HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 48/981. 4 sa�V" F � �, �R. % FROM: ! - �Y�-� ... . . � . .. � REPORT TO COUNCII, PennY WYB�� Town Solicitot DATE; April 14, l998 REPORTNUMBER: L48l98 SUH]ECT: Rougecrest (Buckshire) - Part Lot Control ByLaw Nos. 2221J86 and 2231J86 - Lots 7487 and 12-17, Plen 40M-1380, Pickering - File: P4102.21 RECOMMENDATION: A bylaw should be enacted W repeal Pwt Lot Control By-In�vs 2222/86 and 2232/86. ORIafN: Bydaws 2227J86 and 2232/86 wero enacted by Cowcil on May 12, 1986 end May 20,1986 rcspectively. AUTHORITY: PlanningAc►, RS.O. /990, chapfer P.13, sec�fon SD. FINANCIAL IMPLICATTONS: Nonc. EXECUT[VE SUMMARY: Part Lot Control Dy-laws 222?J86 and 2232/86 shauld now be npcaled as transfers of the above- noted lots on Plen 40M-1380 have now bcen wmpkted. BACKdROUND: By-laws 2222/86 nnd 2232/86 were enacted to exe�r�pi the abov�-mentioned lots on Plan 40M- 1380, Pickering &om the Part Lot Conuol provisions of the Plonning Ac�, thenby permitdng the • transfer of tho dwelling units constcucted thereon into separate ownership. Such traaafers have now ban completed end therefore By-laws 4923/97 should be rcpealed. ATTACHMENTS: %� 1. DraftRepealBy-law: ' 2, : Site 9ketch. . . 3. Locetion Map. � �IP� By. • , APProved / Endotsed Byc 1 � Iody Pncsone�' ' Pcnny Wy � .� 1 F '� 7EP 1C % - �;k AtWchmenfa + ' J �, ��I�.�}M. � .. . 1 . . , .. , .. . ., .. . ,� , . ... . .. .. a �G �{�,f �,rf 1 {.,�t i , ,, `? .+,*ur_ y�u.�' i F .� ` y t'�",! !}J �{}i t �...1 �i! 1 t s�' 't �{ ����; THE CORPORATION OF THB TUWN OF PICKERINd � �: .1.; �: Z5 . ` ,: BY LAW N0. ,.` . i* ATTACHMENT tl :.l ._"r AE?OAT N�g �. `° � 6eing a�by-law,lo ►epea! Par� Lot Control By-lawt 21?2/86 , ;; and 223?l86 reapeutng Lors 7�, 73, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80,. 8/, . :' 82, 83, 84r85, 86,.87,and Lota 12, l3, !I, !S, I6,J7, Plar ' ` �OM-1380, Pickertng.' WHEREAS, pursunnt to the provisions of sectton 50 of the PJannfng Ac1, RS.O. 1990, r�epler P.19, the council of a municipelity may repeal a Pari Lol Contro) Bylaw; NOW THEREFORE, the Council of The Corporetion of the Town of Pickering HEREBY ENAC'fS AS FOLLOWS: L Bylaws 2222/86 end 2232/86 ere hereby ropenled. - � BY•LAW rcad a first, second and third timc and finally passed this 19th day of May,1998. Wnync Arthurs, Mayor Bruct Taylor, Clerk ; . �'��HI01.11 ,. r ...'.TL' _'i;;' r ` i'F� . �; � : y. ? ' t t t �'�, � � s ' t . t � 7�t t � ; �4 i y r 4��C ' r'-', ,:,t t. � .ik �- . e � � .___, . . _ , . . . . . ._ � „ .:. .... . . .. . . .. . s. . �:��.+�i'Y"{ry�} y3r'�.t-$sq"k' :�.-�;�a ttj .s .:; t ,�t.,Y e -�., t .i; r � :� - � iv �,C:� , r 1`�' � � '��' � . � � �� �� x�6 �-� ? c, THE CORhORATION OR THR TOWN OF PICKE ttu(3 �_� 1�rY �` d��� - ., : . ' 2 r 1i 5� r ` �; ` �ar :� T r ! i7 � w, , � t ` .BY LAWNO ` — t.�, t:�' i ," $ . • ' ; • , ', ' ... �° '�� Baing a by-lmy lo repeal'Pat Lot Conrrol By-laws 1111%86 aiid 1131/86 re.rpecNng Lo1s 74, 7S; 76, 77,' JF, 79,` 80, 8!, , 8?, 83, 84, 8S'86 876nd Lots 11,'/3, l�, l3,76, l7;Plcn .' . 40M 1380, Pickering. - .'� WHERfiAS, pursuant to the provisfom of section 50 of 1he Planning Acl, RSA, 1990, chapter P.17, �'. the council of a munIcipality may ropeal a Pert Lot Control By-law; NOW Tk�REFORE, thc Council of The Corporation of the Town of Pickering HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: : l. Bylaws 2227186 end 2232/86 are hercby rcpealed. ; , . � ,: . , , ; ,. ; ' _ ' � BY-LAW rcad a ficst, second and third time end finaliy pussr.d this 191h day of May,1998. � � I � i � ; � • � � � ` ,, � Wayne Anhurs, May�r � ; ' j Bruce Taylor, Clerk I I �' �: . ;; >J, ` HI017� 2 r. � t i r i � �S �` � .', � � . � � x F r,r +1 � �� Y r ^' s � ' A -. l � � `� - ,,:: �k� , , � , � + P i�. 2 !� ti � � � J,. � ,<< , � �� , , 4 $4 ,. iP �' 1,',,.�. . , , . . . ;� � F,_ ..' ,: `, �s .. �, . � 1.. .. ,` ,. ( . , , � ti"imy�_, �., r���r5r�x,Y' � I L� . . ....,. . . _;.�• - . y � r .. �* . , , . r"u�f�'� � � Y�i: � ��� .. {f :. . . 1'; ' 4� : �r :: .. �, - • ATP�'9[PITM.c1..T0AFP011YMb;i�9$ � CURR�NTLY APPROVED PIAN OF SUBDIVISI�JN �7 , 40M-1380 LOTS 12-17 & 74, 87 :� p ��� � � �w ' �. : FfiA'�K � I . , ,.M,,, �.� M I g.�M;,,, ;'. . .. ' , N��' . »1YM/'L= ' t � NM— lN � . A/M � � �iii�i� . MI Mvl� , . • � _ - . ..rrw, ''�4•'°• ..... .w.,�,. . ,..... . � �<«��OOK � AY/MUt � °-.,I . . - �r� � � . . � � �►' ��� �E € ; �� „���,� � � , +,.� i��� ' ' �, . F, . � I C �. ;,,a �;,,�� .,:,�� �� . ., � ry � On ; M� I• �I . `I w C � k . Slatj ,) I.� : °o' !r � .' ���� 11CAC _ . . II I . . rII � �� i . 4L h � '... t:l�r y' � . A! . .. . � •IZMrh ` � + .. ' A � . �r/ �l( '� � �,�1 . . R i;V� ♦ ��y� ��� � �l� ��5 ,v - 3'. r ;t ;C , FULLBGI�bFAWW018AW1MBLEFOqVIfWINOATTNfiPUNN'NODEMR11AEtR �: 1 � � ' fa�:: !.r r � d .:' ,cy1 t � - � 'k� ` f''_l.._ _—`_ —�..,--_ _ . . , .. . . . .