HomeMy WebLinkAboutPF 15/99' . 05 . :� ��OFp�.•� � � . . . . . . ' �Q ,�. , .. . . . : . .� : , ►� � REPORT TO COUNCIL FROM: Everett Buntsma DATE: November 4,1999 Director, Operations and Emergcncy Services REPORT NUMBER: PF 15-99 SUBJEGT: Miilennium Trail and Square Project - File: PF 4010 RECOMMENDATION: That Council receive lhe report of the Director, Operalions und Emcrgency Services tegnrding the fund mising efforts of the Millennium Trail nnd Squnre Projcct and Thnt Council approve lhe relense of funds Cor projccl dcsign drav�ings and tendering per Resolution #96/99 Itcm 6 and That the appropriate ofTciuls of the Town be authorized to give cffect thcrcto. ORIGIN: Council Resolution #96/99 AUTHORITY; The Municipal Act FINANC[AL [AIPLICATIONS: Account 3263•0096 $2,600,000 EXECUTNE SUMMARY; The Millennium Trail Ad•hoc Committee had submitted a Millennium Truil end Squaz�c pmiect to Council in May of 1999, The proposal made a commitment to raise funds in tho community and llvough various govemment grant opportunities. " This report ie an updete of those efforts, Pund raieing offorts have bcen vcry successt�l to date end are ongoing. �� RepoR to Council PF 15-99 Subjeck Millennium Truil and Squazc Project BACKGROUND: Datc; November 4,1999 Pagc 2 In May of 1999 Council approved Report COi-99 submitted by the chnir of the Millennium Trnil Ad•hoc Committee, through Resolution #96/99. Item #6 oFthat report read: No funds urc to be expended or committed until a funher report from tha appropriate ataff is submitted to Council regarding ►hc fund raising efforts. The project disburaement of the Town's poriions of the funding far the project is: 1. 5300,000 2. $500,000 3, 5400,000 This report is in response to this condition oFthe Council approval. Thc Chair of tha Millennium Trail Ad-hoc Committec has udvised stn�' of the following successful fund rnising commitmenis, I. Federal Govemment — Millennium PMncrship (ettached) 2. Provincial Govemment—Main Sheet Program (auuched) 3. Toronto Region Conscrvation Authority (altnchcd) 4. Optimists Club of Pickcring (attnched) 5. Onlario Power Gcncralion (monetnry) (vcrbui) 6, In-Kind 7. Rotary Club (vcrbal) 8. Lions Club (verbul) TOTAL $340,000 38,000 300,000 100,000 200,000 ioo,aoo 40,000 40,000 $1,058,000 The Chair of tha Ad•hoc Commiuec hns adviscd that further fund raising effoAs are ongoing. These include additional corporate aponsorship, service ciubs, West Rouge Canoc Club, Trillium Foundalion application and Canudien Aris Council npplication. Should all of thesa commit there may be an ndditional $560,000. The total tund raising will then have reached $1,618,000 or 60% of ihe total project estimatal cost. In Report COl-99, it wac indicated thal when fund raising efforts had reached $900,000 in commitments the project should proceed. As we havc now achieved/surpussed that benchmark wa requcst approval to commence expending the Town's share und committed partnership funding Cor design, trndering nnd initial construction. The project will requira final Council approval efter tenders have been opencd to award ihc project to the successfui bidder, Finai fund raising commitments will be availabie at thnt timo as well as a firm projxt cost. , • Repod to Council PF 15•99 , Datc, November 4,1999 � 7 Subject; Millennium Trail and Squara Projxt Page 3 ATTACHMENTS: 1. Toronro Region Conservation Authority commitment 2. • Optimist commitment 3, Provincial commiUnent � 4. Federal Gmnt Advisory from