HomeMy WebLinkAboutPF 001/9819 � �� � REPORT TO COUNCIL FROIN: Everett Buntama DATE: Jenunry 12,1998 Director of Perks & Facilities REPORT NO: PF OOl/98 SUBJECT: Application from West Rougc Canoe Club to use Bruce Hanscombe Park on Saturday, June 13th and June 14th, t 998 for the Pickering Dragon Boat Racc. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommrnded that Council approva thc rcquest of thc West Rouge Canoe Club to usc the Bruce Hunscombe Pnrk for ihe staging aren for the Dragon Boat Racc on June 13 & 14,1998. ORIGIN: Cortcspondcncc from West Rougc Canoc Club AiJTHORITY: Council Resolution FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: 1998 - Account 2718•2482 Approximatcly S2,000 for hydro and reCuse collection BACKGROUND: In 1997 the West Raugo Canoe Club hosted the first annual Dragon Boat Race on Frenchmen's Bay. This event waa held at Bruce Hanscombe Park and no complaints were received rogarding the avenl. Thia year tha Canoe Club ie again ra�uesdng a permit for Brucc Henscombe Park to opereto end host the 2nd Annual Pickering Dregon Boat Reccs, Tha Depertmrnt of Parke & Facililiea wiU work with tho Canoo Club end ensure there ie adcquata polica involvcmrnt and controlled parking, atc. �;` _ . << , 3i' yt x' - � ``'r r�. �,'. � ��� az�.-�'.t... ;,y . � •... -, . -' , . . � .. : " , ,. . , ,�: � �, � �Q �' � ` � . x . .. , , . . .. .- „� . . .- ...' .. , � _'1' RECOMMENDATION: ` That Council approvo tho request of ifie West Rougo Cenoe Club to uso` Bmce Hanscombe Park for the slaging urea for the Dragon Boat Races on lanuary 23 & 14, 1998. Everett Buntsme, N.P.D., C.M.M. Director of Parks & Facilities EB;mid ', _ , _� � ,: �:� $n •- 1 �> �� 5 �. -, a (,:. 4 � �«:E: 1 , _ . . . ., . . . , < , . .,. „ - ♦ . .� t e . _ . .. .. .. �e.i . , k 5 .:.� i . i': � �: ..� � , Weet Rouge Canoe Club % Dave Olkawa Bae. Phone (416} 4965906 Ree. @hone (416) 43&34i9 Town of Ptckedng One the Esplanede Pickering, Ontarlo . L1V 6K7 January 2,1998 AtbenHon: Mr. Everett Bu�tsma Parks Dear air: I hruet that you have enjoyed thts past Holtday Season and hope that you and your family will contlnue to enjoy health, happtness and prospedty all throughout1998. T'he West Rouge Cance Club would like again llke to host the Dre�onboat races on the waters of Frenchman's Bay in June of 1997. Much has happened tn 1997 since last years races and we would like to conHrm arrangemenb for ttils year if the Town approves. We would Ilke to plan for the event to be held over hvo days this year and those dates would be Saturday June 13� and Sunday Jnne 14�. We would IIke to hold the event agatn in Bruce Hanscombr Park. Last year there may have been a commitment made to move the festival over to the east shore but apparently the site over there will not be ready in tlme. Last year the event was very successful and no complainb were received. Naturally we expect to hoid community meeHngs and conHnue to build the communides suppoR for this evenG We would use the Bruce Hanscombe park site on the west shore of Frenchman's bay as the venue where factliHes would be tnstalled to provlde: • food and beverage concesstons includtng licensed areas for alcohol (wine & beer) • clothing sales concessions • display of corporate logo s of event sponsors • ins�llaHon of bemporery floatlng docks • stage for community ethnic cultural displays (dancing etr.) • etc. The West Rouge Canoe Club believes thts event will not only help the Club raise funds to rebulld il's clubhouse which burnt to the ground but will give Plckering �� � ,. � , �_ _ ,. , _ ,: . . , � :; - ;.. t,: t,. Y�";�j a ji t.' �R ..; � t � ��. r e . 'u.'t.!>...< ... .,.... . :��", �., ._ .. . � . . . ,. . .. , ,. ., .. . .._ ,.._ . ,. . �2 • '! r a world claas forum to promote the area and the community. In order to achleve thla we would Ilke to eolldt the Town'e support in the form of providing permib end eny services that the Town can arrenge euch sa hydro, plcntc benchee, washroom facilitles if poesible, slgnage eM. etc. In retum we tntend to co brand the event with the Tawn and a corporabe Sponsor and will acknowledge both as the mejor aponsore of the event ' I know that there wiU be many logtstical issues not covered here and that further correspondence and /or meeNnga will be required to sort out what we can or cannot do but it !s lmportant to quickly acqutre the permit in order that the planning may begin. It ts hoped that we can also arrange to speak to the organizer of the Frenchman's Bay Street FesHval and Hnd out if there is any possibllity of co-ordination of that festival during the same Hme period. We would certainly include them in any tiberature we may distribute. I thank you for your kind constderatlon of this request and hope that you can support our inlHative to help oursetves as well as an event that can hlghltght the Community of Pickering. I loak forward to speaking with yau further in Uus regard. Yours, truly � 1 I', � . Dave Otkawa -i � ,:. '_Y } S. -:�, t '�. ��: :` y.�i i ti } �� .. , . Y� ! i .. + �, ' �G . t .,j` iS _ r ' yi .�� , � . .� t � "ti.I i-�z C �F . � .- �£����*Y''a� e::n K� _.,i .1. ,i �` . .r. �� , � , i.. }t., i � sj� s ..-��. tS } ,.r, ,...; .1. , , � _ ' ,