HomeMy WebLinkAboutTR 04/98 (3),� �f f . f ti.. +'° ) x�:;t - f' � �+�f�� " .. . I,.rF . AO�a OF � , '. , . .. �. . . :.. � 11' , REPORT TO COUNCIL FROMo Gillis Paterson DA1'E: Jenunry 20,1998 Director of Finance REPORT NUMBER: TR 04/98 � SUBJECT: 1998 Repayment Limit for Debt and Finencial Obligations RECOI1�II4fENDATION: ORIGIN: That this report be fonvntded to Council for its infartnation Each year the Ministry nf Municipal Aftairs ndvises municipalities of the Debt Repayment Limit for Financial Obligetrons, AUTHORITY: Ti�c Municipal Act, R.S.O.1990, ns amended. FINANCUIG IMPLICATIONS: None BACKGROUND: RecenAy the Ministry of Municipal Affnirs provided informadon agarding the Town's 1998 : lkbt and Obligation Repayment Limit. This formuls has recently been rovised Uvough the . ef%rts of the Provinciel Dcbt and Investment Committee which has dealt with many signi6cant '; legislativc changes in municipni finnnce over the years, Including Rcguladons pertaining to :' iavestments; development cherges end other financial matters. Pickering ts now a member of the '`, ' Cominittee. ,,� ;k �: VJhile,the ettached cornspondence may, at fust, appear somewhat daunUng, it can ba simply .�� } ; eutmn¢nxe.�d. " ._� � �� `{� But9M upon inf'ortnadon wntolned in thc Town's 1996 Flnenciel Information Retum (FIR), �If �� pXe�ated in coq�uacdon with tho nnnual linenciat eteumsnts, Ministry staf'f t�evc celculated the ��a#�s �F ,�no�nt o adA�donai debt we can incui, besed upon a pi+o-deteri.;incd fortnule. +��� �,� �,� , '� � �'�+t . ki .j, t� A A�'1 ¢1 ) A� }i .�� �i.K+;CH iL�2yx�' � F �. { . `�, 4Tt � v d' V �j �.- �. ���x��,,,:w't z,,, � x''� _ s1,` a - i `� �' i � 1 _'�' _� 7` 'g..f�s t1 c Ef � . r� , � �Cy`�'��''',�a..t',i+�a�f.'�,;i:4a� rr�.,,t_ y.,��:r",�°.. ., .,,. � , . .r-,. , , , . . . � ., ... , �{� ry � � lP� � � � 1 . '_ � � 25 �;� � : ; ..�� <,, ,; .:. , . � .' � , � ,, f - j, ,� =r Z ; ;� -... „��:`.. � ' January�20,1998' '.� `' , _ + �;� : �' ,� ;'- Report to Council # TR 04/98 `: � , r ' ,: ; If one likeas the catciilnUons W`thut of a homeowner seeking a moAgege with a firienctal �/ ' ius6tution, it should be clearec .Wtwt iho fomiula indicates is that, with a limit of 25%of net � Itevenue (Operating) Fund ievonues, the total emount of ennuel rovenue ihe Town could dedicate to additional debt (wid a�ier financial obliga6ons such av leases) repayrticiit ts 57,881,790. This being, the case, additional debt with a term of 20 years et t 0,5% could be incucred up to n limit of 564,874,000. The same 57.8 million repays S29.5 million over 5 yuvs. This calculation, 6owever, does not address afTordability, f.e. can the Town afford to dedicatc this emount of money to debt repayment, with or without r�ising taxes or chenging service ' levels. It is s calculadon to simply provide a"rough nde of thumb." Since the Town cumntly hes no direct debt the point is moot. The oniy debt outstanding wes issued on bclialf of Pickering Hydro. The bslence outstanding at December 31, 1997 is 53,051,500 end