HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 012/98!'��' �' : ± ���..� '� � ;t ,: ' �O,�d OF p , � � � .. �; � REPORT TO COUNCIL FROM: Penny [.. Wyger DATG: Merch 9, 1998 Town Solicitor REPORTNUMDER: L012/98 SUBIEC7': Strcct Name Changc - Bnyviaw Avenue to Bnyview Strcet - Our File: W230637 RFCOMMENDATION: A by-law should bc enncted to chnngc the name of thc following strcet to rcilect Ihc cxisting signugc: Le¢al Strcet Name F:sistinc Strecl Nnmc Boyview Aveaue Dnyvicw Slrecl ORIGIN: Rcqucst Gom I'lunning Dcpurtment. AUTFIORI71': MnnJcipulAcf, R.S.O. 1990, chnplcr M.AS, section 210.1 I I. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: Cost to registcr 6ylaw. 550.00 BACKGROUND: It has been determined thut a discrcpnncy exisk� betwcen the Town's administrative records, Ihe Icgal records rctaincd at thc Registry Of(ice and the actuel signogc idcnlifying the namc of the above•noted slrccl. Administretively and legally the �ecords identify the sircet es E3ayview Avenue. The signage currently in pincc I identifics the strect ns Oayview SlreeL In an effort to rcctify tltc situalion in a manncr thnt would bc af minimal I cost to the Town and would not affect thc residents fronting thercon, it is recommended thnl Ihe administrntivc and legal rewrds be umendcd to reflect Ihe neme on thc strcet sign. Although ihe chnnge in the name is minor in neturc, ihe Municipal Act rcquires that ihe strect name chanding process be effected in its cntircry. Notice of this change has been advertised in ihe newspupers for four consecutive weeks, bcing Mrreh 17th, 24th and 31st end April 71h, 1998. Enactment nnd rcgislmlion of Ihe ettached by-law will clear•up any further discrepancy in this regard. ATTACHMENTS: I. Location mepping. 2. Dralt by-law. � — DB Penny L. Anachments . Copy: Fire Prevention OlTiccr Development CoNroI Supervlsor Operetione Supervtsor Traffic and Wasta Menegement Coordinaror I � � � . �" ,. . .. .,,t,.. . ,.. . ...... . . . '...� ..r.� • - � - � , NTr�Mer�r��.., r�,,�.ePOaral�ia� � THE CORPORATION OF TH8 TOWN OF PICKERINd BY•LAW N0, Befng a by-law lo change the name oja cerlaln alreel, ar • portlorurhereoj(BayvlewSrreel). WHEREAS pursuant lo section 210.1 I 1 of the Munklpol Acl, R.S.O. 1990, chapler M.45, the council of a local municipaliry may pnss bylews for giving names to or changing the names af highways on public property; NOW THEREFORE, ihe Council of The Corporation of Ihe Town of Pickering IiEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: I. Bayvicw Avcnue, Plan M-17, Pickcring is hcreby rcnamed Dayview Street. BY•LAW rcad a first, sccond nnd third timc mid finally pasud ihis 20th dny of April, 1998. TOYJN OF PI^l;�A�1:0 f �' r ue LEl3q� Oc"?T. �» Weync Anhurs, h1nyor Druce Taylor, Clcrk