HomeMy WebLinkAboutCAO 06/99, ; 2�
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FROM; Thomas J, Quinn DATE: luly 13, 1999
Chief Adminisvativc Officer
SUBJECT: Ontnrio Hydro Nuclear - Pickering Genemting Stotiun "A" Restart
- Manunl: Plckering'A"BaslsjorResfart
- Filc: CA 4300
I. That Report to Council CAO 06-99 rcgurding the proposed restarl of Pickcring "A" be
rcceived for infortnation.
2. Thnt the Ontario Powcr Gcncmtion (formcAy Onturio Hydro) bc rcquested to:
(i) kcep thc Town ndvised of all significant activitics and dcvclopmcnts relatcd to
thc rcstart of Pickering "A";
(ii) responJ expeditiously to ull yuestions and conccros rnised by the "fo�m, the
cummuniry and thc Atomic Encrgy Control Doard wnceming ihc rcstnrt of
Pickcring "A"; nnd
(iii) immediatcly initiatc the rcquircd environmenlal assessment under thc Canudlun
Environmenlal Assessmenl Acf with rcspect to the restarl of Pickering "A".
3. Thnt n copy of this Report bc fonvardcd to Qic Ontario Powcr Gcnemtion and the Atomic
Encrgy Control Dosud for thcir informntion.
The Ontario Pawer Gcnerntiom m�nual, Plrkering "A" Basls jor Reslan, wus received at the
April 14, 1999, Pickering / Oninrio Hydro Liaison Commiltee meeting. An upduled mnnunl,
Plckering "A"Bastsjor Retrnn fo Service, duted Muy 12, 1999, was subsequently provided to
lhe Town's Project Co•ordinator.
Municipal Act, R.S.O, 1990
Thcre ore no financial implications to thc Town associnted with ndopting qic rccommendntions
of this Report.
; � Repurt to Council CAO 06•99 Datc: July 13, 1999 3
Subjcct: Onturio Hydro Nuclear - Pickcring Genernting Station "A" Rcswrt
Report: PJckering "A"BasisforResfart
Pugc 2 of G
Ontario Power Genemtion (OPG) ha5 embnrked upan n majot projcet wilh Ihe intenl ta rcslnrl
the four Pickering "A" rcnclors beginning in the ycar 2000. Thc munual, Pickering "A" Uasls
jor Restarf, is the bnsis for OPG's work plan. Thc mnnual outlines thc "technicnl process" for
tha resturt activities. OPG has ulso initintcd somc public consulmtion relatcd to thc proposcd
At this time, the Town hav n number of questions with mgard to OPG's technical work and
consultntion process. It is rccommended thut OPG udvise ihe Town of all significant nctivities
relutcd to the restnrl of Pickering "A", respond to all issues nnd conccros raiscd by the Town, the
community and the Atomic Energy Control DoarJ (AGCD), nnd immedintely inilinte the requircd
environmentnl ussessment undcr thc fedeml EnvTrnnmenlal Assessmen� Acf.
Thc OPG rccently rcleaseJ a mnnunl entiticd Pickering "A" Basls jor Resfar! to the Town
through thc Pickcring / Ontnrio f►ydro Linison Committec. That munual (which is a summnry of
u lorger document) wns intcnded to providc the AGCB wilh a work plan, as a requiremcnl for
permission to resturt.
In 1998, the OPG Donrd of Dircclors approvcJ SSOM initial funding for pinnning purposcs
rclatcd to lhc restnri of Pickcring "A". Thcsc funds urc bcing spcnt by OPG on various initialives
including thc purchnsc of long Icad timc parts (c.g. candcnscrs and hcnt cxchangcrs); cnginccring
studies; hiring n project mnnngemcnt Icam; and dealing with regulalory nnd public affuirs issucs.
This Report to Council is divided inlo four sections.
In carly 1997, Ontario 1(yJro (now OPG), completed n comprehensivc study of its nucicar
opemtions. This study was callcd the "Intcgrated Indepcndent Pcrfortnancc AsscssmenP' (IIPA).
Its mnin purpose wns to identify syslem deficicncics. With the complclion of Ihis assessment,
Onlario Hydro Nucleur preparcd a work plan lo udJrcss thcse deficiencies.
A key element in lhis work pinn waa thc laying-up of thc Cour Pickering "A" rcactors at thc end
oC 1997 to concentrnte rcsources on Pickering "B". The rcstnrt of Pickering "A" was to be
evaluntcd ut a laicr dute. Resources werc devoted to thc "E3" side rcnctors to improvc snfcty,
product�vity nnd environmcntul impact on thc community.
