit ceAifying that approval of tho plens for the enclosuro has been issued and tho pcmtil fec of S150.00 has ban paid. 2. Sxtion 5(2) of Bylaw Number 2439/87 (Signe) is hereby dcleted and tha following is eubetituted therofore: 5(2) The fee payable for a permit thereof, far each individud slgn ehall ba S I50.00, �. Schedule "A" to By-law Number ?78l78 (Driveway Entrances) ia hereby rcvokeJ aud Schedute °P' atlached to thia by-law is substiwted therefore. A. No peraon or company shall undertake any work on Town-owned lancls or boulevards without firat obteining a permit ftom the Depertmcnt of Public Works and paying a fee of S300,00 for that permit. 5, A fee of S40.00 per lot ehall be paid by the owner of lenda that aze eubJect to e dralt plen of aubdivision to o[fset the cost of re4iewing grading plans end engincedng drawings. t i _ { ���_'S t� ' ` ,- F 1,. :. ` � .. _: _ 4 i t i , {„ Y ... � .. . ,.„..... i .� ,.. . ... .. .,.:? . , _'i . ., ., . . _ ,. . .. . . , . . , oepattment:- �,; ' ' ,i 9El�VICE � Fire Ina ecdon f Airo De k res o Falsa Alerm Pen MeUdoua Falea , Fedcrel Pra ert Cierba e Contai� � Occu anc Loac ' Commerdallna Industdal lns ec ' Muld•Reaidentia De Caro Ins ec Standb for mov LLBO Permile Sunrn Kev Hox Firo t _ ; - ♦''. � ��� �� � �� � , �� �r ihe noted sorvicce performed by tha Ueff of the Firo t IR PEWNIT PROPOti,'�.D BL�� iart SI25 i ;o accidenta Actuel Cost S700 ' S80 iE3F�j N'. -' 7,' ' Dy-law Numbers 2995/89, A 168/93 and 7 W I/91 are hcreby repealed. II 8, Thie by-law shall leko etkct on )enuary I, 1999. BY-LAW read e first, sccond and third timo end finally passed thie 21 st day oCDecember , 1998. . Wayna Arthuro, Meyor ' Bruce Teylor, Clerk :', ,: � c'; � � � ., ^r � ' t � r�e �r;� .�..t� + i �.� :'i ., , . ,. ... . , . .,f.;-_ �.. ,� .. . .. � . . .... .. ... .. . _.. . .. . . .. � ,: r � ��'� r�� i� � � ; � , , ' �> ;�Fi +.� ;a �� Y n i .k � r � ,� , ` t� g� :: ° ` �. � 6��.�" Y-� � t, : ? � W� �m n w r�u�e � , ` � � � �� ,�'�, ,.,�; ,�eh���le "A" to Dwip�v Number 778I18 '; ;, A4tIVEWAY EN ., ..., • . : : . TRANCE9 �"DR[VEWAY EN'fRANCE TYPE AMOUNT RE�U _IItED TO DE PA1D 1. Ddvoway Entranco, Cwt of wnsttuction end materials no culvctt Seo Nota 1 2,. DdvaEntrnnce- SI,305.00:. 9 metres x 400 millimelres . 3, Driveway 8ntrence- S1,305.00 plus St45.00 per metre in excese of 9 metres 9 metrtu to IS meUes plus 540.00 per coupler when required (See Notes 2 end 3) . 4. Ddveway Entra��co, S145.00 per metro plus S40.00 per wupler, Mi er.tensionofexfstin culvert chazgai+S185.00. 5. Ddveway �ntranee, Cost of consiiuction and materiele. (See Noto 1) culvert other than ee descrihed (n 2 and 3 rcquired. �See Note 2 NOTES: L As esGmated by tho Director af Publla Worke of tho To�vn of Pickering. 2. Reguiru! in tha aolo opinion of tho Director oEPublic Works. II3. Maximum pertnitted length of culved at this amount ia 15 matrw. SlL�P��T + Tha fee for curb cuts ahaU ba the wntractu4 cost plua an edrelniatration fca ea deemed appiicable by tha Dircetor of P�iblic Worka. .� ', , � �� t � t i� I t ` : t � , .. y�. .. ... . _ ,,. .... ...,�.. ` � t�.�., . �, i'. . � 4 S ., . ...