HomeMy WebLinkAboutFIN 27/99. } . . � .. . . . . � ,. � �i . . . .. . _ . . . . 5i . . � �aOFp� . .. . . . . . � ~ REPORT TO COUNCIL FROM: Gillis A. Patcrson DATE: November I, 1999 Direclor of Finance & Trcasurcr REPORTNUMBER: F1N27-99 SUBJECI': 1999 Properly Tux Billing for Commercial, Induslriul & Multi-Residenlial Propcdies (Bi1179) RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that Report FIN 27199 bc receivcd nnd ihaL• 1. the Dircctor of Finance and Trcasurcr bc aWhorizeJ to issuc the 1999 Tnx Dills for commcrciol, industiial anJ mulli-residcntiol propertics with a duc dutc of Dcccmber 15, 1999; 2, thc Dircctor of Finance & Trcasurcr bc authoriacd to makc any chnngcs or undcAakc any nctions ncccssary, including allcring thc duc datc, in ordcr to cnsure thc tax billing proccss is completed; 3. the necessnry By-Law attachcd lo Ihis report bc rcad thrcc times and approved; and, 4. thc nppropriatc slaff of thc Town of Pickcring bc givcn authority to givc cffccl thcrcto. ORIGIN: Director of Financc & Trcasurcr AUTHORITY: Tha Municipal Act R.S.0.1990, as amendcd, and Regulations. The Assessment Act, R.S.0.1990, as amended nnd Regulations, : The Education Act, R.S.O. 1990, ns nmendcd und Regulations. , FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS; The attnched By-law is for the billing of propcAy tnxcs for commcrcial, industrinl and multi- residential properties. Taxation billing wns delayed due to pcnding finul information from Ihc ` Provincc of Ontario, Thia billing will ruisc npproximutcly 54,2 million in property tnxcs for Town purposea, S6.9 million on behalf of thc Region of Durhwn nnd $15,7 million on bchalf of the School Boards. 1; '+ f.� .. . � ' � .. ' . . . . . � ., �. . .. . �� .. .. . �. ... � . .. ,. . . .. . .. , .. =f, — ,�` r. 52 ,ReporttoCouncil FIN27-99 Uulc: Nuvcmberl, i999 SubjceL• 1999 Taxation Billing for Commerciul, ]ndustrial & Multi•msidcntinl Propartics (Bill 79) Pege 2 On December 15, 1999, the Town of Pickering hns to remit npproximntely $B.G million to thc various achoo! boards. The selection of the December I S due dute, will assist in the menagement of the Town's cashflow. The Town hes ulready mada purtial paymenls of approximately $11.9 million to tha School Boards for the Bill 79 ranity classcs. EXECUTNE SUMMARY: Adoption of the above recommendations und passing the attnchcd By-law providcs for ihe 1999 lax billing for the commercial, industrial and multi-residcntinl propertics. BACKGROUND: The Town of Pickcring will soon bc in n posilion to issuc the final 1999 property tax bill in accordunce with thc "10-5-5" capping legislation (Bill 79) passed by Ihe Province on Deccmber 18, 1998 and implemenled through various rcgulations. This legislation was put in pluce to limit assessment refortn related incrcases ta 10°/a in 1998 and 5% in each of 1999 and 2000 on commercinl, industriul nnd mulli-residenlial properties. Onc of thc more interesting aspects of Bi1179 was the requircment to issue revised 1998 lax bills n(ler Ihe 1998 ycar has passed. Under ihis legisla�ion, property owncrs facing incrcascs duc lo thc ncw nsscssment lhan that pertnitted had reductions in Ihcir property lax balanca Converscly, those propertics expericncing decreascs were limitcd to that permittcd unJcr thc Icgislation. This mcant thal laxcs havc lo bc "clawed back" Gom thosc expericncing dccrcascs to fund Ihc loss of rcvcnuc resulting from thc capped increnses. in July oC this ycar, taxation staff issucd approximatcly 300 tnx alcrl Icltcrs to thosc property owners who were in the clawback siwation. In the first wcck of Augusl, rcvised 1998 tax bills were issued to the Bill 79 property owncrs wilh an August 