In Seclions 9.1 und 9.2 of lhe curtent Pickering Nuclenr Gencmting Slntion "A" Opcmting
License, OPO is rcquircd ta mnkc opplicution to AECB lo undcrinkc u rcstart proccss. It is our
understanding that OPO requircs an amcndment to the current license to rcstart the four "A"
reactors (as opposed to n ncw licensc). In any event, thc process for obinining an nmenJmcnt to
the license in Ihis instance will involve two AECD Ronrd mectings, similur to AGCD's fortnal
relicensing process. This will ufl'onl the Town and the communily an opportuniry to Jirccdy
address tha AECB conceming the rcstart of Pickedng "A".
�; 4� RepoR to Council CA0 06•99 Dute: July 13,1999
Subject; Ontnrio Hydro Nuclenr - Pickering Gencrating Statian "A" Restari
Repod; Plckering "A"BasJs jor Reslan
Pagc 3 of 6
OP4 intends to muke an application to thc AECD for an amendment lo its licensc latcr Ihis yenr,
und (should the necessnry approvnis bc grantcd) is considering restarting the Pickering "A"
rcuctors beginning in the middle of the ycar 2000.
in preparation for restnrting Pickering "A", to dntc OPG have undcrtaken tlie fallowing technicnl
and public consultation work. [t should bc noted thnt OPG has advised thnt in the scope of work
planned, it inlends lo cansider all appmpriutc upgrades to safety und environmental issucs, and
will meet nll regulatory requirements and obligations. OPG nas also indicatcd thnt the restart of
Pickering "A" will help reduce grcenhouse guses by reducing dependence on coal fired and fossil
fucl plants.
1. Technicnl Work Undcrtaken To Date by OPG
• OPG complcted nn assessmcnt of iPs Nucicar Opemtions through the Intcgrutcd
Indcpendent Performnncc Assessmcnt (1IPA) in 1997, and developed a
comprchensive plan lo improve the performancc ofall thc nucicar facilitics.
• OPG complcled the process of luying up Pickering "A" side reactors aud focusing
resourccs on Pickering "D" side ;eactors to improvc their perfartnnnce.
• OPG prepared ancl rclenscd two reparts; Pickering 'A" Basls jor Restarl, und
Plcke►!ng "A"Basls jar Refurn !o Service': Other reporls w�: ering thc scopc of
work, schedules and cost cstimatcs nrc bcing prcparcd for OPG's Donrd of
• In Octobcr of 1998, S50 M funding was approvcd by OPG's E3onrd of Dirccrors
for Pickcring "A" restart planning aclivities. T'hcsc funJs hnvc bccn used by OPG
for various purposcs including prcliminnry planning und enginccring studics, thc
hiring of a projecl munagcment tcam, the developmcnt of cost cstimates, ordcring
long Icad timc parts (e.g, condcnsers and hent cxchangcrs) nnd considering
rcgulutory und public affnirs issucs.
• In June of 1999, OPG rcquested nnd rcceivcd un ndditional $18.6M in interim
funding to continuc the restArt nctivities for various matters including: continuing
the currcnt contracls for ordcring long lead time purts; the payment of snlnries of
requircd project personncl; and continuing the ongoing enginecring work being
undcriaken by AECL (Atomic Energy of Canada Limitcd).
• Whilc undertnking pinnning activities rcla;ed to the restart of Pickcring "A", OPG
is continuing lo perfortn nnnual "degrndation" lests on criticnl pnrts at Pickering
"D" und are upgrading muintenonce prnctices.
• OPG produced o preliminnry schedule lhat shows a,orojected date of June 2000
for thc restart of Unit Hl. This date is currently und:r rcview. Othcr units ure
scheduled to stnrtup ut 6 month intervnis following the �estnrt of the first unit.
. OPG reccived a Ielter duted May 14, 1999, from the AECB indicuting thnt nn
environmentnl assessment rclated to the restari oFPickering "A" will be neccssary
(sec Auachment # I j, A subscqucnt lettcr rcceived from thc AECD endorscd
OPd's pinnncd scopc of work outlincd in thc n�anunl Pickering "A" Bruis jor
Rufarf, March 16,1999, and discussed future submission rcquircments rcluted to
organimtional structurc nnd stnf(ing, nnd additional upgradcs (sce Attachmcnt
N 2).
Report to Council CAO 06-99 pate; July t3,1999
Subject: Ontario Hyd,o Nucleur - Pickcring Oenernting StaHon "A" Resteri
Report: Pickaing ' A"Basis jor Resfarl
Pege 4 of 6
• OPa sent p letter duted June 18,1999, to R. Leblanc, AECB, indicating a concem
with the their interpretation of n"projecP' under thc Canadlan Envtronmen�a!
Assessmen� Ac� (CEAA) and tha► "much of the planned work is expressly
exempted from environmental assessment" relnting to the Restnrt of Pickering
"A" (see Attnchtnent H 3).
2. Public Consultation Work Undertnken To Dnte bv OPG
• In the fall of 1998, Dob Strickert, Site Vice President, and Gene Prcston, Senior
Vice President, provided an update to Pickering Town Council on the on-going
uctivities and performnnce of the Pickering Nuclear Genemting Stntion.
