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FROM: Neil Carroli DATE: November 16,1998
Director of Plwuiing
SUBJECT: Rouge Park "Pertnership Memorandum for tha Coordinntion of Land Use
Planning end Development Activities"
That Town Council endorse the "Parinership Memorendum for thc Caordinntion of Land
Use Plunning end Development Activities" betwcen The Rougc Park Allinncc and thc
Rouge Park Plenning end Land Use PMncrs, datcd April, 1998, nnd contuined iu
Appendix No. I to Planning Report 17-98; and
2. That the Town Cierk fonvard a copy of Planning Report No. 17-98 togcther with
Council's resolution on this muttcr to thc Rougc Pnrk Alliancc and othcr Purtncts.
Letter dated lune 29, 1998, lo Neil Curroll, Director of Planning, requesting the Town's
cndorscment of the Rougc Purk Partnership Memomndum for thc Coordination of Land Usa
Planning und Developmcnt Activitics, as approvcd by the Rouge Pnrk Alliancc an April 6,1998.
The Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, chuptcr P.13
The endorsement of the Partnership Memorundum is not anticipnted to }tave any financial
implications on the Town as the corisideration of the Rouge Park and its Mnnegement Plan will
be undertnken es part of the existing pinnning and develupment review process.
The Rouge Perk Parinership Memorandum for the Coordination of Land Use Planning and
Development Activities outlines the.roles and cespansibilities of the Ailience pnrtners in the
implamentation of the Rouge Park Management Plen in relation to land use planning,
development, and infrestructure. The Town of Pickering and other members are to support and
implement the pwk management plens within their bounderies.
1'he Town's Official Plen currently designutes the Rougc Pazk boundery on the Rcsourcc
Menegement Schedule, nnd contains policies supporling the goals of Ihe Rouga Pnrk
Management Plan. Current Council policy nnd proccsses are consistenl with thc Partncrship
Mcmorandum ond require no changcs. ]t is rccommended thnt Councll tnkc the formal slcp of
endorsing the Partnership Memorandum, set out in Appcndix No, [ to this Planning Repon.
. •PLANNING REPORT NUMBER 17-98 Datc: November 16,1998
'' Subject: Rougc Purk "Porh�ership Memomndum" peS� � i�zl
1,0 Ori¢in
In April, 1995, the Province of Ontario Iaunched the Rougc Park, The park wes formed
on the basis that partners would support end implement lhe Rouge Perk Menagement
Plen �vithin iheir bounderies. Partners witt� the Rouge Perk Alliance include thc Toronto
and Region Conservation Authority, the T��wn of Mnrkham, the Town of Richmond Hill,
the To�m of Whitchurch-Stouffville, the Town of Pickering, the City of Toronto, the
Region of Durham, and the Region of Yorlc.
in supporting the Rouge Fark Manegement Plnn, lhe pariners wauld review planning nnd
development proposals un behalf of the Rouge Perk, with the Toronto and Region
Conservation Authority ac the lead ugency wilh respect to wntershed plunning nnd
To clarify the roles of Ihe Rouge Park Ptutners in the land use and planning development
roview process, ihe Rouge Park Allinnca requcsted thnt the Rouge Park Alliancc Plenning
end Land Use Subcommittce prepare a Partnership Memorandum for land use planning
and dcvelopment services relating to the Rouge Pnrk. Town stnff have bcen involved in
thc roview of this document. The Partnership Memorandum as approved by the Rouge
Park Alliancc is provided as Appcndix No. l.
2.0 'sc 'o
As a municipul Rouge Pnrk Partncr, it would be thc Town's rolc nnd rcsponsibiliry to
impiemeut the Rougc Perk Plan und to ensurc that decisions on lond use planning,
development, and infrastructurc maucrs hnve rc¢ard for Pnrk interests. When processing
e plenning or development applicution, the Town would be responsible for identifying to
othec partners involved in the revicw und approvnl process, lhose proposals where Rouge
Park issues are to bc considcrcd. Furthcr, thc Town would bc expecicd to update the
Alliance from time-to-timc on the implemcnmtion of the Rouge Park Manngement Pinn,
and amendments thereto, within our boundnries.