27 duc datc. Thc mnjorily of ihe phona calls werc from propcAy owncrs who �vcrc in ihc clawback situation. Slnff havc had to issue for some property owncrs n�l7�sred revised 1998 <<�.r hi!!s mainly duc lo Asscssmcnl Rcvicw Board (ARB) decisions mnde afler the billing cut•off datc. If an ARB decision changes lhc assesscd value for cither 1997 or 1998, slniT havc to manually reculculale thc 1998 rcvised tax bills. (Tha ARB decisiom m�y impact on Ihe 1997 Gozen asscssment valuc nnd could change a property from u clnwback to u capped). In nddition, nny supplcmcntal lax bill for 1998 or 1999 automaticully triggers n review of ihc reviscd 1998 nnd 1999 tux bill. In bctween the revisions and reviews of thc 1998 revised tux bilis, staff have been involvcd in thc maintenance of the frozen assessment rotl from tha perspcclivc of prcparing the 1999 tux billing. Thc 1999 property !ux calculations nnd ndjustmcnts wcrc done using the Ministry supplied Ontario Property Tux Anulysis (OPTA) sysicm, the 1999 assessment roll and Ihe 1997 Crozen assessment roll. To Jo the 1999 final fex billing, assessmcnt uctivities such ns Asscssmcnt Review Board (ARB) appenl decisions, Section 442's have to ba re(lected in thc OPTA dalabase. Town of Pickering alaff hnve conducted various verificntion and accuracy checks to ensure integrity of the ()PTA datubasc. Taxutian staf�hnve reccivcd tha billing dntu from OPTA and are now attempting to load Ihe infortnation into thc Town's tax datnbase. Recommendation 2 authorizes the Treasurer to alter the dnte mainly duc to the uncertuinty of ihc tax billing system aoRwara (It took uppioximately thrcc weeks wlfh lhe nssista�ice ojnc� soJiwurc vendor to load end test the revised 1998 tax datu into the Town's tax systcm). Sluf� are working with thc sollwarc vendor to expcdite this process. Any raviscd due datc establishcd by thc Trcasurcr would be govemed by Section 399 aubsectian (6) of thc Mw�icipnl Act thnt slatcs that the due dale ie fixed as 21 days after the billing data Thc curtcnt anticiputcd due dale fur thc 1999 tux billing is December 15,1999. ' i'� �.... . � . � . . . . . � �•f ', Report to Council FIN 27-99 Dato: November 1, 1999 5 3 'Subject: l999TaxotionBillingforCommerciai, Indmatrial & Multi-reaidenfial Properiies (Bill 79) Page 3 Bill 791imits the 1999 tax incrensc to t 5°io plus tha municipal increase (Upper Tler ady as �6e Town of P?ckering dld no1 tncrease i�s tares jor /999). The "wpped increase" is paid for 6y property'owners who have their nssessment related decreasc cluwed back. The Re�ion wide clawbnck percentnges for 1999 are presented bela�H in Tuble One. Tnble Onc Comparisan of Propedy Tax Clnwback Percentages for 1998 and 1999 Pro ert Class 1998 1999 Decreuse Multi-Residential G7,6% 66.5% 1.1% Industrinl 79.9% 66.7% 13.2% Cor�imercial 74.2% 57,7% 16.5% For 1999, an induslriul propedy owner will be uble to keep 33.3% (1 - 66.7%) of their assessment rclated decrcase. The nbove clawback perccntages for thc industriul and commcrcial realty classes hnvc changed mainly due to the increasc to thc capped limit of 15°/a. The incre. se to the 15% cnp limit translated into fewcr propertics rcquiring Ihe benefit of the cap and lherefore, less money was rcquired from the clawback property owners to pay for the cap. For the multi-residential da�s, majoriry of thc cappcd increasc property o�mcrs are above the IS% � cupped limit nnd therefore, on u Rcgion widc basis Iherc was not a largc reduction in thc cappcd increese numbers. As the capped limit incrcascs, fcwcr prapertics wiil rcquire the bcncfit af thc cap and therefore, tha clawback percentage should dccrcasc over time. Within each rculry clnss thcrc