HomeMy WebLinkAboutPL 7/99209 �N OF p� ti� � I�PORT TO COUNCIL fROM: Neil Carroll DATE: April 20,1999 Diceciur of Planning PLANNING REPORT NUMD@R: 7-99 SUBJECT: Metropolitan Toronlo Hnbilnt for Humanity Block 24, Plnn 40M-1366 (Dunn Crescenl) Town of Pickcring RECOMMENDATIONS; I. Thnt Town Council uuthorizc rcvisions lo bc mndc to a Dcvclopmcnt Agrccmcnt betwecn Metropolitun Toron�o Flubitut for flumnnity nnd thc To��m of Pickcring which wus prcviously nuthorizcJ for exccution by Dy-law 5236198. Thcsc rcvisions to Ihc Devclopmcnt Agrcemcnt shnll providc for: thc dcvclopment of two dwclling units on Block 24, Plun 40M-1366 in a dcsign which includcs linking of thc t«�o d��•clling units by u full common wall; extcrior clndding of thc dwclling units with brick on thc front nnd sides of thc first storcy nnd vinyl siding on ihc sccond storcy; d�ti�clling nnd drivcwny sitings; road work lighling, nnd scrvicing mnitcrs; and construction of noisc attcnualion fcawrcs, ull of which hnvc becn agrecd to thc Town, Mctropolilnn 7'oranto Flubilnt for Flumanity, und a Community Working Group. Such rcvisions to thc Devclopment Agrccment shall bc madc in n form sntisfactory to thc To�m Solicilor and Ihc Dircctor af Planning. 2, Thnt Town Council considcr a rcqucst by Mclropalitan Taronto f labitat for I lumaniry �o rcfund an applicotion fcc of 5450.00 which wns pnid by Mctropolitan Taronlo Habitnt for Humnnity us parl of Minor Variancc Applicution PICA 80/98, on thc subjcct lands. ORIGIN: Mctropolitan Toronto Hubitat for Humanity's proposnl to devclap nvo dwcllings on Dunn Crescent. AUTFIORITY: The Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1990 c, M.45, section 162 The Planning Act, R.S. 0. 1990 choptcr P. 13, section 69 EMANCIAL IMPUCATIONS: In addition lo thosc mntters detailed in prcvious Report to Council L34'!93 (sce Attachmcnt 111), Metropoliwn Toronto Habitat for Flumanity has requcsted that Town Council rcfund n 5350,00 epplication fee madc to thc Town's Committec of Adjustment pertaining to Minor Variancc Application P/CA 60/98 on thc subjcct lands. 210 PLAN(N(3 REPORT NUMBER 7-99 Date: April 20, 1999 Subjcet: Metropolitnn Toronto Habitat for Humanity page Z EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: As n result of several eoncems being mised by aren residenls conceming the proposul by Hebitat for Humanity to develop two residential dweilings on a vucant parcel an Dunn Crcscent, Planning Staff were inswcted to coordinete a Community Working Group to idcntify and address lhe issue,s. After several meetings of the Community Working Group, Fiabitat far Humanity, and Planing Staft; agreemenls heve been rcuched on how the main issues (which wcrc primurily related to design and appearance), couid be satisfuctorily resolved. Consequently, this report hes been prepnred for Council's information und rcquesting Council's authori7ntion for specific revisions to a development egreement between Habitnt for Humanity end thc Town to implement the revised development proposal. BACKCiROUND: I.0 Additionnl Infortnntion On Mnrch 24, 1998, Council pnsscd By-Inw 5236/98 authorizing thc exccution of a development ngreement between Metropolitnn Toronto Habitat fur Humunity und lhe Town to enable Metropolitnn