Intemet ' Prepared B : verett Buntsmn Diroctor, Operations and Emergency Services EB:mld Attuchmenis Copy: ChiefAdminislrntive0�ccr Recommended for the consideralion of Pickering Town Council ��� Tho ns . Quinn, ief minis tiva 0(Ticer� I , r �`� � �: r" , ri � ,` � �, . �1. is.r .. ]w . _ ,.,< . _ .F{ ,..">'� �i}G �. .r -`ti��� . .. - . �_. ,.. , .. . � , ATTACHMENT #.LTO REPORT qiy"��I �S ' Au�ud 19,1GBO IXECUTIVE COMMITTEE I7NG g�p AES.NB189l99 • WATERFFiONT TRAIL MABTEW PLAN AND MILLENNIUM TRAIL J PROJECT � Town ol Plckerinp. To eupport tha Waterfiont'frdl Maetor Plan md tha Town ot Plckerinp'a MIIIennlum Trell ProJect. ' Moved by; Michael DI Blase , Seconded by: Jlm McMavter � THAT the Watarlront Trall Mealer Plan, es Identllled IQ lh� Plckeriny Wete►Iront 2001- Meyor'� Taek Forca on tha Plckering Wetertront Flnel Repor! =�une 1988, end actloned by Plckoring Councll, 6e epproved; ! THAT tha Town of Pickering'e requast tor tunding In the amount o} 5200,000 toward lhe Millennlum Trall ProJOCt be epproved subJect to Ilndinp allocallons trom exlsling end aiternativa tunding eourcee; ' • TFIAT ataH be directed to enter Inta a Menagement Apreement with the Town of Pickering for the malnte�ance and operation of thoee portione of the Weterfront Trall located on Authority awned lende; t � AND FURTHER THAT the Raglonal Munlctpality of Dutham and tha Town of Plckering be advlsed ............................................................ CARRIED BACKGROUND At Authaity MeeUng #2/89�held on Februery 28,1888 the Authority adopled,gesolution #A53/88: "lhet the sfaB report on tha Weterfront 2001- Mayor's Task Foroe on fhe Plckering Wefer/ronf flnal Report • June iB98 as acNonod 6y Plckering Councllln Aeport fo Counc111DT 80-88 be recefved; TNAT the Aufhor(ty support Ihe establlshm�nt,b/ a"Waferlront Co-Ordfnefing Commlttee end conflrm Lerry F/eld, WeleHronf !Speclsl/st end en approprfefe eRernaffve, es fhe AufhorlryiepresenfeWe on the Commlttee; Thet s1eH contlnue to acqulra key propertles.wRhln'the Mesfer Plan ol Acqulsfflon afong fhe Plckering Waferlronf In eccordenca wllh the Authalty e prforUles end In con/uncNon K�ith the Town ol Plckednp; ' , Iiietste8be d(recfed to warkwlth Ihe Town ol Plckering and fhefrdepertmenfs, and the Wafefiont CaordlnaUng Commlttes on the lmp/ementeffon o/ fhe verlous wafediont•InlfiatNesona prlorly�bes/s;• • AND FUATHEA THAT tha Town of Plckerinp be so edvlsed." ' The Waterlront Trell Master Plen lor the Picicering Waterlront le Idenlilied on Flgure 1, The Trell Master Plan Identttfes a contlnuous weterhont ireil In dose proxlmiry to Leke Onteulo, complemented by the Frenchman'e eey Interpreqve Trell eround Fre�chmen'a Bay. The key elemante nf lhe WateHront Trall Mester Plen include; ,, � ' . �� � • �, ' t � •. . � � . . .. q, �.. � . . � 1 _ 1 1 ATiA�CH61ENiq� rr �-� �';• PFI6•9q BS/o p(ECllT1VECAMMITTEE i7/00 Huuw11o,1GCC `r � • Comp�oUnp the Pickerinp Waterlront Trell • Ensurinp en Ecoloplcally 9uateinebie Wate�front and Bay • Improvinp Waterfront Recreationai OpporlunNiee . • Improv(np the Entrance ta Frenchman's Bey end Addreasinp the Problem of SedlmentaUon • Unkinp 1he Eest end Weat 9pka oi Frenchman'a B�y • Promoting Tourleni on ihe Waterhont � Celehrating Hlatory, Hedtage end the Arte �' . :� �: The Town of Pickerinp hes endorsed two proJects to Implemant the Wateriront Trall Ma�ter Plen. The flrat proJect Includea lhe Wost Pfckering Treil allgnment, whlch wlll pravlde the gatewey to the Rouge Park end