HomeMy WebLinkAboutCS 04/00.' iy. . . .. . . � . .. . " . ��� oFP,�„� o� s � ��� ���� REPORT TO COUNCIL FROM: Gillis A. Pnterson DATE: February 14, Z000 Director, Corpomte Services & Treasurer REPORT NUMBER: CS 04•00 SUB]EC'C; Scction 442 of the Municipal Act — Adjustments to Taxes RECOMMENDATION: That Report CS O4-00 be reccived nnd that the Directo:, Corporatc Services & Treasurer be authorized to write-otT taaces due to fire, Jemonition, clerical crror, exemption and s4ssessment change as providcd undcr Section 442 of the Municipal Act. ORIGIN: Direcror, Corporate Scrvices & Treasurcr AUTHORITY: The Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1990, as amenJcd, Scction 442. F[NANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: If approved, thc writc-off of taxcs as conmined in this report represents a goss cost of $496,G67.15, with a net cost of approximatcly 55,595.00, the balancc bcing churged back to the Region of Durham and thc School Boazds. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Not applicable. BACKGROUND: Of the $496,6b7.15 being written off, $459,331.79 nra attributable to Ontario Hydro and Public Warks Canuda und are being removed from the tux system nnd being ndded lo the Payments-in- licu, therefore there is no loss of revenue from these properties. Business tnxes in the amount of $6,903.83 owing from 1997 hnve bccn rctumed by our BniliCf as uncollecteble as they ere no longer in business in the City and must thercfore be written off. : he remainder of reductions nre due to demolition, scll to City, or Assessment clerical crrors due to incorrect effective dates or incorrect assessments as provided for under Section 442 of the Municipal Act. ' .� [�Q� T 4 � `.•�x . �. `.�� . , . , . . - - � . . . , .. . ✓-��Rf.. SS'�ee.�.itiR'4 ,' r..#�i �.y,. . e . . . , t. N�: �. . . . �. 'O 1 G' Report to council Cs o4-00 � Dutc: Feburary 14, 2000 Subject: Section 442 of tha Municipal Act - Adjuslment lo Taxes Page 2 ATTACHMENTS: 1. , Section 442 Adjustments to Tuxes dated Februury 14, 2000 Preparcd By: i' Marlen Van Riesen Coordinutor, Taxation Services GP:vw Attuchment Recommended for ►he considerotion of Pickering City Council . r� i o— v. � cvd T omas 1. u n, Chief Admini tivc iTiccr Approved / Endorsed By: illis A. Puterson Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer ..�,, , , f• 7 ; i':' Y +�� : A. r 1 ,. d '��� �� L � � 1 � ,�.) L �. ......, . � ... >. k. .. , +._. ,s.... . . . �. . .. .. ... . .. � � ' . . 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