HomeMy WebLinkAboutFIN 37/98Il�i�f)(i�� ��s � i �.' ��� �.. l ,,, '`,5`�ic�.� � t�,.�' � " ,,. � E q5 �� d ti ...� S� �1 �..s Si f� .� �g t. E twi 'r, . ' . �� k : `�1; t , >s ��Nfo� ,���� �. �. � - : ��o�i�r To co�nvc� . , '. FROM: Oi11is A. Puterson. DATE: Decemlxr 8,1998 � Direc'tor oF FInence & Trcasurer REYORTNUMAER; "FIN37l98 sua.�cr: . - 1999 Interim Spending Authority ,y RECOMMf:NDATlON: II , It is recommend ihatf I I 1. the 1999 Interim Operating Expcnditures be approved at 50% of the prior years' I budget, including exceptions, es noted on Attachment 1, pending approval of the ', formel 1999 budget by Council; and I 2. The eppropdate Town of Pickering ofiicials be authoriud to teke the necessary � ections to givic effect theroto. ' ORI4IN: DirecWr of Finance & Treasurer AUTHORITY: Municipal Act, RS.0.1990 a9 emended. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: Adoption of intcrim eppropriations dces not wntGtute approval of u fom�ei budget but rnther is required to provide fun�ing authorizatlon for the paymrnt of salories and wages and such other acconnts as may bo necessary for nom�al day to day operudons of the Town. At thc cunclusion of ihe Budgef process, a11 intcrim,appmpriations erc nullified end replaccd with the deteil ,, appropriations es approved by CounciL EXECUTIYE SUMMABYc `; Nofepplicable ,;�. ±{ ,• •. , � '�� i � - ,�rY I �y 'S � � 5 � ���.+r, '� _ �.. .t. � i� � -. .. � , � �. _} ... ,. _. . , . . 1�. _. . .. r. .. . . [ i��'[ ����"+} fI�Xii�' � a �i� � S � s �..' .�.�t : ;�I. ;; t i.-, ��Roport tb Counc�137 98 ` ` � bute: December 5,1998 i � f �! t � b � � �� r �-� 1 -�: .. �'-' � `� ,`��sp6l�t:;199�Iq,nilar3periding}luthodty � Page 2 . �• �} BACKCiROUNp ` � ; Each y,oar, pending epproval by Town "Couacil of the ennual Opernting Budgct, itJs necessary, to provide expendihire suthority for.tha intetim period'rom Innuary 1 respecting ihe payment of ecsounts. Such"authority is in tt�o form of iakrim appropriayons to meet estimatui'expensc . , , rcquirements of the individua! dcpurtments, agencies and boerds.' The 1998 Operating budget was considared by Council in Juno end September `998. Fiscal year 1999 mny:prove`to be es challcnging es 1994 duo tu Bi11 79 end its impnct on taxetion. ' Theref�re, we am seekirig upproval to provide for interim.apending authority for up to,lhe firat six months of 1999 or when COUNCIL, APPROVES'fHE 1999 BUDGET, w6ie6ever occurr ttnt. At the conclusion of the budgat process, ell interim appropriations arc nuliified nnd teplaced with the detail appropriatiore as approvecl by CounciL ' Appropriete adjustments have becn made in thc deportmental nppropriations listed os Attachment 1 where tha spending pattems indicates that somathing grenter then 6/12's will be necessary for the first six monU�s of 1999 such as snow clearing. M addiUonel udjustment was mnde in the interim appropriadons for tho Finance Depnrtment to rcflcet the addiUonal stelTing approvcd by Council in 1998. Any capital pmjccu pioposed prior to the approval of lhe 1999 8udget will require specific : aQProval by CatmciL ATTACHMENTS: L 1999 Interim Approprietions Prepurcd By: APProved / Endorsed 3y: �� Stan Kerwowskl. - dill�s A. Pa'terson . , Menaget of Finence • Dircctor of Finance & Trensurer SK/md : .'