Pickecing's Waterhant Trail. The second proJect Involves the Tawn o1 Plckering's Millennium Treil ProJect on lho east slde of Ftenchmen's Bay at the toot ot Llverpool Roed, The Millennlum Trell Pro�ect representa the Town'e Mlliennlum ProJect to the Mfllennlum 8ureau af Canada The Mlilennium Bureau of Cenada provides lundlnp to community oriented ectivfliea thet oxplore the community's netural end cuitural he�ilape, ceiebrate ihelr achlevemente and teava a lastinp lepecy to ihe community. . The vlsion lor ihe Plckering Waterfronl is to 'crenle e d/stlacl dense o/P/ece."The Millennium Trall ProJect createa this vlsion throuph InterpretNe trali�, baardwalks, elpnage, ertwak end environmente� Improvements lhat explore and celabreta the �hievements and providas a lestlnp lepacy of ihe Picl;ering Wateriront. • 1. THAIL MASTER PLAN FOR THE PICKERINO WAT�HFRONT The Weterhont Trail Maaler Plan Identlfles e concept plen la the Pickednp Weledront whlch Inc!udes a mulU•azxsss trell raule, boerdwelka, public emenity ereas, and vegetaUon restoratlon eroes elonp the waterfront. The Town of Pickering throuph fleaolatlon #103/99 approved iunding lor the planning, deslgn end ImplementaGcn ot the weatern component ot lhe Waterfront Trail. Pickering Council ond the community have expresaed e desire Ihal ihe trall elignmenl be locatod entirely elonp the Leke Onterlo Shorellne. Thle wa�d e�teJl a valley corridor crossing ol Pelticoet Creek, and the acqulsition ot key weterfront proper,tleo east ol Petticoal Creek In lhe Felrport Communiry. � � The Uail elfpnmenl begine east oi the Rouge River, where ft will provide Ihe getaway to the Rouge Park end e naih eouth carida Ilnkaqe ihrouph to the Qek RkJpea Moreine, The trall lhen contlnues eestward aionp Bella Visla Drive end Rodd Avenue'to ihe PetUcoat Craek ConecrvaUon Aree. Throuph the Petticoet Creek Conservetlon Area, the treii tollows Ihe Lake Ontarlo Shoreline Ihrouph to Park Creacent.••�he�4Ne6t•Pickering�'relt-wlll�be•1.Bicm•leng;•3.6•m•wide•and dealpned to eccommodate muKi-access users. Conpnulnp eazt to Weslshore Boulevard, the treil utllfzes exlatlnp municfpel etraeta, , 7 � .; k +' � 'e i' V � . .., ., i;..,. . . ..,i . . . � . . . .. � '�� .!� � .. . _ 'a �r 1•� '�t ,�;,: .� .� � �, �. �.� : • rs1 �.t+,�� � � ��;<< < . .d.tt , � � , � _ -. �. , � . �, ��: ;, , ; c. . ; � ., , ;��� . , , I.`,, . , .. . . . � ��. . • � ' ' ATTACHMENT#_L.TOKEPORTNPFIS'q'� 1� r ' • Augu�11D 1GBB IXECIfiVECOMMITTEEI7ryB 834� Authority aleM la workl�g wlth lhe Town of Pickerinp to' develop a preliminery deelpn end ImplementaUan schedule fa m alignment located enp4ety donp the wateriront. Thln work Indudee assesaing the environmenlel Impactn, ehorallne haz�ide, end dealpn requirementn lor a crosalnp at lhe moulh ol the Petlicoal Crook„end melhoda lor acqulring publio sccess alonp the weteriront where the trall alipnment �tillzea exlatinp municipd et �eete. 2, MILLENNIUM TRAIL PROJECT . �, The �dillennlum Treil ProJect demonstratea lhrough ertlsGc and cuiturei expresslon, lhat lhe Pickering Waterhont fs a'd!s!lnctaenae olplacw". This is dccompllshed by markfnp the mlllonnlum xdlh a serles of proJects along ihe Waterfront thet explore Its nalurel end culturel herflage, promoles a sustaineble envlronment, celebreles ita echlevemen{s end promotes (nteresl In the communiry, The Millennlum Trell ProJect (see Fipure 1) contelna site epeci0c proJecls whlch Include; � � Inlerpretive signege end eriwork elong the Mlllehnlum