HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 96/98mu,�w( .l,�y �t����. �.,� �� oF P ..de.«„�la� .Q,y , � �/o2Qn.ui � �O � � � REPORT TO COUNCIL �ROM: Penny L. Wyger DATE: July 31, 1998 Town Solicitor RGPORT NUMBER: L 96/98 SUB]ECT: Location of Pcrmanent Stormwater Managcment Pond • (Whilcs Road and Finch Avenue) - K.S.W Devclopments 40M•1312, 704858 Ontnrio Limited 18T•87065 - Estate of V. Swan 18T-97006 - Files: i8T•87065, 40M-1312, l87'-97006 RECOMMENDATION: If Council considers it appropriate to allow the permanent stormwaler managcment pond to be located on the K.S.W. Lnnds rather than on thc lands owncd by the Esinle of V. Sw�an, then Council should pass a resolution authorizing 1he Mayor and Clerk to execute all necessary documcntalion, prepared in a form nccepinble to Ihe Town Solicitor, to permit Ihe pertnancnt managemcnt pond lo bc locutcd on Lo1s 113, I 14, I 15 and I 16, Plan 40M-1312, and to acccpt a convcyance of thosc lols once the stom»�'atcr managcment pond nnd associated landscaping nre complcted to the salisfaction of Ihc Dircctor of Public Works. Thc resolution should Ix conditional upon thc folloHing: I, 'fhal thc TRCA is satisficd with thc final dcsign of thc pond, bazed on dclailcd pl�ns and rcports submiticd by thc dcvclopers; 2. That Ihe local communily is satisficd with Ihc final design of the pond nnd proposed landscaping, us delcnnincd b� thc I.ocal and Rcgional Councillor for N'ard One; 3, Thnt thc To��n s Dircctor of Public N'orks is satisficd �eith thc proposal and Ihc final dcsign; 4. That K.S,W. executes all ncccssary documcntation prcparcd in a form sntisfaclory• to the To��ro Soliciror, ns rcquired lo rcleasc all inlcresls in Ihc sum of 5140,000 currenlly hcid by Ihc Town pursuant to Clause 5 of the Subdivision Agrcemcnt for 40M-1312; nnd 5. That no dwclling units bc consiructed on any of Lots I 13,114, I 15 and 116. ORIGIN: OMD Ilearing regarding the re-zoning of thc lands sct oul in 18T-87065. AUTHORITY: Afunicipal Ac! R.S.0.1990, c.M-45, Section 191(I). FMANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: 7'he Town's contribWion towards lhc acquisition of thc lands and the conslruclion of the permancnt stormwotcr manngcment pond nnd relulcd landscaping, will bc cnppcd at a total upsct limit of 5163,600. Repon to Council L 96198 Date: July 31,1998 Subjcet: Permenent Stormwater Manegemenl Pond Page 2 '[tie Town currcntly holds the total sum of S140,000 puid by K.S.W Developments Incorporated in January 16, 1984, pursuant lo seclion 5 of the Subdivision Agrcement for 40M•t312. Those funds wili be applied towards the To�m's contribution for thc permenent management pond once 1he pond has been fully constructed and Inndscaped to the Town's satisfaction and once the lands have been conveyed to the Town. Although this is a NON•BUDGETED ITEM, this matter has bcen discussed wilh the Tawn's Treasurer nnd it is anticipeted thet Ihe balance of ihe expenditure in the amount of 523,600, will Ix funded from revenues reccived from land sales in 1998. Thereforc it will not af(ect the 1996 current budget. AccountN3263•0076 590,000 AccountN4465•0001 50,000 AccountN2823 23.600 5163,600 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Town slaff, TRCA s1ufT and ihe devclopers of thc lands narth of Finch Avenuc at Whites Road havc determincd an altem�live Iocalion for thc pertnancnt managemcnt pond lo the location prcviously idcntificd by To�m Council. This rcport providcs thc particulars of Ihe proposcd location for Council's considcration. DACKGROUND: In 1984, thc To�m nr,d K,S.W. Dc��clopmcnt Limitcd cNCrcd into a Subdivisian Agrecmcnt (40M-1312), rcgnrding thc dcvclopmcnt of thc lands at t{u north•wcst imcrsection of Finch Avenue and Whiles Road (the "K.S.W. Lands"). At that time, it was anticipntcd Ihat a fulure, pertnancnt slortnwater dctention pond a•ould be locatcd on thc lands locatcd nl Ihe