• On April 14, 1999, Mike Willinms, General Mannger • Snfety und Licensing,
Pickering "A" Retum to Service, provided nn overview of the Pickering "A"
restnrt process to lhe Pickering / Ontnrio Hydro Liaison Committee. Two Town
representntives und n few membcrs of thc geneml public were in nucndnnce. At
thc June 9 meeting of ihc Liaison Commipce (in msponsc to thc Committce's
rcquest) OPG provided un overview of the North Amcrican power market
outlining some af the competitivc issues that necd to bc wnsidered by OPC as
pnrt of their resturt nctivilies.
• Between April 271h and May 12th, 1999, three public meelings werc held by the
Pickering Unilcd Church Ethics Group, to rcvicw thc Pickering "A" Restnrt
process from multiple perspectives and considcr its ethicnl implicalions. People
were invitcd to lhc mcetings through the local ncwspaper, und wcrc intcrviewed to
provide a cross section of the populntion. Thc group choscn wus compriscd of
nround 10 pcople. Mikc Willinms indicated Ihe process suggcstcd thcrc was u
Inek of curtent public informntion about the restart of "A". We understand n
rcport from thc Ethics Group hns been fonvnrded to OPG. Al this timc, OPG has
askcd thut thc report not lx rcleased publicly.
• On Junc 15, 1999, ihe first mceting of the Community Advisory Council (CAC)
was held. The CAC wus fortned by OPG following the completion of the work of
lhe 1998 Community Working Group. Terms of reCerence for thc CAC orc
currently being finnliud. It is expected thnt issues rclated to thc reswA of
Pickering "A" will be denit with at future meetings.
• In enrly June 1999, OPQ began providing public information abaut the resinrt
through the local newspaper.
� On the weekend of Juna 25 and 26, 1999, OPG had a public displuy nbout the
ResWrt of "A" ut the Pickering Town Centre.
• On July 6, 1999, Pat 0'Brien, Manoger Public Aff'nirs, provided an ovcrview of
the major events in the restart process at the second meeting of the Community
Advisory Council, OP(3 stafi also provided an updnte on environmentnl
monitoring thut included progrcss on somc of thc outstanding Cammunity
Working Oroup issues.
I. Technicul Work to be underlakcn bv OPd
• Sometime later this year, OPd will be rcquesting npprovni of npproximntcly
SBO�M fram its Bonrd of Dlrectora for the restart of Pickedng "A".
i�; s Report to Cowcil CAO 06-99 Datc: July 13, 1999
Subject: Ontorio Hydro Nuclenr - Pickcring denerndng Station "A" Restart
Report: Plckering "A"BruisjorRrslarf
I�age 5 of 6
• In the fall of 1999, OPG wili review and updnta the cost infortnation provided by
mechanical and electrical contmctors to present nccumtc cosls and provide a
vnriery of scheduling options for restart to its Bonrd of Directors,
• In lute summcr or early Tnll of 1999, OPG �rill mnke applicalion ta the AECD for
npproval to rcsinrt lhe four "A" renctors. Once OPG hns madc applicution, thc
Town may submit comments. (The AECO Doard mceting should happen nbout
six wceks afier lhe OPG npplication and the Town's submission would nced lo be
rcceived about two wceks prior to thc Board meeting.)
• In the fall of 1999, (or ubout two months after the AECB Doard meeting), OPG
will attcnd n second AECB ➢onrd mceting to mukc n final submission. Again thc
Town will be able to attend nnd submit n bricf. The AGCI3 will mnke its decision
in cumern aRer the meetinF.
• If approrals are gmntcd and work continucs to proceed on schcdule, OPG expccts
to rctum Unit I to service in mid year 2000. The exnct datcs of rcstarl are still
under review. Thc othcr units urc cxpcctcd to comc on line ut 6 month intervols.
2. �ublic Consultnlion Process to be undertnken hv OPG
OPG hns advised The Tawn thnt it has prepared n communication and public consullntion
stmtegy rclatcd lo the restart of the Pickcring "A" units. Thc strategy includes thc following
• Advising the Pickcring / Ontnrio Flydro Linison Commiticc about OPG's pinns to
address and resolvc thc 160 outstanding issucs of thc Community Working
• Providing regulnr quadcrly upclates to To�m of Pickcring Council.
• Issuing a brochurc nbout thc rcstnrt proccss to cnch community houschold in mid
July 1999. ('fhis brochurc was made available nt Ihc rccent display at the
Pickcring Town Ccntrc).
• Using the resturt process as n primary focus for both the Pickcring / Onlnrio
Hydro Linison Committee nnd the rccenlly estnblished Community Advisory
• Providing information sessions to Regional Council nnd other locnl councils (such
av the Town of Ajaac).
