HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 68/980 �N � p� ��� REPORT TO COUNCIL � FROM: Pcnny L. Wyger DATE: August 3, 1998 Town Solicitor REPORT NUMOER: L68l98 SUBJEC'f: lohn Boddy Dovelopmen�s Ltd. • Lots 1•223 Inclusive, Plan 40M•I725, Pickering • Subdivisian Comple'fon and Releau RECOMMENDATION: Bylaws should be cnacted: 1, to assume Town roads in Plan 40M•1325, Pickering; 2. to assume Town urviccs insWlled in the developmcnt of Plan 40M•1J25 Pickering; 3, to amcnd Uylaw 26J1186 (Slop Signs); 4, lo amcnd Bylaw 1416/82 (Places of Amuscment); to rccognize the comple�ion of the project comprising Plan dOM•1325, Pickering. ORIGM: I, Subdivision Agreemeni dalcd June 14, 1984. 2. Complelian of project. AUTHORITY: I. Land Tirfer Acr, R.S,0.1990, chapter L.S, section I52. A/unfetpol Acl, R.S.O, 1990, chap�er M.45, sec�ions 262, 26), Rrglottal blunfripaliltet Atr, R.S.O. 1990, ehaptcr R.B, satfon 23. Surveyr Acf, R.S.O.1990, chapter 5.30, section 57, 2, bfunicfpal Aa, R.S.0.1990, chapter h1.45, sections 263, 284, 286, 297, 314.7. Planning Acl, R.S.O. 1990, chapter P.13, seclion 51. Reglonal blun7clpallHrt Ac�, R.S.O. 1990, chapter R.B, seclions 28, 72. 3. NighH�ayTra�c Acf, R.S.O. 1990, chaptcr H.B, section 177 Reglatal bluniclpali�let Acf, R.S.O. 1990, cMpter R.B, section 34. 4, blunlclpal Acl, R,S.O. 1990 chaptcr M.45, scction 216.6. FMANCUL IMPLICATIONS: Thcre are no new financfal impNcations to the Town az a resull of this recommendalion. BACKGROUND: The completion of Ihe development of this projecl, being Plan 40M•1325, Pickering, fn accordc.cee wiih the Subdivislon Agreement dated lune �4, 1984 and other apolicable Town poilcies, musl be acknowledged by the enactment of bylaws assum(ng Ihe roads and essuming the Town urvices ins�alled. In edditfon, other bylaws must be enacted to allow the verious Town departimenb to close their files md to amend exfs�ing munictpal legisla�ton to retlect new eircumstancos crealed by �his proJect's de�•elopment. Consequently il is rccommended Ihat Ihe four drofl bylaws ettached hereto bt enacted, Report W Council L68198 Date: August 3, i998 SubJeet: Subdivision Completfon and Releaze Page 2 lohn Boddy Developmenb Ud. ATTACNMENTS: I. Drafl bylaw to auume roads. 2. Drafl bylaw lo assume servlces. �. Drafl bylaw to amend Bylaw 2632188 (Stop Signs). 4. Droft by-law to emend Bylaw 1416/82 (Places af Amusement). S. LaalfonMapping(2). Prcpared by: ApProved by: ��y p�� Penny Wyger JEP:IJm Auachments Recommendation approved az tt effa�s: Oeneral Manager p« Clerks Deparlment p« Fire Department p« Parks end Facilities p�r Cuhure and Recrrmion p« Planning Department per Public Works Dapartmrnt per Transportalion DeparlmeN per Trcasury DepaAment per �: ;d �_ �C��C_: 1�� � �. � �l► � � • Being o 6y-faw �o amend Byfaw 1416/81 providing jor fhe regula►lan and Iicensing ojplaces ojamusemenl. WHEREAS, pursuant to the Muntcipal Ac�, R.S.O. 1990, chapter M.45, uction 236.6, thc Cauncil of The Corporation of the Town of Pickering enacted Bylew 1416/82 providing for thc regulation and licensing of pinces of amusement; NOW THEREFORE, the Council of The Corporation of the Town of Pickering HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. Schedule A to By-Inw 1416/82, az umended, is hcreby funhcr umcnded by ad�ling �hcrclo the following item: Glcnnnna Road, Eaglevicw Drive, Silvcr Spurce Drive, Flunismill Drive, Mountcastic Crescent end Redbird Crescent. BY-LAW rcad a first, ucond and third time and finally passcd this 8th day of Septcmber,1998. T• .. .. i } �e•,. ,'.+'i. 1M�Ill1ti1201 � Waync Anhurs, Mayor Bruce Taylor, Clerk � �:��i: �► � 1� � J� � L��• �3d�J:WiC�]� Being a by-!aw 10 assume Glenanna Road, Eagfevlew Drlve, Silver Spruce Drlve, Hunfsmlfl DrJve, Mounfcasfle Crescen� and Red6lyd Cresenl, Plan 40M-1315, Plckerfng, jor publlc use as pu6ltc hlghways under fhe Jurisdlclion ojlhe Town. WHEREAS, Glenanna Road, Eagleview Drive, Silver Spruce Drivc, Huntsmill Drive, Mounlcaztle Crescent and Redbird Crescent are highways shown on e plan of subdivision and are Ihcreforc dcemed, punuant to thc Surveys Acl, R.S.O. 1990, chapter S30, scction 57, to bc public high��ays; and WHEREAS, pursuant to the dlunlclpal Acl, R.S.0.1990, chapter M.45, section 263, the Council of The Corporation of the Town of Pickering has jurisdiction over Ihose highways (the Council of The Regional Municipulity oC Durham nol having enacled a bylaw pursuant to the Regional blimicipalilfes Ac�, R.S.O. 1990, chapter R.B, section 23, to add thosc highways lo the rcgional road systcm); nnd WFIEREAS, pursuant lo lhe Municipaf Ac►, seclion 262, the soil and frcchold of Ihosc highµ�ays is thcrefore vestcd in Thc Corporation of the Town of Pickcring; NOW THEREFORE, ihc Council of The Corporation of the Town of Pickering I IGREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: I. The following highways are hercby assumcd for public use as public highways under the jurisdiclion of the Council of 7'he Corporation of thc Town of Pickering: Gienanna Road, Eaglcvicw Drive, Silvcr Spruce Drivc, flumsmill Drive, Mountcasdc Crescent and Redbird Cresccnt. all eccording lo Plan 40M-1325, Town of Pickcring, Regional t�lunicipality of Durham. 