norlh•c�st comcr of that inlcrscction (thc "S��an Gslatc I.ands"). Pursuant �o section 5(S) of thc Subdi� ision Agrcemcnt for 40M-1312, K.S.W, paid to thc Town thc sum of 590,000 Io be hcld by ihe To��n (without intercsQ, for thc purposc of acyuiring, connccling and conslructing o permancnt pond on thc Swan Gstotc Lands. Thc agrccmcnt providcd Ihat in Ihc cvcnt that the Town detcrmincd Ihat a pertnancnt pond was not rcyuircd, thcn Ihc To�m was to rctum lhe 590,000 to K.S.W. In addilion lo Ihe sum of 590,000, K.S.W, ulso providcd S50,000 to thc Town, under the agrcement (5140,000 totnl). Thosc funds, plus thc inlcrest camcd on thosc funds, wcrc uscd by Ihe Town lo mnintain a temporary pond on 4 lots witiiin thc K.S.W. subdivision as set out on the atlached schedule. Once u permanent pond wns conslructed, or, in the event Ihat the Town detcrmincd thc Icmporary pond was no longcr required, the Town was to rclum thc sum of 550,000 (or any balancc rcmaining, u•ithout intcrest), lo K.3.W. TLe K.S.W. dcvclopment was fully compicicd and a tcmporary managemcnt pond was conslructed on 4 lots, as previously stated, Over time, thc iNcrest camcd by the To�m on the 550,000 has been applied to mnintain the lcmporary pond. Thc Owncrs of thc lands lying west and east of the K.S.W. site (704858 Ontario Limitcd) nnd the Estate of V. Swun are now anxious to complcle thc dcvelopmcnt of thcir lands. A permanant stormwaler mnnagcment pond (ihe "permancnt pond") hns bccn idcntified to bc localed on Dlock 114 of the proposcd subdivision on Ihc Swan Gstatc Lands (sce schedulc nitached). 1'RCA has dctcrmined that such a pond would bc neccssary to accommodate only e portion of thc S«�an Estnte Lends and ihat slormwatcr managcment could be accommodatcd on thc balnncc of ihe Swnn Estale Lands by olhcr means. RepoA to Council L 96/98 Date: July 31, 1998 Subject: Permanent Slortnweter Menagement Pond Page 3 As a result of extensive discussions that have i�;:n niace rccently Ixtween Town steff, TRCA stefl, and the Uvee epplicable developers, it has been detcrmined that e possible altemative location for the permanent pond is to be the portion of the K.S.W. Lands currently uud for the temporary pond. 7'he TRCA staff are of the opinion that it is technically possible to rctrofit the existing pond into a permenent pond, such that a higher level of stormwatcr mnne�ement control can be achieved. (Scc lener alteched). As well, K.S.W. has agreed that it will immediutely seil the subject lands to Cougs Invcstmcnts Limited (the proposed developer of the Swan Eslute Lands) for Ihe sum of 5200,000 and K.S. W. will releose its interesls in the sum of i140,000 held by the Town under the K.S,W. Subdivision Agreemenl as previously sel oul. The eslimated costs to conslruct and landscapc the permancnt pond on the K.S,W. Lands is 570,000. Therefore Ihe estimated lotal cosls for the pond et the K.S.W. Lunds is 5270,000. (Note that the estimaled land nnd wnswction costs to locale Ihe pand on the Swan Estate Lands, b�sed on rough calculations provided by Cougs Investmcnts is 5310,000). Construction of a pennanent pond on ihe K.S.W. Lands appcazs to be a Icss cxpcnsive mcans to providc a permanent stormwater mnnngemcnt fncility in the area, and it will climinate the nced for additional houses to bc devclopcd in thc cxisling subdivision. 