HomeMy WebLinkAboutCL 42/98�'.�.F:', ' 'I,, z ! , . . . - .. . � . � 1,;-.. . . - . � . . ... . . . � Zn3 c1�'� °F � � REPORT TO COUNCIL FROM: Bruca J. Teylor DATE: 15 October 1998 Town Clerk REPORT NUMHER: CL 42•98 SUBJEC'f: Tender for Storm Sewer Instellation and Road Reconstruction Wocon Strat, Claremont Tenda No. T- 6- 98 RECOMMf?NDATTON: That Tender No. T- 6- 98 submitted Bishop Construction Limited in the amount of 5202,993.98 be accepted; and that e proja�t cosc of 5290,268,98 including the tender amount and otha associated costs, be epproved; and Funding in the amount of up to S290,000.00 be provided by lhe issuance of debentures, if reyuired, by the Region of Durham for a tertn up to but not exceeding twenry (20) yeara ba approved, with the balance to be cherged to the General Fund. ORIGIN: Request by Department of Public Works AU'fHORI1'Y: 1998 Cepital Budget FINANCIAI. IIvfPLICATIONS: The Director of Finance and Treasurer of the Town of Pickering, in accordance with provinciel reguletions, certi6es that acpenditures contained in the recommended approvels cen be 8nenced by lhe isauanca of debentures end/or cntering into leases, if rcquired, for a tertn of up to 20 years end is within tha updated Debt end Financial Obligation Limit. My debt issued will result in annual repayment wsts appearing in futu�e Cwrent Budgets in the i, emount of approximately S32,000.00 per year with a fiftan (15) year tertn at 9 percent. Fieencing wsts in the atimeted amount of S3,000.00 will be included in the 1999 Budgets. t� ; ft, �� . ' : . . 3 };, as { �`�:�>E . � � . � � � � �� �} � _ � ' - � �L1 (- •i� v� � C t . , . . �s�DS{y� � t ��hk J.��i� �"x r. �`r 's. x r - � . �riui4.S4".�, ,ti..� ._ . >:r . �.. . .. � �' ��on �o c�t ct 42 9a Date: 15 October 1998 ' Subjact: Tender No. T- 6- 98 Pege 2 Tendw for Senitary end Stortn Sewer Inatalletion and Rad Reconstn�ction - Wixon Strat, Cleremont FINANCIAL IIviPLICATIONS, continued: t. Tendeind AmounC :,:...::. ... ,.,,.. ._. ,:::-� ,,:--.. , StortnSew�randAppurtaianca . , $105,909.32 � Road Work , , . 8 83, 809.69' , d.S.T. $' 13�279.98 ' Q.S.T.rcbate . . SI"7�588.18) TotelAmount S195,905.80 1. � ,,, ; .:. , , . . . . , ., CurtentYcar: Budga 2320/6181, Road l� SWm� S2eo,000.00 Sewcr CurtentYear: BudgG2325/618t,SiratLighv S 33,000.00 Prior Yeaz: Budget _ $ p Futuro Years: Budget $ � ConsWction Street Lighung (estimate) Material tating Prc� Enginaring Survey Property Pre-CadiGon Survey Test Pit+ Well Interfc�sncc (Provisiawl) Arborist Trcc Evaluation Report Sw�drip and Misallanmus ltans (i.S.T. (3.S.T. rcbatc 5189,714.00 S 33�000.00 . S 3�200.00 S 6�600.00 S 6�600.00 S 1�500.00 . $ 30�000.00 . $ 1�200.00 . $ 10�000.00 .SubTotal 5281.819.00 . . S 19�726.98 , . S(11,272.00) i, �. Pro ect Coste (Over) under A roved Funde S 22, 731. 