Toronto Hnbitnt for Humanity to devclop two dwellings (atmchcd bclow gradc), on Block 24, Plan 40M-1366. Prcvious Repott to Council L34/98, prepured jointly by the Town's Legal and Public Works Departmcnts in advance of Council's Mnrch 24, 1998, decision, cxpluining Ihc bnekground of thc Metropolitnn'Poronto Hnbiwl for Flumunity proposnl and various financial implicntions, is included ns Attachment #I to this rcport. A Propeny Locntion Mup, and a reduction of the ApplicnnPs Original Proposed Plnn are includcd in thnt Report. Subsequent to Council's authoriwtion to cxccutc the nbovc-notcd dcvclopmcnt ngreement, u number of aren rcsidents cxpressed wnccros nbout thc proposal. In ordcr to address these concems, Metropolitnn Toronto liabitnt for Elumnnity was ndviscd thut thc Town would not execute the development agrccmcnt until thc rcsidents' conccros had bccn sutisfied, nnd thc Planning DepMment wns inslructcd to coordinnte a Communily Working Group lo idenlify und nddress issucs. Over the past months, Planning stafi; Metropolitan Toronto Nabimt for Humaniry, and a Community Working Group comprised of scveml arca residents has mel on scveral occnsions. As a result of these meetings, a numbcr of key issucs have been identified nnd addmssed to the mutual sntisfaction of ull partics. Consequently, sm1T are now recommending that Council authoriu rcvisions to the devclopment ngrecment bctwcen the Town and Metropolitnn Toronto Hnbitat for Humanity to ennble development to occur in acwrdance with the outcome of the Communiry Working Group process. Detnils of the verious issues identified ihrough the Community Working Group process, nnd how they have been addressed are expluincd in the Collowing section of this report. MEMBERS OF THE COMMUNITY WORKING GROUP Ken and Joy Bloomfield, 635 Dunn Crescent'primary conlacts James Franklin, 375 Rosebank Road Cnlhy Green�ides, 633 Dunn Crescent Ian Vemon, 638 Dunn Cresccnts John Lambert, 599 Nomnd Rond Bruce Frcemnn, rcpresenting Metropolilnn Toronto Habimt for Humaniry ]efl'rey Cole, Town Plnnning Dcpariment PLANINd REPORT NUMBER 7•99 Dntc, April 20,1999 Subject; Metropolitnn Toranto }labitat for Humanity �'pB� 3 211 2.0 'sc s'o Through the Community Working Group proccss, sevcrni key concems of thc surtounding residents were identificd, und mcuns of addmssing thosc concems were agrced upon. Thesc issues arc explained as follows: 2,1 Sitine Massine nnd Genernl Appeurnnce of the Proposcd Two Dwcllinp Units Metropolitnn 'Coronto Flabitnt for Humnnity originally proposed to construct two dwcllings on the subject property which were nitached below•grndc only, ond which wcre completely vinyl clad, with nttached cnrports. Although thc proposcd dwcllings wouid hnvc fully complied with the Town's mning by-laws, aren residents werc conccmed that thc small size of the two scpnratc dwellings, their irtegular siting neccssitated by thc configuration of the subjcct property, thcir use of carports, and their fully vinyl clnd dcsign, would appcar out of character with the estublished surtounding neighbourhood. Most surtounding dwcllings, though uttnched bclow gradc, nrc relutively Inrger thnn ihosc originnlly proposcd on thc subject Innds, und combine brick nnJ vinyl cindding, with