HomeMy WebLinkAboutOES 01/99,• �NOFp ��.. � � ,. REPORT TO �OUNCIL FROM: Evecett Buntsma DATE: December 3, 1999 Director of Emergency Services and Operations REPORT NUMBER: OES o1-99 SUBJECT: T. Amts Loam Supply Limited - Leuse (Renewal) - Rrock Road - File: LS1000 RECOMMENDATION: A by-law should be enacted to suthorizc the execution of an Agreement pursuunt to which T. Amts Loam Supply Limited will operate a business of thc stornge, sale and supply of top soil, pavers and related products, from January l, 2000 to DecPmber 31, 2002 ut a yearly rental of $19,000, payable in twelvic equnl monthly instnllments of $ 1,583.33, plus reAlty taxes. ORIGIN: Letter from T. Amts Loam Supply Ltd. AUTHORITY: Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1990, chnptcr M.45, subsection 191(1). FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: Gross rent per year (S 19,000 x 3 years) $57,000 und realty tuxes (amounl to be detertnined) BACKGROUND: For the past severnl years, T. Amts Loam Supply Limited has used the 3.824 hectums of Innd located on Paris 37 and 40, Pian 40R-6934 for tha purpose of cartying on u business of the storage, sale and supply of top soil, pavers and related producls. The Department of Operations and Emergency Services received a rcquut from T. Amts to renew this lease for a furiher five (5) years or moro, aRer careful rcview of this request thc DepaRment feels thet the leaso should be renewed for oniy threc (3) years. Attached ie the necessary byInw suthoriziug the execution of the Lease Agrcement forming Schedule A thereto. <. ; ti. . : , , . , .. � . � ;'�a fj • Report to Council Decembcr 6,1999 Page 2 1' � a.2 OPE01-� ATTACHMENTS: 1. By-law , 2. Letter from Michael B. Amta, President 3. Location Mnp Prepared & Approved by: � �� v ett n ma Director, Operations & Emergency Services EB:mid Attachments Copy: Chief Administretive Officer P,ecommended for the consideratian oP Pickering ' Town Council � �� ,. o� o� ns J. Qu i �, Ch Adm i truti� va 'ficer �� ` k : i I : 't � f 1 ri- 4 '' •r , -� i 1 �' -' e . � i�. a .. a � : x 4�.�i .. :���_ ., ._ i� _ l.;i _. ..P' .tl..i:7. .�._v��,.k ..._: � � .r,i. _ .,,, i��x . a.�'y.,,i.. i'��.:�..., , � � �� UU ' t �-q�l����� , . :�� �rr�cw+�r�►�ro�crr� . T. Arnts Loam Supply Ltd, 13 � � � 2490 Brock Rd.N., Pickerin�, Ontario T I L1V 2P8 (905) 6a3-0887 Or (416) 984-4332; Fax (905) 683-9661 To; The Corporntion of the Town of Pickering Attention: Everott Buntsma; Department of Parks and Fecilities From: T. Amts Loum Supply Ltd. Re: Lease of land from Thc Town of Pickering. Plcnsc acccpt this lelter ns our rcquest to extend leuse dnted January 1'�, 1998 and expiring December 31'�, 1999. If The 7'own of Pickering plans to hold onto their lund holdings for os long os possible, then a lense of five (5) yeacs or rnore would be epprecialed. idenlly, we would prcfer a five-year lease wilh an optional five yetirs atler that. During the optional five years, if The Town of Pickering required the lend far their own use or if they choose to sell it for development, we would appreciate 1 1/2 to 2 yenrs notice to vacate. As Pickering hes grown from a smnli rural community to n thriving suburban city, we have experienced continued growth. ` We woald like to continue a commercinl relail outlet Cor Inndscape supplies on the land we Icase back from the Onlnrio Renity Corporntion (ORC). The 3.64 acrcs ond house we rcnt back Gom ORC would be n good location to continue to seil Inndscupe supplics. We would like to mnke improvemcnls us soon as possible. Things like nntural gns hook up und hydro upgrnding. Could we plensc havc some confirtnntion to the possibility oCT. Amts Lonm Supply Ltd. purchasing Gom the ORC, the 3.64 ncrcs nnd house to continue the operation of our lundscnpe supply business (withoul thc soil mixing). Similar busincsscs opernte across Toronto in other good locntions. The fallowing is u pholocopy of nn arlicic 1 sovcd Gom the newspuper " Durhem Dusiness News " January 1998. At the end of the stury (t rcads " Herongate, which is located cn Altona Rond, just nonh of Taunton Rond, is now pM of a agricultural pceserve, so therc's a sensc of pertnanencc now." Thank you for your considemtion of our request. it is grcatly eppreciated! Thnnk ou i Y � \���""'— I �7 Michael B. Amts, President T.Amts Loam Supply Ltd. Theodo��Amts, Vice Presidont T.Amis Lonm Supply Ltd. 11/09/99 '.',` , , t? �. . ' „ �, f I :: j ,);��' t t.