1. Technicnl Process
• Although the Monuni, Plckering "A"BasJs for Resfan, is vcry comprehensive,
OPd should clurify how it intcnds to bring Ihc plant up to and mnintain mquircd
firc nnd snfcry standurds. Thc Town nccds to bc assured that nll criticol rcnctor
pnrts that could bc ullccted by aging huve been identificd, nnd approprialc
artangements hnvc bcem m�de for thcir upgrading or rcplaccmcnt,
• With staff bcing removed from Pickcring "A" to rcpnir und improve thc
productivity of Pickodng "B", OP(f sh�uld cladfy how Il intcnds to obtain, rccruit
Report to Cowcil CAO 06•99 ;' Detc: July 13,1999 !
Subject: Ontario Hydro Nuclear = Pickering denernting Station "A" Restart
Report: Plckering "A"BrulsjoiRafa►t
' Pugc 6 of G
und train adequate technical staff to snfely opernte the Pickering "A" side units if
nnd when they begin to retum them to service. OP4 shauld also clarify haw it
intends to reduce lha potential risk of mcchnnical failure through its smff training
• OPG should nlso provide full infomiation on the economic, socinl and
environmentnl bcnefits ond costs of returning Pickering "A" to scrvice, through
the complclion of lhc �equired environmental assessmcnt.
2, Public Consullation Proccss
• OPG hns an obligation to consult the Town nnd the community in an effective and
on-going mnnner on the resturt process. To dnte, insufficient infortnotion has
been made uvailable on the proccss nnd rcquircments for rcstnrting Pickering "A".
Public consulmtion effods must be significanUy improvcJ by OPG.
• To ensure ndequale public consullntion, OPG should scriously revisit ils limetable
for restnrt. Vnrious issucs rclaled to Ihe operating of Ihe existiug pinnt that have
becn identificd through ihc 1998 Communiry 1Vorking Group proccss nceJ to bc
addresscJ prior to restnrling Pickering "A". As wcll, lhc input of the Pickcring /
Ontnrio Hydro Liaison Committcc nnd ihc rccently establishcJ Community
Advisory Council shoulJ be sought on rcsturt activitics before finalizing the
restart schedulc. Thc input of thesc two groups should nlso be sought in
devcloping thc public consultalion proccss.
1. Letter of Mny 14,1999, lo Dob Strickcrt from R. Lcbinnc, AECD. (2 pages)
2. Lcttcr of Junc 9,1999, to Dob Strickcrl from R. Lcblanc, A8CI3. (3 puges)
3. Letter ofJunc I8, 1999, from Cnrl Andognini to R. Lcbinnc, AGCD. (3 puges)
Director of Corpornte Projecls nnd Policy
Approved / Endorsed Dy:
h mus !. Q . m, —
Chief Admimstrntivc OtTiccr
Recommended far the considerntion of Pickering
Town Council
. ,� �
mas J. mn, CI 'Admu h tivc Offi cr
Htcu ri��tKU��: . , i�:yu5-ust-��uae
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�*i� 6� commMdon a conua.
comra a. rMorple aomqi.
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nin�rltx�t� of Reaatoe R�ul1tlotl
JUII 'L1'yy lo:�a f�u.uuo r.ul
Atlachment # 1
rm w wn wrre�
w a rr� riw.,.
Mry f�,1499 �ai��ao
Mr. Ar. ahiakon
61to Vbe Pn�id�at
Pkkcrtng Nuclau
Odulo powa deact�tion
Pidcarin�, Oat�rio
8ub}eetr Appltatlon af C�n�dl�■ trv{roement�t A�uumal Aet to
Pkkerins NC�A lie�rf
UowMr. 8lrickpl:
On Miuch 26, IG99, yoa lndicded your fntent to �pq1y kla thia yeu for paminbn to
rea�n Pick.ring NOS•A �� �aA nqueued IAu we iddluro out vlew ottho �cope of
xork neceesnry tn orda (or nelwt to bo �pproved. Thl� b�o inlb�myou of A�
d�Q9 vlaw rcguding how 1he Canadi�n 8nv4onm�nt� Au���m�M Aet (CBM)
pandn� to yrow upwmlap �ppGatton.
