HomeMy WebLinkAboutCL 56/98s�, � ��: ,� �� � �� �� .��. �l�f o,�� �� 7- z .: ` �. r Jti ��iY �NOFp } � , :t ; 1 �.�' ,�ti t t � ' , � , � � ` ' ,, � PORT TO COUNCIL � ;; � :� :� , , , s,r ; ,�� i� � `, ��;'` s;' . � ��- ;� � FROM, � Druce J. Taylor DATE; Ol December 1998 Town Clerk ' _ ItEPORT NUMBER: CL 56-98 ., _t ' SUBJECT: •, Tender for A.�berlea Creek Pedestrian Bridge Tender No. T • 9 =.98 RECOMMENDAI'ION: That Tendcr No. T- 9- 98 submitted Ridenu Vnlley ConsWctors Limited. for the constructoin of a pedestrian bridge across Ambadea Crcek south of the West Shorc Community Centre in the amount of S 112,038.97 bc nccepted; und That n project cost af 5112,176.82 including thc tender omount and olher ossocintcd cosls, be approved; and That lhe project cost be chnrged to Parks and Fncilities Account No. 27�8•6139 ond thnt temporary funding in the amount of up to SI 12,176.82 bc provided by current operating funds pending reccipt of funds from lhc Provincc of Onwrio for disustcr reliaf. �RI(iIN: Request by Departmont of Public Wurks AUTHORI7'Y: 1998 Capital �udget FMANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: Since this expenditure was not unticipatedfat thc timc of adoption nf the 1998 Capilni Budget by Council an accowt to charge the expenditure to had to be identifi� und approved by Cowcil. Acwunt No. 2718-6129 is where such an expenditure would have becn provided for in the budget. Temporary finoncing can bc provided by intemul funds ttiat would otherwise be invested, thereby reducing interest income, pending receipt of pertnanent financing from the Province or nny othcr source(s). Debt financing would enly be necessnry should all other sourccs of fwds no: be availublc. . EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The work includes but may not bc limited to cleering and grubbing, carth excavnUon and . grading, ennh borrow, various temporary works, pnriial rcmovnl of an axisting grnvily san(tncy . . ,_ , , :, r ,: _ . - ,,,. ,', , _ �- ,,` !�i y :� �i. 't. ir �� l . i�. ' (�. ;< . ' � � � h.,'� - � ��� �° ���. • .. , . :`Report to Cowcil CL 56-98 ;, i Dete. ; 01 December 1498 \�• � 27 �. Subject: Tcnder No. T- 9- 98 . � s �" Pnge 2 '�' �' Tendai for Amb�rlea Creek Pedestrian Bddge �� , sewey installeUori �of a new grnviry sa�itary sewcr, installing a pedoshien bridge, wnter wursc mhabilitedon, romovnl and replecement of e concrete sidewalk end site rcsroration in eccordance with in accordancc with pinns and specifications prepared by Proctor &�Redfem Limited and as directedby the Town. _ The Consultnnt rccommends ihe low bid of Rideau Valley Constructors Limited be acccpted nnd < confirm experience with them as a contractor to be uccepmble. The Heulth and Safery Policy to be used on this project and the CAD 7 form issued by Workplece Sufety & Inswancc Bonrd us submitted by Ridwu Velley Conswctots Limited hnvc been reviewed by the Consultnnt on behalf of the Tawn, and are acceptable. The Treusurer advis�s thet sinca lhis is en unbudgetted project, interim financing mny bc temporerily provided by intemnl funds pendiqg pertnnnent financing either tluough rcceipt of , funds from ihe Provincc of Ontario, surplus 1498 operadng funds or such other sourccs as muy be aveilable. BACKdROUND: Please be ndvised tenders have been rcceived for the above projut. An estimnted 32 compunics wero invited to puRicipate of which 28 pickcd up tendering documcnts for n non•rcfimdable fee of 520.00 per set;12 responded nnd 4 biddcrs arc unnblc to bid. A copy of the Record af Tenders Opcned and Chceked used nt the tcnder opening is attnched. Purchasing Policies and Procedures [tem 9.22(h) providcs that wherc therc arc incorccct extensions or mispiaced decimnis, the bid mny bc corrccted. Unit prices shnll bc used to corrcct extensions. Purchasing Policies und Procedures Item 9.27.