Trtil . Environmentellmprovementa � � Millennium Square end Boerdwelk �y , . � • �. Hydro Marsh Boardwalk end Interpretive Lobkout ,• . � Frenchman's Bay West Park � ' ' The Town of Plckering lhrouph fieaotution #98/99 approved the Mfllennlum Trell ProJect at 6n esiimated cost ot 2.e mlllion end hes requasted In wrltlnp that iRe Authodry partner In Ite ProJect by contributing 5200,000. The Aulhairy'a iinenclei contrlbutidn would po toward environmentel Improvements end ihe construction ot Ihe Hydro MarshBaerdwalk end interpretive Lookout. ENVIRONMENTALIMPROVEMENIS '. • The need to take Immedlate ection to protect and reatore the ecologlcel leatures and lunctions of the Frenchman'e Bay Waterehed has been Identitled. Due to Ils signiticent ' nalural resources end atrategic locatlon, Frenchman's Bay provides veluabie wlldllle habltet and unlqua tourism end tecreatlon opportu�ities for erea resldents and v�sitors, Envtronmentel Improvemenls Indude on•slte restoreUon aclivlllea that would Improve weter qualiry, enhance the ecolopical feeturea end functiaie,of lhe wetland ereaa end improve ileh hebitel. These worka Include; , • Naturelizallon Plantinp, which conalsts ol pientinp ceilpor trees, ahrub massinp, na!ive grasses end wildtlower gardena fn Frenchmen's Bay West Perk; • Rorlh shaa atebllizatlon, which would conslst o1160m of bloongineeting treatmanl alonp Hydro Marah; . � Enhancement ot flsh hebitals In Hydro Merih and Frenchman's Bay. ' ,4, i , . ';l,t'� ; ' �. '` 1 ... � � � - •i � .ti � " � ` ' �. , � ,i �� , . ti . . . . .h .� . . . � . . . �. � ' � ` � /1TTACHMENT l�! To n��oRT �r Pf_L5 �9q BSA2 E)IECUTIVE COMMITTEE �7NG AuAw113,1DD9 �.1 MILLENNIUM SQUAqE AND MILLENNIUM BOAHDWALK The Miuennlum Square ts located et the fool ol Llverpool Road. The I�Alllennlum Squere will be epproximately aixty by thirtyflve metres and wlll provide Ihe gal9N�ay to the MIIlennium Trdl. The Millennium Square Is composed ol four functional eroaa r6�'ch Include, the maln squnre, the boerdwelk tarminus, the outdoor cafe erea end the Ntuu� water ta�cl dock erea The hlillennlum Squara will bo lhe ixel polnt ior community eventa and gatheringe. This proposai elso Includes shoreline protectlon worke and the provlslon for a weter texl dock area Thrauph ihe deveiopment of the Plckerinp Weterfront Plen, Ihe Meyor's Task Force recopnlzed ihe need to provide e Ilnkape behvean the east and weat cpila of Fronchmen's 8ay. Tfie Tank Fwce vislon wa4 to have a seasonal "ponloon boat" to lerry trail usere behveen the Millennlum Square end Frenchman's Bay West Park. The water taxi dock will conslst af iloating docks end wlll not funclion as a boat remp, HYDRO MARSH BOARDWALK AND INTERPRETIVE LOOKOUT in order to Integrate Hydro Marsh wlth ihe Mfllennlum Squaro a ralsed boardwalk Is propoaed elonp the eastern spil ol Frenchman's. Bey. The boardwalk Includes en Inlerpre4ve lookout centre at the south east corner oflhe Hydro Mersh, Thla component of the trali will torm parl of tha Pickering Wateriront Treil and will provide an Interreglonel treil connection lo Alex Robertson Perk Trail. ' � FRENCHMAN'S BAY WEST PAfiK The Millennium Trall ProJect provides an opportunity to undertake restoretion acl(vities and provide a trell Iinkege withln Frenchman's Bay West Park. These worka Include the construclion of a perking lot for 30 cars, the construcUon of 285m of lhe Pickering Wateriront Trall, pathway improvements elong the west spit end e water tanl dock. Environmentd