HomeMy WebLinkAboutCL 35/98� r,. �,,, , ;_ , ii , ' " 171 o�N oF p� , � REPORT TO COUNCIL FROM: Bruce Taylor, AMCT, CMM DATE: . July 28, 1998 Town Clerk REPORT NUMBER: CL 35•98 SUBJECT: Proposed Donation Gom Pickcring Basebell A.csociation ['7 xd�lu furx�II:3LII[�L` A That the letter from the Pickering Basebail Association deted lune 24, 1998 regarding lhe lighting at ihe baseball diamond at Centennial Park be received; and That the otTcr from the Association to provide funding to improve thc lighting at the baseball diamond at Centennial Park ba refused at this time. ORIGIN: Letter fram Pickering Baseball Association dated lune 24, 1998 AUTHORITY: Thc Municipal Act FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: see Background Information below BACKGROUND: Plcase find attached to this memo a Ictter from ihe Pickering Baseball Associatian dated ]une 24, 1998 requesting that the lights at the baseball diamond in Centennial Park be upgraded and offering to donate 510,000 towards this project. Also attached is a memo from ihe Director of Parks and Facilities dated lune 25, 1998 commenting on this request and a letter Gom myself to Ms. Pat Obergfell of the Pickering easeball Association dated luly 3, 1998. Council received the Association's request at its meeting of June 29, 1998 end noted thet it will be considered formally at the Council Meeting of August 4, 1998. Tha total cost of improving the lighting at this baseball diamond would be approximetely 525,000, Council has not provided any funding in the 1998 Capitel Budget for this projcct, however, stefT felt that if the Pickering Baseball Associetion donated SI0,000 this year as noted in their letter, the Town could proceed with the ordering of the lighting poles which tekes eight to ten weeks for delivcry and the belance of the project could be completed in 1999 when funds were properiy aliocated. ../2 . . . . ���i, . � .�. ;-.�<<. _ . , . ' � 5 _ 1 t- '!:- . � � . �y � l �' f I t ��:. 1?Y�'�_.. ..., ._ ._.. , �l.;a,.. . ... . . .� � !,. .r� 't„ ... .. .. . , t ,-.,.. ._,.. .... 5: '. - ..�5� 7 _ 1 5 =i1] .i "`5' .;r4� i k 5. � _ �• " , .. �. . 172,1. .2_ To date, the Pickering Hesebell Association has not provided the SI0,000 cheque aa their ` donation to lhis project end therefora it wouid not be appropriete to recommend that Council commit itaelfto funding this project 100°/a ATTACHMENTS: I, letter dated July 3, t998 from Town Clerk to Pet Obergfell of Pickering Baseball Assoc. 2. memo dated ]une 25, 1998 from Director of Parks and Facilities 3. Ietter dated June 24, 1998 from Pickering Basebali Associetion Prepared By: Bruce Taylor, AMCT, CMM Town Clerk 3,5 t. 7 i t �.• . `- �. _' . 6 ` i � �� : ' �,. - � v.y ,. ; . � t � ''+.t` - t , .: � � x .i r : w t . � f( 1 1�.� 4 '. 3 � . >.• F a'rF .. a� _., ` � i-r t t�. 3 IC:�.:.t_�'x.r�.'L ..,. 1 ,.i: . . ..�''.., t� _. , ,.. >t {�, n. e . : i1y .r,?l.�.�.t . .�, ,�..,. �.... . . . . . . _..,,n, `� ��" °� 173 � � me corpo�atlon orthe 7bwn of Pltl�eri�g July 3, 1998 Uerk's Deparpncnt ��� �"`�i� 010�0 M�.. Pat ObergfeU 1°"° 741 Edgewood Road °fnitti'� �a�� Pickering, Ontario. o�r�mau roon �xi.e„ L l V 2Z7 faamk 190A/7F96p � ' . T� 190A 170J777 170f11U•]IEO . . .��r! �90fl11pp31f u�,r a�,�,Y„po�,�m�, Dear Ms. Obergfell: Your letter dated June 24, 1998 addressed to Mr. Tom Quinn, Genere! Manager, offering a S 10,000 donation from the Pickering Baseball Association to improve the lighting at the beseball diamond in Centennial Perk i� acknowledged. Pleaae be advised that Council met on lune t0 and t I, 1998 as a Committee of ihe Whole to review the 1998 Budget and adopted the Budget at the Councii Meeting of lune 29, 1998. Although the upgrading of the lighting at the baseball diamond in Centennial Park was not included in the Budget that was approved on June 29th, Council did consider your offer to donate fund� to thie project. Staft'ha� been directed by Council to prepare a report for its consideration at its August 4th mecting on the feasibility of undertaking this project over 1998 and 1999. Due to the latenesa of the construction season and the fact that it takes eight to ten weeks for the lighting poles to be delivered, it would be feasible to purchase the poles in 1998 using the donetion of the Pickering Bazeball Association and finishing the project in t999 using the Tawn's funds. [f you are in agreement with this proposal, please fonvard a cheque made payable to �he Town of Pickering in the amount of SI0,000 to Everett Buntsma, Director of Parks and Facilities, who will hold this cheque until Council makes a decision on this project at its mceting of August 4th. ..../2 .. ! , _ ' `.' ' ��� ,.' � , ;:� .:ti r�, r ' ' { /.