nrc tax rcJuctions and incrcascs duc to Dill 79. Tnblc Two provides ¢ dPtailed breakJown rcgarding lax shifis nntong thc vurious rcalty classes. Tublc Two Town of Pickcring Brcukdown of 1999 Tax Adjustments by Dollar Chungcs Real Class Clewback Decrease Net Chan e Multl-Residenllal $70,990 S 47,055 $ 23,935 Commerclal 1,270,720 2,477,51G 1,206,796 Industrlal 295.246 G3 022 _{341.7761 Total 51.636.956 $(3•161.5931 $(1•5246 71 For the clawback properties, the dollar changes vnry based on the ossessed value of the property and the 1997 taxes paid. The "shortfail" of $1,524,637 will be provided Cor by a transfcr of funds from the Region similar to 1998 and 1999 when residential properlies in Pickering assisted in funding shortfalls meinly in Oshawa nnd Wliitby. Table Three provides u brenkdown of the number of 1999 tax adjustments by realry closs. .yt.,, . . � 5,� Report to Council FIN 27•99 Date: November 1, 1999 Subject: 1999 Texation Billing tor Commcrcial, Industrinl & Multi•residential Propcnics (Biil 79) Page 4 Table Threc Town of Pickering Breokdown of 1999 Tux Adjustments by Reulry Cless Number oP Properties 1998 1999 Increase IDe�irease Multi•residential Clawbuck 6 G 0 Capped Increaze 3 4 I No Capping Effect 0 1 I Crmmeroinl Clawback 220 245 25 Capped Inereuse 349 259 (90) No Cnpping Effect 70 131 61 Induslrial Clawback 40 40 U Cnppedlncrease 12G 103 .(23) No Cn in Effccl 38 47 9 Tubla Three indicAtes thnt thcre has bccn u shilt betwecn thc cappcd increasc nnd no capping cf�ect propedies. Cunently, lhcre arc approximalcly 291 properlics who have lo pcy un Additional amount for their 1999 taxcs. Thc 3GG property owncrs undcr thc cappcd increasc calegory will receive lheir 1999 inx biU lhat will reOcct the Dill 79 crcdil adjustmcnL The adjustment, whether a claw6eck or u capped increase, will bc re0ecled on the tax bill in n similar fushion es was the residential ossessmcnt phaso-in. Vacant Properties Each yeur, industrial and commcrcial property owncrs can appty for u vncancy rcalty tax classification if their propeAy wns vucnnt from luly I to September 30. A property with an assessed vncancy rcalty tax classificalion pays npproximalely 30% Icss in taxes. During 1998, the Province mailed out vacancy application forms and extcndcd the npplication deadline ta Februury 28, 1999 for property owners to obtain vacancy tax status for 1999. For the 2000 tax year, the Province did not mnil out thc upplication forms and the upplicntion dcadline is November i, 1999. Ttuough thc Town's tax bill, property o�mers can vcrify their rcalry tax status. Unfortunately, the Town has not Bcen ublc to issuc thc 1999 tax bill due to dclays dirccAy attributable to the Province. For 1999, the Town has only provided tax infortnation pertaining to the Ravised 1998 tnxes. Whcn the 1999 tax bill is issued, there may be some property owners finding ihemselves in the situation whcre they have lost their vaamcy status for 1999 and ure too Iate lo npply for that status for the 2000 tux yeaz. TaxaHon staff have trled to asstst Pfckering'a commercial and industrial praperty ownen regardtng the vacancy tssue by posNng informat(on on the Town's rrebsite and advertising tn the Town's (News Advertieer) commuotty sectlon. {F i; �:_, - • • ��.Yi. � ,.�. r, ... . . . .. . ... . .. . . �� . . . . . �: �'�.; � "��`.. � �.�:'. .:'� . .,, ; t. .. _ .... i�,:-,.�. .�.