� �} '��� . '.r `# .�. . . � ���, 1 �'r� , . . ':[ S' � � .; J,: ' , � . . � . �` 1 � � t' �/' Y • . .: \ c;'� '- 's; � �. ti �r � �� > i � � 1 t b i' 4 � t r 1.,��>1 • � ., yr r :. y •. � S :: t��;/ t,�f r:. 'a � � �, ,r, , s � .�• i �' + f+F . �,, � r`.� ` ty1 C if:ft .'S 5 .. , . . . .. ..� .•:i?.i tti ,� .'. t Page I of 1 � �,1 `a� � �. � � ��„ �� � \ i' ''�'' . ,�� _ •, B �1 ATTACHMB�T p.�.TO REP01Cf IN���'� r �✓ .� SCHEDULE A / , P.C�6 C+uP / wee�3 )� / C4VyC( / / /I'G �• � � � / , G<taA�.I i'«�tT / / / I GOLFiyb�....�.��. I �.�C�I�ITY i �WDJIV�T'/�0lM! ���� /QOM �M�V� � 1 .► � 77-IE `��, 1•~••'i �. n.n ' O o.� C v 'P�er��a�.s" • p.2N•s � y ♦ ;� ULi _ . O �\\� � e \, . � ,\� . coticcse.on. .7 2o.,a � � � Ail d(menslons shown +re In met�es Nol lo ude � Ys , . ... ...�. .. . ..r ,.... ..s� t .t .. � ... _. i � . ., ., . . .. . � v . .— ��t TH8 CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERINO 15 BY-LAW N0. � Ueing a Ly-law to aufhorize �he e.recu�lon of a Lease Agr emenf belween The Corporatton ojlhe C!ry oJ �ckering and T. Arnls Loam Supply Llmtted respecting �he use oj 3.814 hec�ares oj land locn�ed on Pnrts 37 and 40, Plan 40R-6934 (January 1,1000 to December 31,1001). WHEREAS the Town owns 3.824 Seclares of land located on Parls 37 and 40, Plan 40R-6934 in the City ofPickering; and WHEREAS T. Amts Lown Supply Limited hos used tha 3.824 hectares of land localai on Paris 37 nnd 40, Plan 40R-G934 Cor the purpose of csurying on a business oC the atorage, sale and supply of lopsoil, pavers and related producls. NOW THEREFORE, the Council oC the Corporation of the City of Pickering HEREBY ENAC'I'S AS FOLLOWS: 1. Thc Mayor nnJ Clcrk arc hercby aulhoriud lo exccule nn Agreemcnt, in lhe form utlached hcrclo ns Schcdule A, betwecn The Corporation of lhe City of Pickcring and T. Arnla Lonm Supply Limilcd for the period Jenunry 1, 2000 to December 31, 2002, inclusive. BY-LA W rend u first, sccond nnd q�ird time and finally passed lhis 17th day of January, 2000. m Waync Atlhurs, Mayor Btuce Taylor, Clerk � � ;, ; ^!� - :]�'i�. � �,.�T "' . 1 ,�. ' � i .... 1 ,.._ ..i. r . ...i , 15 lg e THIS LSASE made pursuant to tho provisions of subsection 191(I) of the Muntclpal Acr, R.S.O. 1590, chapta M.45, as of the lat day of January, 2000, � BETWEEN: THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICK@RlNO hcrein callaf the "Landlord" , OF TIiE FIRST PART, - and - T. ARNTS LOAM SUPPLY LIMITED hercin calied the "Tenant" OF THE SECOND PART. In consideralion of the rents, covenants and agreements heroin contained the Landlord and the Tenant agree as follows: 1. 1.EASE AND TERM Tl�c Lundlord hercby leases lo Ihe Tcnent thosc lands consisting of 3.824 heclazes oC rontable azoa located in Lot 19, Concasion 3, Pickering, and comprising that parl of Parts 37 and 40, Plan 40R-6934, diagonally hatched on Ihe sketch attachcd hen:lo as 3chedule A(he�ain called Ihe "Premises"), for a term (hcrein called the "Temi" ) commencing on lhc lsl day of lanuary, 2000 and expiring on lhe 31at day of December, 2002, unless the Tcrtn is earlier tertninatcd. 