HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 54/98-, r �� � r a�. �i` - t j�� x S'.� S \Y � "> <� prK � 1�.', s r � , �� ^� : .: � . ' S�' ��,,,,oF� 25 , � �'� . : REPOItT TO COUNCIL FROM: Penny Wyger DATE: May 1,1998 • Town Soiicitor REPORT NUMBER: L 54/98 SUBJECT: Pert Lot Control By-Law - Dixie Woods Estates Limited (Formerly Gossamer Hills Ine.) - Lots 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, d I, 52, 53 and 54, plan 40M-1 Bl I, Pickering -Flie; P410LI87/40M-18ll � RECOIVIIv�NDATION: A Pa�i Lot Control ByLaw should be enacted to exempt • Lob 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53 end 54, Plen 40M-I81 I, Pickering, from lhe suMivision control provisions of thc PlanningAct. ORIGIN: 1. Bylew 5218/98, authorizing the rcduction to the nrca and lot fronmges of subject lots. 2, Resotution 90/89, dated Mey 4, I998. ALITHORITY: PlanntngAc�, R.S,O.1990, chepter P.13, section 50. BACKGROUND: On Merch 9, 1998, Council enacted Bylaw 5218l98 euthor�zing an emendment to lhe mning for the abovo-noted deveiopment to accommodate the conswction of four additional lots. On May 4, 1998, Council passed Resolution 90/89 (item 3) authorizing lhal the additional lotting be accomplishcd by the roalignment of lob lines through the part lot control process. Attached hercw fs a dreR bylew, enactmcnt of which will exempt these lends from the part lot canwl provisions of ihe P/anningAcf, thus permiqing ►hc rcalignment of the lots lines W pertnit Ihc wnsWCdon of four addiUonel dwelling unitv thereon. This by-law is in ihe fortn usually employed in such cases. ATTAC�IIvILNTS: I. Draft bylaw. 2. I.ocadon Mep/Site Sketch,; PtePaned bYc - Deaise B . . Penny, = DB !c � Attachmenta ' ' Copy D�recWrofPlenn(ng .. ! s:' _�,. 4,: .-'¢� � 't E _' � Z 1 . _ � � .�� 2 N�'�t,.}��. ir.....: . .,_ .aa.. . . . . . . , , a..' ., , .:s _. . . ...... .. . . . . .. . _ . ._ �.:�y � .I�,' Y t ti:y �� � � � �� I ' �.�• ,��.. : � - � A��M��f ,� �Q LTOREPORT� ,~ x' THE COitP0RAT10N OF THE'[QWN OF PICKERINd .'• , � ,.. ,. • :, , , . , `' '' =' BY.LAW N0. ,: �` � Befng a by-law �o exemp� - Lorr 46, �7, 48, �9," SQ Sl, 31, : 33 and SI,'Plan 40M•18l1, Plckering, from parl lot conlrol : WHEREAS pursunnt to the provisions of secUon 50 of the Planning Acl, R.S.O, l990, chnptar P.13, the wuncil of the municipality mey by by-law providc thet section 50(5) of the Act does not apply to certain `' lands wiUtin a plan of subdivision designated tn the by-luw; NOW TkiERBr"ORE, the Council of The Corporation of the Town of Pickering HEREUY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: � L Scetion 50(5) of the Planning Ac�, R.S.O. 1990, chapter P.13, dces not apply to the lands described as follows: Lots A6, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53 end 54, Plan 40M•181 I, Pickering 2. This bylaw shell shall cxpiro on June 5,1998. BY-LAW rcad a first, second end lhird time end finally pacsed this 19ih day of Mey,1998. Wayne Mhurs, Mayor Brua Tuylor, Clerk TO'''Y`J OF PICHCF:��Q ` Af i•"u'':7 R. � y� , :, n�oEer., - ;.': ' r ��� NI01 Ili � t f 4 �; 2 : 1 +,��ii� ;`�.t � r i�`. y 4 5 M. 5 �_ ,..e i-....r . ,i ,_;?,n�^c.. ... �. ,��..,, ....... �. ,-_.i.- s�. ,^.) ��.,. . .. .� .. . . .. . �� (1�1s 2���'a,yiqrT 4E<-.? a+ . x t li;.. il r�,. t a �,..�t � t �, t e; 7 i �i i z 2 i•t 3, �� . '� t : � i- i: , �' �; r ' .��t 3 kA_� Vt S'- � � � /� �. ��i � (.- 1 1- 1 N��... `,( ' i ` Sa,� ',', '�jE CORPO �TION OF TFIE TOWN OF PICKERINd .; ;<` ! , HY•LAW N0. �Y* • c. Being a by-law �o exempr • Lotr 46, �47, 48, 49, S0. 31, J2, `''S3 and 34, P/an 40M-l8ll,'Plckerlrig, from part /ot " conbol. WHEREAS pursuant to the provisions of section 50 of ihe PJanning Act, R.S.0.1990, chepter P.13, the I council of the municipality may by by-law provide that section 50(5) of the Act dces not apply to certain I � lends wiUiln a plen of subdivision designated in the bylew; , NOW THEREFORE, the Council of The Corporation of the Town of Pickering HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLO�'e: I L Scedo•r 50(5) of the Planning Ac�; R.S.O. 1990, chepter P.13, does not apply to the lands .iescribed as followa: Lots 46, 47, 46, 49, 50, 5t, 52, 53 and 54, Plan 40M•181I, Pickering �' 2. This bylaw shall shell expiro on June 5, 1998. II II- BY•LAW rcad a first, sewnd and third time and finelly pasud this 19th day of May, i998. - � , Wayne Mhurs, Mayor I I ' Bruce Taylor, Clerk i I ' . Ii TOW! QF PiCh��:r�o. �'t"� '� i'':7 ' ttil: `y� nc oeer. � � ��' � .. � � ::� . 'r�ioL�n � " � o � rs 4� < � _ _ . . . �: . : . . ._. . �. �.��.,,. . .�,.�., . 1. .. ... � . t. � .., . . .. :^� r"- � ., � 0 , � � . . . . . .:. . _ . .., ..