HomeMy WebLinkAboutPF 12/99. . 047 - ��� OR P� .. � REPORT TO COUNCIL FROM: Everott Buntsma DATE; September 13,1999 Director of Pnrks & Fncilities REPORT NUMBER: PF 12-99 SUBJECI': Community Centres & Fucilities - Don Beer Arena - Pro Shop Lcasing- Pickcring Hockay Associalionlncorporated - Filc # LS 1000 RECOMMENDATION: A bylaw ahould bc enacted lo authorizc thc execution of an Agrcemcnt pursuant to which Pickering Hockey Association Incorporated will opernte nn nrcna pro shop in the Dan Beer Sports Arenn Crom Septcmber 1,1999 to Apri130, 2004. ORIGIN: Approval of Dircctor of Pnrks & Recrcation. AUTHORITY: Communtry Recreafion Certfres Ac1, R.S.O. 1990, chaptcr C.22, s.2; Munlclpal Ac�, R.S.O. 1990, chaplcr M.45, scclion 191(I). FiNANCIAL IMPL[CAT[ONS: Rcvenucs: Seplember I, 1999 $ 2,500 September I, 2000 2,500 September I, 2001 2,500 September 1, 2002 2,500 September 1, 2003 2,500 512,500 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Not Applicable BACKGROUND; For the past seveml years thc Pickering Hockey Association (P.H.A.) has operated the pro shop nt the Don Beer Arena. Enactmcnt of the nttached draR by-Iaw wiil nuthorize the execution of tha Agrecment, which fortns Schedule A thereto. This Agreemcnt is in a fomt similar to those previously used for thc operetion of pro shopa und providcs for PHA's aperntion of the Don Beer Arcnu pro shop untii April 30, 2004, � 048 Reportlo Council PF 12-99 Subject: Don Beer Arcna — Pro Shop Leaaing Pickeri.ig Hockcy Association Incorpomtcd ATTACHMENTS: Datc: Seplcmbcr 13,1999 Page; 2 1. DraR by-Inw with proposed Don Beer Arena Pro Shop Agrecment attnchcd as Schedulc A. PREPARED BY: Leonard Hunlcr SuperintendentofFacilities 1 Copy: ChiefAdministmtiveOfficer Director of Financc & Trcasurcr Recommended for thc wnsidcration of Pickering Town Council � � i, Th mas J. Quin , Chicf Admin tivc y OCficcr APPROVED E erelt Buntsma Dircctor of Parks nnd Facilities �: ��; � ;:;, ,,.� r. i . 0�9 THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF PICKERMG , BY-LAW NO. I i Bcing r+ 6v-lativ 10 authorize lhe erecu�lon oj an Agrceme�rt wifh Ptckering Hockey AssocJa�fon : lncorporated jor the operaffon oj fhe Don Beer Arena Pro S6ap jronr Septenr6er 1, 1999 m April 30,1004. �VHERF.AS, pursuant to lhe provisions of the Cannuuiiry Recrea!lori Cenfres Act, R.S.O. 1990, chapter C.22, section 2, thc Council of The Corporation of the Town of Pickering enacted on February l, 1988, By-Law 2662/88, establishing certain facilitics including the Don Beer Sports Arena as Community Recrcation Centres to be operated by the Town in acwrdance with ihnt Act; and WHEREAS, pursuant to the provision of the Afiuiicipai Acr, R.S.O. 1990, chapler M.45, section l91(1) Ihe Council of thc Corporation of ihc Town of Pickering may enact a bylaw for, inter aliu, operating places of recreation and arenas; NOW THEREFORE, the Council of thc Corporation of thc Town of Pickcring HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. The Mayor and Clcrk nrc hcrcby authoriud lo esccutc an Agrecmcnt, in the form attached hcreto as Schedule A, between 'Chc Comoration of thc Town of Pickcring and Pickcring Hackcy Association fnco�poratcd, pursuant lo which Pickcring Hockcy Association Incorporated will operate un urenu pro shop in thc Don Bcer Spurts Arcna from Septcmbcr I, 1999 to April 30, 2004. BY•LAW read a first, second and third timc nnd finally passeJ Ihis 13'" day of September 1999. . � Wayne Arthurs, Mayor I i . .j . „ � � � � , . � � �i � . . . . . , . �. 8nice Tnylor. Cletk j : ,� i il �, � i I _ "j. �, �, , ,� �� I •� ��J� ; THIS AGREEMENT' mude Septembcr l, 1999 i i BETWEEN; � i f PICKERING HOCKEY ASSOCIATION INCORPORATED herein called the "PHA° OF THE FIRST PART, - nnd - THE CORPORAT(ON OF THE TOWN OF PICKERING herein called 1he "Town" OF THE SECOND PART. In considcralion of the tcrtns, covenants and conditions set out hcrcin, thc To�m and PHA agree as follows: L In ihis Agreement, the term, (a) "Arena Pro Shop" means a facility for thc supply, rent or salc of items and scrvices rclating to ice hockey, skatinb, figure skating and ringcttc; (b) "Dircctor" mcans ihc Town's Dircctor of Parks and Facilitics or any dcputy ihcrcof; and (c) "Don Beer Sports Arena" mcans dic Town•o�encd nvo•pad icc arena locatcd at 940 Dillingham