2. RENT (I) Thc amounl of Ihe rent payable by lhc Tcnanl lo the l.andlord yently and every year during the Term ia 519,000 payuble in 12 cqual monlhly installmentn of 51,583.33, plus realty tnxes nnd any other applicabic laxcs. (2) Place and Manncr of Pavment b Eech payment of rcnt shall be paid by lhe'fenant to lhe Landlord in advance, on the first day of thc month, in lawful moncy of Canada, at the address of lhe Landlord sel oul in sxtion 14 or at such olher place as the Landlord shall from time to time designate, and lho Landlord may require lhe Tenant lo provide post-dafal cheques for thie putpose. � 3. GENBRAL COVENANTS (1) The Landlord wvenenls wilh Iha Tenanl: �A (a) Cor quiel enjoymenl; and (b) to observe and perS'ortn ali covcnanls end obligationa of the Lendlonl hetein. f2) Thc Tenent covcnanla wilh lhe I.andlord: � (e) lo puy rcnl; and � (b) to observo a�id pe�form all covenenW end obligetione of tho Tenant haein. , l 6 �� , �.7 4. USfl AND OCCUPANCY OF PREMISES The Tenent covenante with tho Landlord: (a) Required and Prohibited Uses To use the Premiscs only for the purpose of cartying on lhe business of the storage, sale and supply of lop soil, sand, atone, paven ai�d rclaled producta; (b) ConductoCBusiness To carty on the business described in subclause (a) on the Premises in a reputable manner end in compliance wilh aU the provisions oC this Lease; (c) Houre of Ooernlion and Illuminution To carry on lhc business only between lhe hours of 5:30 am. and 12:2000 midnighl, local time, and not to illuminate any sign or any part of the Prcmises not contained within a building or structure, escepl for security purposes, betwcen 12:01 a.m. and 530 a.m., local time; (d) Business Nnme To carty on business on tlu Premiscc under Ihe name and sryle of T. Mits Loam Supply and under no otl�cr namc or style unless approvcd in wriling by lhe Landlord; (c) ApRSarancc, ctc. of Prcmiscs To maintnin cuid operate thc Premiscs so that they shnll oiwnys bc of good appearance end suitable for thc proper operation of thc busincss rcquired to be curried on lherein and comparable with the standazJs of thc best such busincss, end in so doing, to kcep the Prcmises ordcrly, tidy, clean end clear of all refuse; (Q Bv-Lswa To comp�y at its own cxpense with all municipel, federal end provincial sunitary, fire and safety Inws, rcgulntions nnJ rcquircmcnts pertaining to thc occupation and usc of lhc Prcmiacs, lhc condilion of thc Lcaschold Improvemcnla, lradc �xlures, fumiture and equipment instnlled by or on behalf of tlie Tcnant thercin and Ihe making by the Tenant ot any repairs, chenga or improvcments lhcrcin. 5. TAXES (1) PeymenlbYTenant The Tenanl covenants with the Landlord to pay promptly when due to the taxing authority or authorilies havingjurisdiclion nll laxes, rates, duties, levies and assessmenls whatsoever, whether municipal, parliamenlary or olhenvise, leviai, imposed or assessed in tespcel of lhe Promises and a��y and every business cartiai on in lhe Pamises by llie Tenant, oc in respcct ot lhe use or occupancy thercof (including licence fees and including, without limitetion, eny (3,S.T. and reaity taxes which muy be applicable). 6. LICENCES. ASSIGNMENT AND SUBLE7TINd (i) Licences The Tenent ehali not permit any part of tho Promises to bo usod or occupied by any pasona otha lhan the Tenenl end tho cmployeea of lhe'Cenonl, or petmit any part of lhe Promisea to be used or occupiat by any licenaea or conceesionatre, or permit any pdeons lo be upon the Premtsea othu than the Te�ant, iU employaa, cuetomere and othen having IawNl bustneas with iG • _ , ,. 2 , , . „ ; , •�^ �. . . - . . � . . , 3. ( V (2) Aeaim�ment and SubletUnx The Tcnant ahnll nat esaign lhis Leaeo or sublet all ot eny part of the Premteea: 7. S1GNS The Tenant shali bc pertnillcd lo maintain en Identiftculion aign at or ncat lhc frontage of,t}ie Premisee on Brock Road. Such etgn ahall contein only the name or eq�le undm whlch the Tenefit ie required W carry on business undcr the provisions of this Lease unless the Landiord sl�all otherwise epprove in writing, and the sign including the aiu,, location, aRangemamt and type of lettering, it� colour, illuminalion and all ils other appwrance end design features ahall be subject to the prior written approval of lhc Landlord. Othenvise, except with the prior written consent of lhe I.andlord, the Teaant ehap not paint, display, inscribe, place or amxany sign, symbol, nolice, lettering or display of any kind anywhere outside the Prcmises or within the Prcmises so as to bc visible Gom the outside of the Premises with the exception of lewful eigns erected on thc TenanCs lanc'� adjacent lo the Prcmises. Should the Landiord at any time object to any sign, symbol, nolice, leltering or diaplay eilher aflixed to or visible from lhe outside of the Premiscs, the Tenant shail remove the same forthwith upon request. 