� ' + �.`�' #� t....r,�.. s.�:r �. . ... . . . . <.��... . ,... . �.,�` at�� �.,Lv .`�ki 1 a _ , s •'x'�4� -2- Ifyou have any queetiona with reepect to thia matter, pleau do not he�itete to contact me. , Yours sincerely, � , , Bruce Taylor, AMCT, CMM Yown Clerk cc: General Manager Director of Parks and Facilities ; , . . ., , : , , , . .I i ,y;: 4 ' � ` y � ,' � �j+ a ;::� . , . `•.j � �' ` ? y_: ., . . . -�:r �. - r r . t� F �� ,� r � 1 ' �� � w p i c� x��� �, r � y �t4 �rr � . p �_ � �t > iJ E � �.Ti'?zati4r>. ��_. ... . . .. , .. a .�.. {s... ,. . 'a�., � ....... . .... .r'('...._ ... ... ..,3w , . . .... .... . -"�,�yC rt4'n�li Y �tt( '1 .ir ',:. p:,� :: .--., , :. �$. � -(`�t , _ . �.. .;�. �;F F� s :� ���,ti , � � � 1�5�� �;,� `' DEPARTMENT OE PARKS & FAC[L I� OENERAL MANIflER r • (7ECEIVED: . MEMORAN�UM aueNO.: ABEY.TO• Junc 25, 1998 Fwo aav ro� � . . .. � MAY COUNCIL � � . � CUL.• Q CLEHK TO; '-'. TIIOIII�S J. QU�IIR � � � PAqNe { fAG FINANCB General Manager , PueucwaaKS NUMAN RES . . FIR6 lEO�I � . � � . - TRAN8IT PUNNINO - . � � , INFOBY8TfiM8 CUSTCARE ... � -� ECON.OEV ., Further to ihe letter rccently recoived from the Pickering Baseball Aesociation (PBA) rogarding their contribution to the lighting improvements at Centennial Pazk. As you are aware delivery of the poles for this project will be approximately 8•10 weeks from date of order. Subsequently it is most unlikoly thut the lighting improvements can be cartied out before the end of this season. ThereCoro, it is recommended chat Town Councii accept the donation of 510,000 and authorize the Depaztrnent of Parks and Facilities to proceed with the ordering of the nceusary poles and that the Department make the balancc of this projcet a 1999 budget item. As such Council will display their commitrnent to maintaining safe parks and funding will come &om 1999 budget, We wi11 condnue to work with our adviser in regards to fixture and power requirements. Should this be possiblc we will advise the PBA accordingly and try ro ensure t�at the lighting is rcady for the start of the 1999 season. ..� � / �./ Evetttt Buntsma Director of Parks & Facilities EH:mid ti - ' �.,� � � �� � t F � �"� .�� � i - '��� � '+t Y p I F t � .s j - ' e?� 1 A � �f � � � �.f'� ��. .fr _._ � . ,� . � , . ,, ,...��. , .. . ...,i�_ . .., .' ..�. . `_. ! . .. . .; . �; 1!V ! II , � ,t — r � . �,�.: . . . . � . � . � - �. . � � . ,:,'. .. . •._ . .' . � aENE LM NAQER RECEIVED FILH NQ, II June 24, 1998 Tom Duinn General Manager Town of P(ckering Dear Mr. Ou(nn: As yau know the P.B.A. has been requestlng that the Iights at Centennial Diamond be upgraded because of safery reasons for the last flve years. I even sent a letter to Mr, Brenner about the safery situation at th(s park this year and asked him to ask Council not to remove the money put aside In this years budget. Because ot the budget sltuaUon the Iights have agaln been put on ho�d for another year. I have been at many games at lh(s park and the situaUon Is dangerous. These older players have no ather diamond to play at and balls to the ou�ield cannot be seen, Someone Is going to get twrt. We as an arganizaticn feel we have to do somethinq about this far the sa(ety of our players, therefore the Executive has agreed to gfve the town $10,000 to improve these Ilghts. Yhe safety end welfare ot our piayers comes fl�st In our Associadon and we feel this sltuadon has to be deelt with now. Sincerely, `��' (�(.b:.c4 `,c;c C ( Pat Obergfell Q President, P.B.A. c.r,. E.Bunsman M. Brenner �. s' _ ,• I �� , � -:, , {�FiIS tj � 1 .. � ' ' S - f f .. y J � y r, a R - �t f ��t d .� �1 , 1 t� 1 :r f Y 4 �ti lF k f r > � '� �ir -f � �� r + :�" ;��; Lr� � � �1 � � �� ,.. �.. -. � � � � �: � _. ' - r .. .��.�.��I�, _.,?l..s.�'s , t. �,* �. . .,,, ?• r . �:<•' , f , . � � . L� . +. . .... d .� . . �.?