The rcgul�tory mecTw�lbn W pamlt m�iert o[Plchuing NdS•A wi4 ba tn rncndmem
to Power Aeeetar OperMingUcanu 4I99, foMwing y��elnr.ea bedon the Atomlo
C.�nrot Ba�d (n �cCad�nce wfth Re�utUory ppllpy p.76 � or bdb�e the
' CoM ��n Nuolar 3dely Commiulon ln ucotd�na.with iu Etuia o[Pracdura
Slnce thi uncndm�at wiN 6v btued pureuuq to eubaoqon 27(i) o�tlic Atamla Ep.ryy
Conitd Regui►dow, thi� wlil trlggu en envlromnnKQ �w�uncM vi� �he L�Ni t�1
Ite�ululon� otCBAA, Tho ptoclam�dm of th� NSCA uid ��cprcicd abrequMt
rov(sion of t{u i�yu4tion� ur,der ttN CFJ+A ue not eapocted to chuigo the Ikmco
Amendmer�t beias � I;HAA "ld�r",
You wltl thentbn be required �o paform m eavironmentnl �aeMment, Onco you fuve
epplied ibr the Iba�c� unendment or h�ve provlded u� whh � praJrot dacripdon, ws
wlll ndNao you w w Un rryutrod icope ofthe endronma+ul ufoament, In ooneult�do�
Gana,da F�aNkooCK pIAW)66N
t0'd S00'otl LisyS 66�b1 �ltfN 9605566f19:t1T N7'11�a^�u
.N6, ' ID�905-831-9849 ' Jun zi'yy ►o��o nu.vua
wu. na� ONN�PI. . . •. �. � . . � �. MRy �+� ��
ti�1401�ML�R� AIUb01bi1�. ilUdEf C8� �� QtC�IOt 1{ ppR d11if� �I NI�
Ccup��nauiw B�udyr.h� 1U�,+iuwuti ay roquir«wrM w Ibr..oroara� �ama;.
w� u�idptt� p�pt►wdon wfl lMd 10 tho doqrm4►�don �t ��oie�riq
)t. l
Power Raaa Oyaaiaa nlvidon
aa: C,Ci. �AidclPdid (�P(�
8, M�cT�vl�h (OP�
M. Tpdpr
A. Now�ck
I� Ch�tn�cy
a. r.�«.
a. nr�,re
p. wobaer
1, Utfu from Ra. Strtdcerl to C.B, Aereani,'Tkl�ering A• H�d� kr Rettart
, Doatwent', Mudi 26,1999.
z. Re�lnory Polby P•76,'�POUr� uid Proo�durc� for M�king eubm{►�lone ;nd
ApparmCa Heforo Ihe Atomic Bna4y Conud Doerd".
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01•1ue•Q 01.12u. 1rar11pRAlAG A tAFtTY AND LIUMSINE 10!IfiflU 1•OU 1.02 FI01
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Dircctonto o[Re�cror Reguluion
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1�wo 9� t999 26•ba-0.0
Mr. Rb Ihiekat
Stte Vke.Pmident
Onurlo Power CrnrnUon ..
Plckain�, Onluio
• LIV21tS
3ubjett: Pieiurin� NCS•A 6ai� for Return to Seniee
Dear htr Suickut:
On Much 2G,1999 aod May 12,1999 �'.n, you indiuud your intau w mum Plckc�ing NGS•A to
saviu� �tutG� in 2000, md ukcd thet �he AECR rndonc ihc plenned uopo of wak 7tii� lella
auu�ca that rcquaR Yau uked Uut 16a AECB micw �hc wbmbttonf md rapond on Uvco
po(nb,twoo[ufiichoroeruweredbelaw,. We+rc�till�w.itinpyoorn,bmtatonon�hothirdpdnt,
that a[aPW�'�S Work bryond the nurwdy approvcd swpe, whieh it ew�tAng yat tuymla�lon en
. Yourorganl�ationnl qnichue oad ailntmuru mQcamplcmcnt
On tM: fioe poln4 yuu luvc uked w to tonlirtn �hat the work d�scn'Ixd �dequately �ddrcaxa
AECH nulTaxpettuiona °^ Nd would bo �uRictuu �or AECB staftw rccowuu�d epp��l of
tho murn w�rnkc of Pickuine NGS•A�
AECD st�ffha� puCwmcd �n o�sessnxat ol�be work which tt coruidm lo bo qxud�l be[oto
reslut, tnd 6a� eomDued iMe resullr oldds wilh dx anulvum� W!te[am�a 2, Wo find thu your
ptanned sope of uwk � compreLauivq and d�at U�«e b m�tendN ��reanrnt on �he
Improvuiunb tequired (n arem impertaat fo �akty, IhaCh in mury wa thc �paiRq �llll need W
be rcsoivad. Wc will diuvse thpo easa wi�h yrou in tLe �hort tum to enH,R t�at o,a
• iu�daswnding of whot you arc doing b eomet �nd thu Iheso w;ll aat baane tmpedGnmu a our
mnWng a positive rccoromend�Uaa ta tho Buard on Uic rcaurt Among Uw morc Importont itrnu,
we w1i wish to disau», ue Iha �attwmp"eiiddcs �nd �he cae diuhargc montton tivhuc we
eoneidu lhe inetellvUon �hould not be "independent of rewm W urv:;n",.