8. LEASEHOL 1MPROVEML'NfS AND TRADE FIXTURES (1) DefinitionofLcasehulJlmorovements For purposes of this Lcase, the lertn "Leaschold Improvcmenls" includcs wilhout limitalion all fxtureA improvemcnts, installutions, niterations and aJditions from time to time made, erecled or installed by or on behalf of the Tenant in or on the Premises, and whethcr or not moveable, with the exception of lrodc fixtures and fumituro and equipment not of lhc nalurc ot fixlures. (2) Installation of [mnrovements and Fixtures The Tenant shall not make, erect, install or alter any I.easehold Improvemu�ts or trade fixtures, including lighting, in or on thc Premises without having firat obtained tl�e Landlord's wrilten approvai. The TenanCs request for any approval herounder ahall be in wriling and accompanied by an adequate dcscriylion of lhe contcmplaled work and, wherc appropriete, working drawings and specifications thcrcof. All work lo be perfortncd in thc Prcmiscs ahall be perfortned by competenl conlrectors and subcontractors of whom the Landlord shall have approved, such approval not lo bc unreasonably withheld. All such work sha11 be subject lo inspection by and Ihe roasonable supervision of the Landlord, mid shall be perfortned in accordance with eny reasonable conditions or rcgulations imposed by the Lundlord and compleled in a good and workmanlike manner in accordunce with the descciplion of work approved by the Landlord. • (3) Liens and Encumbranccs on Imorovements and Fixlures In connection with the making, erection, inslallation or alteralion ot I.easchold Improvanents and trade fxlures and all other work or installntions made by or for lhe Tenant in or on the Premises, lhe Tcnant shell wmply wilh all the provieiona of the ConsWction Lien Act, and otha atatulea trom time to lime epplicable pureto, including nny provision requiring or enabling lhe rotenti�n by way of hold-back of porlions of any aums payable, and except as to any such hold- back ahall promptly pay all accounts nlating thereto. Thc Tenent shall not create eny mortgage, condItionnl sale agreement or olher rncumbtance in tespect of its Leasehold Improvements or, without the conscnt of lho Landlord, with respect to its tredo tixlures not shall lh� Tenant take any action as a consequence of which any such mortgege, wndittonal sale agreemeot or olher encumbrance woulJ eUach to lho Promises or any part thereof If end whenever any mechenica' or other lien for work, labour, servicea or meledels �uppltei lo or Cor the Tcnanl or for the cost af which the Tenant may bo in any way Itable or claima theroforo shell eriae or be llled or any such � mortgage, condilionel eale agreement or olher encuntbcance shall altech, lhe Tenant elull within twenty (20) daye etler teceipt of notice thereof prucuro the dIscharge thueof, including any cerNticata of ecl(on rogieteraf in reapxt of any lien, by paymenl or giving sfcuriry or in such . other menner es may bo requtred or permittal by law, and fLiling wlilc6 tho Landlotd may in addition to ell olher tsmaftes hereunder aveil itaelf of ite remaly under secdoa t� haeof aad may make any paymenla tequttal to �imcura lhe dlecherge of any �uch Uene or encumbtences, ' � ' , , . ,. "3 , .._ . ... . �„ .. ... , . , . , .� 8 19 eheil bo entillod to be retmbureed by tho Tenant as provided in eecqon 12, and ile dght to reim6uraement ahall not be afCccted or impaired if the Tenant ehall then or eubaequrntly establtah or clefm that ony lien or encumbrenco no dischnrged wae without medt or exceaeive or subjcet to any ebatement, aet-otior deknce. Thie subsection ehall noE prevent the Tenant Gom modgeging or encumbering its challels, fumitnre or equlpmont not of the naluro of fixtures. (4) Removal of Lnorovemenls and Fixtures All Leasehold Improvemente, trade fixturea, fumltun and equipmrnt ehell be removed by the Tcnant from the Pamises either during or at Ihe expiration or sooncr tertnination oCtho Term. The Tenant shall, in lhe cnse of Cvery removal eilher during or at lhe end oCihe Tecm, make good al the expense oCthe Tenant any damage caused to the Premises by the installalion end removal. 