2. The Town Solicilor is hcrcby nuthoriud lo apply lo the Land Registraz pursuant to the Land T!rles Ac�, R.S.O. 1990, chapter L.S, uction 152, to have lhe Corporetion cntercd as Ihe owner of ihe highways referrcd to in sectian I. BY•LAW read a first, second and third time and finally passed this 8th dey of Septcmber,1998. T�..� : C� �' ..� j Wayne Arthurs, Meyor I �L�.•1:..'.f�.� � � Bruce Taylor, Clerk �u» THE CORf'ORATION OF THE TOWN OF PICKER1Na BY•LAW N0. Being a 6y-!aw fo amend By!aw 1631/88 provlding jor fhe erecflon ojsfop stgru. WHEREAS, pursuant to the predeccssor of the Highway Tradc Acr, R.S.O. 1990, chaplcr H.8, section 137, lhe Council of The Corporation of Ihe Town of Pickering enacted By-law 2632/88 providing for tlie erection of stop signs ul inicrscctions on highwoys under its jurisdiction; NOW THEREFORE, ihc Council of Thc Corporation of the Town of Pickering H@RGBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. Schedule I to Dy-law 2632/88, as emendeJ, is hcrcby funhcr amcndcd by adding thcrcto the following items: Calu Co u n nt est'on Facin�T a(Tic Eagloview Drive and Northbound on Sil� cr Spruce Drive Silvcr Sprucc Drive 2. 'lhis Dylaw shall not com� into force unlcss it is opprovcd by thc Council of thc Regional Alunicipality of Durham pursuant to lhc Reglonal dlunlclpalirles Acr, R.S.O. 1990, chaptcr R.8, section 34. BY•LAW rend a first, second end third time and finally passed Ihis 8th day of Septcmbcr 1998. .. . . .....� � �___-_- wM•msm�m Wayne Arthurs, Mayor i� Bruu Teylor, Clerk p1�I_�L � • � � :_: 1 � ► �j�t�il��$',l`.[7�1[�T.i c� il`.[�] �,+-LAW N0. Befng a bylaiv fo assume servlces under fhe Jurlsdlc!!on ojlhe Toivn in Plan 40M-/3?S, Plckering. WHEREAS, pursuant to, wherc applicable, the Municlpal Act, R.S.0,1990, chapter M.45, sections 263, 284 286, 297, and 314.7, ihe Planning Acl, R.S.O, 1990, chapter P.13, section 51, t�e Reglona! Municlpa!llJes Acl, R.S.0.1990, chapter R.8, sections 28 and 72 and thc Agrcement datcd June 14,1984 (Notice of which was registered on Octobcr 1,1985 as Instrument No. L'f216613), betwccn ]ohn Boddy Dovelopments Ltd. and The Corporation of Ihe Toµn of Pickcring, abovc ground and undcrground serviccs under the jurisdiction of lhe Town in Plan 40M-1325, Pickering, have becn complcted lo its satisfaction; NOW THERLFORE, ihe Council of The Corporation of the Town of Pickering HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: i. The above ground services under the jurisdiction of lhe Town, lhat urc required to be constructed or instulled in the dcvelopment of Plan 40M-1325, Pickering, including the roads, curbs end gutters, sidewalks, driveway aprons, boulevards, sireel signs, fcncing and grading, locatcd on lands that arc both, (aj dcdicatcd to or owncd by thc ToHn, ihc Rcgional Municipality of Durham or the Provincc of Ontario, und (b) in Pinn 40M•1325, Pickcring, or immcJialcly adjncent thereto, nre hereby accepied by the To��n and assumeJ by it for maintenance, as of January 9,199G. 2. The underground urvices under the jurisdiction of Ihe Town thnt are required to be constructed or inslallcd in the dcvclopmcnt of Plan 40M•1325, Pickcring, including thc storm drainagc system nnd relalcd appurtcnanccs, localcd on lands Ihat erc bolh, (a) dcdicaled to or owned by thc To«n, lhc Rcgional Municipalily of Durham or the Province of Onlurio, end (b) in Plan 4UM-1325, Pickcring, or immediately adjacenl therclo, are hereby accepted by the Town and assumed by it for maintenance as of March 25, 1988. 3. In sections 1 and 2, Ihe phrnse "innds that are...owncd by the Town" includes lands Ihnl ere subject to an eazement transferted to ihe Town, but oniy with respect to thc specific scrvice or scrviccs rcferted to in ihe casement irenskr document. BY-LAW read e firsl, second and third time and finally passed this 8th day of Scptember, I998. � Wayne Arihurs, Meyor � • Bruce Teylor, Cicrk �o�ua