Some oF the municipal mattcrs spccificully notcd whcrein the Town is responsible for
implementing the Rouge Park Plan include public policy, lend use, development
stendards, development npprovals, urbnn design, infraswcturc, purks planning end public
uses. The inteRegional/intcrmunicipal context of the park is also to be considercd.
The boundary ofthe Rouge Park within Pickering has been detailed in the Rouge Park
Menagement Plan. This line is reflected on Sci,edule [il - Rcsource Manegement to thc
Pickering Ofliciai Plan. However, in accordance with the Menegement Plan, there may
be oppociunities to secure additionel innds for inclusion in the park through applications
far redevelopment or land severance. In these cases, it would be thc Town's
responsibility to interpret and apply the Park Plen policies related to boundery delinention
and secure (using best eftons) the new boundery tivough the pinnning and development
epprovels process.
Tha Partnership Memorandum also notes that paMers should establish intemnl
procedures for implementing the Rouge Park Manugement Plen. Pickering wus fortunate
in ihe timing of preparing its new Official Plan in thut the Town incorporated a numbcr of
provisions releting to tha Rouge Pazk, As noted above, the Town's Resource
Management Schcdule designates iha boundary of thc Rougc Pork to incrcnsc nwnrcness
of the Pazk. This flags the issue Por staff, developers, lundowners, and tha public,
;•!� 2'PLANNINd REPORT NUMBER 17-98 Datc: November 16,1998
Subject; Rouge Park "Partnership Memorandum" Page 3
Furiher, the Town's Official Plen contsins several policies rospecting the Rouge Park,
The main policy (section ]0.16, Rouge Park) indicatcs that Town Council supporls the
goals of the Rouge Park Menagement Plen. The policy also identifies, among other
mariers, thet Council shall protect end enhence the environmentel integrity of thc Park by
fwthering the goais and objectives of tht: Rouge Park Menagement Plan, by nssisting and
cooperating wilh lhe Rouge Pazk Allia�ace, and by cncouraging, where appropriale, thc
conveynnce of all lands within the Park to public ownership.
In addition, policics appeur in cach of the sections of the Official Plan denling with the
Rosebank, Rougemaunt, Highbush, end Rougc Park Neighbourhoods. In each of ihc
sections, tha Plan states that Town Council shull rcquira now development to havc regard
for the Rouge Pnrk Management Plne.,
3.0 cCon lusion
The Town's OCficial Plan sets up a policy Gamework that is in keeping with tha Rouge
Park PaMership Memorandum. As the Town has becn opernting with this new Plnn for
over a year now, procedures are already in plece to ensure the Rouge Park Munagement
Plan is considered im m�tters reluted to plenning, dcvelopment, nnd infrastructure.
The Rouga Patk Pnrinership Memornndum does not comc into effect until nll pwiners
hnve endorsed it. Current Town policy and procedurcs nrc consistcnt with the
Memornndum und requirc no changes. Town Council should fortnally endorse the
Memornndum by passing a resolution to this effect and fonvurding it to the Rouge Park
Alliance, and other Pnrk Partners.
The rccommendutions coninined in this Plnnnina Rcport have bcen discussed with the
Town's reprcsentative on the Rouge Park Alliance (Rcgional Councillor Dickerson). He
concurs with lhe rccommendutians.