9. INSURANCE AND LIABILITY (1) Tenant's Insurance The Tenant shall takc out and kcep in force during the Tertn: (a) comprehensive insurance of the type commonly called general public liebility, which shall include coverage for personal liability, contractual liubility, tena�da' legal liability, non•owned nutomobile liability, boJily injury, dcuth and property damage, all on an occurtcnce bnsis with respect to thc busincss carried un in or from the Premises and the TenanPs use and occupancy of lhe Premises, with covernge for a�iy one occurrence or claim of not less then Five Million Dollors (S5,20000,20000), or such olher amounl as the Landlord may rcasonably rcquire upon not Icss thnn six months notice at eny tlme during the Tetm, which insurnncc shall include the Lnndlord as a nemed insured and sha11 protcct lhc Landlord in respal of claims by lhe Tenant as iCthc Landlotd were separately insured; and (b) insurancc ogainst such other perils end in such aznounts as lhe Landlord may from lime to time rcasonably require upon not less than 90 duys written notice, euch requirement to be made on the busis that lhe required insurance is customary at thc lime for prudent tenents oCsimilar properlics. All insurance rcquired to be maintained by the Tenant hercundcr ahell be on tertns and with insurera to which lhe Landlord has no reasonable objection. Each policy ahall contain a waiver . by the insurer of any righls oC subrogation or indcmnity or eny other claim over to which the insurer might otherwise be enliticd against lhe Landlord or the agenls or employees of lhe Landlord, and shall also wntain en underlaking by the insurer that no material chenge edversc to lhe Landiorcl or lhe Tcnant wiil be made, and the policy will not lapse or be cancelled, except after not Iess tlian thirty daya written notice to the Landlord of the irtended change, lapse or cencellalion. 7'he Tcnant shell tumish to the Landlord, if and whenever requested by it, certificatu or oth�K cvidence� acceptable to the Landlord as lo Ihe instuancc from time to time eftected by lhe Tenant and its rcnewal or conlinuation in force, together with evidence es to lhe melhod of detertninadon of tull rcplacement cosl of the TenenCa Leasehold Improvemenls, trade fixturea, fumituro and equipment, and if the Landlord teasonably concludes lhel lhe full replacement coat has been underestlmated, the Tenant shall forthwith eRangc for any consequrnt increasa in covetage required hereunder. If lho Tenant shall fail to take oul, rcnew and kap in force such ineutance, or if the evidences submilted to lhe Lendlord purouent to Ihe precedtng arntence are unacceptable to the Lendlord or no 9uch evidences ere submttted wit}►in a reaeonablo pedod atter requeat theroforo by the Landiord, lhen the Lendlord may gtve to the Tenant written notico requiring compllance with thia section and specilj�ing the respxta in which Uie Trnant ia not lhen in complience with lhie eectian . If the Tenent doea not, within 72 houta ot • euch leaeer perlod es the Lendlord may reesonebly roquiro having rogerd to the urgency of the eltu�Non, provlde eppcopdate evtdence of compitence with thie secdon, Uie Landlotd may, but ehall not ba ob8getal to, obtain eomo or all of tha addiUonal covuage or olher tnsuranco which tho Tenant ehall heve tailcd lo obtain, wilhout proJudica to any other dghle oCthe Lendlord under Uile I.easa or oihcnvieo, end the Tenant ehall pey all premtume and otha expensea incutred by the Lendlotd in that connecttotl ae ad�ldonel rcnt pw�ehent to sectton 12 haoof, d 20 �.9 (2) Limltatton oCLandloM'n Liabi;ltv. � The Landlord shall nol bc liable for any bodily Injury or death of, or lose or demage to uty property belanging lo the Tenent or Ita employeea, invileea or