�., ._ : . . �c � _ � -- . ' ' . �I;, �� � �� . . . � �' �N OF 1� � � 7iK coiporaUon of the 7a�vn of Pldming luly 3, 1998 : aerk's Departrnent PItl�aYip aNC canqa � . � . � . . Me tlie EtquieA� .. . . ca�'m Q1°`a Ms. Pat Obergfell ��� °1p 741 Edgcwood Road °f"c'"'� �n�� Pickering, Ontario. oeo.vnmt roofl�».eu L1V2Z7 FiaYnk 197A/M-0dl! . - .. • . � . T� 190f117F77U � . nas a�•nw ramm+e Aosi�mosif � d,k,K,,„,p,�,,,�, Dear Me. Obergfell: Your letter dsted June 24, 1998 adc'resssd to Mr. Tom Quinn, Genoral Menager, offering a SI0,000 donation from the Pickering Bauball Association to improve the lighting at ihe baseball diamond in Centenniai Park is acknowledged. Please bc advised that Council met on June IO end 1 I, 1998 es a Cammittee of the Whole to review the 1998 Budget nnd adopted the Budget at the Council Meeting of lune 29, 1998. Aithough the upgrading of the lighting at the besebail diemond in Centennial Park was not included in the Budget thnt wa� approved on June 29►h, Council did consider your offer to donete funds to thie project. StafF has been directed by Council to prepaze a report for its consideration at its August 4th meeting on the Ceasibiliry of undertaking this project over 1998 and 1999. Due to the lateness of the construMion season and the fact that it takes eight to ten weeks fur the lighting poles to be delivered, it would be feasible to purchese the poles in 1998 using the donation of the Pickering Baseball Aswciation and finishing the project in 1999 using the Town's fuads. !f you are in agreement with this proposal, pleasc forward a cha�ue made payable to the Town of Pickering in the emount of SI0,000 to Everett Buntsma, Director of Parks and Facilities, who will hold this cheque until Counci! makes e dceision on this projat at its meeting of August 4th. ,.. . .,../2 i. . .. . � . . � . ! . f r . . . . . . . . {��l � � ' __ . .. , . . . . . . .. . , � � .. ___ �, . ... ..� :�..: . .. . •. � , . .; � .. � .. .. . � � �ri�� � . ..Z.. if you have any questioro with respect to this matter, please do not hesitate to contact me. Yours sinaroly, Bruce Taylor, AMCT, CMM Town Ckrk cc: General Menager Director of Parks and Facilities . ;. ,` t; , ;;.. � DEPARTMENT OF PARKS & FACIL IRC OEN MEMORANDUM RECEIVED: FILE NO.: ABEV.TO• June 25, 1998 F To: Thomas J. Quinn General Man�ger Further to the letter recently received from the Pickering Bascball Association (Pf3A) regazding their conG;��ition to the lighting improvements at Centennial Puk. As you are awaze de�ivery of the poles for this project will bc approximately 8-10 weeks from date of order, Subsequently it is most unlikely that the lighting improvcments can be camed out before thc end of this season. Therefore, it is rccommended that Town Council uccept lhe danation of $10,000 and authorize the Department of Pazks and Facilitiu to proceed with the ordering of the necessary polcs and that the Dcpartment make the balance of this project a 1999 budget itcm. As such Council will display thcir commitment to muintnining safe �arks nnd funding will comc from 1999 budget. Wc will continue to work with our udviser in regazds to fixturc nnd power rcquircments. Should this ba possible we will advisc thc PBA accordingly nnd try �o ensure that the lighting is ready for the starl of the 1999 scason. � � �/ Everett Buntsma Dircetar of Parks & Facilities Ee;mld 0 , � ���R� • �B •�� A9SOC1� �� June 24, 1998 Tom Quinn General Managor Town of Pickedng Dear Mr. Duinn: As you know the P.B.A. has been requesting that the Ilghts at Centennial Diamond be upgraded because of safery reasons for the last ftve years, I even sent a letter to Mr. Brenner about the safety situatian at this park this year and asked him to ask Council not to remove the money pu� aside in this years budget. Because of the budget situation the 1lghts have again been put on hoid far another year, I have been at many games at lhis park and the situatfon is dangerous. These older players have no other diamond to play at and balls to the oumeld cannot be seen, Someone Is going to get hurt. players there oreZthe�Executive has agreed to giveithe townt$10 000 t improve these Iights. The safety and welfare of our players comes ftrst in our Assoclation and we feel this situat(on has to be dealt with now. Sincerely, `' f%aX" �.�,t-4 (,(.c L ( Pat Obergfell Q F'resident, P.B,A. c.c. E.Bunsman M, Brenner