02 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The work consists of supply and installation of stortn sewers, accavation required to the existing road base in preparation for placement of granuler base course materials, esphelt peving, grading and aodding of the boulevards on Wixon Street, Ciazemont iu accordanca with terms and apeciScations prepared by the Town. Bishop Construction Lt:nited have perfonned satisfectory work for tha Town as per Tender No, T- I- 97, Road Improvementa - Alderwcwd Piace, Breda Avo., Hanworth Court, Moretta Ave., Parkham Crescent and Liverpool Road. The Hcalth and Sefery Policy, the Confined Space Entry Proadure document to ba used on this Qrojxt, a liat of anployees trained in the Conlined Space Entry Proceduro who will be working on thie ptoject and CAD 7 fortn issued by Workpinca Safery & Inwrance Board as suhmitted by Biehop Cormtruction Limited. have ban reviewed by the Mun(cipal Works Supernisor and are �. .. eadafactory. �,: . . , RepoA to Council CL 42 98 Date: I S October 1998 Subject: Tendu No. T- 6- 98 Page 3� n� Tendar for Senituy end Storm Sewer Inatelladon and Aoad Reconatruction - Wir.on Strat, Clupnont M emount of 5280,000.00 ie available from the 1998 Roeda Capital Budget - Account No. �- 2320/6181, Job # 9803 and en amount of 533,000.00 from the 1998 Capital 5treet Light Budget - Account No. 2325-6181. 7'he Treasurer advises financing may be by the issuance of debentures. BACKGROUND: Pleaso ba advised the following tendera for this project were opened on Friday 02 October 1998 for the above project. M estimated i3 companies wero invited to participate of which 16 picked up tendering documente for a non-rofundable feo of 525.00 per set. A wpy of the Reco��l of Trndas Opened and Checked used at the tenda opening is attached. Purchasing PoGcies end Procedures Item 9.22(h) provides thet where there are inwrrect extensions or misplaced daimels, the bid may be cortected. Unit prices shall be used to cortect extensions. Purchesing Policies and Procedures Item 9.27.(a) perntits that all deposits other than the low three bidders shall be rMUmed. Summary (PST Included, GST Includad� Upon cerefl�l examination by the Director of Public Works, the General Manager, end I, of all tenders received, I recommend the low bid of Bishop Construclion Limited in the amount of S202,993.98 be approved and a project cost of 5290,268.98 be approved. ATTACFA�NTS: 1. Public Works Memorandum dat�d 09 October 1998 2. Record of Tenders Opened and Checked ' 3. Location N.ap Prepared B • Approv Endorsed� Vera A. Felg cher Jeffrey, C.P.P, CPPO, CMM 1 ruce J. Taylor, AMCT, CMM Managa of Supply & Services, ' Town Gil Psterson Dirator of Finence and Treasurer Recommended for the consideration of Pickering Town Co ncil , 04f � 9�' . ;' � r: W �_. . . .r �, INTER-DEPARTMENTAL CORRESPONOENCE � �� PUBLIC WORK3 T0; ��• Ver� FdgemacherJeITrey D �c y4 ry�,�998 Manager of Supply & Servica � t�; �'� 7�?:: �7 T01YN Or I ILKE'riINQ FROM: Hob Kuzm� OCT 191998 AdminUlralian SupervUor oE�nnr�sF►�•oF RE: Tender No. T 6-98 - Tendcr for Slorm Sewer Inat�ildion an�it'8iiil ��i�ii�i%fi8n - Wison Street, Claromont We have completed our review of the relevant documents related to the above tender end recommend the acceptance of the low bid from Bishop Construction Limited. Bishop Construction Limited have performed satisfeclory work for lhe Town per Tender 'P-I-97, Itaad Improvements - Aldenvood PI., Breda Ave., Henworth Crt., Morotta Ave., Parkham Cres. and Liverpool Rd. Tha Municipal Works Supervisor has elso damed the Health and Safety policy, Confined Space Entry Procedure,list