Itcerisas or any otha peraon in, or about the Promisea. (3) indcmnilv of Landlord Tho Tenent shall indemnify and save hazmless the Landlord in respect of: (a) all clalms for bodily injury or death, property demage or other loss or demage arieing from the conduct of eny work by or any act or omission of the Tenant or any agent, employec, conlractor, invitee or licensee of the Tenant, end in respect of all coats, expenses and liubilities incurred by lhe Landlord in conneclion wiU� or arising out of all such claims, including the expenses of eny action or proceeding pertaining thereto; (b) eny loss, cost, expcnse or dmm�ge suCfered or incurral by lhe Landlord tvising from eny � broach by the Tenant of any of its covenenls end obligntions under this Lease; and •a (c) all cosis, expenses and ressrnable legal Cees that may be incurred or paid by the Landlord in enforcing ngainst the Tenant lhe covenents, agrcemenls and represenlations ot the Tenanl sct oul in Ihis Lease. 10. ACCESS OF LANDLORD (1) InspxtionandAccess The Landlord ahall be permittcd at any time and from time to time to cntcr and to have its authorized agents, employees and contmclors cnler lhe Premises for the purposes of inspection, maintenancc or making repeirs, and thc Tena�t shall providc frcc end unha�npered access for the purpose, nnd shall not be enlitleJ to compensation Cor any inconvenience, nuisance or discomfo�t caused lhcrcby, but thc Landlord in cxercising its rights hereunder ahall procecd to the extent reasonubly possible so as lo minimiu intcrfercnce with the Tenunl's uae nnd enjoyment of the Premiaea. (2) Exhibitina Premises The Landiord and ils euthorizal agenls and employces shell be pertnitted entry to lhe Premises Juring the last six (G) monlhs of the Term for the purpose of exhiblling them to prospective tenants. � 1 l. DELAY AND NON-WAIVER (I) UnavoidableDelav • Except as herein othenvlse oxpreasly provided, if and whenever and lo lhe extent that either Ihe Landlord or the Tenent shall be provrnted, delayed or restricted {n the fulfillment of any obligation hereunder in nspect of lhe making of eny tepair, lhe doing of any work or any otha thing, other Ihan tha payment of rent or other moniea duc, by reason of: (i) strikes or work stoppegcs; (ii) inability to obtaln eny material, servlce, utility or labouc requircd to Nltill such obltgeUon; • (iii) eny etelute, Isw or rogulatton �f,� or inability to obtain any petmisaion tMm, a�►y govemment authodty having Iswl�l judsdtcdon provenUng, delaying or reelrtcUng iuch ii�lAllment; or ' . : ` (iv) " other avoideble occtitrence,. ..S _ , . •;,.;, _ , ��.. ,� _.. , � . . . . . . .. . , .;, ..:-�%� . ._ � , .., 2 R 21. tho dma for NIlillment of euch obligallon shall bo cxtended dudng ti►b period in which auc�i citcumslanca operates to prevent, delay or reatrict lhe fu1411menl thereof, end the otha pariy ahall not be entitlul to compensaHon for any Inconvenience, nuieance or discomfort thereby occaaioned. �• (2) W er If either tho Landlord or tho Tenant ahali overlook, excuse, condone or euffer any dcfault, breach or non-observence by the othor of any obligation hereunder, this ahall not operale as a waiver oC such obligalion in respect of any continuing or aubsequent default, brcach or non-observance, and qp such waiver shall be implied but shall onl y be effeclive if cxpressed in writing. �I 12. REMEDIES OF LANDLORD (I) In addition to all rights nnd rcmedics of lhe Landlord available lo it in the event ot eny defaull hereunder by the i.:�ant through improper compltance or non-compliance with eny obitgation arising either under this or any other provision of lhis Lease or under atatute or the general law the Landlord: (a) ahull have thc right at all times lo remaly or allempt to remedy eny dcCault of lhe Tenant, and in so doing mny make any paymcnts due or alleged lo be due by the Tenent to third partics and may rnler upon the Premiscs to do any work or other things lhesein, and in such event all oxpenses of lhe Landlord in remedying or altempting to rcmedy such deCault shall