the 1998 debt churges will be 51,029,966. This linbility is called self-sust¢ining or indirect as it is paid by the u61ity. Should Council declde, however, to issue debt ut any time, ar enter into lenses, other fixed repnyments or long term finenciul obligauons, it does provide U�e anm�ni rcpaymenl limit (S7,8 miltion) within which ihe Town can so do without fwther Provincinl upprovel. Within this limit, ,the Finance.Department ccrtifics the amowls and.approprinteness of any finencing to be considered by Council. Council retains the ultimetc uuthority in approving any such finencing. The forcgoing is providcd for your information. A subuquent report will be issued when the calculation is rcviscd to tnke into wnsidcration changes in educadon funding, ATTACHhTENTS: • 1. I,etter from the Minisiry of Municipal Affeirs dated December 19,1997. `� � � G�II!s A. Paterson (3AP/md Att: �PY: � acneral Menager : � j �F ;; � � u ° _ . , . . .. . .. . . . . , .. . ..... .. .. . . .. . .. . . .. . . .. . a , . . ���`.�I �x � �t �...'4 � 4 ��� 1 f ' i . ,.Y,�.. . .. , , . . � ,� '�j� � 1; i ', 1 r �; �' :,� 'E.� r t �� ' t ' �� � Mlnitpy of � Mlnbtiro dw � �1 1����� . •��. -r'°' � Muntalp�) Aff�in AHdnf munlolpdu �3>F :� .rW ;Houtlrq .e au �op.m.m ' RECEiVED M�a�c���er,� � ' �• TpNM OF PICKERINO 13th Floor, 777 Bty Strac' s , - ' Toronto ON MSG2E5 �E� Q 9 199i ' Td: (416) 585-6941 � � � `' • Fex: (416) 585-6315 ,�� r � ,. QLERRSDEPARTMENT �: ;� December 19, 1997 .,•� y 199� �' , , �ti �•. , ; C3 y� ` Dear Municipal Treas�, CCvk/�'i �bas�Murcr: :.r .... . . : . Q1V . . . I am piwed to enclaso e report showing your municipnliry'a 1998 annun! rcpayment limit : respecting long•tertn debt and tinnenaal obligadaro. The method used for calculating your municipality's 1998 debt end &nancial obligetion limit is besed on the principle that annud paymmts rdating to debt and 6nanciat obligations of a municipdity nhould not be moro than 25 per cent of own hura revrnue fund revrnuea. As a result af the proposed changu resuldng &om education finana refortn, the ministry is proposing to take into aceount the additional own source rwenuo thet each municipality may bo afforded. However, given that the informadon needed to recalculete the «paymmt limits in this manner wts nat available when the limits werc calwlated, thc ministry ia proposing to issue the annuai repayment limiu in two phasa. The firat phase is based on the curtent method for calculating the repayment limit and is included for your municipality in erda to provide you with the infomution needed to proceed with immedieta 1998 busines�. The second phase would occur early in the new year, at which time the ministry wouid issue on updated repayment limit that would include m adjustmrnt for potential changw to municipal own source revemia that may resuit from education finence refortn. � � if you require any tirtha infortnatioq please contact the appropriate Regional Operations Branch of6ce of the M'utinry of Muniripal Affain and Housing (list enclosed). Youro tmly, -�.