HomeMy WebLinkAboutHP 01/00, !" ,n., . •1 �. �w� 119 REPORT TO COUNCIL FIiOM: Jolu� Sabenn, Chair DA1'E: Scptunber 20, 2000 LACAC — Heritage Pickering REPORT NUMBER: HP01-00 SUBJECT: Dillinghem-famorie Iiouse Designation 1636 Arattwrn Court Concession 2, Lot 19 Md Ckeve Home House Designation 1940 Eighth Concession Road, Concessi,�n 8, South Half of Lot 16 RECOMMENDATION: 1. That Report HP01-00 regarding the designution of the Dillinglvun-I.FUrorie House, 1636 Arathom Court, and the Cleeve Home House, 1940 Eighth Concession Road, be received; and 2. That the �illingham-Lamorie House nnd the Cleeve Home House be desigmted as Heritage Properties. ORIQIN: Let:er datcd March 9, 2000 &om Bruce Lamorie Lcttcr duted Merch 7, 2000 from Jepn Hortx AUTFfORITY: Ontario Heritagc Act, RS.O. 1980, c. 337, Section 29.6 FINANCIAL IMPLICATlONS: 5600 — 2 Plaques — Acct. 2743-5400 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Heritage Pickering (LACAG7 recommends the desigmtion of the Dillingham-Lamorie House and the Cleeve Home House. BACKaROUND: P{ease fmd ettactKd to this report n by-law for designation of ttu Dillingt�em-Lemorie Housc end the Cleeve Home Hause. At ite roguler rt�eeting of May 1, 2000, Counci! approved Resolutlon #68/00 rnnxming the designatan of tho Di�ingt�enrLacmrie House ani the Cleeve Homo House. The proc�s of desigmtan requires that Notke of Intent be edvertix� in the bcal newspapet for onc wak and notification tben be served on lhe owar and lhe OMario Heritago Fow�detion. '. �, ,, '��'. , . . , .,. . . ,, � , . ,, , ... . . . _ ....,__ ,. . ��h � � . -�:... . . _ ,.. .. .. _.. � � . ., , ... . . . . REpOR.tO COUnCiI HPOI-OO �� DBtC: SeptettlbCt 2O, 2000 12 �' Subjxt: De�ation of the Dillingliam�Lamorb House Pege Z end the Ckevc Home House No oppeals heve been receivad on this designation, therefore, Heritagc Pickering (LACAC) ere now requesting a bylaw to designate be approved by Council. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Bylew requesting Designation Prepared By: / ]o Sabean ys Attachments Copy: T. J. Quinn, C.A.O. Recommended for the co►uideration of Pickering Ciry Cauncil � J. inn, Chicf Administ tivc OfTcer Approved / Endorsed� Bruce Taylor k� � . , � a �T � J � T4 i� 'L yt�� 1 5 � � yk } f - � ;G�._.._ .. . ... .. .. . .. .. .. . ..... ._.. _ .. .. . _ . .._ . �...-. ., .... _, ��M�IT!_L TQ R�iT � o�- THS CORpORA'�'(ON OF 7'HE GITY OF P(G P �P' . 1�1 M]` � . � Being a by-law to designute the properties known es Dillinghem-Lattwrie House snd Cleeve Home Housc aa being ofarchitectural and historical value or interest. WHEREAS pursunnt to paragraph (a) of section 29.6 of the Ontario Hcritoge Act, RS.O. I990, c. 0.18 the council of n municipality is uuthorized to enact by-laws to designate mal property, inciuding all buildings nnd structures thereon, to be of architecturnl and historic value or inlerest and WHGREAS lhe Council of the l:urporntion of the City of Pickering has wused to be served on the owner of the Innds und premises known as the Dillingtutm-Ltunorie House and the Cleeve Flome Flousc in thc City of Pickering and upon the Ministry of Cillzenship, Culturc atH1 Recrenlion, notice of intention to so designnte thc nforesnid renl properties and has cai�sed such noticc of intention to be published in thc same newspaper huving general circulntion in the munici�uslity for onc wcek; and WHEREAS no noticc of objcction to the proposcd designation Iws bcen served on the clerk of the municipalily; NOW THEREFORE the Council of the CorEwration of the City of Pickering hereby enacts as follows; I. There is dcsigmtcd as being of erchitecturul and historicnl valuc or intcrest the rca! properties known as the Dillinglvim-Lamoric House and Cleeve Home House in tbe City of Pickering, morc pnrticulnr described in Schedule "A" and "B" attached hereto. 