bc payabie by thc Tennnt to the Landlonl es nddilional rent forthwith upon demnnd. (b) ahall havc lhe samc rights end remedies in the event of eny non•payment by Ihe Tenant of any amounU peyable by the Tenant under any proviaion oC this Lease as in the case of a non-pAyment of rent; end (c) if the Tennnt shall fail lo pay any ront or other emount from time to lime pnyable by it to the LanJloni hcrounder promptly when due, ahall bc enlitied, if it shall demand it, to inlcrest Ihcrcon at a rate ot three per cent (3%) per annum in excess of the minimum lcnding rate to prime wmmercini bortowcra Gom time to time curtcnl at lhe Cily's bank from the dnte upon which the semc was duc until I actual paymcnt thercof, (2) Remufies Cumulative The Landlord may from lime to lime rcsort to nny or all of the righls and romedies availablo to it in lhe eveqroC any default hcreunder by the Tenant, through improper compliance or nan- compliencd�'lCilh any obligation arising eilhe: under any provision oC thia Lease or under statute or the general law, all of which rights and remedies are intrnded to bo cumulative and not altemalive, and the express provisions hereunder as lo cerlain rights and remedies are not to be interpreted as excluding any olher ar additional righte and remedies available to thc Landlord by atatute or Ihe general law. (3) Riftht of Re-Entrv on Defeult or Termination If and whenever lhc rcnt hereby reserved or other monies payable by the Tenant or any pert thereof ahell nol be pnid on Ute day eppotnlal for payment lhereof, whethcr IewtLlly detnandal or not, and the Tenant ehall have faiicd to pay such rcnt or othet monics wilhin tive (S) business deys aRer the Lendlord ahall have given to Iho Tenent notico tequidng such payment, or if We Tenent shail breach or fell to observe and perform any of lhe wvenanle, agreementa, provisos, wndltions and other obligadone on lhe patt oC lhe Tenant to be kepi, obeerved or perfotmed • hereunder, or tf thie Leesa ehall havo bxome lertninated pureuant to any provtsion heroo� or if lhe I.andlotd ehall have become endtled to tetminate this L.eeae and ehali have givea tiodce termineUng it pureuant to eny provteion 6enof, then and in overy euch case it ehnll be iawtW !br the Landlonl thcroattcr to enter Into and upon the Prcmieee or eny pa�t thptof tn the name of Ihe whole and tho ee`me to heve ageLf, npoeaeee end e�joy ea of Ite tbmter eetnte, enything ��1e � I.ease �ontaIRied io the contraty notwithetanding. 6` .. , ... .. _..,,. _.. ,.. ,, �' ... .. ....... .. 22 _ _ �1 (4) TerminaHon end Ro-Entrv � If and whenever lhe Landlord becomes rnlitled fo wynta upon the Premteea under an'y provision of thia Lease tho Landlord, in eddition to all olher dghls end remedfee, ahall have lhe right to tem�inata this Leese forthwtlh by leaving upon lhe Promises notice in writing of such tertnination. (5) Pavment of Rent, etc, on Tertnination Upon lhe giving by the Landlord of a notice in writing lermineting Uiie Lease, whether pursuant to thIa or any other provision of thia Lease, this I.ease and the Term ehell tcrminate, rent and any other paymenls for which lhe Tenant ia liable under thia Lease ahall be computed, appoctioned and paid in full to lhe date of euch tertnination, and the Tenanl shall Immediately deliver up, posaession of the Promiscs to the Lnndlord, and the [.andlord may re-enter and lake poasession oC them. • 13. IMPROPER USE OF PREMISES: BANKRUPTCY (1) Bankruolcv. elc. ln case without the written consenl oC Ihe Lnndlord lhe Prcmises ahall be used by any other persona than the Trnnnt or for any purpose other then that for which they wero leased, or occupied by any persons whose occupancy is prohibited by thia Lease, ar if Uie Premises shall be vacated or ubnndoned, or rcmain uncecupied for fiftecn (I S) days or moro while capel le of being occupied; or if lhc balancc of the Tertn or any of the goods and chattels of the Tenant shnll at eny time be seized in exaution or attachmrnt, or if the Tenant ehnll make any assignmimt for lhe brne6t of crcditora or eny bulk sale, bceome bnnlwpt or insolvcnt or take lhe bene5t of any etatute now or hercaller in force for bankrupl or insoivent deblora, then in any auch case lhe Lendlord may al its option tertninale this Lease by Icaving upon lhe Premises nolice in writing of such lertninntion a�id lhero!