attachcd gnragcs. Aticr much discussion, it wos suggestcd thnt, if thc proposed hvo dwcllings wcrc attached abovc•grade by a fuil common wull (iroditional semi-dctached design), the resultunt mass of the structure waulJ be morc in keeping with thc mnssing of the surrounding dwellings on Dunn Cresccnt. This dcsign would nlso cnablc thc cnlire struclurc lo bc oricnled in n manncr which fits within thc configuralion of thc praperty anJ slill maintnin n cohesivc streelscape. Habitnt for Humaniry docs nol t}�pically consiruct gumgcs with Ihc homcs it builds, for reasons of design, cost, and ense of construction. I lo��•ever, lhe surcoimding residents were vcry much opposed to cumorls bccausc thcy ��ould uppcnr out of chnmctcr with thc neighbourhood, and could bccomc cyc•snres duc to extensivc storagc of houscholJ items in full vicw of thc strce6 Il was agrecd how�cvcr, that if no carports or garngcs wcrc conswctcJ, an cnhnnccd building dcsign could bc nchicvcd which would improvc Ihc oppearnnce oF thc semi•detuched dwcllings Gom the slrcel. This cnhanccd builcling dcsign included unobslructed front windows nnd cntrances, with brick dudding uround the front and sides of the first storey, and vinyl clndding on the second storcy. As thc applica6lc zoning by-law rcquircd that dwcllings bc attnchcd bclow gradc only, and thnt each dwelling have nn nuached gnrngc or carport, Habitat for Ilumaniry suUmitted Minor Vurinnce Application P/CA SO/9810 allow the subjccl property lo be dcveloped for a pair of trnditional semi-detnchcd dwcllings attnched above grade by a common wnll, nnd to delele the requircment for uuached gamges or carports. This Minor Vurinncc Application was approved by thc Commiltec of Adjustment on December 22, 1998, with ihe full concurrence of thc To�m's Planning Dcpartmcnt nnd thc Community Working Group. 'Nole: Mclrapalilan Toronm Flablfa! jor Fh�mnnily hns reqtresfed d�al Caunci! considcr refi�nding fhe 5450.00 minor ti�nrtance appJlcallon jee u�hlch lhey pald as parl oj Mlr�or Varlance Applicafla� P/CA 80/98. Metropolitnn Toronto Hubitnt for Humuniry has nuw submitted revised siting and architectural design plans for the construction of n pnir of tmditionnl semi•dctachcd dwellings on the subject property in n form which rc(lects thc ngrced upon methods of addrcssing the ncighbourhood concems. These plans arc included as Attnchments N2 and N3 to this rcport, and arc to be spccificnlly referenced in the siting und architcetuml dcsign requiremcnts scction of tlie revised development agrcement. 2.2 Scrvicine. Road Work+ �nd Cradine/Drninnee The Community Working droup gcncrally agreed that thc Ievcl of scrvicing and roaJ works which wcrc required in Ihe previous devclopment ugrcemcnt betwecn Mctropolitan Toronto PLANINd REPORT NUMBER 7-99 Date: April 20, 1999 N 12Subject: Metropolitaa Toronto Habitat for Flwianity Pagc 4 Habiwt for Humanity end the Town wcre appropriute, with one main revieion, Although it was agrced ihet the proposed developmcnt would not necossitate the inslnllntion of sidewalks ecross thc frontnge of the subject property, it was strongly recommended by the community ihat a new sveet light be installed on the porQon of Dunn Crcscen► oppositc the subject property. Hebitat