Pcepared By:
�� ��Z-R--
Catherine Rose
Manager • Policy Division
Recommended for the consideration of
PickeringToWi e cil
/ �
v ��
Approved / Endorsed by:
Director o anning
0199 �. IM� enerel e� � � � :
Appenaix No. I to
Planning Report p17-98 4 �
�� 'fhc liouge FhrkAlliana
RougePark �61AOWFnchAvenue Tcl: (416)?B-ROUGE
Scarlwrougli, ON MIR SK7 I'yx: (416) 287•242f
PnrtnersGlp Memorn►ldum
for the Coordlnntion
of Land Use Plnnning nnd De►�elopnrent Activitfes
:1 .orrC:l iillvlr
(herelnafler referted to lhe "Alliance")
(hereinafter referred lo as "lhe
Rouge Park Planning and Lend Use Partners")
In April 1995, the Province of Onlario olTcially launched die Rouge Park. The reporl "Rougn Park
Manegement Sln�cture and Funding Repon" outlined Ihe formation of the Alliance end Ihe rolas anJ
responsibili�ies oflhe Nlience. The rcport idemifies Ihe Toronto and Region Conservation Auihority
as the lead egency with respect to watershed planning, Ihe review of plenning end developmenl
proposels on behaif of the Alliance, The municipelities would support and implement park
� manegement plans wilhin their bounderies. Discussions have laken place on Iha proposed planning
and review roles end responsibilities amongst the Alliance Partners. The result is tlie finelization of
this Rauge Park Partnership Memorandum for Ihe Coordination of Land Use Planning and
Development Activities. �
1. Purpoae
l.l To coordinate tho implemenlation of the Rouge Park Managemenl Plan wilh Ihe land use
planning end developmenl approvals process of the Rouga Perk Planning and land Use
t.2 To set out tha roles and rdponsibilities of Iha Rouge Park Planning and Land Use Panners,
Rouga Park StafTand tha Alliance as they relata to land use planning and development matters.
1.3 To esteblish e cooperetiva arcangement emong tha Rouga Park Planning and Lend Usa
Pertners to ensure tho delivery of land usa pienning and developmenl services that �upport the
Rouga Park.
� � i g� �
��A p�endix No. I to Planning Report #17-98 Pege 2
Pnrtnersl�lp Memorandun�
for tl�e CoordlnnlJon
of Lnnd Use Plnnning and Developmen� Acllvitles
.i o�d: ,� a�n�
2. Coale
2.1 To efiiciently end effeclively address issues of Rouga Park interest in ihe decision•meking
process on plenning documenls, developmcnt applications nnJ rcluted permils
2.2 To promote whero feasible and approprieta tha implementation of Rouga Park inleresls in a
' consislent manner.
2.3 To ensure that the artengement of roles and responsibilities for the implementelion of Rouge
Perk intuesls related to lend usa planning and davelopment complements Iha exisling roles,
responsibililies and approvals processes of the Rouge Park Planning and I.and Use Penners.
2.4 To ensure Ihnt Rouga Park munagement and pla�ning informalion is availablc �o tlia planning
918IPO�lIlB ROII$C PB:k Plenning and Land Use Partners.
3. Rola & Re�pon�ibililies
3,1 Rouee Park Alliance
The role ofRouge Park Allience in IenJ usa plenning, davelopment and infrastruclure relaled
melters is to provide support to thc Rouge Park Planning end Land Usc Partner as requested,
and to provide clear, concise direclion/informetion on malters of inlerest to Ihc Rouge Park.
Where a pertner requests, the Alliance will provide clarificalion of a Park imerest, eilher in a
specific siluation or in Ihe fomi of a policy dircclion.
3.2 Rouge Park Alli�nce Technie�l Commiltee for Land U�e PlanninQ and Developmenl
Tha Rougc Park Allianco may appoint a technica) committee to assist the Alliance wilh land
usa planning, development and infrastrucmrc matlers. The role of a Rouge Park Alliance
_ teclmical wmmittce for Lend Uu Planning and Developmenl would be to monitor Ihe success
of Ihis Partnerohip Agreement and to pravide support lo Ihe Rougc Park Planning and Lend
Use Partnen and the Alliance as required.
The committeo may also reviaw planning end development applicutions es forwarded by the
Rouge Park Planning and Land Use Partner where assistance in thc resolulion of a�pecific
park plenning matter is requated including land acquisition requesls.