�._ Nancy Budxki Director Enclosures . . . ' ir' �., ., .. , �1` .... _ , �, � • ; ,. , _ . , � ,, ' �. r ��; ,!` � i. 5 t.k . �, x + ��^ e r 1 i L z � �� �, a, . . ... . .... V,n . . . � .�.'.'�f . . . ._ � . ..... . }Yr. - , . . . .,. .. � , �. _ .. . �„; �.- z ��, > � �• � ���,j� , L 2"1 r�rx} ,> �. , , ` ;3x `.� Mlntrayoj,u;�nrermrApw,adyoWr,� .N(nqflndaAQ'a4rtmNnklpalunQulo;tnunt -. � r ;771BaySq�ert , �1flnuBay 7aionra Ontcrlo Taonro (Onrarlo) . > MJG1E! ` _ MIQJEJ , ANNUAL REPAYMENT LIMIT ,: , .. . UNDER ONT.4RI0 REGULATION 799/94 �� MMACODE: 10403 I II MUNID: 18001 I � � MIINIC�AI.17'Y: PlekerfaQT � I . UPPERTIER: Durh�m R , REPAYMENT LA�tIT: 59,881,790 The rcpayment 1(mit has been calculeted batied on dnte conWned in �he 1996 Finencial Infortnetion Retum, subm(tteJ to the Ministry. This limit rcprcsenu the maximum emount which the municipaliry had available as at December 31,1996 to commit to peymenct rcluing to debt end �nancial obligation�. Priar to the authodradon by eoundl of a long term debt or finenciai obligadon, thfs Iimit must be adjusud by the trcaswer in the prescdbed manner, The limlt ts effative lanuery 01,1998. FOR ILLUSTRATION PURPOS£S ONLY, the additionel longderm borrowing which a mun(cipaliry could underteke over a 5- year, a 10 • year, a IS • year end a 20 • year pe�iod is shown. . � � �a OIof07 � DuePno�rcd: IS-Dee-97 � � '�- j. ,� � 1) r z' ; .r, ' t:a � ;' ; ` l. t J y � _ �"1 6'. e.l ,.s., ._ . .. .. _.. ., . . __.., . ,. ..: ... .. : . .... . . . . . �. ....4, �. ... _. . . � �az; �i���� a ( , " c t i :��._?,Sf _ ( � t � ,' �� f `! t 4 ..2� �� � , ,� �DETERMINATION OF ANNUAL DEBT REPAYMENT Ln4i[T ' ii h1UNICIPALI'TY: Pklurlo�T" MMAHCODE: IW03 y , �.o cnossoeercw►aa�s i.� e�+�a� e�i:�eoi aro.ass ia i�wnc r�i:leoz ��.z�i IJ SUBTOTAL AddLina�.1.1.2 1.73�.676 2.0 DEBTCHAR6ES ON O.C.W.A. PROVINCIAL PROIECT • 21 WuaProJects—Nbmwicipaliryonly PL12/607 . 0 23 Wua ProJcw — shw of InteQnted Prolect(�) PL I3 �7 OS 0 27 SewaRoJav—�hbmwicipd(tyonly PL124803 0 24 SewerPmJcw—shueoflnteQntedpmJect(�) PL12/903 0 23 SllBTOTAL Add L(na il �tw i! I 0� PAYMEM' M RESPECT OF LON6 iERM �,p COMMfIMENISANDLIABILITIES � 1A�� � 9UBT0'fAL•DEBTCNARGES J.0 DEBT CHAROfS FOR MUNICIPAL UTILRIfS . . 3.1 Elutriciry 3.2 Ou 3.7 Tclrylane Amowq Raoraed fmm Unconsolidued Emitia 5.4 Hydro(Prfncipd) S.S Hydro (Inurat) 3.6 OuuidTclryAone(Princip�) i,7 OutndTeleplwneQntemtl S.! SUBTOTAL b.0 ppy!,��70PROVMCEFORWWNTOWN REVRALIUTION PROGRAM LOANS PL OA T) 08 0 Add Uea 1�,2.1,),0 t ,576 PL OA /B 02 0 PL 0! /9 02 0 PL OA SO 62 0 PL 12 Sf 01 870.100 PL 12 SS 02 AN.I74 PL I7 S7 OI 0 PL I2 ST 02 0 Add Lina S.I ilw S.7 � PL OB 6106 0 ��� DEBTCFIAROESFORTILEDRARJAGEAND ' SHORELQJEASSISTANCE PL OS 4S 02 i02 !.0 SUBTOTAL•DEBTCFIARGESTOBEEXCI.UDED AddLloa3.S,6A,7.0 I,7J1,676 9A ' :: . NETDLBTCHARGES �; . _ � '. P�ae:O2ot03 DitePrc�redi IS�Dee•97 _ , .. . ,.'-. - � �. .. . � �. . }1 , � i� ? ' j{{x' � t s i + �;� � I } ,��F � 4 I � � �It_.i r_. . , , . } ...... I..c.�..._.