for Humenity has agreed to this, nnd thc requircment for installntion of a new street light to the Town's satisfaction, and at Hauitnt for Humanity's expense, is to be included in the revised development agreement. The revised development agreement will also require that grading, servicing, nnd dminage plens be completed to the Town's sutisfaction. Hubitet for Humanity is currently working wiGi the Town's Public Works DeparUnent to achieve a grading, servicing, und d�ainnge plen that wili incorporate rear yard catch bnsins, thereby minimizing gmding difTcrentials between the subject propeRy and the adjacenl propeRy to lhe norlh. 2.3 Noise Atlenuation It was clarified with the Communiry Working Group that Metropolitnn Toronto Hnbiwt for Humenity would be required to sntisfy ihe Canudian Nutional Railway with rcspcct to noisc attenuation measures ucross the rcar of ihc subjcct proparty, These mcusures are expectcd to be an extension of ihe bertn und noise attenuntion fencc which exist on rcsidentinl properties immedintely to the north (a bemi alrcndy cxists on the subject property). The rcvised development agrccment will include u provision rcquiring Metropolitnn Toronto Hnbiwt for Humanity to submit a design for uny rcquircd fcncing for ihc approvnl of the Director of Plenning, along with written approval for such swcturc from thc Cnnndinn Nationul Railwny. ATTACHMENTS: Previous Report To Councii L34/98, including Property Location Map and Applicunt's Originnl submittcd Plan. 2, & 3. Applicunl's Rcvised Building Siling nnd Architccturnl Dcsign Plnns. Yrepased By: Approved / Endorscd by: �_///�/G�i�� r Je efi y Co e� Neil Cazroll Planner 2 Director of Plnnning c��'���. , Lynda D, Taylo � Manager, Current Operations Division !GC/ab Attachments Recommended far the consideration of Pickering Town ' cil � ,i ,. omasJ.Q ' n, ' 20 �% Chief Adminislrative Ofticer � }? 4o�N oa nk,*m ��� �� f IiUM: �� �') 213 � ATTACHMENTM�TO � PLANNINO REPORT N�� � ItCPORT TO COUNCIL � I'cnny L. Wygcr 'fown Solicito� Richnrd Fblborn Uireclar of Public Works SUI3JCC'f: Mclropolilan'Ibronlo Ilnbilnl for I lumm�ily Requcst for Assislance - file: U9802 N UA'I'li: Marcli 12, 199R � � RGPOR'f NUMl31iIt: Ll4/98 � � � RGCOMMfsNUATION: � Council shnold pass a DyLmv nullio�izing lhc Mnyor nnJ Clctk lo exccule n t)cvclo�nncnl Agreemcnl bclwccn Ihc Mclropolilnn'I'ornnlo I Inbilnl for I lumnuily nnd lhe'I'uwn lo provide for � Ihc Jcvclopnunl af Iwo dwclling w�ils IinkcJ unJcrgrounJ, lo bc Incnlcd on Dlock 2A, I'Inn AOM• IJ((. 'fhc ngrccmcnl is lo hc ptcpnreJ in n form ucrcpinblc lo Ihc 'fown Solicilur which agrecmcnl will provide for ihc Jevclopmcut of the I�mJs in nccardnncc wilh die nmUcrs ccl uut in � Iliis rcpuiL '1'lic Icgal fccs for Ihc cnsta of prcpnring Ihc ngiccmcnt shnll bc rcduccJ from x).UIIO i�� si,zno pt��s as'r. ! � UItIUIN: Lcller Jnled Janu�ry 19, 199R Gom Urucc frcemon Rc Associnlcs Inc. nn bchalf af Meltopolitnn'Ibronlo I labilnl I'or I lummiily. � AU'I'l IOItI'I'Y: � I. 'I'hc dlioilclpnl Acl, R.5.0. 