3,3 Rouee Park Staff
The role of tha Rougo Park Staff aa it reletes to lend use planning, development end
infrastructure mattero is to ensura that Rouge Park management and planning informetion is
dislributed to O.o planning slaff of the Rouge Perk Planning and Land Use Partners, to direct
clients tu the epproprieta Rouge Park pertner and tn coordinate repoAs to the Allience as
3.4 Rouge Park Partner�
Tha Role oftha Ruuga Park Plenning and Land Use Partner as it releles lo lend use planning,
development end inGestructure metters is to implement tha Rouge Park Plan, incluJing
Pogc 2
• 1�pendix No. I to Planning Report N17-98 Page 3 4 5
Pannershlp Memornnrlum
for tbe Coordinntlon
ojLand Use PlnnnTng and Developmene Activlttes
,i .o...:i uur�
amendmenis to tha Plen as may bc approved by the Allinnce end to ensure that uecisions on
lend use planning and development matlers have regnrd for Park interests. II shall be tha
responsibility of tha Rouge Park Plenning anJ Lend Usc Partner receiving e p�amiing ar
development epplication to identify consideretion of the Rouge Park Manegement Plan lo
other Partncrs involvul in ihe review and approvals process. The Rouge Park Planning and
Land Usa Partne�s shall update the Alliance, from time to lime, on �he implementu�ion of the
Rougc Park Management Plan, end emendments thereto, within their respeclivejurisdictions.
3.4.1 Municippliliea
The municipalitiw era responsible for implementing tha Rouge Park Management Plen
as it rolates to metten within their respeclive jurisdictions, including, but not IimileJ to:
1. public policy;
2. land usc;
3. development slandards;
4. davclopmcntappiuvals;
5. urban design;
6. inGeslrocturc;
7. pa�ks planning;
e. public usa; and
9, othermaltersofmunicipelinterest.
Municipelities shell elso review tho Rouga Park Menegement Plen wilhin its
interreginnal/inlraregional conlext and ensure proper regerd for the goals end objeclives
of Ihe Plen. Where the Rougc Park LounJery has not becn spacifically fixed in Ihc Rouge
Park Management Plan, (partners ara responsible for lhe "epplicalion ofappropriale Park
Plen policies releted lo the boundary dclineation) the inlerpretelion snd securement of tha
boundaryshall bo Q�e responsibilily of Ihe "erea" Municipaliry Ihrough Ihe plahning and
developmenl epprovals process.
3.4.2 The Toronto and Re�ton Coneerv�lfon Aulhority (TRCA)
Tha TRCA will implement Uie Plxn ag it reletes to water menagement, nalurel heritaga and
natural hazards. Tl�o TRCA shell review the Rouge Park Manegement Plen wi�hin its
intercegional context and ensure proper regard for the goals and objeclives of tlie Plan.
4. Applieetton
4.l All Planning and Development Applications, Approvals end Permils releted lo the Planning
Act, Environmental A�swsment Act and Conservation Authorities Act end other epplicable
legislation shall be reviewed by the respeclive Rouge Park Planning and Land Use Pertners
with rapect to matters within their jurisdiclion having regerd for tha objectives of Ihe Rouge
Park Menegement Plan and appropriete policies conleined lherein.
Pa�e )
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' 4� , ,
�'Appendix No. I to Planning Report N17-98 , Page 4
PnrJnershlp Mentorr�ndum
for the Coordlnntton
ojLand Use Planning nnd Development ActivUles
a ,.i:.a u�n�
S. Implemenl�Uon
S.1 This purtnerohip memorandum will comc into efTect upon endorsement by Iha Rouge Park
Alliance and Rouge Park Planning and Lend Usa Pertntrs. '
5.2 The Rouge Park Plenning and Land Use Pariners may requesl finencial assislence of Ihe
Alliance from time Io time on metter (where Park interests are �he primary focus) related to
implemenlatian of the Rouge Park Plen.
5.3 The Rouge Park Planning end Lnnd Use Partners shall cyteblish internal procedures for the
implementation of Ihe Rouge Perk Menegement Plen in aceordnnce with this egreemenl, The
Rouge Park Planning and l.and Use Partners located north of Steeles Avenue mey estnblish
interim operating procedures in the absence of en approved Rouge Park Norlh Managemenl
. ,,
Pagc a