., s Attachments � Recommecded for the wnsiJeratian of, ' Pickering Totvn Council '- . r �y �' 7�' J. Qul ' .hief tivo ��'ar . e� :;_ ;.f �; �t ��; F t ; i t �� 7k�' 7 t -� �4 Z'I, f,,., _,. .,.., . . .,., . .. .. . .. �.� .. . ,;. .. ,., _ _ , ,.. . �Sf � ���r�,�F ���.,� i t.- ti � }i� � �' � .�Y � a � f . � ' 1 ; ' � '� � , ,� <�Repo�{ to Cuuqcil 37 96 Datti: December 8, t 996 ' � � �l > � , ` , - ', ,;yLSubject, 1999Intcrim Spcadi,ng Authciity page 3� = ��, �'.1; t i' . . .. _ . � it .�, f � . . � .,. . � . .� - . . � . . , �. ATTACHMENT 1 , ' , ; , .'; . TOWN OF PICKERINO 1999 INTERIM ARPROPRIATIONS . 1999 1998 (Jan.1- June 30) Appr�ved WT�RIM �: Account` Deparbnent BudAet AFPROPRIATION 2111 Atayor. • 122,551 81,278 2113 Council 234,825 117,313 2121 General Manager 288,873 134,437 2122 Clerk 282,213 131,107 2124 Cfvic Complex 298,030 149,015 ' 2125 Legai Services 428,584 214,292 2127 Finance 1,047,786 523,893 2129 Customer Care Centre 158,800 78,400 , 2132 Town Property 242,878 121,438 Maintenance - 2133 Suppty and Servicas 273,535 138,768 � 2139 Human Reaources 453,283 228,842 2141 Hoalth & Safety 78,328 38,183 2181 Elect�ona - - 2192 Economic Development 20&,633 104,317 2188 lniormation Systems 494,897 247,349 2198 Mlcrotiching 10,300 5,150 2199 Pdnt ShopMlaii Room 282,414 141,207 2200 ' ByLaw 317,718 158,859 2230 Crosaing Guards 214,184 107,092 2240 Fire ProtecNon 8,190,348 3,085,174 2290 Public Warks 1,497,181 748,581 2293 Animal Control 185,345 A2,873 2315 Municipal Garege 87,118 �43,559 2320 Roade (Includ(ng winler 2,632,917 1,534,991 controq . 2326 Street Llghls 484,700 2A2,350 2350 Trensit 3,051,833 1,525,817 2380- Transit - Speclalized 552,178 278,088 - Services 2430 Env(ronmentel � Sen�ices- 807,417 403,708 . So�id Waste • 2672 3enlor Citizena Centre 128,889 84,485 ' 281Q ' PlAnnfng 1,093,289 548,850 2710 Parka 8 FacilWes - 281,082 130,541 AdminiatraUon , 2711 � Culture & Recreation -- 428,831 214,318 AdminiatraUon • 2712 C.S. 8 F.:- Programs 1,181,082 595,546 ', 2713 C,S. 8 F.'- Dunbarton Pool ' - 216,y77 107,989 2716 - C,S. & F, - �on Beor Arena ' :514,335 `257,168 , :. 2718 :.;'C,S. & F: =Parka . : 1,331,5g4. ` 885,792 `. 2718-:C,3. 8�`:F, - CommunRy ' 198;888 94,344 ` ' Centrea '` , . 2731; ;Recreation Complex - 1,352,1q6 � 878,093 ,,. �$'�� . i fi.' f I + ',4pIS '� ; f +rl.i ' +�. `lf i ' C t � ( [t /6 .'.. t Y ��y ' r� s� ' �,` ' �t � "�� �''., ...s- .. .. ,,.�K,�;� .���a it�` �. , } . . '. . . i�; {:F ��r �� i� "�'✓d r a s r�' q t.�' e 1f .� � j 't �� nt�al�Core � k. " � r , „ 2733 "R creation Complex,- Pool � f648,176 ,, . : 273,088 � `2735� :Recreation ' Complox "' 474,381 237,181 „'. � % ,,. Arenas : , , `, < , ,` �; 2743 .L A.C,A.C: ` 8,190_` ; , 4�095. ' . , ., ;" "2744.` Museum , 239,748 ` ' 118,873 t: a.: 2745':;;Libt�flea . 2,548,681 1,273,291 ' ' ':Va�(ous� 0eneral Oovemment . � � . �,1,478,650 ` : 738,275 t ; , � � � � r ;� �_� � . ;� u : �. + �, � �r , ` � �' t � , S � r ` T ` ' `� ;� E; . r r; 5 Y '` 1 F ti f� y }y P 1 �,.r . , � I" �.. 1 � f t{ !� �f��Y �� �. :� � ] 4 - { : . . _ i �? <' r ! �• ( � �1 t y - Y 5 4 � ;:� � _ a.,... ._ .:I � .i..zizi,e,:i,.! ..r ..i�. . . �.,.w _ i . , . .. ... ..... , , - ., . .