RonJ, Pickcring. , 2. The Town hereby granls to PHA the right to operatc an Arcna Pro Shop at thc Don Bcer Sports Arena in space nllocatcd from time to timc for lhat purpose by ihe Direclor during Ihc monlhs of Septembcr to April, both inclusive, for a period beginning Scptember I, 1999 and ending April 30, 2004, herein called thc "tertn" of this Agrecment. ; 3. (I) i i2) PHA shall operate the Arena Pro Shop during the full tertn hercof, kecping it open to the public every day lherein, between, (a) 6:00 p.m. nnd 10:00 p.m., local time, Monday thraugh Friday, and (b) 8:00 a.m. and 9:00 p.m., local time, Seturday and Sunday, subject to alteration for holidays or other reasans only with the prior written appiov.al of the Directoc 'i Despite the provisions of subsection (1), in no event shall the Arena Pro 5hop be open before ' 7:00 a.m. or aRer 11:00 p.m., local time, on any day. �j I 4. (1) PHA shall supply all'equipment required for the operation of the Arcna Pro Shop nt its own expense, (2) `fhe Town ahail provide electricul power for the operation of the Arcna Pro Shop at its own � expense. I �� d �I ;. � �' . . . . . . . . . . . �51 (3) PHA shall pay all rcalty, business or other taxes or mtcs thut may.bc Icvicd ngainst p�c lands upon which the Don Deer Sporls Arenu is located, against thc Arcna Pro Shop or against PHA as : a rcsult of its opcmtion of the Arena Pro Shop. ' S. PHA shall comply wilh nli rcasanable slandards set by thc Director for the operalion nnd maintcnancc of � the Arena Pro Shop in kecping with the stnndazds set for Ihc operution nnd maintenancc of tha facility in which it is lowted. G. PHA shall be solely responsible for the Arena Pro Shop and thc mainlen�nce Ihereof, and for all persons and property ut m�y time Iherein; lhe Town shall not be linble for any loss, damage and injury, including loss of liCe, however occurring, unless caused or contributeJ to by the neglect or tlie default of Ihe Town. 7. PHA shall, nt its expcnse, aaange nnd maintain 51,000,000 of general linbilily insurancc indemnifying the Town from nnd against ail claims, demands, loss, costs, damages, actions, suits or other procccdings by whomsoever made, sustaincd, brought or prosccwcd in any manner based upon, occasioned by or attributabic to anything donc or omilted to bc donc by PHA in ils operation of Ihc Pro Shop. 8. For the right grantcd lo it hcrein, PHA shall pay to Ihe Tawn Ihc sum of S 12,500, payablc in equal ycarly installmcnts af 52,500 on, thc I sl of cach of Scptembcr, 1999, Ihc Ist of cach of Scptcmbcr, 2000, the 1 st of cach of Septem6er, 2001, Ihe Isl oCcach of September, 2002, Ihc Ist ofcach ofScptcmbcr, 2003 or as othenvisc may he satisfaclory to thc Director. 9. (I) (Z) (3) ': 10. (l) �2) This Agrccment shall expirc a! I I:00 p,m., local timc, on Apri130, 2004, Either PEIA or thc to�vn may terminate Ihis Agreemcnt prior to its expiry by gi�•ing 90 days wrilten notice to the othcr. Upon expiry or carlicr tcrtnination nf Ihis Agrccment, PHA shall ccasc ihe operation of Ihc Arcna Pro Shop and forthwith rcmovc its equipment, shclving and supplies tvithout causing any . inconvenicnce to lhe To�vn and without causing any damagc to thc Don Bcer Sports Arena. Any notice or application required to be given or made hcreunder shall ba given or made in writing and sent by prepnid first clazs mail or delivered to: . !he Town at: One The Esplannde, Pickering, Ontario LIV 6K7 Attention, Director of Pazks nnd Facilities PHA at: Mr. Stevc Morgan 693 Attwood Cres, Pickering,Ontario LIW3W4 Every notice or application given or made in accordancc hcrewilh shnll be deemed lo havo becn given or made on the second day uRer it is mailed ar personolly delivcred. I Thia Agreemcnt shall enuro to and ba binding upon the Porties hereto nnd is not assignable by li cither Pa�ly to eny other person, including nn unincorporated . �ocietion. j �� 2 ryj, . !1 " . ' ,05' ; IN �VITTIESS WHEREOF the Parties herein hnvc hereunto a�xed their respectivc wrporatc seals, attested to � by the hands of their proper uuthorized officers. S[GNED, SEALED & DELNERED THE CORPORAT[ON OF THE TOWN OF PICKERING Wayne Arihurs, Mnyor Brucc Taylor, Clerk PICKER[NG HOCKEY ASSOCIATION INCORPORATED Is'phapm�h1000 .. . .. . . . � .. . . . .' . . . .. .. . . . . i• i . ( � i '� 3 I� � __