enhancements Include fish hebitet improvement In Franchmen's Bey ond neturelizallon plenpnps. • The proposed waks ere consistent wHh the obJeclives ot the Franchman's Bey Monagement Plen lor providlnp an Interreplonal trall Ilnkege, parking, end restorai�on ectivities. RATIONALE 1 The Wateriront. Trall Masler Plen and the Millennlum Trail Project Implement•portion ere key Initlatives in reellzlnp ihe vlslon for thu Plckering WataHront. These worka Include elte epecllic proJecls Ihet w(il pfovlde public access to the walerlront, promola recreation end tourism opportunitles end provlde on site repeneratlon acRvitlea that witl improve the ecologlcel hedth of Frenchman's Bay Walershed, ' The Watedront Treil Master Plan and !he Millennlum Treil ProJect era conslstent with the Authorfry's overeil prograrr►end•pollcy�ebJeclivesdor lhe Plckering�Weterlront which Includo: � The Leke Ontario Weteriront Regenerallon Project for the 4urhem Waterfront 1888 ProJect; � The Inlegrsted Shoreline Management Plen - Tommy Thompsan Park to Frenchman's Bay, 1 A88; , • The Frenchme+i's Bay West Concept PIan,1891; .� • The Franchmen's Bay Restoration Plan; � The Wate�ironl Ernironmenlal MoNtoring Progrem; � The Oreenspaco Protection end Acqulsltlon ProJect � � �� 't � . }'• . � ' � 2 ATTACHME�''+ I rn REPORTqP �' •9q Augwl 13,1BDB IXECUTIVE COMMITTEE I7lDO ' • g� The WeleNront Trell Master Plan end Mlllennfum Trell ProJed provides a number of opportunities and benelita to the Aulhority which Include; . • The opportuniry to expend the pertnerehips wlth the meJor waterlront property ownere euch es Onterlo Fower aeneretlon end the PlckAring Harbour Compeny In provlding on•site restoration activllies; ' ' � � The opportunfty to promdlo outdoor educatlon end pu611c awereness ol ihe ecological features end functlons ol the Frenchman's Bay Wetershed; � The opportunity to construct an Interregionel tra11 Ifnkage elong the Pickerfng Weterfront, Including a trell linkage between lhe east and west aplls of Frenchman's Bay; • The opportunfty to Implement the menagement abJectives lor providing trell access end restoralion activftles within Frenchmen's Bay West Perk. FINANCIALUETAILS � , � 1. TRAIL MASTER PLAN FOR THE PICKERING WATERFRONT The Town has ellocated SB0o,o00.001a ihe construcUon of the Wesl Pickering Trail alignment. The Authority wlll conlribute $50,000 toward Ihe costs al the pioJect Ior p�antinp materlels elong tha alignment of iha tsll. This money wAS mede avalleble ihrough the Rodd Avenua surpius la�d salea In accordenca with our comm(tment to ihe community to ephance ihe hebitat Iinkeges hetween ihe Rouge R(ver end Petticoal Creek. The money Is eveileble In eccount Q04-12•000, 2. MILLENNIUMTRAILPROJECT The Millennlum Treil ProJecl wa9 approved by the Town ol Pickerinp Ihtough Resolulion #86/99 passed on May 03, 1888 end includes ihe•following lunding parinerahips: Communly Services (iroup • 5100,000 Onterlo Power Gonaration Plckering Nucloer S 600,000 Toronlo Reglon Conservation Authority ' S 200,000 Federd Dovernment Mlllennlum Partnership Propram � S 400,000 Province of Ontarlo S 200 000 Town ot Pickering S1.200.000 • 52,600,000 The Town has requested that ihe Aulhority conirfbule 5200,000,00 towerd the cosls o( ihe proJect over three ilscal yeers: The•casts peryearirom ihe•Authorirywould be 388;000 wldch could Include In•kind services. The propased works form e component ol ihe Leke Onterlo Wateriront Regeneretlon Project In lhe Reglonal Munlclpelity