(a) p:rtnits Ihnt all dcposits othcr thnn the low thrce bidders shall be rctumcd. Summnry (PST included, dST included) Go��aey � �'��3 � � ; � �, ,, 7'otel Teade�l �c : t *After Caicutstion'� ra � �'4��.�Sx � �.3;�sy't1 � � .rY �r1 .T�C ' jkl t �y t � � x t �� 4 t` r C�� t��+ � �...� ;. ..1.� ..k.:J. � i "tlI117H111iw�`�'':;1 t �.f.'tICCIG?��. ? xH, ; I ��t%G"V'a11e�'�ps�iuctorsY.imited 3{� 112,038.97 t'"� �rf2�628,2� ,'s";' a �I CotiStni�GOn ind,�tateriels'� 115,472.41 � t' i 15;d72�41' �, � M�`�„rclCdil3UtichOnLittliCed,�,gy.,,�s��. 137,000.00 ; „�1�7;00000�,,,�_„ Bob Hendricksen Conswction 141,694,75 141,694.75 Limited Soncin Construcdon Corpomtiou 145,247.78 145,247.78 G.C. Romano Sons (Toronto) Limited 150,870.00 150,870.00 Oregon Conswcdon Ltd. 153,365.24 153,365.24 Ron Robinson Limited I59,601A1 159,601.41 Dngmnr ConsUuction Inc; 171,168.20 171,168.41 M7'M Restoration & Construction 171,874.10 171,874.10 Ciroscan Consrtucdon Ltd.' 181,900,00 181,900.00 DigConlnremalionalLtd, 185,15L20 185,151.20 BN Fenton Construction , unable to bid Snm Rabito Construction unable to bid BK Baw Lundscnping unable to bid Shipley McCleay Conswcdon . unable to bid , Upon careful examinetion by tho Director of Public Works, thc Dirccror of Parks &. Facilit3es; the (lenernl Menager,:end i, of all tcnde�s receivcd, I mommend thc low bid of ' ;t � s, ,. � t�J 2}�4RepoA to Council CL 56-98 ' �r � , _ .. '; Dek: Ol Decembyr 1998 ," Subjcet `. Tendei No: T• 9- 98 ' � ` Page 3: , Tender for Amberlea Creek Pedestdan Bridge �� Rideau Valley ConsWctors Limited 3n thc amount of Sll2,026,27 be epproved end a } ' ',,.proJ�tcos4ofSi12,176.82bo'aPProved. Y� . ��; ATTACHMENTS: ' 1, , ' Public Works Memorendum datcd 01 December 1998 ; ! 2„ ' ConsultanPs Report 3. , Record of Tenders Opened and Checked 4, , � Locadon ivtep :_" ,` i , Prepared By: APProved / Endorsed By; : `: Vern A. Folgemacher JefTrey, C.P.P, CPPO, CMM I Bruce J, Taylor, AMCT, CMM Maneger of Supply and Services, Town Cicrk ; G. Puterson — Director of Finance and Treasurcr �, . '. Recommended for thc consideration of , '. Pickmng Town Council ' ., ;. . _ ,.., , , , f .. Thomav ]. Quinn; Cienerel Menager � „ � :;� � x 3� i �, � 4 � r ` �� -' �' �r �� M�i. �` } 5 �i i 1 ��� �r � i _ � � � � �, 3 - s ; � � � . X� t li � �C� '�� r � ��. �w.�. r ��t y}°� r t � i {� �'-`,'�. �vli ip } � r� �� i. 4 � � � � i � �� t S � '�L i � � S � ,t ''y�. , i 5 �33 ,C r� .l � s s .��. � �:, 31 ' i { .. {. `�� Ya�� tS ��4 �ss { �:�i 4f T:. X t ! td t � : F�. � i}-.. t y. t -Y )._ � d 1� S t i h a: i r � {� � L-���Ir tr ,r ''s ''+- - to2'- � � s�, � i i i� 1 e ,ni�����/� .�. j� w5 £ r � �� � ! e � i t S e E - � � . ! J .iA ,ii' . i+r y .. , 5£ ��F � �-�a,�J,t9�t �a� S3 1 s tl. T r }� �.1 �t � iq�1 s Cs«2 M'S�11 .f � � 7 as� � . _ L 5� t i. a � i a i�4� Y, E K '+ 1 r �� F r V`� t i ��i"s��t�" x ��(���4J1 � c dn 4-a3 � � E t a. � �£ � . .�; � �r; � s . ;: .�.ile.,4ft'�7+',.4 7.4. A...i".0 ,...�i _t:�u'^ L h•�•Sr�,.w4 h.E.k,�'�%., � l.'�`i,v,t,�y!:�. t '� -,�r l.`.