HomeMy WebLinkAboutPW 10/98� � �,, °F^�,. ,�o � � � REPORT TO COUNCII, FROM: Richard W. Holbom DA7'E: May 7, 1998 Dircctor of Public Worke REPORTNUMBER: PW 10198 SUBIECT: Roads - Temporary Closings for Recrcational Purposes - Old Fourth Conccssion Road • betwcen Whites Road and Taunwn Road ITEM FOR CONSIDERATION: 7he enactment af a by-law to amend Bylaw 3261I89 to provide Cor the temporary closing for recrcational purposa of Old Fourth Concession Road from Whites Road to Tawton Road from 4:00 p.m., Monday, Mny 25th to 6:00 a.m., Thursday, May 28, 1998. ORIGM: Request from Midwintcr Productiom Inc.. AUTHORI7Y: Mimlcipal Acr, R.S.O. 1990, clupter M.45, scction 207,d4. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: Revenue to Public Work� Dcpartmcnt - Thc Road� division «ill bc rcmoving and rcplacing Ihc �circ gwdc rail frna. Expccted tcvenue - Labour - B hn. X 3= 2A houn � 521.00/hr.. Equipmcnt - H�•droscopic • 4 hrs. Q f41.00 hr.. Total expccted rcvcnue - 56b8.00 There arc no direct fuuncial costs to the Toun usociatcd «rth Ihe passagc of this bylaµ• or ��ith thc implementation of it; hoµ�cver i1s esistcna, in conjunction with the crection �nd maintenance of thc appropriate signt, protab the Toµn kom liabiliry for damaga susta��::I by any person using thc temporarily cloxd road. BACKGROUND: It hv ban rcquated by Midµinter Productions Inc. ihat the Tawn close that part of Old Fourth Concession Road from 1Vhita Road to Taunton Road to film a segment af a movie wlled " Thc Bridc of Chucky". This closuro will allow local and emergcncy access. 'fLe Town may close ihe road for this pu�pose by cwcting an amcndment to Bylaw 3261/89 in thc fortn attached hereto. ATTACHMENTS: l. DraR By-law. 2. Location Map. j;. `!, 3, Copy of Bylaw 3261/89, without attachmrnt. r� ' , a; + '�"' " ��,�DK� F :L� j�t� ...a��.9� �� Supciyiwr ��:�: . . ,=; � LI�C, , ��� / �� �� r�-. ,', � ��"� � �Na•aroaioi�asve\Mreoav�r�sNtr�r�a� �i Attachment For By-Law #3261/89 Temporary Closure for Recreational Use - Old Fourth Concession Road PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT LOCATION MAP TEMPORARY ROAD CLOSURE: Old Fourth Concession Roud - Ixtween Whites Road and Taunton Rond Road closed from Moy 25,1998 to Mey 28,1998. DURATION: Approximately 4 days. RECREATTON USE INCLUDES: Midwinter Productions will be filming a segment of a movie . on Old Fowth Concession Roed, between Whites Road end Tuunton Road §?' �,�� r�� "'� �� ltTlKMRMqCIOpICIOf(,1/000 . .. . ���' � � i is;�,..1�A,y�,i � �,t i �,( .. � ,� , s ,. '� . , jI�;1��Z� ��7�7:�r�C�li •' la! �.l � ' I BY•LAW N0. 5312/9 8 Being a 6y-law �o amerut By-!aw 3261/89 lemporar!ly clasing rnadr joi mcrea�iata! purposes (Old Four�h Cancession Road). Wf�REAS, pursuant to the provisions of the predecessor of section 207.44 of the Municlpa! Ac�, R.S.O. 1990, chapter M.45, the Council of The Corporation of the Town of Pickering enacted By-law 3261/89, providing for the temporary closing of roads under the jurisdiction of the Town for recreational purposes; and WHEREAS it is desirablr. to amend By-law 3261/89 in order to provide for the temporary closing of Old Fourth Concession Roa &om 4:00 p.m. on Monday, May 25, to 6:00 a.m. on Thursday, May 28, 1998 for the purpose of filming a segment of a Movie called "The Bride of Chucky"; NOW TEIEREFORE, the Council of the Corporation af the Town of Pickcring t�REBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: I. Schedule A to By-law 3261/69 is hereby amended by adding thereto Item 229 set out in Schedule [ to this bylaw. BY-LAW read a first, second and third time and finally passed this 19th day of May, 1998. Wayne Arthurs, Mayor , :,; � Bruce Taylor, Clerk � ,� :) ,: . i •' � -� `ii � ivwmvu» '�I ra il � '1. •?� i . ir, � . ��1 t ���� . .t �� :( '�a _ . ,. . ... .e� .. . . , . .. . _ . ' . � :. � � >�� ��� �` � � �� , � � � � � W � O . � Z'� s � � � ���� � F �°�N M � � � o� g � �� , � m LL _N � . . . . . N �{ O Z ���, J y �� � G V �O� W � xN U � V) } � a � : � _�� FW- ? � � O�r �� s �� � � � �� �� . � , � . . _ � � � �.t �� s � r, �� � �� } �s � � , ' � ��'�i, tt i�j Xi . � ., J . �� � � � < � ��.,{,^e'ii.E. l??.w. Jr� K*� � 3� � 1 '� �. !.. t i �' . . . _'__ " ! . . ,. .