2. The municipal soGcitor is hercby authorized to cause n copy of this by-luw to be registered agninst the propertics described in Schedule "A" and "B" hcrcto ia the proper Innd registry ofTice, 3. TI.� Clerk is hereby authoriud to cause a copy of this by-lew to be servcd on the owners of lhe aforesaid properties end on the Ministry of �itizenship, Cullure & Rcereation and to cause notice of the pnssing of this by-law to be published in the snme newspaper tiaving genernl circuletion in the municipality for one week. BY-LAW read a first, second and lhird time end 6nally pessed lhis 16th day of October, 2000. Waync Arthurs, Mayor Bnxe Taybr, Ckrk `- � � t '' 4 t r :4 .... t _...... n...�..... . �...Y.r� < ,..i...._._ . _ .t .. ... .. : ... ..� . _...__..., ,._ . .., . ,i. .. �2 � . } s i, .i , . ;122. `. S�HEDULE "A" TO BY-LAW NUMBER ALL AND SINGULAR those certain parcels azd tracts of lends and premises situate, lying and being in the City of Pickering, the Regional Municipaliry of Durham and Province of Ontario and being composed of Lot 19, Concession 2, tudf way between the 3r° Concession and Finch Avenue on the west side of Brock Road. � � � � C d}R kr -Fk� j�' ;-; � 3 4 .� aA`1 "t � .i+ x{.-.• .._. � ., z,�. e . , �I� .n.. . . , t ' I,. ±t1. t i, ... £5.,- `�. t[ _. _ ;'....,�,. . .., r. . . . , . - 3 �y' l•"� `�� _ ;4: `' _ . . .. . . f 123 IN THE MATTER OF THE ONTARIO HERITAGE ACT RS.O. 1990, CHAPTER 0.18 , and IN THE MATTER OF THE LANDS AND PREMISES MUMCIPALLY KNOWN AS PART LOT l9, CONCESSION 2 ' IN THE CI7'Y OF PICKERING IN THE PROVINCE OF ONTARIO end 1N THE MATTER OF CITY OF PICKERING BY-LAW NUMBER REASON FOR DESIGNATION 'fhe piUingl�em.Lamorie House is located at 1636 Arnthorn Court, Concession 2, Lot 19, half wey between thc Third Concession nnd Finch Avenue on thc west side of Brock Road. The Property waa fvst settled by Stephen and May Dillingham in the 1830's. Buitt circa 1850, ��,y�y�y �n �}K �gqp�s, the }ausc is an important exampic of an early-to•mid nineteenth century nual residential building. t � h � 3 � �i � ' � , a s . r i t a y� � _ ti . _ s r ��. �,= a .; t .' - , , ,� .. . _.:.�: ., . t �'.. ., "� t.....r _..,�; .... ..� :.� ,., '�: . -_ '. . . .. ..' ,. r., ,r, ,.. .. s ._ 3 � � jf. - n ''3 �j.' - r:e � t f - �, r. �' 1?.9�. $�HRDUL•R «g„ TO BY-LAW NUMBER AI.L AND SIN(itJLAR thosa ceriein parccls and tracts of lands and premises situate, lying a�d being in the City of Pickering, the Ragional Municipality of Durham and Province of Ontario and being composed of 1940 S'" Concession Road, Concession 8, South•half of Lot 16. ' t i: , r � � ;; j � i I' � � ��GP i ' i ! .. . 3. �.. " .. � .� . . � . . t. � f..� a , K ,.. , �.. >,. . A.. ,. _ . ._ _'. ._ t ... .. .... . , : t �v �� t , � a S.f �� �' s� t ' � `. �, jt, 1?5 IN THE MA7TER OF TNE ONTARIO HERITAdE ACf R.S.O. 1990. CHAPTER 0.18 and IN THE MATTER OF THE LANDS AND PREMISES MLTNICIPALLY KNOWN AS SOUTH HALF OF LOT 16, CONCESSION 8 IN THE CITY OF PICKERINCi IN THE PROVINCE OF ONTARIO and IN THE MATTER OF CITY OF PICKERING BY•LAW NUMBER REASON FOR DESIGNATION Thc Cleevc Home Housc is locuted at 1940 8'" Concession Road, Concession 8, South-half of Lot 16 in Pickering. It was constructed in 1958 and was the first housc in Canada to be built of thin-shell, reinforced concrete and to dispensc with bearing well suppoAs. Cleeve Home was a distinguished artist notcd for his portraits of prominent people, his public sculptures, and his role as an act consultant to Canndinn businesscs. Jenn was en accomplishcd sculptor whose works of art grace privute collections across Canada. t r . ,_, . � . . . ,� , . ,., s, _ . � � - . _ _ . , , . ..1 _�• _ , , .: , _ . 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