1990 c. M.45, scclion I(2. � 2, 'I'lie 1'lannbig Acf, R.S.O. 1990 c. P.I J, seclion 69. I fINANCIAL IMI'LICATIONS; � I.cgal fecs I'or Ihc Ucvclopmcnl Agrcement will bc rcJuccJ from S],000 In 51,200 which � represenls n nel loss o(rcvcnues for Icgal scrviccs providcd in Ihe auiounl of SI,BOD. 1 'fhc remnining mnllcrs tcpresetd n vnluc of approxitnnlcly 513,000 lo Ihc dcvclnpmcnl hul �vill � nol require a Jircct oul•of•pockcl cost lo Ihe Town. 'flic lolnl vnluc uf Ihc coiilribuliofi Gom Ihc'I'awn Inwnrd� Ilda prnjccl is S14.A1111. � , � IiXIiCU'f IVIi SUMMAIIY: ! , McUnpolilon'I'nronlo ilnbilnl fbr Ilutnmdly, n nmrprofii orgnni�aitinn lhnl builds hnusing for � nrcdy fmnilics, hna reqacslcd Ilic n9s{slnncc uf Ihc'I'nwn rcg�rding Ihcir proposcJ dcvcl��pmrnl n( kvo tesidenlinl unll� on I)unn Cresccnl. tilnll' hnvc revic��•cJ 16c proposnl induJing Ihc � Incntion nnd pnrliculnr fenhirca oClhc aitc tclalivc lu Ihc surrounding Imidq. lu nn cflnrl In nssisl � ilils chorilnhle gmup, 'I'nwn slnCf Imve dclenninccl Ihnl, on Ilds silc spcci0c apunlinn, we nrc 1 ATTACHMENTN�TO •, 214' PLANNINO REPORT �� 1��.i Reporl lo Council LJ4/96 �uln; March 12, 1998 Subjerl: Mciro�lilun Toronto I lubilat Wr Ilumanily Pnge 2 prep�ired w recummend u reducliun of cerluin existing Town slundnrds wl�ich wiU rcsuh in n cust suving lu tlic orgunizuliun in Jcvcloping Iho silc nf approximnlely SIJ,000, lugcihcr wilh a reduGinn of Ihc fccs li�r Icgnl services lo l�: rendercd in Ihe amum�l of, f I,800, 'I'hc ne1 suvings lo Ihc argimiwlion will bc approximutcly S14,800. � DACKOROUND: Mclropolilnn'foroNo Ilabilat for Uimiunily is u non•profil orgnnimliun Ihal builJy housing far necJy Inmilies using volunlecr lubour anJ Jonnfed maleriuls. Ilabilnl is purchusing Ihc midevelo�wJ 61uck (Olock 24, I'Inn 40M-I]66), IuculeJ ul tlie suulh limil af I)unn Crescenl, li�r Ihe purywse ol' construcliug Iwo resiJenlinl units which will 6c linked unJerground. '1'hn argnniuuiun lius uskeJ Ihe'Pown lur assisiw�ce in reducing Iho costs of Jcvelupmcnl uf Ihe Iwo hnuscs. SIuO' hnvc rcvicwcJ Ihc pru�wsnl anJ I�uvc JcicnniucJ, given Ihe p�irticular localion of Ihc dcvelopmcnl anJ Ihc smnll IikclihouJ of Ihe liiUuc developmcW of Ihe nbulting InuJs lii Ihc soidh, cxisling'I'own rcquirentcnla ntoy be rciuxcd lo somc exlcnt in Ihis case. In purlicidnr, sUd'I' ' uve JclennineJ, pruviJeJ Ihc owners ond fidure occupunls ugrce lu Ihe rcJuceJ slanJurds, no �iJewniks wili be required lo be conslnicted in fronl of Ihc proposed Jwcllings nr on Ihe oppusilc SI�L' O�IIIO SIfCCI. diven Ihe Incalinn of Ihn existing storm scwer on Dunn Croscenl anJ given Ihal it is very unlikely ihc lunds io ihu soudi will bc devdo�xJ in ihe fulurc, Ihc slorm sewer on Duun Crescenl will nol bt requircQ lo be extenJeJ uttoss thu frnninge of Ihr, subject lauds nt Ihis lime. 1'here is a sfurm sewer williin un enscmont on Ih� nurlh cJge of Ihu properly nnJ connec�iona can Iw mudc lo Ihul sewcr. 'Ibwn sInIT unJ I'ickcring Ilydro slull' budi ngnc Ilmi nu slrccl libhl will bc reyuired in liunl uf Ihc prnposeJ dwellinga. 'Phe orguniuitlnn will be reqidreJ lo conslnict Ilie exlension of Ihmn Cresccnl to Ihe limit ol' Ilie fidl liuuinge uf Dlock 24 (see skelch oUnchcd). 'fhis mcels Ihe'Pown's usunl requiremcnls anJ is occessnry lo pruviJe sul'c nccess, proviJe aJcqunle snow clauing opermions anJ �vnsle caUcciiun �xrcdions nnd wuscs no tisk lo Ihc'fown sliaulJ Ihc roaJ ever lx: exlcndcJ furlher soulh. I'uveJ Jriveway nprons are slill requireJ, bul a lurning circle Jucs nol hovu lo be proviJeJ. Cush-in-lieu of pnrklund Jediculiun will nul be requireJ prior lo Ilw development of Ulock 24 as pnrklnnJ Jcdiculian wus p���� ���o� lo regislralion of' I'lan 40M-t366. 