�f s... ie ... � �. _.. . , . . , ..._ . � `�A`.,.�,v ij `� x� 'F ��`; r r n :� �;r, �� ��C � � 2�' J;J�. T� t '� :-' ` ��. � '�.- . '-. ' ' �.� ' �� . � � � DETERMINATION OF ANMIAL DEBT REPAYMENT LIMTf ' �y •....�. . , . . .. _ , _. � . � . :;.nivNics�.rrv: e����oer ns�cone: io+o� IOA TOTAL REVENUE FllND REVENUES PL OI S 101 76,793J86 ` 11.0 ' �� fOR REPAYMO THE PROVMCE FOR D0IYNTOWN REVITALIZATION LOANS PL 06 6103 p ��•� FEESFORTILEORAINAGEANDSHORELRJE ASSISTANCE , PL O7 �S 01 IO2 U,0 GRAMSFROMGOVERNMENTOFONTARIO, GOVEtWMENTOFCANADAAND OTHER MUNICIPALI IIES 13.1 Onur(o 6mu PL O7 69 W 2,567.02) 13.2 Cuud� Oruro PL 03 )0 04 13,474. - U.) O�herMunidpdiUa PL03JI01 587,912 13.1 SUBTOTAL Add Lina I�.t Nw tta 7.162,409 • I I.0 REVENUE FROM SALE OF LAND PL OJ /9 Ot 0 IS.O COMRIBUiIONSFROMCMRALFUND 16.0 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM RESERVES AND RESERVE FUNDS �7,0 NET RLVENUE FUND itEVENUES 1l.0 3S',S OF NLT REVENUE FUND REVENUE 19A ANNUALREPAYM[NI'WMIT IS% atNN Rwrau� F��A Rwesea kn NN D�Dt C4�r{a PL W /3 04 17a,766 PL OJ 14 04 1,429,050 upf ��> �tl! u0tl ����2� IJ.I,t�,13,16 ]I 27,159 7,A81.790 r--- . � T,881,790!j FOR (LWSfRAT10NlURPOSL90NLY Itt6o mwkfpdiry wuW bamw u IO.SX mau+llr, tha �onu�l rep�ymrnt itm(t showo In i9 �bow would �low it w undendce dditlmd Im{aam barowiaj u folloxn: � � �.> zoy�s�iosxp,. c��674,294 (�) ISyars�I03lGp.a Sd,276,571 � (�) IOyears� 10.3%p.a 47.107,174 (�) OS yan � I D.SY. p.�. 29.300A22 ' .. . � Piar. 07ot03 D�t�Pnpurd: IS-Dee-97 � . - �.�.� . . . . � ir �S r � � ,.�5 ! 1 � 4 � n ) ' "+liu�F , � 3 � • i t h; N i,.,.... ... � i � r .._ :i , ri'R .i 1. .. . . s :. . .t f� s _" . ... . . �.,,+s :� � ,r u< < '�� I", ir�r '! r, '� '� >1P�GIONAL'OP.ER4TIONS�RlIVCX> MIMSTRY,OFMUNICIPAL;9FFAlRSAND iiOUSING sourawFS�arr: . ' s�c A95 Richmond SG 7th Floor Dnue London ON N6A SA9 Elgin ` �519) 673•16U ' Essex ollFreeN:l•800�265-4736 Groy FAX;(Sl9)661-1677 Heldimaud•NorE'olk Huron Kent Lambton . Middlesex P �Ord . Waterloo Wellingron CENTRAL: Duffarin 700 Lawrence Ave. W. Durhem Suite 362 Halron Nonh York ON M6A 3B4 Hemilton•Wentworth �416) 327-0O17 Metro Toronto oil Fm N;1-800-668-0230 Muskoka FAX: (416) 327-0980 Niagera Pee[ Simcoe York EASTERN: Frontenac Postal Bag 2500 Haliburton 752 King SG West Hastings Rockwood House Lanark Kin on ON K7L SS3 Leeds & Grcnville �61 �548-4304 Lennox & Addington oll mN:l•800•267-9438 Northumberlend FA}C: (6l3) 546-6522 Ottawa�Carleton Peterborough PRSCOtt•Russell Prince Edward • Ren&ew Stormon4 Dundag md Glengazry Victoria NORTHEASTERN: Algoma 159 Ceder Street - Suite A01 Cochrene Sudbury ON P3E 6A5 Menitoulin �705)564-0120 Nipiuing ollFree #:1•800-461-1193 Pacry Sound FAX: (905) 564-6863 Reg�on of Sudbury Sudbury , Timiskammg NORTiiVVESTER[Y: Kenora 435 Jeraa St S. Suite 223 Rvny Rivar 7'hunder Bay OI� P7E 6S7 Ihunder Bay �,80�475•1651 ,�olt mH; i•800-465-5027 FAX:(807)475-1196 12/97 ;. _ . ` I: .. �; ; � � . � � � ; f 1� � , 1 w =.� s : �_..,., r>:.. 5... ,.. .,,.,... a,.� >, u� ,., � .�. ..._:,>,��j .... ..3� ,z. c