ol Durharn. The Authoriry's conlribution would be lunded Irom the Regional Municlpaliry ot Durhem's wateriront levy end elternative funding sources; 5 � 1� t , 3 ' ATTACHMENTq � TOREPOIITN���'q�j g5q4 IXECUTNE COMMITTEE N7(GB ' Au6ud 1�, fo60 Stafl wlll contlnua to e�lore other eources ot tunding'Irom lhe priJate eector le. Cenada Truet'e Frlends ol the Envlronment Fund end service cluberto elrgment the scope ol the work. DETAILS OF WORK TO BE DONE �� 1'�'• To Implement componenta of tha Waterlront TreJl�flaster,Plen and site specitic proJects IdenUtled in lha Millennlum Trall ProJect, a number of tect�ical atudlea, deteiled deslg� end regulatory approvels will be requlred. These worka Include: ? • A coastel ena�ysis, to ensure thet the trail, boardW�ik, and public amenity ereaa located elong the weterlront are not suhJect to ehorellne Fiezerds; • . A geotechnlcal report to ensure that the aectlon'ot the.alignment located In or adJacent lo Petticoat Creek Is not subJect to alopa Inslebllity �r erosion; • M archedopical InvesUgation will he requlred lor ell works undeHalcen on Authority owned lands; � • , . . A permit being ohtained w�der Onterio Reguid�on,'{58, end epprovels being cblelned under eny other epplicab�e prbvinclei or (ederal Iegisletion9;' . _ . A Manegemenl Agreement belnp enlered (nta tietween lhe Authority end the Tawn ot Plckering 1or those portions of lhe Uail located on Authori(y owned lends, Aulhority stafl wlll conlfnue to work wlth the Town of Pickering to finalfze technicel atudles, detellod design end regulatory epprovals lor canponenls ol ihe Weterfront Treil Mester Plen end slte specitic • proJects Idenlilfed under the Miliennium Trali ProJect. Far Intormetlon contect: Lerry Fleid, eMenelon 243 . Doto: July 13,1899 . , ti ' Attachmente (1) , � . ! i. ' , 4 ' � ,��. �� � . . . � . ... . . . . .. . � � � . � ^ . . .1 . . .. . , , .. . . . . . � . . � � - . . � ` 5 , . . � . � .. . � � . . . , . _ � � ' � � . � � . � � � . . � � � � . . � � � � . � . . . . . . � . . . . . . . � � . .. . � � �:, � . � . �� . i .. ..3.. . .. . � . �' � I 1 , . . . . � � ..�.•.�1 . . � . � � � ,' .. � . . . . .,..�i �. . . 1 � .. .. . � . �� � . � � . . � . . . . . • .. 1 . �. . . . � . . . . .. . .�.t ; . . . � � . . . - . . ��.} ��. ' . . . - - . . . . . '' . . _ . . .. .. ..�, �' . � � � � . . � . . . . �l � � � � . . � • a • � . . . , � � ' '.. � � ' . � .� .. , . �� � . . , . � .. . . ,� � . • ' . . .. . � . ' _ . . ,f; . . . . . .• . . FrNnd d YaM • � � r, i� � �ptimis�' C�ub�'�' E' ft�r�r�i� `'� ,.� ��°�� R. P, 0, 8ox 838 P(ckering Onlario L1V•3T3 15 ATTACHMENTq � TOREpORTNPF�S�q9 Seplembcr28,1999 �� _.,PARI � REC@IVCf): . ��� � �� � -.----._ I ', �'Ii.liNO..� I��///� AUEY IQ � \ � Aif.YC'(� . ... ;:;.:,: .:�:,��.:,. ��� U fY.l'�;;y iiir.��i•v �c�:" __ 'i' � nu�G_!'......._ � I ��'i i;l;r! I -��Yir,rlG[. '_-4'..' I�UrA�t/11E . 1 : i=:�: �, .,_:�..__. � :�:� , CoUnCilorMazkHollalld �7 !�•'�'��" '^'1r101O Chairtnan � rmr��r;ir:+��;. �i.uai :�nm � v / ! • inn�.i+v�.. _...'�•i;i�.nii'tiFV_. _ �. . i i:_- -"'.'•___.. _..._..._ _.. Millennium Trnil Pro�ect , ..._....__.