: � Canad,Q, fwqMCOpe�N• �nN199S,006
ZO'd 500'oN VL�CI 66�60 NOf 60D0/ti5ST9a�T . u»��a��u
.. 11cJun-II OIiUu Fror11CKI11AG � lAfETY A11D Utt'IfIMG 10lU11111 .. T-Oq 1.01 ►•101
• :, : 11
Mr. A.l. SMaktrt .1. June 9,1999
Hw�.wer. �hac ao thra Ncai wherc ycu do not praenUy inknd m milu im
rut�rt. 71wa ne pzy whu� Nickpiny NGS�A doa not mut cwrmt safeq pro ��u� �wya�
tke aidind mquim�oh ero nol ruistiaoryu�. AECA �mfttheRWro belicva thu cpN�da uo .
ta4uimd• 'Ifio ae� �
i) Implement mpnuring chmyes to rcduec U�o �f�piiQcuree otlhc dependauy bqwcrn
: �aB�i' woLn� ralreulatian ud tla modaator ryrtaa W the sevas eae dami�e
�nT��P� �t indicaad lry the Pickaina NGS•A riik wasmuu;
� Cwunit W mtttiny aa wiav�lopility tu`ct for ECCS md Cont�turnait of 1 x 10� a/g or
jwNfy the uoeptabliry of lhoprcsrnt t�rgcr
Iip 1n,caU m4rautoe me�,urG� ror hydro�cn in ihu qlmd,W „utc '
Proridcd thue ttsuc� erc oddre.+:ed adequ�kly prtor W rcatert, md Drovtdcd en ucrylahk ..
raolnUon u rauhcd on tGe deteile ofUx pre•rateh eommiomc¢t� in Re(etrnee 1, �F�g �qrc,�p
no lmpedimrnt b reeoe�ntind'�ng to ar Bavd fiat rc.�tut of PlckaingNGS-A be epproved,
On Ihe tuond point, yeu Aave aektd w to toofimi lhot the ovaall GcaisL�Q piw �ad schedulo it
►n preyuing our rc•Ikayine p�a+. wc hm arsumed Ihet wo wiU rcQuiro the fomul �pplKaAon �nd
�upporting Gdartnalion to ba submilted by culy Novem6a,1999, wiU� e vicw a h.�ing etb GuUd
Conildax�ion 6MD prcp��cd by late Dcccmbcr,1779, fa presauatian to our Boxd in Jmuay,
2000, Tpe 8M0 will coaa;a 4ah e rcrkw otdu fom+at applicuia� nr,d � ��,nm,ry of AL+CB
eufC� rcv(eut ofyont progrca� In Implcmentiay t�e improvemrnt� yeing nted� �t Alckcring NGS•
• A� llro Dcci�(on 9MD M'U be preunkd a ow Boerd in Mueh, 200O3
Allhou�u we wid m�ke evcry ctrort to rcview In a Wn�lym�nncr yo;u Uewing iubmiuion end Ihe
improvcmaw ya erc miking to the mUtrial madition ond praaser, we cannat guuantee dut we
wiU mch t�eti�Letay eonclufion euch tlwt d�e rcdiunrinY BMDe un bo prap�red in ucordmce
�'^� � p�oPa�d ahedule, Tho projmted period mry not be odequelc for w ro pitp�rc !hc
BMD�, fineo it Is pw�tbk tha� fiutlttr work will bo W�ntificd w reqoired, wlueh wili Jeley ihe ,
r.lum to iavice,
Putlha, whrn theNSCA is praelelmtd, �hi� wi�l fmpocl on au }luutioning in vny� which �ro nat
yct eiwr, h p pafibla th�t thi�, �nd Ihc rimina olncxt y�yr'� BoudlCommiuion meqing�, �yill
laro m imp�u aa Iho rcdicen�in; plan.
kollowtng your Bo,vd Mee�tn� on !we 22,1999, wa will be in touch to d�a�i Ilcthcr �he
P�apwed uope and ��ule with Hm inttnl of miolvGi� dw �6ovrmmUoncd iuup in + Umely
£0'd 500'oN VL�Ct 66�60 Nf1C Fnnn�nacro•nr ,.......�--„
� �� 11t-Jumll .:�61a. Fra-PICItEI11NC � lAFETY MD UCENfINC IOIp1fl0 T-Ofl P.01 F•101
! ,�� -i �'
Mr. R.l. Stdekect . 7. luno 9, 1999
We olso wiih to nmind you thu wc uil! �wdt � rcepmu� m Uw Qod ium in Aalarnca 4, nun��y
tde potauf4 ac�ufv pxss af the rcstori at Uu tmplenwuatiw of i6c (fP ieiitl�llva �t yvur
othauudeu�ena asutfon�,
9inc Y�
R Leh
Ditacoc, Pawet AceerorOprntion Divi�ai
ca: G.C. Ando�nini • OPG
C, 7obc • OPG
R Bouchcr • Of ��
• C�B. P+nmu • AECB•Piekering
1, Lclkr,Rl.5�del�atroC.B.Ponw,"PiekuinrA•B�ri�faRatenDoctKfent",March
�. Lelur, A.1. SuitkeA lo C.B Panom, "Pickaina A• AuLt tu Retum to Saviw, Revision
!", M�y 17, l9'M.