11 will nlso Gce up Block 114 on 1hc Swan Estnic I.ands which may providc sufficicnt lable land for uddilionnl lots (subjcct to technical rcvicw by nppropriatc staff dcparimcnls). The proposed division of the nllocntion of ihe costs of �he acquisition of Innds and the construction nnd landscaping of Ihc permnncnt pond is ns follows: Town Portion G8%of Ihc actual cosls, lo nn up-set marimum limit of 5163,600; Cougs Invcslmcnls/Swan fslnlc Porlion 19.6%; and 704858 Ontario Limilcd Portion 12.4%. if the uctual costs of rclrofitiing nnd lanJscaping is Icss than 570,000, Ihen thc Town will shaze pro•rata (68%) in th: bencfit of such rcduction. If the aclual costs excccd 570,000, lhe additional cosls will bc shnrcd bclKCCn Cougs nnd 10�t858 only. Thc Town will not pay ils porlion of thc contribution of SI63,G00 until thc permancnl pond is fully compleled to the Town's satisfaction and until thc lands have been convcyed lo the Town. Once the pond is complcled nnd thc lands are convcyed to Ihe Town, Town staf}' will talce the necessary sleps to remove the current rcquirement Ihat a pond be located on Dlock 114 under the conditions for Dra(i Plan 18T-97006. If Council considcrs it nppropriate to ellow the permancnt pond to be localed on lhe K.S.W. I.ands rathcr thun on the Swan Estale Lands, then Council should pass a rcsolution euthorizing the Mayor and Clerk lo cxecuie all ncccssary documentation, prcparcd in a form acccplabk to U�e Town Solicilor, lo permit Ihe pcmianent pond to be locuted on I.ots 113, 114, 115 and 116, Plan 40M•1312, and to accept a convcyancc of those lots once Ihe permanent pond nnd associatcd IandscAping arc completed lo the satisfaction of ihe Director of Public Works. 'Ihe resolution should be conditional upon the following: That the TRCA is satisficd wilh thc final design of Ihe pond, bascd on dctailcd pinns and rcports submiltcd by Ihc dcvclopers; That Ihe locnl communily is satisficd with Ihe final dcsign of the pond and proposcd lendscaping, as dctermined by the Locnl and Regional Councillor for Ward One; Repod w Council L 96/98 Date: July 31,1998 Subject; Pertnanent Stormwater Management Pond Page 4 3. That the Town's Dircclor ot Pubiic Works is satisfied wilh the proposal and Ihe final design; 4. Thet K.S.W. executes ell necessary documentation prepared in a form utisfactory to 1he Town Solicitor, as requircd to rcleaze its intcrest in the sum of 5140,000 currently hcid by Ihe Town pursuant to Clause 5 of thc Subdivision Agrcement for 40M-1312; end 5. That no dwclling units be conswcted on eny of Lots 113, I 14,115 and 116. ATTACHMENTS: 1, Location Map/Site Sketch. 2, Lcttcr from TRCA dated luly 31,1998. PrepNed By: �lirN Pcn yger PLW:Ijm Copy, Gcncral Managcr Dircctor of Planning Direclor of Pinnncial Scrviccs Direcior of Public 11'orks C/ �I� j �� � 711-31-1� 17=02 Tor Reglon Con�erv Author 416 fh1 699e P.e THE TORONTO AND REGION CONSERVATION AUTHORITY ss+�a�anROawux«tiawouwta (�tq«�.1oo rA%wisn� MoI,M«wn.ai.a Jury 3�, teee CFN z�e�a Ms. Panny WyQe► . JUL 3 013y2 Town a Picker�p ...- •-- _ _. _.. — - Piekorinp CivicCantre ". ` - .- . . Ono fie Eeptanedo � _ ', ; ' Pickerinp, Onlario � • - � ', • •- UV8K7 ':' - . . • DeazMs.YVygor. •---_ . ....�. --•--- Re: Stormwalar Management Pond - Finch 6 Whiles � 5wan KSW, Castleloch As discussed in Ihe meeting hold on July 31 1998 in the Committee Room al the Civic Centre, we confirm that Authoriry slaH are supportive ol lhe proposed retroht ot the existing stormwater management pond Ixated on tho KSW lands in lieu ol the construction of a new stormwater managemenl pond on lhe Swan tands, We beiieve Ihal the existing lecility can be revofd such lhat a higher tevel ol stormweter management control can be achieved thereby providing a greater benefit lo the Dunbarton Creek subwatershed. Whilo we have nut yet seen ihe deteils ot the pond design we are confident that a mutually agreeabte des�gn can be achieved. We Iook lonvard lo receiv(ng tne dotali design pians and report lo resclve this matter. We trust this (s salisfactory. Please contact the undersigned should you have any queslions. Youra Uuly, „__---rr rk hri io Pian Malyst Plan Reviaw Section Ext. 280 MCpa cc: Councillor Brennar • Town of Pickering CounCllor Dickerson • Town ol Pickering Grant Maris, Grant Motris Associates Ltd. GerryCoughlan • Cougs Investmenls Lld. WORKING TOGE7HEfi FOR TOMORROW�S GPEENSPACE TOTfil. P.0? n 1 0 . . .. . . . - . � R. � . � , . .. - .