___, ..I_gx�< <_;unum I' � One The Esplanade � ' • Pickering, Ontario � � LIV 6K7 '� %i � � ,� . Dear Mark: . At a meeting of the Optimist Club oCPickcring, wc huvc resolved to become a part of U�e waterfront project, specifically nl lhe Children's Intordctive Wnter Play 8ench. We are propazcd 'to prescnl a chcque to thc Town (or 540,000.00 at lhis limc, with lhe underslanding Ihal titc Pickcring Optimist na�ne will be uscd nl Ilic Pazk. The club is involved in fund raising nt tlw Della Bingo nnd m�ticipalu ihal, unlcss something very unforeseen happcns, we will be ablc lo make four (4) p3yntenls of S 15,000.00 each for Uie next four ycnrs, commencing Oclober 15, 2000. Wc look Convnrd lo working wilh you 1 ours , � , �, wn Mdrews , , President � ' . � Optimist Club of Pickering , � ' FRIEND pF YOUT ., . � .. �, _ _ � ., �, , ' ATTACHMENTft3 7 EPORT#� 1�' IAlnldry ol Cllum�hlp, MIN�t1n dn Afldm clvlqua�, Cultun �nd NanUlon d� h Cullun M do Loldn Minisler Minlalre � 61h Fbor 6• 41epo 400 Urdverelty Avemie �00 everme Univereity �� Omerio Twonlo ON M7A 2R9 Toronlo ON M7A 2R8 � �� . Tel.: (11 B) �2S6Z00 T61. : (118) 925-8200 . D � � � � Faz:�418�92S81B5 TAHa:(118��25•Bi85 ' � M� �� SEP 2 3188A C Seplember 8,1999 TOWN OF PICKCkInr.. ��, • . � . + � PIONLRINp, ONtAqin � �Ivlr. Steve Reynolds � Director of Culture and Recrention Totivn of Pickering ' One The Esplanade , , Pickering, Onlario L1V 6K7 Dcur Mc Rcynolds: Re: PileNumberl999-1MIL-9087 � , Maln Slrerf Onfarlo Millennium Punding t am pleased lo inform you Qiut your d!al�i Sfree! Onfnrto application hus becn approvcd. You will receive millennium funding in thc nmount of S38,20D far the devclopmcnl of Ihc Pickering Millcnnium Watcrfront Tmil. You will rcccivc thc full gmnt in onc installmcnt. As pnrt of the terms and conditions of lhis progrom, the Minislry rcyuires n posl project rcport wilhin three tnonths aller completion of thc projcct. The provinciel government is playing nn nclivc rolc in ccicbraling thc millcnnium by providing rcsources to bring communitics logether, Your communiry's purticipalion in ihc Mnln Sfrcef Unlaria program hclps lo highlight Onlnrio's most imporlanl rcsourccs — our peoplc anJ our communilics. T7innk you for yaur puAicipation and 6est wishes for Ihc success oPyour millcnnium projccl. � Sincerely, ) .�� / �a i r -^ �/ 1 � ` � � • ' . � 1 /'IOICIIIO II {,}, 1 , . Mini ter ' (� � , c. Hon. Janet Ecker M,P.P,Pickering•Ajax•Uxbridga �NTAI�IO ,>,a, �. : .:}• ,., �. �. � ! �'� : . ; ,, ,. � , _,: . � , '' . ATTACHMENT � 4' TO REPORTJi �� 99 � Cnrindit"1Vlii�bnd�uin Pai�tncrship Progr'am ' . � (� canada . Pickering's Mfllennfum Trail �II�PIIflII1T � � In Pickcring, Onlario, Ihc'1'own of Locatlon: Pickcring Millennium Trnil Ad-Iloc Pickedng, Ontarb CommiQcc, in pnAncrship wilh lhe Scope: Canada Millennium Partnership ��� Progrnm, will cstablish a mulli-usc Irnil and community squnrc. 77ie Irnil Phase: 3 will form a system comprising ihrcc existing trails.'I7ie firsl Nalions'frail OrganlzaQon: Wi�l commemorale Native lieritage; thc 7own ol Plckaring Monarch Trail will focus an Mlliennlum Trail Ad-Hoc Committee Pickering's environmenlnl hislory nnd ecology; tl�c Iliird component will be Contaet Nama: lhe Penkc Trail. An arcn along Ihc Mark Holland t�nil, Millenniwn Syuarc, will bcromc � Millen... a selting for communily cvents ond Phono p Bureau (805) 420�4805 �nthcrings. Thc trnil will havc parks, of rcen spacc, inlerpretive signs, n Canada CMPP Funding: bOp((iWpII(, a waler piny benclt, n snnd �HOMEJ 3340,000 r�oy 6cncli and bcacli pavilions. Eetlm�ted Tolal ProJecl Cast: � 52,598,324 ' E-Mail AdJrese: mhol land(altown.Pickering.on.ca Lnl upd�le: Odobar 71, 19YY � f � � . . � � . . � �. . � . . . 5. . � . . . . . . . . . . . � . � � 1 . . .. . . . .. ' ... 1. .. ... . . � .. � .... 1 �' . . . I' . � , � ��� , .