� . �'�` Report to Council F1P127-99 Datc: Novembor 1, 1999 55 Siibject; 1999 Taxation Billing Cor Commercial, Indusirinl & Mulli•residontial Properties Page 5 �ATTACHMENTS: 1999 Tax Rata By-I.aw for Comme�cial, Industriul and Multi-Rcsidential property owners, Prepazed By; Approved / Endorsed By: � ���� � Stan Kanvowski, Gillis A. Pnterson, - Mann�icr of Finance Director of Finance & Treasurer GAP:sk Attachment Recommended for the considcrntion of PickeringTownCouncil ,� �� � o ✓.:? �mas J, inn, hie ministruti c Of(icer � �, + �, �:` ';, �;r R �.. � � r�, ii . � . . � � a». ..s:v.,�......J� ... . .. . ... � .. . . . .. ' . �. � � . . • :56 THE CORPORATION OF TFIE TOWN OF PICKERING BY•LA�V N0. xxx�c/99 A by-la�v of Thc Corporation of thc Town of Pickering lo levy commercial, industrial and multi-residential taxes for the ycar 1999. WHEREAS ihe Regional Municipal?:y oP Durham has passed By-law No. 9•99 to limit mx reform relatcd property tax 's�icreases to 10% in 1998, a further 5% in 1999 and a fudher 5°�a in 2000 for industrial, commercial and multi-residential properties in the Region oi Durham as pravided for under Division B of Part \X[I.? af the �[unicipal Act; and, WHEREAS lhe Regional btunicipality oP Durham has passed 6yla�v No, GS-98 opting to ha�•c the optional property classes consisting of the office building propedy class, sliopping cenire property class and large induslrial property class �vithin Ihe Region of Durham; anJ, �VHEREAS pursuant to Ontario Regulation 308/99 made under the Educaiion Act provides a fomtula for calculating 1999 education tas rates for Ihe commcrcial and induslrial properly class; and, WHEREAS the Town of Pickering passcd Byla�v No. 5�199199 to proaide for the Ievying ol' taxes on residential propecty as per Schcdule A auachcd; anJ, 1VHEREAS il is ncccssary for ihc Council of Thc Cotporation of Ihc To�en of Pickcrins pursu,uu to the btunicipal Act, to Ievy on the wholc ratablc property according to Ihc last rceised ussessmcnt roll for The Corporalion of the Town of Pickcring thc sums set forth for various purposes set out in Schedule A, for the current year; and, WHEREAS certain rcgulations require reductions in cerlain t�s rates far cerlain classes anJ ur subclasses of property. ' NO\V THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE T01VN 0� PICKERING HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: I. For the year 1999, there shall be levicd and collected upon tlic contmercial, industrial and multi-residenlial nssessment the rates of taxaiion per current valuc assessment for gcneral purposes ns set out in Schedule A, attached herclo. 2. The 1999 taxes owed for the commcrcial, industrial and multi•residential asscssed prapertics shall be due in onc installment on Deccmbcr I5, 1999 or as adjusted by Ihe Trcasurcr. 3. For payment•in•lieu of taxes due to The Co�poration of the Town of Pickering, the actual amount due to The Co�porution of the Town of Pickering shall be based on ihe asscssment roli and ihe tax rates for the year 1999. 4. The 1999 final tax calculations are based an the frozen assessment listing as of October I5, 1999. 5. If any section or portion of this By-law is found by a court of competent jurisdiction to bc invnlid, it is the intent of Council for the Corporation of thc Town of Pickering that all remaining sections and portions of this Bylaw continue in forcc and eRect, 6. Taxes shall be payable to thc Trcnsurer, Town of Pickcring. y ,` .,� Z This ByInw comes into force on the date of its final passing. ', ; , I, , �li. , , BY LAW.ra , �, , � ( • ' 1 �;��.'_'�, , . d ti . �, . , . ��. �. � �;7 ,, � ; _ ,, { -�. .-� . , � ,, . _,_ ._ ., _ . . ,. � first, second and third time anJ finully passed Ihis i,duyof ', 1999, • 4 ! - �, . � .� �� ; � ' . Wayna Anhuts; Mnynr r ?� Bruce Taylo�, Clerk ,; , 5 K '/ i,- r �• - � .� � j. T.f' , *la : : . 't ,. 1 Y � �.; 58 , , .�..�. �d..,,. . ��»,..�. . � ; � . . . . . . 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