�pon, in addition lo lhe payment by lhe Tennnt of ront end olher payments for which ihe Tenant ia liable under lhis I.ease, rent for lhe current monlh end lhe next ensuing thrcc (3) monlhs ahall immediutcly bxomc duo and paid by the Te�ient. 14. MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS (1) ReQistrationofLeaso Neither lhe Tenant nor the Landlord shall register this Lease or e notice of lhis I.ease. (2) L.ease Conatitutes Entiro Aarecnent There are no covcnants, representations, warranGcs, agumenls or conditions express or impiicd, colleteral or olhenvise fomueg parl of ar in any way affecling or rclating to thia Lease save as expresaly set out in thie Lease; ihia Lease consUtutes the entiro agreement betwan lhe Landlord and lha Tennnl and may not be modified except as heroin expltciUy provided or ea�cept by agreement in writing exceuted by the I.andlord end the TenanG (3) Nolicea Any nolice requited or conlemplates by any provieion heteof shall bo given in writing, end (a) ': if lo lhe Landlord, either delivered to tho City Clerk pasonally or mailal by prepaid rogieteral mell eddreased to tho City Clerk at Pickectng Civic Camplac, One The . Esplenade, Piciceting, Onterio LlV 6Ky; and :- • (b) . if to the Tedent, eithec delivera! to Michool AMte dr Theodotua Atata,'Jr:, paaotully�or maited bY piepald iegletered mall addnxea! to T� Amts Loam 3u�ity Limited �t Brock Road Notth, R. IL kl, Ftckming, Onterlo LIY 2P8, ': : �- , �. .. . � , . . , . . r , . .' . � � �.,. , . . .. , .. , t . . . . . - _ . _ . r. �� � � � _ R �� . •:1 . .. � . . . . . � . . ...�'.�." � � .' ' � ' � . . ', . , .. . . . . 22 . ' 23 Hvery euch nodce ehell bo deamed to heva bcen given whdn deli "veied or, if mailed a! dl'of'es�id, upon lhe dey aRer lhe day it 1e mailed. Elther perty may fmm time lo tlme by notice tn writing �b tho olher, designela anolher addrc.as in CenaJa ne lhe uldrwe lo wh(ch nolicee are to be mailai to it. (4) lntemretation All of lho provistona of lhie Lease aze to bo construed as covananle and agn�m�ple an though words imporling such covenanle and agreements were used in each seperate provieton heroof, and the captions appeuring for the provtaions of this I,ease hava ban tnseded aa a matter of convenience and for reference only and in no way define, limit or enlerge lhe scope or meaning oFthis Lease or of e�iy provision hereof. (5) Exlent ofLease Obliaations , This Lwse and everyqiing heroin conlained ahall enure to the benefit of and be binding upon the respeclive heira, executora, administralors and olher legal representatives, as lhe case mey be, of each perty heceto, and every reCercnce hcrein to any parly hereto shnll include lhe heirs, oxecutore, administrntors, and olher legai representatives of such party. 15, RIGHT OF FIRST REIIJSAL The Tenent herein acknowledges that, notwithstanJing tho provisions of Section 14 oC the Lease Agrecment for the "Prcmises" mede bctween lhe Lnndlord and the Tennnt dalcd Febniary 9, t984, thcre is no righl oF first reCusal in favour of the Tenant with respect to ihe Premises herein and lhe parties egrec qiat the said provisions of 5xlion 14 of lhc 1984 Lease arc of no force and effect, end the Tenant relenses any claims against lhe l.nndiord in rupect thereof. IN WITNESS WHERECF thc Pariics hcrelo havc hercunto uffixcd lheir respceti�•e Corpornte Seals attested to by the hands of thetr authorized ofticero. SIdNED, SEALED AND DELIVERED THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERINd � � Wnync Arlhurs, Mayor Btuce Taylor, Clerk • � T. ARNTS LOAM SUPPLY LIMITED M(chael Amta, President Theodorue Amte, Jr., Vico-preatdent . G110000.fearttr]OOO.da � �'.}, '�t� 'i. ,B ��� �� . � ,, y �: 4 �...�'S` ..,I'-3 . . .._ . c �_:;�. ,..•.* `.�t.. . ., P,., ,. , . , i < .