'I'he SubJivision Agrecmunl rcgarJing I'lun �IOM-1166 wus rcicnsed by Ihc'I'uwn on Seplember 16, 1991. IIuJ Ihe SubJivisiun Agncmenl nu1 been relcaseJ, nnly nn nmenJmenl lo �he SubJivision Agreemenl woulJ have Ix:en rcyuircJ prior lo Il�c dcvclopmenl of Ihc IuuJs. 'I'he'fown's Icgal fcc lo prepnre m� nmending Sulxlivision Agreemenl is S1,20Q. In Iliis situnlion however, lhe urgani•adion will Iw tcyuireJ lo enler i�Uu a Dcvelupmcnl Agrcemenl wilh Ihc 1'own. 'I'hc'fuwn's Iegul fcc li�r �«��unliun of n Develuptnenl Agrcemcnl is SJ,000. 'flie 1'own Solicitor is prepnred lo rcwmmenJ in Ihese circurostuncey dml the legul fec be rcduced liom 53,000 to S 1,200 plus U5'I' anJ Jisburoemenle. 'I'hc reJuclion in fcc wiU resull in lost revenuey to Ihe I.egal 5etvices Oepanmeid I)uJgot of 51,800. 'fhe lulal astlnmled siwings Iu Ihe urgani•uiliun IinseJ on Ili� ubovc ure us follows: I, lixlension uf etnrm sewer on Dunn Cresccnt S B,SOQ 2, SWCWOIIQ OII (IIC WCSI SIIIC O�DUIIII CfC7CC�lI I,000 7. Onc eUce111gh1 3,500 4. ReJuceJlegolfre 1,8QR TolulSuvings � S IA,B00 . lr�� Ilcnorl 10 Councll L74/98 5uhjccl: Mclropolilnii Toronlu I lobilnt for I lumm�ily AttACHMEN7N�70 215 M PLANNINO REPORT M 7Aq J M �alc: Mnrcli 12, 1998 .. I'oge J M ll is recoumicndcd Ilml Council pasa n byImv nutl�orizing ihc Mnyor nnd Ihc Clcik In cxcculc n M bcvclopmcnl Agrccmcnl bclwccn McUopolilnn 'Pornnlo I Inbilnl fiir I Imnnnily mid Ilic 'fo�vn, which ngrecnunt slmll bc prcp�rcJ in n fotm eccepinblc lo Ilie'1'own Solicilor, in consullnlion � wi11� Ihe Uircclor of I'ubHc Works, lu be regislercd on lillc In Illnck 24, I'Inu AOM•IJfi�i whicli ngrcemenl will providc for thc mntlers sel oul in Ihis reporl. Mclropolllnn lbronlo I lnbilnl fnr Ilumnnily will uol bc pctmillcJ lo nssign Ihe ngtecmenl lo auy olhcr pnrly wilhaid Ihe prior � runscnt of Ihc'I'nwn, A'I'I'ACI IMGN'I'S: I. Silc Skcicli 2, Locnlion Mnp 7. Urnfl DyLnw I'rcpnrcd Uy: _,�• �-i� �� 1'cuny W gcr,'I'owu Solicilor ri.wn�ii:ij�,� AQncluncnls Cnpy: Ocncrnl Mannger � .� � 1'rcpnrcd Ily: � �.�--v � �Itichmi Ilulborn,UirccluruCl'ublicWurks . c 216 1)i ,,J s �: j•: ,<, , ,,_ `. .! . �'. i� i ,ar � ;: __� TO � ��r �r t ?�qflt u� • :,•. °; ,.. __- . .. ... � '. IUJ �iT M.,(_TO AEPO�TA ' � Q . �' I . �� ir t 1. • � � S 217 . AiTAC1'IMEN'r p p/� ' ;��`� PLANNINO :f�EP0�T�1 � "l l . � : . ---'-�- . t011N OF PICKF.(IINO . MRC MIM� 9!fMIYlNI a�----- � . YVMJI I�M � � � M �, : M p M N � a � �. �. � � � � � � � LOCATION OF SUBJECT pROPCRTY �j� � '. 6LOCK 24 of 40M•1360 ��-� Q � ...�_q.4_Q__.._._. __ !10 A�TACHMENT M�T�-_��q¢ " - ' ' PLANNIN� REPORT N—!=L/ —7 REVI�Lb SITINC AND ARCIIITECI'UItAL UGSIGN 1'LANS METROPOLiTAN TORONTO f1AUlTAT FOR IIUMANITY �I . , ;. , a,., .�� ��.���� .•.„.�..' . ;..�:, ,-.,;:.�, ..;.. , ..� �. -... �; .'.--. ,�"_.' _� . .. A7TACHMENTN� T�9218 PLANNINO REPOR7 M REViSED SITING AND ARCII1TECfU1tAL DESIGN PLANS METROPOLITAN TORONTO }IABITAT FOR f1UMANITY � � � �i 1 �s � ��� � � � ,�! i � �i� �� ,� � � ��'�� �� r' �, V� !i, ;� �i� if