3. Lcttcr,l,D, Horvlc Io G C. AnAo�ini, "LicaurngufPitl�crin; NGS•A �nd BmcaNGS-
A", July 30,1991.
4, Lette,l.D. Harvia W G,C. Ando�nini, "Licensin` req�iirancnb (a Renun ro Savix of
Pickerias•A NGS", Febtu�ry 1, �99�•
b0'd 500`oN SL�Ct 66�60 NfiC 6000LV6£T9:QI
•,� .
,;o�niia� �a:61 PAI 11160206i2 o,rr,��o vm�aa csxea,�rtav
Attachment # 3
0� Ifl11�oPOWE� . o�C�dAadoonial
Oatudn Ya �nddeM td Chf11 Nudu� plROp
�oouo►r«*yar.ou. rma�,aaura ►aatxe r.rtnns�� v,�ivacn•� uur,r��iefem�ur
June 18,199�
FlI�: N�00691 P
CD� N�CORR�o0931�00388
Dlroelor, Poiw�r Reeaa Opmntlone DMeion
Atomio 6�erpy CoNtd Board
zeo Sl.ter 8trut
OCsvr�, Or�Mrb
K1 P 568
D�er Mr. L�hYna
Appl►catlon af Onnadlan �nvl�onmenW A.eesanad Acc tn RetumTnp
Pisk�rina A to 9orvlas
We how recdved your leltar of May 14,18D9 (Releranee 1) statlng yrour
�ayukrmaK tlwt Ortauto Powar Qenue�On {wrfarm en envk�onmantal eeeesimmt
urcJa Iho C�r�n F,rMronmeNnl Aaseaement Act (CEAA) M ws nn to be
perinAtW Eo ntum Pkkerinp A Eo a�Mce.
Wa fad not intmdad b eppy tw a kenw em�ndment m permft OPO to enrt up
dw reactan. We have �esabed In •PldcerMp A-8eaia tor p�m !0 8orvk�'
(dtadwd to Rdarsnce� 2 and 3) tlu waic we plan b do 6afon starting up N� Ika
tnlL Tho eeme downent deaabe� our Intendad achedile ot work ond Ilanainp
�dMtlu. We k�teoQ-0o apaift t+tor thle yeutoraaprovol.�urxdler I� �t �
Y.t (Rafaana aj, to felce ihi Oat raactor ou� af iia
dl leq�ked t�atk h canql�0e. Undar fhls ttceneo ootMtdon tha AECB cauld prant
OpDrova4 oMf tlN e0rmelprocoso IaadG�p to n BoaN dtclalan. Thls pfoo�li
Indudel oontldsrRtlon of Iho afl�cb on tl�� onvlronment sna provbdes the pu6�a
wAh s fuN opp�orhr�lty to rovlow the documentetlm s�bmittod ind meke
t�minione et an AECB pubRo headnp.
w�.n oaw.nbd �bout your tnte�peladon d cEM. Net�hK the wak we a�
plun►np W dor muoh o( k intend�d !o Improw emh�rmontal and whry
p�rfartrnc�, nar Ihe eat d�Eenfnp up a Ilanad ope�atlonei reacta, whlah b
psdorm�d rnmarare tlmea pa yev In CuuOq woWd bs Int�preted ae a'pro�u!'
und�r tl+� AcL ThM(aa, the pncondttlwu tor reqWk�Q m enrhanme�ul
o�anwm undK th� Act �ro not md. In �ddltbn, m�h ot tho plannod wo�c b
�ra �d ham aMronrtronW aooaewna+l TM /iot i�, 61 �ny w�nt, rot
b�Id prr1064 rwd�u Maotor� �l hm !at u11d�Noh� m�Jw
d L00'�N 9LtS� 66�£i Nf1C 6b86-I£8-506t0I 9NIa3HJId 8J3U
, ';
.. ..•�• a+.ua w�a�ar�oove � uttlANlU POWHA GBNBRAT[08 ' Im007
lA�. R. Lobluro -2• Juns 19, 7 999
We �ndoa�, ea Atmchnant 1, en opinlan han an oubide lew flrm ihet aupporp
arr! a}abonta on Ihis poetdon.
We abo noto oecnco cabltbn A.B.s of th. prcvloua aperadn9 ncenos
(Relenna 6j� wld�� requlrod tMat OPQ produa a report TMe ropott Indudad:
'.» en kianUrtcaHon u►d iurmury doscrlptlon ot pu61� IntarmnNan and
canart�qon propnuM� fndudnp arry rxanmandatlone fa ehan�w to thoso
Proprms, enci rolaEed t�oUvGiea Ipvotvinp the we M IndeperWoni �,�eitlep,,,
`.,.a stmnuy twMw of Ihe p,wt and art�nt anvlrormental perfortnarxa of the
'� wnmery reNaw of �p�dfla rnNronmer�ta! Aeuee erlatnp kan paut
aperatlor+e et dw m,dau fac�'dy...