of persannel trained Cor this project, and the Cad 7 form issued by Workplace Safety and Insurance to be acceplable. This project waa epproved in the 1998 Roads Cepilel Budget - Aceount 2J20-6181, Job # 9803 and the 1998 Capitat Street Light Budget - Account 2325-6I81. The Treasurer edvises financing will be by the issuance oP debentures, which is the subject of e separate report. Flnancial Imalicalion� Informalion 1. Tender Amount Storm Sewer and Appurtenences Road Work G.S.T. G.S.T. Rebetc Total 2. Approved Source of Funds Budget - Curtent Year - 2320•6181 (Rond and Storm Sewer) Budget Current Year - 2325-6181 (Street Light) Budget - Prior Year Budget - Future Yeaz Total Approved Budget 3. Estimated Projcet Coating Summarv SI05,904.31 83,809.69 13,279.96 -7.588.18 S 195,405.80 S280,OOO.OD 33,000.00 0 0 5313,000.00 Conslruction 5189,7t4,00 Slreet Ughling (estimeta) 37,000,00 Mater(el lestlng 3,200,00 ' - Pre-�ngincering Survey : `6,600.00 ` Property Pre-CondiUon Survey d,500 n0 , � ' Teaf P:ta 1,500.00 ; ;� � Wcll lnterfeience ( Proyisional ) 30,000.00 ��.: � � � Arbo�tet Trce Bvaluadon Report , ` � 1,200.00 ��'r ,� t, 3undries end mlec; itema ..:: 10.000 00 x�"�� � , ', � Sub To{a� �, S281,814 00 • � ���„ � FY Q,ST - ' � 19,7269B � 4 , � , � ` 0 5'� kebate , , - =11,272 00 ''���z t�;{� �,,'foW 1�ro�at Coet . c ': S29D 268 98 " � ����iY �t'�„� t J t �f�_ c r� . v��3^�t.'..,. a . .:.��� ,. .. < < ., . . . . .� . , .... , _ _ .. . _ , ., . �F'. ." 3, , . . ;� ( �, ��9 �'� 4.� P�ject Copjp, joverl under Aoproved Funde ��� 522.731.02 : ��� ��� ;� ; K Copy: Thomes ]. Quinn - Grneral Manager R(cherd Holbom - Dircetor of Public Works Darcell Selaky - M��nicipel Works Supervisor Aoorovale This fnformetion meets with the epproval oFthc General Meneger This information meeta wilh the epproval of Ihe Director of Public Works. . cherd W. olbom irector of blic Worka Thia informadon meet� with the appraval of the Director of Financo. ' „�%f��----_ . (3, Petereon � : � Dlrcetor of FLiance rz � i� t�' ,� �' � � ,3 �.� � ��,. . , .� � , ��, � r � '' e tt r z s.'�i i w i s`j v.� � E t �� � _ .,. /'. x,. ,. . . . ?.....,; . � . � ..M.tr ... �r t . . ,..�`- €_ -- r's S>. t .,,{.r� 1� .. ti.._ � ,..r ��;. � .. . YN� . ... . .�, � ' . . ��'�. � Q Attachment For Tender: T-6-98 ' WIXON STREET PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT ; . � LOCATION MAP PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION INCLUDES: Stortn Scwer Insmllntion . on Wixon Srcet between ConUnl Strect end Lanc Strcet Road Urbuniwtion (asphalt with asphalt shoulders) • an Wixon Srect betwcen Central Strcet and Lnne SVeet Completa Landscape Restorntion (grading und sodding where rcquired) • to all arcas nfl'ected s. 1 i ..���� z�� �- ' ��' �� ' � � �- r: i 4 � r �� � �� � + '1 � t . .r � �_ ] � . � . � � � F 1 S ( t ` . . . _ � .1 � i {�� F�_i {1161tBql1TTTB�OITBp.7�Otl0 i � � �l Y '� ! . S '�� � 12 t+t t ¢: c. b! _ t ' �E -i !y '! �.i'..`�. �� . _� ,.F t �. � .,. ,�... . � . . �� n t 1+ '�.:.�t� i t . r t ; � ".'?,-' { � � ,. . . �� . . � . . rr.:: . = a,,r . ,r �. .. . :�Yrr,. �i�,.� . ..ti. �. �. ., � ,: �z � . . ' � �.� r����..� . . • . . 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