". reoomm�tlona for additlorwl seuaemont etud{ee and (or improvemenW m
nd�t�y envkorune�l progrema ..:
M En+Aramentel FioNew R�poH and an ErrAronma�W Actlon Plan (Referoncea E
and � wore prod�ced W fuNll Icerxe oondtlon A,B,6. Th� EnvironmenW A�ctlon
Ptu� N now belnp Implame�ted In.ddlUon, vro era tnderfaldrg en Ecolopical Walc
Aea�eomentprojeet fa tha PldceAnp alte (n nepa�e to la�ua reisod In Ihe
Frnfrom�enW RMow. We ero eurtently dlsainNnp tl�e teane d roforenee witl�
yau �ml'1.
91nee we new r.c�ntly mnpleted e nara,gl, ►wt.w a.nvtrarna�w aauer N�wrtam
b Pldwf�p�v�ol don0lad�rotand NArtGneA mlphtrKURhom ufolhar
erhratn�nYl wawrtww W� k�dui�d tlw oanrtrrY�r h QtM nvlew, ond are
6tplemerdnp tl�e � eAslrg fran Ihe ret�ew.
Ws have no canam npardinp tlro oupcome of aiothx onvimnrt�antal ass�sement
Wr ooraam N tlwt �ho AECB F�as mtsintwprdod CENL and tlut an �rnlronnanml
ntNlernenl 16 not rlqtirod und�r q�s Ad. P�tfamN�p a� otaasdmont eald wl �n
trn�okoma pno�d�n4 re9ulfiB a lorgtlnl onNrarr�dal nvl�► at tha end d oUw
lonp otlepa belaro Cw nactor cauid be �aturtiW b earvbe. Thb would •
naedeury duplk.afe revfows Ihat Ihe AiEGB �Iroady hae the power to requiro at
ary dme, Indep�nda�t of the operadonel stab of the reacton.
£0'd Z00'oN LS:SI 66�£L Nllf 6b86-[£8-SO6:OI 9NI?13��id 9J3tl
;.���-��.- . ,
. . . ..� .�...�.... �r����w�u �u�lYd YW�LM{��.� • WVY�
NO'. R. Uh►u+o -�- June 1b, � e99
W� �n roq�� b moatwNh you,yar kDal �1M, or repreaentativw d ihe
hM1�SMw of Em�tormeM a Nuural p�eoure�e. Pbaee ca�d Mr. Cactic Jobe
Adtnq Yk�PresWaM, Royulatory Maln at (a1A) 8B2�sn4, ta am�npe a maaUnp,
Youn fnly,
. , �. Gul MdoQJN � .
F�ncutlMr Vlo�-Pneldent d
tfiN1 t�uc�e�l OMcer
Attoch �
ca Or. 0. B. Panona AEC9 -(Pkkadng)
Rete�enux .
' 1. AECB L�tbr tran R� l,bluio ro a J. strldcat •!�ppQa�tlon d Cana��n
ErrvUairn�nW Ass��emrnt Act to PldceMp NC�S•A RNtarf, MaY t4,1000.
2 OHN LeGx irom Fi. J. Strkketl to G 0. Pnan., `Pidarinp A— Baela far
Rsnert Doaunwnr, )Aarch 28,1 Bse. C0� P�1JA44�CORR�oosJ1�o0612
. ' s. OHN l.ett�er Awn R. d 8lridceA to C. B. Pmoon�'PkAcwfrq A— Ba9b for
RNUm lo B�tvioe DowneM, RaNdon 1', M�y 12,1090,
f:D! P�iA4�l-COAR-006,71 �00020,
4. Nudear Powr Fioador Operatlrq lkanoa� PkkorMtp Nudear Oa�eraUnp .
Stettat 11, PROt, U88, (vapd hom AprG 1,1899 to Merch 91, 2001).
6. Nudar Powe► Racta Op�rodng Lkxx,e, Pkksrtip Nudw Qenemdnp
etuJon A, PROL 4,t108, (wNd hom Apol 1,19AB to FRerch �1,1�9).
0. OHN INt�rhom fl. J. Stridart to C, B. Peroone, `Submi�lon of Ir�ametlon on •
ErnArorwnentd Pmt�ctlon Polkioa and Progra�W', Novamb�r 13,1098,
• COrP�CORR-aos31�o07i3,
7. OHN N�u froni H. J. BMolurl to C, B, p�mm�,'Suhmbalrm d Pldurinq
D�hGod Bchedule lor th� Emkotrnencal Actlon Plan'. Much 1�,1�0,
CDN RCORR�00531�00441.
� .
VO'd Z00'oN LL:SS 66,£i NfIC 6b86-t£e-506�QI 9NI213HJId BJ3ti